Sunday, May 10, 2020


UFOS 2020

One of the most important features in this theme was the release of 3 different UFO sights made by the US Airforce in May 2020. Those videos were already published by people in the Youtube Channel, but not indorsed by the US government.
Now we have 3 clear UFO sights endorsed by USA and that is very important as , up until now, there were denies on this issue, a fact that leads people to think that the UFO theme wsa bull shit.
Of  course for the ones that follow the UFO cases, lots of videos and affidavits were available since at least 1880 and on. One of the oldest one was the UFO flying over a train in Chile in 1880, a rare case that in that times have no explanation whatsoever... except witchcraft...
On top of this, there have been lots of UFO sightings all over the world, perhaps that now people are not going to work but staying at home thanks to the ready made vi rus. Now they have time to look from their windows or patios to the stars. Not to forget that many UFO followers have telescopes...

Abductions have been not reported in this 5 months of year 2020, perhaps because people are not using much cars on desolated roads, due to the fact there are laws where corfues are standing, as here in Chile.
About Chilean people, the most of them lives in 3 major cities, where restrictions abounds. Not like in the fields (where I abide) where there are less number of citizens and a lot less infected ones.
One thing of note is the joy existing in neighboring Argentina, where lots of people spend their time looking at the sky. They cannot show much of a UFO but instead they talk a lot about old sightings. There are numerous groups in that country. In Chile predominates the lack of imagination but instead they are , at least the majority, of down to Earth people worried by daily life occurrences, so they spent not their time looking at the stars but at the TV sets...

French ufologists are studying a UFO encounter four men had back in January in a rural area about 72 kilometers (45 miles) northwest of Paris. The incident took place near Grisy-les-Platres on January 10, 1998. The town is in the department Val d'Oise, near Genicourt and Pontoise. D. Bruno, 62, a retired aviation technician for Air France, went on a hunting trip that day with three companions. In two cars, the men drove north on Chaussee (local road) D27. As they approached Grisy-les-Platres, Bruno reported, "I noticed before me a series of lights as bright as the moon. This was very intriguing as the disposition of the lights in the sky was very strange. As we approached the object, we wondered what it could be. It resembled nothing within the scope of our knowledge." "The lights consisted of linear luminous portholes from (measuring) 5 by 3 meters spaced on an enormous black mass that was an estimated 45 meters (139 feet) wide, according to my professional experience. The object was at the treetops at a height of 20 meters (67 feet) and hovering over the road. It must have weighed thousands of tons." "I opened my (side) window in order to hear the sound. I leaned forward the looked underneath the object. The object was truly enormous and blocked my view of the sky. There was a central part of the vast construction that was a lighter shade of gray than the rest, and I thought that it might be a sort of tire--it was clearly octagonal. I could plainly see more of the enormous lights beneath it. From that moment on, however, I remember no more of what happened." The next thing Bruno knew, he was driving on D27 four kilometers (two miles) past Grisy-les-Platres. "I stopped the car and was startled to find that I was three kilometers past our rendezvous point. My colleagues were also in the same bizarre state." On January 23, 1998, thirteen days after the UFO encounter, Bruno added, "I consulted a doctor when traces of burns suddenly appeared on the left side of my face and following an eye infection."


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