Ezine Excellere # 91
English version. December 2010.
Casa Juillet.
Messages From Enki: Humanity's Father
Created by
Sasha Lessin, Ph. D.
based on Zecharia Sitchin's 2002 epic
The LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God
Essay 15
Marsbase Closing, Marduk Fired, Enki Charged with
Hybrid Management and Solving Food Shortage
Story So Far:
Spurred by mutiny of Nibirans toiling in the goldmines of Zimbabwe, Nibiru’s King Anu and his Council allowed Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda to graft Nibiran genes with apeman genes and clone Earthling slaves to replace Nibiran goldminers.
After several unsuccessful attempts to create Earthling workers, the team implanted a zygote (female apewoman's ovum fertilized in a test tube by male Nibiran sperm) in Ninmah's womb. She delivered the child, named it Adamu. To duplicate Adamu, Ninmah implanted test-tube hybrid zygotes from apewoman eggs fertilized by Nibiran sperm in the wombs of seven female astronauts from her Medical Corps. All the resultant seven hybrids were male.
Ningishzidda then created a zygote to develop into a female hybrid. He implanted this zygote into Enki's spouse, Ninki. Ninki carried the fetus, who emerged as Ti-Amat, a sandy-blonde female. Ningishizzida cloned Ti-Amat's essence into test-tube zygotes and implanted them in the same seven Med Corps women who bore the hybrid males. All of the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, again delivered by caesarian. The seven female and the eight male hybrid clones were put together in cages in the African lab. The clones copulated frequently, but the females did not conceive.
Ningishzidda discovered the genes in the Nibiran genotype that allow reproduction. "From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 148]
Enki, Ninmah and Ningishziddha concealed the fact that they'd genetically changed Ti-Amat so she could reproduce. Enki brought Ti-Amat and Adamu to his place at the head of the Persian Gulf. Ti-Amat and Adamu wandered in Enki's orchard at the head of the Persian Gulf while Ti-Amat's fetus, the first bred from hybrids, grew inside her.
Enlil discovered Ti-Amat's pregnancy. He raged when he realizing the hybids could henceforth breed among themselves. Enki’s team had exceeded its mandate to make workers. He, Enlil, Commander of the Mission, did not authorize Enki's team to create a new species.
Enlil rebuked Ningishziddha. But Ningishziddha said he'd withheld the Nibiran longevity gene from the hybrids. Enlil appealed to the Council on Nibiru, but the Nibiran Council, desperate for the new primitive workers to mine Earth's gold to save Nibiru's atmosphere, ratified breeding hybrids. Enlil angrily expelled Ti-Amat, Adamu and the seven hybrid males back to Zimbabwe to breed as miners.
Narrative Resumes
In Zimabawe, Enki settled Adamu and Ti-Amat in a forest enclosure. Ti-Amat bore the twins she'd conceived with Adamu. She bore other children who interbred and multiplied till they took over the work in the goldmines. Sitchin identifies the species descended from Adamu, Ti-Amat and the Nibiran gene donors as Homo Erectus and Neandertalensis [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 47].
In a few thousand years, "the Earthlings were proliferating....To be with the Anunnaki [Nibiran astronauts] they were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved. The vital gold to Nibiru was coming, Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing." [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 151] The descendents of the earliest hybrids "created as slaves to work in the mines "were given food and shelter while they performed some grueling tasks, the reason for which they did not understand. The stuff [gold] they were digging up had absolutely no value to them. They could not eat it, or use it in any way." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 125]
Nibiru, recall, until 10,000B.C.E., revolved at that time around the Sun every 3,600 years in a long elliptical clockwise orbit. When closest to the Sun (perigee), Nibiru's rockets can most easily visit Earth. But also at perigee, Nibiru 's netforce sometimes disturbed the planets of the inner solar system.
One of Nibiru's orbital nearings to the Sun disturbed the atmosphere, volcanoes and earthquakes on Earth and Mars. King Anu visited Earth from Nibiru and inspected damage.
Anu suspected Enki had abetted the Igigi Astronaut revolt Anzu led. The King also thought Enki instigated the miners' revolt in Africa. So the King stopped gold transshipment from Mars and also favored the Enlil lineage--sons of Enlil and their children--over the Enki lineage. As a slap at Enki, Anu when he ended gold transfer on Mars, Anu simultaneously abolished the post Operations Boss, Marsbase, that Enki’s son Marduk held. Enki and Marduk thus lost their contol of Mars.
King Anu further favored Enlil’s lineage; he awarded rule of new spaceport (from which the gold would directly rocket to Nibiru) at Sippar to Enlil’s son's son Utu (the first Earth-born Nibiran).
Marduk, on the a survey of the Moon with Enki, complained. "You, my father, are Anu's firstborn; yet Enlil and not you, is the legal heir. Gold in the city of [Enlil's Heir] Ninurta is assembled, therefrom to send to or withhold. The survival of Nibiru is in his hands, in my hands it is not. Am I to fame and kingship fated or again to humiliated be."
Enki embraced Marduk. "On that which I have been deprived your future lot shall be. Your celestial time will come." With Enki pledged to support him, Marduk would somehow, he hoped and planned, rule both Earth and Nibiru. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 160-161]
Anu ruled, Earthlings multiplying in Abzu [Africa] must assist excavation, transport, refined gold till after several shars [3,600 year revolutions of Nibiru around Solaris] sufficient will be the shield of Earth’s gold powder to save Nibiru. Then home shall the heroes [astronauts] from Earth return.
Anu ruled, Earthlings multiplying in Abzu [Africa] must assist excavation, transport, refining gold till after several shars [3,600 year revolutions of Nibiru around Solaris] sufficient will be the shield of Earth’s gold powder to save Nibiru. Then home shall the heroes [astronauts] from Earth return.
At one point, Earthling slave-miners in South Africa--after 100,000 years of toil to extract what seemed to them to be an intrinsically unimportant substance, gold--revolted. Nibiran gods let many of the slaves "leave the mining compounds." Other slaves continued mining for the Nibiran gods, while still other "slaves tried to live in newly formed communities and survive without the help of the gods [Nibirans]." [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 117.]
But after forty orbit nearings [144,000 years, forty perigees] of the homeplanet, most of the Nibirans in Mesopotamia--but not their boss, Enlil--wanted Earthlings to work for them too.
“In Africa where the first humans were created, they lived and slaved in isolation from other emerging human communities and they established their own unique cultures, highly influenced by their master ‘gods’.” This isolation in Africa with but a few role-model gods, accounts for the huge differences in the religions and mythologies of Africans and the religions and mythologies of humans elsewhere. “There was very little contact between these early humans in Africa and the rest of the world, where interbreeding," --started en masse by a raid Ninurta led--took place “between humans and the offspring of the Anunnaki, giving rise to the Aryans of the north.” [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 117.]
Ninurta, Enlil’s eldest son and fifty of his men raided Africa and caught slaves to work orchards and cities back in Mesopotamia. Enlil let his clansmen keep the slaves they captured. He let them breed these slaves for now, since all Nibirans would, he believed, soon leave Earth anyway.
Ninurta and Earthling Servant
[Sitchin, Z., 1878, The 12th Planet page 106]
The slaves, descendants of Adamu–Homo Erectus and Homo Neandertalenis hybrids [Sitchin, Z., 1995, Divine Encounters, page 47]--in the Edin, proliferated and, in addition to slaving for the Nibirans, foraged all over Mesopotamia. The naked Adamite slaves cavorted, copulated and bred everywhere. Their numbers grew. They exhausted created food shortages. Enlil, already angry Enki created fertile slaves, demanded he solve the food crisis.
Enki introduced plants and domestic animals for the slaves to tend but kept to himself a plan to upgrade slave intelligence with his genes.
Previous: Enk iInstigates Mine Mutiny
Next: :Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-Amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi
Bramley, W.
1989, The Gods of Eden
Cremo, M. and Thompson, R.
1993, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race
Cremo, M.
2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory
Freer, N.
1999, God Games
2000, Breaking the Godspell
Hazelton, L.
2007, Jezebel
Hoagland, R. & Bara, M.,
2007, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA
Kramer, S,
1971, The Sumerians
Marrs, J.
1998, Alien Agenda
2000, Rule By Secrecy (Part V, Ancient Mysteries)
Sitchin, Z.
1976, The 12th Planet
1983, The Stairway to Heaven
1985, The Wars of Gods and Men
1990, Genesis Revisited
1990, The Lost Realms
1993, When Time Began
1995, Divine Encounters
2002, The Lost Book of Enki
2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions
2007, The End of Days
2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past
Strauss, B.,
2006, The Trojan War
Tellinger, M.
2006, Slave Species of god
Thompson, R.
1993, Alien Identities
Enki/Ea is the Nibiran who (4,000 years ago) dictated his autobiography to his scribe, Endubscar of Endu.
The Lost Book of Enki, Sitchin's translation of Enki's tale (augmented a bit by my imagination) is the source–with many of Enki's slants--of most of the account you read here. The Lost Book of Enki itself is
historical fiction, wherein Sitchin has woven information meticulously documented in his Earth Chronicles.
(Click on title to open)
The Celestial Battle: Nibiru Meets Solaris and Tiamat ( Proto Earth)
2 Alalu Kills Nibiru's King Lahma, Gives Daughter to Ea for Feality From Anu
Alalu, Deposed by Anu, Nukes to Earth, Threatens Nibiru
Nibiru Council Sends Ea, Not Enlil, to Earth
Ea Blasts to Earth with Water, Hides Alalu's Nukes, Sends Anzu & Gold to Nibiru
Anu Sends Enlil to Rule Earth, Verify Gold
Anu, Enlil & Ea Draw Lots for Nibiru, Earth, Seas & Mining
Anu Defeats Alalu, Banishes Him & Anzu to Mars
Ea (Enki), Enlil & Ninmah, Three Incestuous Siblings
Enlil Banished for Rape; Abgal Betrays Enki
Enki & Ninmah Make Girls Till She Curses
Anzu & Astronauts Rebel
Enki Instigates Goldmine Mutiny
Ninmah, Enki and Enki's Son, Ningizidda (Thoth) Create Adamu and Slave Species
Nibiru Nearing Means Climate Crisis & Food Shortage on Earth, Marsbase Closing
Enki Loves Hybrids Descended from Adamu & Ti-amat; Hybrids Bare Son Adapa & Girl Titi
Ningishzidda Takes Adapa to King Anu on Nibiru, Tells Anu That Enki's Fathered Adapa, Wants Adapa Denied Immortality
18 Adapa's Sons, Ka-in & Abael
19 Marduk & Astronaut Corps Seize Hybrid Brides, & Spaceport, Threaten Enlilites
20 Enki Begats Noah (Ziusudra)
Galzu Keeps Nibiran Leaders on Mission Earth
Galzu Helps Enki Save Ziusudra & Earthlings
Mesopotamia & Nile Areas Reclaimed;
Ninurta Finds Abundant Gold and Ka-in Hybrid Deluge Survivors in Peru
Ningishzidda, Memorialized as Sphinx, Creates Pyramids to Lead Rockets to Sinai Spaceport
Marduk's Son Satu Kills Brother, Asar; Asar's Son Horon Defeats Satu, Unites Egypt
Enlilites Send Ninurta to Build Second Spaceport in South America
Marduk Foils Marriage of Enlillite Inanna & Enkiite Dumuzi
Inanna Revived Defeats Enkiites; Ninurta, Not Marduk to Next Rule Earth
Enlil Deposes Marduk, Divies Earth, Gives Ningishzidda Egypt but No Realm for Inanna
30 Anu Uncovers Galzu's Ruses to Keep the Anunnaki Fostering Nibiran-Earthling Hybrids
31 Enlil, Enki, Inanna rule regions through kings, Ninharsag, Sinai for Nibirans & Their Families Only
32 Anu Takes Inanna as Lover; She Seduces Enki for Programs for Uruk
33 Anu Pardons Marduk, Departs Tiahuanacu for Nibiru
34 Enlilites Bomb Marduk's Babylon Spaceport, Confound Earthling Languages
35 Marduk/Ra Deposes Ningzidda/Thoth in Egypt
36 Inanna Rules Indus & Uruk
37 Utu Revives Banda; Inanna Beds Banda As Dumuzi Ressurect;
Banda & Ninsun Begat Gilgamish, Who Seeks Immortality
Inanna & Marduk Again Fight, This Time, For All Earth
39 Enlil Sends Abraham/Ibruum to Stop Marduk
40 Anunnaki Nuke Sinai Spaceport Before Leaving Earth to Marduk
41 Fallout from Nergal and Ninurta's Nukes Kill Sumer, Spare Marduk's Babylon
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A map showing the location of Alderney
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Two airline pilots said they witnessed UFOs off the coast of Alderney on Monday.
Ray Bowyer, 50, a captain with Aurigny Air Services, said that during his flight from Southampton, England, at 3 p.m., he saw a bright-yellow light 10 miles west of Alderney in England. His craft at the time was 30 miles away from the island and had an elevation of 4,000ft.
It was a very sharp, thin yellow object with a green area. It was 2,000ft up and stationary, I thought it was about 10 miles away, although I later realised it was approximately 40 miles from us. At first, I thought it was the size of a 737. But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide.
As Bowyer approached Alderney, he noticed another object identical to the first one.
It was exactly the same but looked smaller because it was further away. It was closer to Guernsey. I can’t explain it. At first, I thought it might have been a reflection from a vinery in Guernsey, but that would have disappeared quickly. This was clearly visual for about nine minutes. As I got closer to it, it became clear to me that it was tangible. I was in two minds about going towards it to have a closer look but decided against it because of the size of it. I had to think of the safety of the passengers first. I’m certainly not saying that it was something of another world. All I’m saying is that I have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying.
Bowyer, who has been flying commercial aircrafts for about 20 years, said that he did file a report on the incident and did contact air traffic controllers during the incident.
Aerial shot of Alderney (centre) and Burhou (upper right)
Image: Smb1001.Paul Kelly, 31, who was the Jersey Airport air traffic controller on duty during the incident, said that the airport received simultaneous reports from the Aurigny and Blue Island pilot and that the Blue Island pilot had reported a UFO approximately 1,500ft underneath his plane. Kelly noted that the airport was unable to detect the object on their radar.
The pilot from Blue Islands was en route to Jersey at the same time and as he went past Sark he described an object behind him to his left. The description was very similar to Captain Bowyer’s and they described it as being in exactly the same place. But they were looking at it from opposite sides. The Blue Islands plane was at 3,500ft at the time so, again, both pilots placed it at the same altitude. If the object was stationary, our equipment would not have picked it up because the radar would have screened it out.
John Spencer, deputy chairman of the British UFO Research Association, said: "These types of sightings have been reported by pilots - generally accepted to be reliable and sensible observers - since the 1940s and they have excited attention to this day. Such light effects are often popularly thought to represent alien visitors but many UFO researchers believe they more likely represent natural atmospheric phenomena not yet fully understood by science. However, a similar encounter in 1978 over the Bass Straits in Australia, where the pilot was in radio contact with the ground throughout, resulted in the pilot never being heard from again, so these phenomena are important to study."
Nick Pope, who previously worked for the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, said: "While no witnesses are infallible, pilots are trained observers and less likely than most people to misidentify something mundane. The MoD's UFO case files contain several reports from civil and military pilots, some of which were correlated by radar. This is the sort of sighting that is taken seriously and should be investigated thoroughly. While most UFOs can be explained as misidentifications of aircraft, weather balloons, satellites and suchlike, a small percentage are more difficult to explain. This is one of the most intriguing sightings I've heard about in recent years."
The current spokesperson for the UK Ministry of Defence said that they would not be investigating this incident.
The End.
09:37 p.m. 16/12/2010
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