Wednesday, February 21, 2018

196 ezine 196


Editado por Alfredo Juillet Frascara. Chile.
Bilingual Ezine. Castellano & English.
Enero. …2018

Science Fiction Tale written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

Saga Kenate comprises 16 books.
Written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.
From 2015 to 2017.-.

# Title Year C.E. Pages Language

1.- Woge Inhibeo 5.686 493 English
2.- Segnen Fidicen 5.687   98 Castellan
3.- Loral Duver 5.689   99 English
4.- Fatifer Perpugnax 5.701   67 English
5.- Pocher Gerant 5.710 105 English
6.- Adipalis Praefoco 5.715 191 English
7.- King Millonavon 5.738 "
8.- Klahay 5.852 "
9.- Chrego 5.867 "
10.- Dimotus 5.880 "
11.- Roldán 5.906 Castellano
12.- Arborio 5.937 English
13.- Hefe Lowe. 5.959 "
14.- Zulage Prolet 5.999 "
15.- Lorfan 6.120 "
16.- Professor Shulz 6.125


“Adipalis Praefoco”.-
14 DECEMBER 2015.Monday. Chile.
Typing time: 30 October 2017 to:
Number of pages: 191

Epoch: Year 5.715.

Cast of Characters.
Adipalis Praefoco
Wilber, owner of Wilber Associated (Lawyers).
Manager Forgon Rungar, lawyer “B3 Associates”
Lawyer. Gorfodenko, Assistant Nugacitas.
Dugal: Lawyer.
Dumus: Cousin to Adipalis. Derfra: Dumus fiancée.
Falinga: Adipalis girlfriend.
Aringa: Secretary of Director Rungar.
Clonotengo, lawyer.
Doctor Rutogorgo, inventor.
Armaron, male, transient Tignuma lover.
Mr. Globen, Director and President of the National Communal Party (N.C.P.)
Treasurer: Mr. Borojuil.
Minister of Health Mr. Zuñica, Minister of Public Works Mr. Voiture, Minister of Interior and Public Security: Mr. Segel, Minister of National Defense: Mr. Abwesend, Minister of Finances: Mr. Treasurer Mr. Borojuil, Minister of Education Mr. Vorurteil, Minister of Health: Mr. Zuñiga, Minister of Agriculture and Mines Mr. Figelein, Minister of Energy Mr. Obervoll, Minister of National Women Service Miss Tignuma.
General Director of the Army Forces: General Pinorto.
Ruler of Ashar city: Gorfiri Perrigot.
Steamship Captain: Rufus.
Steamship Captain: Mampidu.
First officer Vorweg, Machinist Mr. Kiefer, Second machinist Mr. Eitwaig, Gunner Mr. Monch, Lieutenant Mr. Keuchan, Sergeant Mr. Gasse, Helmsman Mr. Steuer, and Plotter of Courses: Vorher, Chief of Boats Mr. Nikerur, Farmer: Oeno, Afinna: Oeno´s daughter, Zorga: Truck owner.

At the street, he resumes the visit in his mind. The Senator only wished to have a paper slave to stay in office eternally, paying with peanuts…
Well, he will have to search for another stogie!
He returns to the office, and begin to work. His Assistants presents their observations on the different investigations at 18.00 hours, and left the office… he keeps working until 20.00 hours and went home… if we could call home a hotel room…
At 22.00 hours, when he already was sleeping, he heard the telephone ring: he takes the receiver and said:” Hello? Who is this?”
“Your cousin Dumus! Hey, are you awake?”- The excited voice of Dumus asked.
“Yes, you awoke me!”-
“Sleeping so early? Hear this! I am with Derfra at a Restaurant and guess what?”
“What?”- Adipalis asked, yawning.
“She meets an old friend in here, and we want you to know her! I am sure you will love this girl!”- Dumus exclaimed.
“Wonderful. Tomorrow I must get up early to work! Tell Derfra I am most thankful. Good night!”- And Adipalis Praefoco hangs out.
“What did he said?”- Derfra asked, when Dumus seats again at the table.
“He will be here in a minute! I have never seen… or heard, a most interested man in the world!”- Dumus lied, with a big laugh. Derfra said: “Dumus´s cousin is a very dedicated man. He works hard and I heard he is some kind of a manager now.”
“Oh, yes?”- Her friend asked, politely.
“He is a great guy! Only a bit too shy!”- Dumus said, munching a piece of bread. Later, he calls for Adipalis but he has disconnected the phone…
“Sorry! He is dead asleep!”- Dumus said, and the lady replied:”- Oh, it’s all right! Must be tired after a day of work!”
At the next day, Dumus calls again, but this time to Adipalis office.
“Hey, you didn’t come, last night!”- Dumus said.
“Oh, I must get asleep again!”- Adipalis excused himself.
“The woman was very attractive! You lost a good opportunity to meet her!”- Dumus informed.
“Yes, I am sorry. But I can be available in Sundays, only!”- Adipalis Praefoco replied.
“Don’t overwork! Life is short!”- Dumus said, hanging out.

That day, Adipalis gives a complete inform of a group that were receiving much money without delivering the goods.
“Presumable is that they are accumulating many millions using only scant thousands beginning works her and there, but never finishing a thing! Possibly they will declare bankrupted when their frame is tumbling down…”- Adipalis Praefoco said.
Lawyer in chief, Director Forgon Rungar, said:” It´s very serious! In here I see important names, many of them highly ranked politicians.”
“It will be a fight!”- Adipalis Praefoco commented.
“Yes, in Tribunals! We have brave, intelligent, incorruptible lawyers! That will be not the trouble!”_ Director Rungar said.
“Seems it is in the Tribunal that corruption exists.” - Adipalis Praefoco commented.
“Yes, but you must never say that!”- Director Rungar said, blinking an eye.
After that conversation, Adipalis Praefoco returns to his desk, calling his helpers and saying:” The Director congratulates all of us, and he is very happy with our work!”
“No raise?”- Lawyer Gorfodenko asked mildly.
“Not by now! Let’s wait until our Organization gets some more money from the government, when our investigation helps put heavy tines on those that crossed the red line of honesty! But of course, today you can take the rest of the day off, as a reward on my part.”- Adipalis Praefoco announced them.
“Here is a good chief! Thanks you.”- Lawyer Mr. Gorfodenko said, smiling.
Adipalis Praefoco stays at his post the rest of that day, working gin the newt case… At 20.00 hours he went out of the building, finding his cousin Dumus waiting near some pots with flowers.
“Hi, slave! Working until the ring sounds?” Dumus asked.
“Well, I just decided it so! But you, what are you doing here?”- Adipalis asked.
“Waiting for you! Now I will tell you this is another good chance to find a nice girl!”- Dumus explained.
“What? The same as the other night?”- Adipalis asked.
“What else? Look: the lady is single, not having a guy in her life… and you need a female!”- Dumus said, tantalizing.
“I have no time for love! I am building a career, paving the road! Why don’t you do the same?”- Adipalis asked.
“I am happy with what I am doing now! A nice woman, a road to do, going places… life could end at any time: you know that!”- Dumus replied, taking him by his arm and beginning to walk.
“Where are you guiding me?”
“Near! A small coffee shop! The ladies said to wait there… they were shopping.”
“Better that than idle at home! Also, money is for to be expended!”
“You are a man of your age! Me, I prefer to put money in the Bank.”- Adipalis Praefoco said.
“Well, but now you will be paying your own coffee!”- Dumus said, laughing to produce a merry atmosphere… he was sure his cousin was a water-feast…but Derfra was coercing him to induce Adipalis Praefoco to be more social.
At the coffee shop they waited fifteen minutes; then Derfra appears with a lady dressed in a green color, saying:” I, guys! Waiting for too long?”- And she kissed both men in their cheeks. Adipalis looks at the new lady, so Dumus said:” I present you Miss Falinga; she is a dentist.”
“Glad to know you. Sorry not to have been at the precedent occasion, but I was dead tired and in bed.”- Adipalis Praefoco said.
“You don’t need to apologize. I understand.”- She said, and Adipalis Praefoco finds her voice very agreeable… same thing with her figure, that he qualified very nice… specially her face and legs…
“Well! Seems we could talk a little before attending the theater...”- Derfra said.
“Theatre? I thought we were going to dance!”- Dumus said, very surprised.
“Do you like theatre plays?”- Falinga asked Adipalis, staring directly at his eyes.
“Yes, lady! But as of recent time, I guess I haven’t visited a theatre.”- Adipalis Praefoco said, noticing her big green eyes and her nice expression.
“So it’s decided!”- Derfra said, looking at her very tiny wristwatch.” Twenty minutes left! Let’s go!”
So they take a taxi cab and in ten minutes they were seated, waiting for the curtains to roll to the side.
“This is a good play!”- Derfra said, seated between Dumus and Adipalis- then Falinga was next to Adipalis.
Soon the curtains were rolled, and the play begins. Falinga laughed softly, when the scenes were humorous, and always looking at Adipalis Praefoco until he was in a state of excitement and elate: where everything in Falinga was marvelous… perhaps some kind of hypnosis value women knows to use to seduce a man.
From then on, it was like feeding a monkey, in order to have it running around under control… Derfra was well aware of this that was happening and after the play was ended, she said:” And now we could go to dance!”
It was midnight. Dumus wishes to poke on Adipalis, saying: “But perhaps Adipalis needs to rest! Tomorrow he works!”- Derfra looks at him and said:” let the man enjoy a nice company! Isn’t it, Adipalis?”
Adipalis was looking at Falinga, who gives him a sweet look…”Of course! Let’s go there!”- Adipalis said, although he doesn’t know where to go…
The dancing room also sells liquor, so at 3.00 o’clock Adipalis was still happy and willing, while Dumus was already yawning uproariously.
“Let’s go home! You can sleep there!”- Derfra said, meaning Dumus´s house. Falinga looks worried and said: “No, for my part, I will prefer to be at my own!”
“Very well! Adipalis: escort her home!”- Dumus suggested, but it sounds like an order. Falinga looks at the mentioned person and said:” Oh, it’s not necessary! Leave me in a taxi cab!”
Adipalis Praefoco, who was not willing to end the meeting immediately, offers himself to be the escort; the taxi cab carried them to her place:  a building some 1.5 kilometers from where they climb on.
“You keep on into this taxi, Adipalis! Or it will be very difficult for you to take another!!”- Falinga recommends.
“Could I see you tomorrow?”- Adipalis Praefoco asked. She smiled and said:” We are already in a new day.”
“Oh, certainly! What I mean, today, could we see each other again?”- Adipalis Praefoco was now begging. She stared at the window, saying:” Why do you want to see me again?”
Adipalis blushed and aid:” You are so special… perhaps we could become acquainted?”-
She moves her head, so her hair slashes the air, and said in response: “Very well, I will give you my phone number… call me at 17.00 hours!”
“Thanks you!”- Adipalis said, receiving the card. She said: Good night, Adipalis!” And was gone. He takes notice of the building and the number on it, and then said to the taxi driver: “Well friend, let’s depart towards the “Fritz Leiber Hotel!”
“Yes, sir.”- The driver said, gearing the car.
He arrives to the hotel and went to bed immediately, setting the alarm clock to seven hours sharp. He seems to him he was broking every rule of his self appointed norm of conduct, but gets asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillows..
At seven o’clock he takes a shower and went to work; at the office, he was smiling to everyone at work, to the extreme that his assistants believe he was sick or something like that…
At 17.00 hours he calls on that number, and kept calling until 20.00 hours; then he went home, very disappointed and thinking he was behaving like an idiot.
After dinner, he climbs to his room, and takes a long shower, trying to erase those two green eyes from his memory…
At the next morning, his Assistants could relax: no smiles on Mr. Praefoco´s face… he worked until 20.00 hours, and with the end of his shift, the memory of Falinga falls over him as a heavy coffin. He takes the card and phoned her again.
“Hello? Who is this?”- Her voice at the phone was like a streak of lightning for Adipalis. He said: “I am the friend of Dumus and Derfra. Do you remember?”
“Oh, yes. Adipalis?”- And her voice has a tint of friendship in it.
“Yes! I called you before, but you didn’t answer the phone.”- Adipalis Praefoco commented.
“Oh, really! I told you to call... But I leave my place earlier so I wasn’t here to answer your call. “- She said, leaving the last phrase ringing on Adipalis Praefoco´s ears…
“Well, what about now? I invite you to dinner, somewhere.”- He invited her.
“I don’t know… I barely know you.”- She said, doubtfully- Adipalis begin to think he was not the beggar type, but then remembering her eyes, he begged again:” I promise not to bite you!”
It was a very illogical thing to say, but what counts the most was the tone he uses that makes touch a note into the woman’s mind, who said:” Very well, I will have a date with you! Come to search me in one hour.”- And she gives the address in full…she was clever, because if Adipalis fails to attend the date, she would have been not waiting outdoors…
Less than one hour later, Adipalis Praefoco was waiting after ringing on her door. She opens and said:” Come on in! I will be ready soon!”
He seats at a dingy saloon the size of a matchbox… evidently; the apartment was a very small one... He listened the running water at the bath, and he went there to peek by the hole in the lock… what he see makes him much more interested don her… he assured himself to do whatever in order to conquer her will… if not his love… he saw her going out of the bathtub, then how she dry her hair, using a vacuum machine, and then how she dexterity puts on her clothes, and seats in front of a table with a mirror in front, pouring crèmes and powders on her face and upper portion of her neck…
He seats at the armchair and pretends to be just watching an old newspaper… She appears ready to go.
“Oh, what a beauty!”-  He marveled, but the body inside a one-piece garment was to hiccup.
“Thanks. Shall we go, now?”- Falinga asked him.


After saying yes, both of them depart to a nice Restaurant, where he asks for an aperitif, saying afterwards: You look wonderful.”
“Thanks. And how are your friends, Dumus and Derfra?”
“Fine, real fine. Where do you meet them?”- He asked.
“In fact, she went to my laboratory not five days ago, and after I threat her, she invites me to have dinner- in fact, I accept twice.”- She mentioned. Adipalis Praefoco was spellbound as he was sure they were old friends!
“So… she is more a patient than a friend?”- He asked, and she nodded, sipping his liquor.
“Ah, the Menu! Please, choose what you like best.”- He asked; Falinga asked a cheap salad and a costly second plate. This made him chose for a simple salad and a cheap second plate… and a cheap bottle of wine.
“And, what do you do for a living?”- Falinga asked, with non interest in her tone of voice.
“I work in a buffet. Legal cases and the like. Too boring to tell.”- Adipalis Praefoco explained.
“Oh, but it must be exciting! You, working in the problems of other people!”- Falinga said, and giving him one of those special smiles.
Adipalis Praefoco maintains the conversation until the dishes arrives<, he eats small quantity, as he was very aroused with her that was attracting male smiles all around…

After dinner, he said:” Let´s dance? I am sure you are a good dancer.”
“Why? Someone told you so? “- She asked, staring at him with big eyes. He melted all over but managed to say:”- Your figure says so… you move so harmoniously…”
“Thanks for that. Shall we go?”- Falinga asked, and when walking out the door, she takes his arm, naturally.
At the taxi cab, he tried to kiss her but she avoids the kissing… at the dancing saloon, the first two drinks (one for each client) were had; she only sips it, and leaves it on the table. Many couples were dancing; and they begin to dance. Soon they were very close and he was sensing all the movements of her body, until she said: Oh, I think you are very interested in me.”
“Of course, my love!”- He said, pressing his body to her, she sighed and they danced until she allowed him to begin kissing- soon both were perspiring.
Two hours later, they went out and she said:” Thanks for a beautiful evening! But tomorrow both of us must work! Could you escort me home?”
“By all means!”- He said, and they return in a taxi cab.
At the entrance of her tiny cozy apartment, Falinga said:”- Do you want to take a cup of tea before depart?”
“Yes, thanks you.”- Adipalis said, they enter the apartment and suddenly they were kissing each other non-stop… Adipalis stayed for the rest of the night, and awakes entangled with that superb woman’s body. He admires her face, and kissed her lips… she awakes and embraces him tenderly.
At nine o’clock, Adipalis Praefoco arrives to work; his Assistants were preoccupied, because he usually arrives at 8.00 in the morning, and they grew more concerned when Adipalis begin to show that silly smile on his face…
At noon, Adipalis calls her by phone, saying.”- And what is doing my love right now?”
“Preparing a paste for a rotten tooth! And you?”- Falinga replied.
“Dreaming on you.”
“How nice.”
“Well, I see you this evening.”
“Yes, call me first. I will be at the Laboratory until late.”
“Tell me where your laboratory is! I will pick you up in there.”
Falinga gives the address and said:” Call me later!”- And hung up… he was walking in a pink cloud: all his dormant wishes suddenly were there, in front of him. The labor at the Lawyer’s Agency was no longer so important for him, and then he remembers his cousin Dumus, the architect of his present happiness…
His Assistants also realize those changes and one of them said: “The solution of this riddle is one and only one!”- Gorfodenko said.
“What do you mean?”- Assistant Nugacitas asked.
“The chief find his equal! A woman! Look how he stares at the infinity with clouded eyes!”- Gorfodenko said.
“We must find who she is!”- Nugacitas said.
“Certainly! No wonder that, one of these days, the dame will appear here, searching for him!”- Gorfodenko exclaimed.
“No!”- Laughed Nugacitas.
“Yes, every woman that knows she has a poor man in her nest, also wants to take possession of his entourage: his working place! So everyone must know the man have that particular woman!”- Gorfodenko said.
“You did know a lot! How is that?”-Nugacitas asked, finger in chin.
“Because I have already three divorces in a row!”- Gorfodenko said, and everybody laughed.
At 14.50 hours, Adipalis said:” From today on, our working hours will be from eight to seventeen hours sharp!”
“But, Sir… the only staying later than that is you!”- Gorfodenko said, blinking an eye to the rest of the personnel.
“Oh? Yes! What I mean by this is that the office will be closed from seventeen hours on.”
“Sir, remember that a law is to be sign, saying that the daily working hours in office must not surpasses the six hours. That means we will be working, in the future…”- Gorfodenko was saying, but Adipalis interrupted him by saying:”- From eight to fifteen hours!”
“Yes. Do you hear the news, too?”- Gorfodenko said, leaning on Adipalis desk.
“I know that the law is being resented by many factories, and governmental organizations.”- Adipalis said, drumming on his desk.
“You could begin, Sir! By giving another free hour! Let’s say, from nine to fourteen hours.”
Adipalis stared at them. They all were waiting for a good answer, so he said:”- If you work hard, not a minute wasted looking at the ceiling, scant moments at the bathroom, scant minutes searching for cups of coffee… yes; but I am not the owner of this organization, so here is what I will say: if any of you wants to stay more in here, stay as long as you want; and for all practical explanations, from fourteen hours on you are working in terrain: talking with people involved, going to offices for  more data. In theory, you will be working out until seventeen hours.”
They cheered him and in that precise moment Destiny makes Director Rungar enters the office and stared at them, looking for an explanation on why the applauses.
Adipalis reacted immediately, saying:” Good to have you here, Director! Our tem is celebrating our next case solved already!”
Director Rungar was too old in the trade to swallow an explanation at first view, so he said:” And which case is that?”
“The “Devolour” case, Sir. Totally revised: more than three persons acting illegally.”- Adipalis said, looking at the pale faces of Nugacitas and Gorfodenko, who still have the case on their desks – and not yet resolved!
“Oh, very good! I would applaud, but first I must see the documents at my office.”
“You will have it tomorrow.”- Adipalis said.
“Good! Now, to what I was coming here in the first place: I will take the afternoon out, so you will receive my calls here; my Secretary Aringa is already informed.”
“Very well, Sir.”- Adipalis said, and Rungar went out.
“Nice explanation, Sir! But now, what are we going to do? There are a number of diligences still to complete.”- Gorfodenko said.
Adipalis said:” You and Nugacitas are now the chiefs of all the rest in here! Sent them to search everything you think usable! At 20 hours everyone must be returned. From then on, I and volunteers will wrap it all and I am sure that tomorrow afternoon we will have the end result.”
Clonotengo, a fat man with spectacles, said:”- I volunteer! “- They all smiled, and begin working under the direction of Gorfodenko. Adipalis calls on Falinga, saying:” Darling! Something happens so I beg of you to excuse me for our date.”
“Oh, I am sorry! Too much work to do?”- Asked her.
“Yes, our Director needs something very urgent. See you tomorrow.”- Adipalis said; a silence and then she said. “Very well. Bye.”
From there on, Adipalis worked hand in hand with his group; at 19.00 hours everyone except Gorfodenko went home.
“Well, now to summarize it! A big resume.”- Adipalis said.
At midnight, the labor was almost finished so Adipalis said to Gorfodenko:” You can go home now! I’ll keep on with the rest, that it’s a matter of editing.”
“Thanks you, Sir. See you in a few hours! But perhaps you should go, too!”- The fat man said, walking out of the office.
Adipalis finished the labor at five hours, and went to his place to sleep; in a taxi cab he dozed and the driver said:” You don’t look drunk to me; what, working late?”
“Yes, it’s a document I must deliver tomorrow.”- Adipalis replied.
“Forget about working late, sir! Nobody will thank you at your grave!”- The driver said, chuckling.
At the hotel room, he slept without even taking out his shoes…
He appears at work when the clock was giving the eleven hours; he talk with his assistants, shows them the documents, and they all give ideas to polish it somewhat, at fourteen hours, the document was presented to Director Rungar, who was very busy, but gets some time to praise the labor.
“Thanks! This document will probe our efficiency wide and large! Take the day off: you look harassed!”- Rungar said, taking the papers.
Adipalis returns to his office and said to the personnel: “The Director is happy with our work! And we must take a rest: go home!”
They smiled and went out of the office, while Adipalis called Miss Falinga, to not avail: her phone wasn’t answering. He went out and has a sandwich and a beverage at a drugstore, and went to sleep the rest of that day…
When he awoke the day after, he went to work at his office. Gorfodenko presents him some documents, saying:” Director Rungar sent you this, Sir. Another project to develop!”
He reads and the matter was about the selling of electrical equipment to Ashar city by smugglers.
“This is organized by politicians! Surely they have the Army and the Police in their payrolls!”-Gorfodenko said, moments later.
“Dangerous investigation.” Nugacitas said, looking at the numbers.
“We just investigate! Director Rungar knows what to do after our work is finished.”- Adipalis commented.
“Hope this works out fine!”- Gorfodenko murmured.
“He will give our report to the Department of Finances; from there to the Department of Justice.”- Adipalis said, shrugging his shoulders.
At fourteen hours he visited Falinga at her dentistry office. She was working, but between one patient and the next, she said:”- Today I have lots of work! Pleas come tomorrow, yes?”
“But… at your home?”
“No, I will be taking a shower and to sleep! You don’t want me to show eye bags at the next day, do you?”- Falinga asked with a smile.
“Of course not. Very well, I will see you tomorrow.”- Adipalis said, not willing to press her too much.
From there he went to see a play- at 21 hours he decided he cannot live without Falinga, bought some flowers and went to her apartment. He rings the bell and tired of waiting, he went to the Receptio9n room, where he asked: “Are Miss Falinga arrived?”
The Receptionist looks on a pad and said:” No, Sir. Miss Falinga Isorla went out two hours ago. Any message?”
“Yes: tell her that Adipalis was here.”
“Very well, Sir. Goodbye.” The man said, taking note of it.
Now Adipalis have two causes or motives to get worried: first, that Falinga lied when saying she was going to sleep, and second, that he was not very wild about her. He waits one hour outside the building and a woman that passes by asks him for a cigarette- obtained, she invited him to make love- with a price for it. He refuses and went to his place.
Hours later he calls her by phone. She replied from her dentist office. She said: Oh, you call so early! Are you working?”
“Yes, and you?”
“Here I am! Ready for my next client!”- Falinga replied and Adipalis hang up the telephone. Now he knows where she was. He looks unto his flowers; bought for her … He wrapped it on a newspaper and said to Gorfodenko:” You are in charge now. I am going to work in an issue outside office.”
“Good luck, sir.”- Gorfodenko mumbled, nose deep in some papers.
At the street, he takes a taxi cab and went to Falinga dental office, and seats at a chair. Two other persons were there, apparently not too happy with their tooth pains…
When the two clients were already attended, Adipalis presents to her.
“Oh, you here!”- Falinga said in surprise.
“Yes, darling! I am sorry! I am totally in despair!”
“Why? What happens to you?”- She asked, not sure of what was happening.
“It’s you! You told me…”
A person appears, saying:” Doctor, I’m in pain! Sorry…it’s my tooth! Is really killing me!”
“Yes. Seats in there.”- Falinga aid, and helps the woman. She worked for about fifteen minutes and then said:” All ready! It’s 8000 sopes!”
The patient paid and went out, not without ogling at Adipalis, who shut the door and said:”-You weren’t at home tonight!”
She leans on a shelf, saying:” Why do you ask? I am not married to you!”
“Right. That seems to be the problem? So, why don’t you marry me?”- Adipalis asked, not quite believing what he was saying…
Falinga blinked a pair of times, as not realizing what was happening, and moves around, cleaning her utensils.
“Do you get marry with me?”- Adipalis asked again.
“I prefer not to say no. I prefer…”- She was saying, but Adipalis begin kissing her, and from there it ensued a sexual act. Released his unbearable tension, he panted:” You are superb! “
She cleans herself, using the lavatory and saying:” What could my patients said of me, if looking how I am behaving here?”
“It’s my entire fault, darling. I don’t want to lose you!”
Falinga looked at him, finishing his cleansing and said:” You are too emotional_! You will not lose me!”
He kissed her some more, and said:” Now tell me why you weren’t at your apartment last night!”
She smiled and said:” One day I will tell you. Wait for me at my apartment! I will work until nineteen hours!”
“Very well. But don’t run away from me!”- Adipalis said, and depart to his office, very happy but with a spine in is heart: the lady possibly was cheating on him!
At sixteen hours he calls for a detective, and at seventeen hours a big guy with a beard where a dozen birds could easily nest appears, saying:” I am Godfrey, private detective. Are you Mr. Adipalis?”
“Yes. Take a seat.”- Adipalis invited him to get comfortable. The man seats, with a faint creak from the chair, and what appears to be a farth.
“Sorry. Too much beans produce too much gas.”- The detective said.
“Look: I am dating a dentist names Falinga Isorla. Last night she should be at her home but she was not there.”- Adipalis begins telling. The detective pulls a cigarette, a lighter, and asked:” Could I smoke in here?”
“Go ahead! It doesn’t bother me at all.”- Adipalis said. The private eye lit the cigarette, puffed and said:” Go on, Sir. I am all hears!”
“I met her very recently. Here is the address, both of work and home. Please be discreet: at her building there is a janitor.”- Adipalis prevented him.
“All right. Five thousand sopes for a previous inform.”- The detective said.
“Of course. What do you need to do is….”- Adipalis was saying, but Godfrey said:” You don’t need to give me more advices, Sir. Just pay and you will see of what I am capable of.”
Adipalis paid and the man goes out of the office, leaving a trail of bad fumes… of these, Adipalis sprayed some perfume and keeps on working until 18.40 hours, and rushed to her dentist office, but she was not there…neither at her apartment! He leaves for the street under the stare of the janitor.
Later, he calls on Dumus by phone, saying:” Cousin, I get to talk with you.”
“Very well, where are you now?” And he gets worried by the desperate tone of his relative.
“At my hotel room.”
“I’ll be right there. “-Dumus said, and in twenty minutes elapsed time, he was already knocking on the door.
“Come in!” Adipalis Praefoco said, and at the small table he pours some liquor in two glasses, offering one of them to Dumus.
“I see you worried, cousin. What is eating your nerves?”- Dumus asked. In that moment the Bellboy appears, saying:” Mr. Adipalis, you have a phone call at the Reception.”
“All right. I’ll be there.”- Adipalis, and to his cousin he said:” Wait me here!”
He descended the stairs, takes the call and said:” Yes? Who is this?”
“Godfrey, sir. I have news.”
“All right, but who give you my telephone number?”-Adipalis asked.
“Is it not from your hotel?”- Godfrey reacted.
“Oh, certainly! Well, have you any news for me?”- Adipalis asked again, very nervous.
“See, I have news but we cannot jump to conclusions with only a handful of facts. Give me five more days and you will know everything about the person in question.”- Godfrey said.
“I see. Very well, keep working.”
“Bye, sir.”
Adipalis returns to his hotel room equally nervous, and his cousin repeats his question:” What’s eating you, Adipalis?”
“Falinga the Dentist! She is a good woman, but seems to me she have a double life. No matter if we slept together.”- Adipalis commented.
“How many times?”-
“More than three.”
“Too small a quantity. To really eat her brains out, you must bed her 20 or thirty times! And every one of them, as a champion. Are you a champion?”- Dumus asked, crossing his legs.
“I doubt it much!”- Adipalis said, with a wave of his hand.
“One recommendation: take a look at hot films once in a while. It will give you ideas.”- Dumus said, eating a candy he produces from his clothes.
“I am doubting. Perhaps there is another guy in her romantic life.”
“Which woman has not several lovers in her schedule? Every one of them… perhaps the one per cent is not in that category.”- Dumus said, sighing.
“Are you getting along fine with your present fiancée?”- Adipalis asked.
“More or less so! With women you never know when the next row will appear. One thing is to be had: nobody is perfect!”- Dumus said.
“And in my case.. That she says one thing and does another?”
“Bad news are what you are giving me, buddy! That’s the essence of a female! To change. But we, men, must use the whip once in a while! She must respect you! You cannot be only a lover, a puppet obeying her whims!”
“The thought of the hours spent together I could not dismiss lightly!”
“Poet! Well, I will see you tonight! My fiancée have her birthday: a good piece of Lycorhinos, salads and free wine!”
“I will be there.”
“How? You don’t know where she lives! But don’t care: I will bring you there!”- Dumus said, departing.
At midnight he calls on her- surprisingly she receives the call, saying: “Oh, I am so sorry! But I was busy. See me at noon at my laboratory!”
“Can I see you now?”- He begged. Falinga said: “You better not… roaming by the street at night have become very dangerous.”
“I will go there!”- He said, in a ravishing tone… She hangs off. He become furious and did not go there.
At eight o’clock he was back at his desk; Gorfodenko presents a draft of the inform, saying:”- Sir, there are politicians and military personnel involved. Very dangerous situation!”- And his voice trembled. Adipalis stared at him and then leafed the volume and said: “Perhaps we could ask for a vacation after we release this document!”
Gorfodenko laughed (more than a cough that a real laugh) and said:” I am afraid there is no beach enough far to go!”
“Well, hope you are not married!”- Adipalis said.
“At present, I am single.”- Gorfodenko replied, adding: “Guess my three ex wives will be fighting the inheritance!”
“Very well, I will revise it to day, and tomorrow will discuses the report. I ask of you and our staff absolute secrecy about these documents, no need to begin the fight in advance.”
“They are stark scared, sir. Nobody will mention this investigation.”- Gorfodenko assured him.
At fourteen hours Adipalis takes the draft home and begin taking notes, comparison and conjectures until 20 o’clock; then, he calls Falinga by the phone- to her house.
“Yes, who is this?”- She said, harmoniously.
“Adipalis here. Could I visit you now?”
“If you wish! I am preparing a salad, right now!”-She said, jauntily.
“On my way- leave the door open!”- He said, happy because she was going to receive him. But when at the taxi cab, he was thinking that she could be laughing on him… and could be departing out in that very moment…


When ringing the bell…he was totally nervous. The door opens and Falinga said:” Oh, Adipalis! Come in!”- And opens the door.
He kisses her and closes the door. She said: The salad is waiting at the table.”- And guides him to it. The salad was decorated with pieces of white meat, eggs and red prunes… there was no wine in sight.
“It’s delicious!”- He said, almost before chewing it…
“You didn’t call on me! I wait for your phone call.”- Falinga said, munching a piece of meat.
“Oh, too much work at the office! Well, it’s always like that.”- Adipalis assured her, who touched her hand, saying:” Hope they could be paying nicely for your efforts!”
“Really, I am not so sure about the value of my work! But let us talk about your work…seems you collect good earnings? - Adipalis asked her. She nodded and said:” Yes, but I am still paying my University years! And also, the machines, instruments, tools, medicines… the rent. Really, after paying it all, there’s not much for me!”
“Yes, that happens.”- Adipalis said, but not believing it in its entirety: people with good incomes usually talks about being almost in poverty but in fact, having a good level of life…
“You are too quiet, Adipalis! What’s happening?”- Falinga asked, staring at him. Adipalis choose between telling her that is main complication was to be having dinner with a liar and a cheater, or speak about that dangerous draft he have o  is hotel room… if he choose the first option, sure thing he will have no sexual relation after dinner, so he lied and said:” it’s my work! I have a draft to chisel…not an easy thing to do.”
“But I assume you have donned so in previous occasions?”- Falinga asked.
“Well, it’s like you, working in a new rotten tooth!”- He said, and both laughed. Her laugher was crystalline, gay… delicious to hear… he stands up and kissed her- she respond, and soon they were in bed.
One hour later, he was sure she loves him very much…
At the next day, he leaves her at the Dental clinic, and went to the hotel. The janitor stops him, saying:” Sir! Please come to hear what happens last night!”
Thinking it was pure gossip; Adipalis looks at his wristwatch and said:” Oh, yes? What did happen last night?”
The janitor waits for him to approach his bench, and said in a low tone:” Ghouls, sir! Bit brutes come here asking for you!”
An icy chill runs down Adipalis spine, and said:” Asking for me? I haven’t given this address to anyone!”
“That is difficult to believe, sir. Those persons were sure you were a passenger of this hotel! And the one thing they don’t know was which number it was on your front door!”
Adipalis remembered the draft and feels dizzy. “And did they arrive to my room? I ask you, because I have important documents in thee!”
The janitor looked to both side of the corridor before saying:” We call the Police! When the men saw the green uniforms, they flee by a back door! Seems they have studied the place beforehand!”
“I am not so sure about that: every hotel has a second exit.”- Adipalis said.
The janitor looks at him, saying:” Don’t get mad at me, Sir! But see that you take care from now on! Those ghouls possibly will return here!”
“Well, thanks for the advice. I will take my documents out of here… right now.”- Adipalis said, walking to the elevator… in fact, at his room there was no indication of trespassing… he takes the draft and departed to his office right away- wrinkled clothes and all!
Gorfodenko was waiting for him at the office, and said.” Are you all right, Sir?”
“Why? Something happening?”
“Yes. Two of our team members suffer accidents at their addresses! Seems the bad people already know something about our work…”- And Gorfodenko was visibly worried….
Adipalis calls Director Rungar, telling him about persons asking for him at the hotel, and about two of his assistants being attacked at their houses.
“This is very serious! I will ask for protection immediately! And send me a draft of what you already got, to think who could be behind all of this.” Director Rungar said.
“Thanks you, sir, and now I will be visiting those poor people.”
“Yes, you do that and give my assurances that I will be putting guards around their houses, for duly precautions.”
Director Rungar assured him- so, Adipalis went out of that room with a big smile. He also visits the injured men assuring that they will be protected from then on.
Nugacitas said:”- My leg hurts! I was fired upon when refusing to give my car to some guys in a crossroads.”
Next visit to Mr. Dugal – a foot stomped on.
“I was waiting for a bus, when two guys ask me if I was from the staff of Mr. Praefoco- you! I said no, and one of them stomped on my left foot, saying”: Take this, in case you are lying!”-
“Curious thing, indeed.”- Adipalis Praefoco commented, staring at the man.
“Hope they don’t follow me! I am thinking into quit this job!”- Dugal commented, and his wife added:”- Yes! My husband is certainly very precious to me, and I don’t want him to be hurt never again!”- His wife said, a blonde with false green eyes.
“I will see if you can work at some other place- in fact, our group should work in a secluded place.”- Adipalis said, improvising as he think it over…
“In here! We have an extra room at the garden.” – Dugal´s wife said.
“Yeah, at the back yard!”- Dugal said, with a meek smile.
“We’ll study what is best! Now you have a week’s permission. Repose!”- Adipalis said, patting his shoulders, and then left the house.
At night, Adipalis knocked on Falinga door; she opens and said:” Oh, Adipalis” Come in! I am with doctor Rutogorgo, a famous scientific that… but let me present you first!”
At the small table, a man on his fifties was looking at some tiny samples on a cardboard box. He stands up and salutes.
“Professor Rutogorgo, I present you my fiancé, Mr. Adipalis Praefoco. Adipalis, this is doctor Rutogorgo, famous scientist!”- Falinga said.
“Nice to meet you, doctor.”- Adipalis said, without much emphasis.
“Miss Falinga is a good ex student of mine; experiments have seen the light of success thanks to her devotion to sciences!”- The doctor said, seating again. Falinga also seats and both were hearing doctor Rutogorgo speech on the world of minute small artifacts that could function perfectly equal to the normal bigger artifacts.
“So, in a tooth you could have a telephone that could replace perfectly the standard telephones everyone has on their office desk or in the corridor table.”- Dr. Rutogorgo said, and shows the artifact inserted into his tooth.
“Well, I congratulate you both, really!”- Adipalis said.
Doctor Rutogorgo stared at him and said:”- I have a tooth telephone in my mouth, now. And to assure you that this conversation is not among lunatics around a table, I will call on the telephone of this apartment using my tooth implant!”
A moment later, the phone rings, and Falinga said:” Go and attend the call, Adipalis! It’s for you!”
He went there; pick up the phone and yes, the doctor voice was saying:” Hello, brave man! This is the old doctor from Miss Falinga table talking! Say something, now!
“I am very impressed, doctor! No wires running out of your mouth and here I am listening to you quite well!”
“Yes, sir. And now I must hang out!”- The doctor said.
Back at the table, Adipalis repeats his phrase of surprise, and Falinga said:” Now you know where I have been, when not with you!”
“Yes, young man! I have sequestered her once and again, to work on some patients, people of importance that needs a telephone that they could use in perfect disguise. With only a little murmur you can project the voice through this tooth cell-phone I have developed.”- Doctor Rutogorgo said.
They talked some more minutes, and the doctor said to her:” Very well, I am going now. You have a list of patients, that will begin to appear at your Dental clinic, and of course, here I leave this box with the tiny telephones you have to insert in those clients. As ever, the total amount of money will be deposit at your Bank account.”
“Thanks you, doctor Rutogorgo, and take care of yourself.”- She said, standing up, the doctor made a bow and departed out of the apartment.
Falinga close the door and embraces Adipalis, saying:” Do you know what this means to me?”
“A great advance in sciences.”- Adipalis said, kissing her.
“Well, yes, but for me its money! Look! 38 mini telephone machines… each client will pay 65.000 sopes for each implant! And that means 2.470.000 sopes! After paying the doctor for this lot, it will still be a good amount of money for me!”- Falinga exclaimed.
“Congratulations! Wow! The doctor must have good connections with politicians and military men!”- Adipalis said.
She stared at him and said:” Wrong! The clients are all big entrepreneurs! Millionaires! Guess much of their conversations are so delicate that they don’t want anyone to over hear except the recipient of their calls! And of course, at any given time of the day!”
Falinga prepares tea and with some biscuits on the side, they kept talking about money and the scientist…
At midnight they went to bed, and with her into his arms, Adipalis believes he have found happiness in his life.
At the next day, she said:”- Meet me at fourteen hours at my Dental Laboratory: we will have lunch together.”
“I will be there, darling!”- Adipalis said, kissing her tenderly and went to work.
“Sir: the guards are here: seems they have guns.”- Gorfodenko said.
“Better protected! Or are you complaining?”- Adipalis asked him
“Yes! Imagine they start shooting! We will be in between!”- Gorfodenko said.
“Don’t be an alarmist! Well and how are things going?”- Adipalis Praefoco asked.
“Three of our staff is in terrain… possibly we will get vital information at their return.”- Gorfodenko said.
“And you, what are you doing?”- Adipalis asked.
“Computing data. Perhaps you could help me a little? I have five big archives full of documents to analyze.”_ Gorfodenko said.
“Bring me some work!”- Adipalis said, and soon he was calculating and analyzing documents.
At fourteen hours he shut the door of his personal office and went to the Dentist office- she was waiting, dressed with a pale brown costume.
“Hi, Adipalis! How are you?”- Falinga asked.
“Fine. You look beautiful. Have you some Restaurant in mind, or shall I choose for you?” He asked.
“Nothing in particular. I just want to be next to you. That’s all.”- Falinga said, touching his chest with her index finger.
“Very well! I know of a quiet place… good food and scant client: the perfect combination.”- Adipalis said, but not commenting that the lack of clients was due to higher prices…
The place was quiet but with magnificent service: quiet yes, but quick. The waiters looking at the clients offering wine, napkins, extra cutlery, special breads, and more diversity of plates, all accompanied with smiles.
“I hope we could keep on with this love we are sharing. Life, for me, includes your person to be whole. Without you comes anguish, despair, loneliness.”- Adipalis recited.
Falinga stared at him, smiling.
“What? Are you not to say something? I offer you to get married- your delay makes me tremble!”- Adipalis said, knowing that he was pressing the matter…
She leaves the fork unto the table, saying:”- It’s for this that we are seated here? To hear what you want, what you need? Or to share a moment between two lovers?”
Adipalis Praefoco reddened and said.” It seems I am spoiling our lunch.”
“Seems to me you are abusing of my openness. Sorry. I cannot eat in these circumstances.”- Falinga said. Adipalis realize he could not eat after hearing her, as his hungry have disappeared in front of the barrier she has built. He felt out of place, thinking that the only way out of this harsh situation was for her to depart, or perhaps he could do it before she do it… he stomped out of the Restaurant.
At the street, he takes a taxi cab and returns to his work. He was happy with his decision. Happy to leave that woman who wasn’t accepting his sincere request…
“We have advanced a lot. One more hour and you will have the scuffs ready to be used on those brigands.”- Gorfodenko said, after a whole afternoon of work.
“Where are the guards?”- Adipalis asked him.
“They are gone! No explanations given.”-Gorfodenko informed, shrugging shoulders.
Adipalis calls on Director Rungar, telling about it.
“Oh, they were needed somewhere else! But they will be back soon as the emergency ends. And have you advanced in your present project?”- Rungar asked.
“Our first draft on the case “smugglers” is almost finished, Sir. Hope some bonus could be had to my two injured assistants.” – Adipalis said. The face of Director Rungar shrunken as eating a sour lemon and said: “I cannot bestow money in people that are performing duties and being paid. But I will see what I can get for them.”
Back at his desk, Adipalis felt disappointed of his chief, and with Gorfodenko he works editing the abridged report on the case they were calling “smugglers”.
While at it, Gorfodenko said. “I wonder how those people of the “Associated cities” could work. Seems they are way more technically advanced than our government is telling us.”
“As far as I know, only Ashar is advancing in technology. The rest of those cities are reluctant to change ways. They believe that the development of technology is equivalent to a ball of snow : the farther down it goes, the bigger and quicker it rolls- taking in its path family values, religion beliefs, ways of live, and nobody knowing exactly in what it will all ends!”- Adipalis commented.
At 20. hours he went to his hotel room and after a shower, he gets asleep at his bed, not willing to think anymore on Falinga and her ways of behave.
In the morning, he finished the repot and visited the Director’s office.
“Mr. Rungar will be not here today.”- His secretary said.
“Very well, I will come tomorrow.”- Adipalis said, returning to his office with the report.
“What happened?”- Gorfodenko asked, seeing that Adipalis still have the wad of papers in his hands.
“The big guy will not attend at his office today and this report it’s too delicate to deliver to a secretary.”- Adipalis assured him.
“Right, sir. Let puts it at the safe box.”- Gorfodenko suggested, and as she said it was donned. Adipalis staff was assembled at the bigger room, so he said: “There is no more work for us today! I congratulate every one of you for this new accomplishment. Now you can go home to rest!”
“Sir: our fellow worker, Nugacitas is celebrating his birthday party at the “Lonesome Restaurant”, and you and every one of us is invited!”- Gorfodenko announced.
“Oh, yes? And at which hour it’s the celebration?”- Adipalis asked.
“20 hours sharp, sir! Hope you could attend.”- Gorfodenko added.
“Of course, I’ll be there.”- Adipalis Praefoco replied.
The team departed and Adipalis Praefoco close the door and slept for a while leaning on that desk.
When he awoke he looks at his wristwatch, reading 17.30 hours at the dial. He yawned and leaves the building, thinking in Falinga; he was not going to keep on with the self torture. Yes, the woman was physically adorable, but her mid was not.
At 21 hours he arrives to the “Lonesome Restaurant” and saluted him with a small present: a handmade fountain pen, encased into a nice metallic box.
He was well received, honored as “the chief” and many jokes on his title but all of them in good spirits. Also, Gorfodenko, who hits a romantic problem in his life, presented him a very sympathetic and well donated female, to who gets attached….
“Her name is Mordicusa, daughter of a well known librarian… ever heard of “Mordicus Library”?”- Gorfodenko asked, while Adipalis was nearing her.
“No, but it’s not so rare: I only read law’s books!”- Adipalis replied.
“Never mind! She is decent; she is single and now is your opportunity to clinch on her!”- Gorfodenko urged him.
“-Well, you understand me! Get acquainted, begin an affair! You don’t need to marry her.”- Gorfodenko laughed, presenting him to the lady, and soon she was in his arms, while dancing. She kept smiling but only staring at him… he kissed her cheek and she whispered:” Before going any further, are you single?”
“Yes, too busy to get in love.”
“Oh, then it seems you get a break today? As you are here… and not working!”-She giggled.
“I’m happy to be here to meet you.”-Adipalis murmured in her ear.
“Happy to have me dancing with you? “-Mordicusa replied. Her soft breath reaches his cheek and he was more than interested in this girl…He felt the tingle on his whole head, and embrace her tightly. She looks at him, and he kissed her.
From then on, it was pure romance… Again Adipalis begin asking her full name, where she lives, and her phone number.
“You are really in a hurry!”- Mordicusa murmured in his ear.
“Oh, I don’t want you to go from my arms… ever.”_ He said, coughing.
Sometime later, they seat at the table and Gorfodenko praise the owner of the party; Nugacitas, saying:”- A hurrah for whose birthday we are celebrating! Nugacitas! May the future get more good friends to his life!”
They all applauded and Adipalis said:” To my local friend and companion! May he get lots of good times in his life!”
Mordicusa said:” Be happy, Nugacitas! In here I met your chief, and I think he gets madly in love with me!”
They all applauded and laughed out loud. Then the dance recommenced, and after a while Mordicusa said:” I am very dizzy. I must go to bed.”
“Very well, where do you live? “-Adipalis Praefoco asked her.
“No! Where I live I cannot arrive with liquor in my veins! My parents must not see me dizzy!”- Mordicusa said.
“You can lodge at my place.”- Adipalis Praefoco invited her.
“I accept!”- Mordicusa accepted the almost forced invitation, laughing, so that night they slept together at the “Fritz Leiber hotel”.
As she was still asleep in the morning, he leaves a note, saying she could stay there as long as she wants, and that coffee was ready at the kettle in brown color…
At work, Director Rungar was again out of the building, and the secretary said:” He is very busy somewhere else. But if you have something to deliver, you can leave it here with me.”
“No, thanks, I will wait for him to explain certain matters on this dossier.”- Adipalis Praefoco replied, and went to his office, where puts some order in his drawers, drink a lot of coffee and at fourteen hours Adipalis Praefoco said to his Assistants. “Well, friends, tomorrow is another day! Now we go!”
And with that they went out of the office. Adipalis have the secret wish to visit his hotel room to see if Mordicusa was still there, as he has the secret wish to find her still in bed, but no: she was gone and she didn’t touch the coffee kettle…
At work, he releases everything to the Director Rungar, who said:” I will send this accusation to a second team of specialists, so, you will be not the only ones in danger. This means lesser responsibility for you and your Assistants. Later, we will act and hopefully, receive a nice bonus.”
“I expect that all goes well, sir. My Assistants and I are waiting for a new commission.”- Adipalis said.
“Of course. I have a new case here.”- Director Rungar said, taking an archive and passing it to Adipalis. “In there you will find another delicate matter. Beware with those persons searching for clues!”- Director Rungar recommended quietly.
“We’ll take every precaution necessary.”- Adipalis said, walking out of that office with those documents in a box.
When at his section, he calls on his Assistants saying:” Let’s analyze these documents first, and then we will talk on how to face this mission.”
And for three hours, they read and take notes; then they talked about it.
“Clearly, the government bought medicines and utensils at higher prices. Why? The persons in charge preferred the high prices? No? Must have been bribery! Here are names, dates and number of medicaments, remedies from a tooth ache to the worst infection! So, we must revise Inventories, and where the items are in stock, and how many were deliver dot the ones in need of them.” -Adipalis said.
“Now we are just eight persons. I propose to go slowly, Sir.”- Gorfodenko said.
“Why? With two persons per site could be enough to finish this new work in a week!”- Adipalis said.
“Think again, sir! If there were illegalities, any person involved will try to postpone the delivery of data! Also, they could be violent with any given cause! Here is what I propose, sir: four of us begin the inquiry; always in number of four and carrying iron rules or heavy objects just in case a fight is started.”- Gorfodenko said. Adipalis said:” We could ask for protection: guards.”
“Yes:  you do that! But all the while, four of us in each inquiry will be required.”
“Two teams of four persons! One week in turn, so you could rest a week in here and a week at the terrain.”- Adipalis decided.
As always the working hours were now only from nine to fourteen hours; Adipalis was dating Mordicusa almost every day at 21.00 hours, and she asks to be delivered home at midnight, so all goes well. They were only two hours together, and certainly it was little thing they could do in just a couple of hours, but each six days there were a whole day to be together.
“I’m studying medicine, dear. It’s very demanding, being this the final year.”- Mordicusa said.
“You will be mending broken bones, or only delivering babies?”- Adipalis Praefoco asked her.
“Deliveries only! But of course, I must learn the whole trade to obtain my title.”- Mordicusa replied, although she knew that the “whole trade” was reduced to basics...
Days later, Senator Ketar calls him again, by phone.
-“Mr. Praefoco! Our little talk is still pending! Please come to my house tomorrow afternoon.”- He said, with his usual peremptory tone of voice.
“As I told you, I am working at “Lawyers B3 Associates”. And with a short daily period of time to get lunch. Being the chief of a staff, I must be present at all times at my desk.”- Adipalis Praefoco said, pretending not to accept the invitation.
The Senator coughed and said:” Look, Mr. Praefoco, I cannot debate with you trough a phone call! Please come tomorrow after fourteen hours! I will be waiting!”- And he hangs off.
Adipalis smiled: some people never give up! And the Senator was one of them!
That evening he went to dance with Mordicusa, and a group of her friends were there- soon he was looking how she danced with one and then another, so he left the ball and went to his room.
At the next day he worked as usual; scant information was pilling up at his desk, brought by the team. It was slow going because the people involved refuse to help and information was being obtained revising archives many times hidden in other offices or in cabinets with changed names.
At fifteen hours he visited Senator Ketar who told him:”- I offer you double pay! And the possibility of to get into the machine of the government. In there you could earn more money than expected.”
“Which case is the most important to you? I could work on it in my spare time, as a favor to you.”- Adipalis said, not willing to leave his promising post at the “Lawyers B3 Associates”…
“I need no favors! I pay for what I need! But here is what we are going to do: take these files, and bring me results! And I will pay.”- The senator said, indicating some documents over his desk.
“Perfect. I will work on it, and I will bring good results only if I found one.”- Adipalis said.
“And I need it before my election day! I am working hard to be reelected! As in the precedent term in office, I need to hit hard on the news! In that way, common people will keep me seeing a guy that is clever and helps the government not to be robbed.”- Senator Ketar said.
Adipalis stands up from the chair and said:”- Very well, Sir. I will take these with me.”
“That’s my boy! You will never regret to work for me!”- Senator Ketar said, opening the door for him to exit the office.
At the street, he takes a taxi cab and went to his hotel room- to work. Soon he realize the job was to find if other politicians were being bribed, and he smile: old Ketar realize that if he cannot run as fast as their competitors, he could trip them to the ground- so to speak
H worked until late, finding many clues; at the next day, he said to Gorfodenko:” I have a new mission; this time is about politicians; we need to find out if they are accepting bribes to vote projects as their patrons needs.”
Gorfodenko laughed and said:” This will be a boy’s game! Every politician earns money in that way- soon you will get the answers!”
“Possibly! Take: here is something I have been working on, in advance.”- And gives him a pair of documents to work.
In three days work, he has five briberies totally probed, and Adipalis went to see Senator Ketar at his office.
“Good news, sir! Here we have with what impeach four politicians that will be not able to deny their culprits.”- Adipalis said. Ketar looks at the documents and said:” Good! Now I will show this to my team, to begin with the impeachment! Here! Fifty thousand sopes for you!”
“Thanks, sir, but I must tell you I received help from five other colleagues, so please help me pay them better for their work.”- Adipalis lied.
The Senator reddened and taking some more money, he puts on the table, saying:” 120.000 sopes in all! Are you contented with it?”
Adipalis took the money from the top of the desk, saying: “I will receive it with my utmost thanks!”
“Now, hopefully I will win my candidacy for another term in office! I will invite you to the celebration, if all goes well!”- Senator Ketar said, ending the conversation by standing up from his chair and guiding Adipalis Praefoco out of the office…
Adipalis went home, happily caressing the wad of money he has earned in only four days!
At the next day, he receives a call from the Senator, who said:”- Now that you are almost part of my staff, you must be seen by my associated, who also want to talk with you.”
“I accept.”- Adipalis said, curious about what he was going to see and hear…
“It’s in four more days. Give me some address, to send you the invitation!”- Senator Ketar said, grabbing a pencil from a drawer. Adipalis gives him his address from the Hotel, and that was how Ketar “recruited” him by the sleazy way…
At eleven o’clock he leaves office and bought a new pair of shoes, shirts and a jacket, with some of the money received from the Senator; then he went to his hotel room and rested for half an hours. Mordicusa calls him by phone that he attended at the Reception cabinet.
“You leave me alone at that ball! My friends were furious with you! I cried and I certainly don’t deserve this from you!”- Mordicusa was saying in a staccato of words.
And she sounds very angry…
“I saw you dancing with your friends as if I wasn’t there!”- Adipalis said.
“So you were jealous of a simple dancing? You very well know I am giving you all that you expect from me! What more do you want?”- Mordicusa asked in a sobbing way.
“I am sorry, then! I thought you didn’t need me there!”- Adipalis commented. A silence, and then she said: Tell me that you love me, and I will see if I pardon you!”
“I love you, honey pie!”- He said.
“Well… today I cannot see you, dear: I am busy with my studies. Tomorrow we could be together again!”- Mordicusa said.
“Very well, see you tomorrow!”- Adipalis said, ending the conversation- in fact, he was only trying to keep on with that relationship, as he was not so lucky with women. It was a hard road to get another woman interested in him…
Four days later, with the invitation card in his hand; Adipalis arrives to the Reunion Center where Senator Ketar party was holding its ceremony. There were more than eighty persons at a brilliantly lit saloon, with many bejeweled women, all of them with nice hairdo and pretentious smiles, but almost everyone with icy cruel stares…
He was looking on and discarded: an unknown person was a threat for them, and until someone presents him, he was going to be only a shadow.
Senator Ketar appears and the reunion gets enliven; the man produces grandiose phrases, big laughers and a sense that all was going to be better for everyone. It was like magic flowing from his person. There were others than begin to lighten up, mere reflexes of Mr. Ketar, and after speeches and much patting on shoulders, meal was served, red faces, mouths munching, people drinking… no drunken people, because alcoholic drinks were forbidden.
Senator Ketar present him to numerous persons calling him “the clever lawyer”, and now smiles flourished on many faces when looking at him: if Senator Ketar accepts him, everybody does.
Three hours later, Ketar approaches him, saying:” I am going, Sir. Want to join? I have a car waiting outside.”
“Of course, Senator. Many thanks.”- Adipalis said, thinking that they were going to travel alone, but another six persons were crowding the vehicle as the driver (Turno) guides the car by the dark streets.
“Well, I am certain I will be reelected! Here Mr. Praefoco is helping with my success!”- - Senator Ketar said to his friends in that car.
“Jiriben must be stopped! It’s your worst competitor!”- A fat ugly man said, crammed between another pair of fat men.
“Jifiben will not present any trouble! I am working on it! – Senator Ketar said, blinking one eye to Adipalis, who said:” The best plus our Senator have, is his honesty!”
A week later, Gorfodenko said:” With this, Mr. Jiriben will end in jail! It’s proven without a doubt that he have been voting against the people, against the national economy, and in favor of the ones giving bribes. He has bought several nice houses, cars and now he is in the verge of to join forces with a known crook, in order to open a gambling house in downtown! He is trying to erase a ban on those activities- possibly bribing other Senators!”
The draft finally ended, Adipalis gives it to the Senator, who said:” Good work! I will give it to my lawyers. This will be the gossip of the week!”
“Or the year.”- Adipalis commented. Senator Ketar nodded and said:”- Yes, famous for a week! Then another theme will hit the flames and someone other from the military will take the torch of infamy.”
Senator Ketar invites Adipalis to several reunions, saying:” I need you to explain how this crook works to gain money that was not legally his! You that work in the process must clarify things.”
“Of course, Sir. But must be always in the afternoon! It’s when I get some spare hours.” Adipalis commented.
“Always in the afternoon? I understand very clearly, but your presence is of importance in this period of time.”- Senator Ketar commented.
In this way the name of Adipalis Praefoco was beginning to be known for the public.
When the Election Day arrives, Senator Ketar was surrounded by his closest allies and yes, Adipalis was also there, at the Party hall, listening to commentaries.
“There is a slight chance to win! The government permits several minor parties to have representatives…”- Senator Ketar explains to his minions- Adipalis saw him sweat… who know if of uncertainty or plain scare to become a simple citizen like the most… but no, the polls were favorable and he become elected for another term.
“Another ten years! Now I will be able to keep on going helping the poor, the widow and the student!”- Ketar declares, after a short while of euphoria among his followers… among whom Adipalis was also present…
In front of the crowd he said:”- Here is our future politician! A man, worthwhile his word: Mr. Adipalis Praefoco! A noble lawyer in which honor I will raise my glass!”
The name of Adipalis sticks in the memory of his followers from then on…
Two days after being elected, Senator Ketar calls Adipalis to his office at the building where the Senators have their reunions and debates.
“Good afternoon, Adipalis! See that I am calling you by your first name?”- He said.
“I realize, Sir, and for me it’s a great honor to see that you confide in me.”
“Yes, yes! Now that I am in power again, I can repay your efforts and ask you again: Do you want to work exclusively for me? Don’t answer yet! Let me finish! I can help you working out a nice career here at the Senate! I need friends among the… my fellow Senators! Not many of them are what I can count on!”
“It will be a good opportunity for me.”- Adipalis said.
“Good! I knew I was able to make you come back unto your senses! So, tell goodbye to your boss, and come here tomorrow morning: we have a lot of work to do!”- Senator Ketar said, patting his shoulder…
Adipalis didn’t ask about wages: he already knows Senator Ketar was generous… pity on his Assistants... but perhaps he could recommend Gorfodenko to Mr. Rungar… to put him in his place?
At the next day he quits his job, telling Mr. Rungar about his new and urgent work with Senator Ketar, and ends his speech by saying:”- And as you could understand, my situation its not easy to refuse a career in politics. I only recommend you to put in my place Mr. Gorfodenko that has been working efficiently with me in every project you have endowed me with.”
The director of LB3 Associates” was reddened and said:” Pity it is that you left us on the middle of a project, but what could I do, seeing that you have already make out your mind and about your replacement with Mr. Gorfodenko, I will study the case.”
“Of course, sir. It had been a pleasure to work for you, but now I must follow my star. Have a nice day.”- Adipalis said, departing in a hurry.
When at the office of Senator Ketar, he said to the Secretary: Tell Mr. Ketar that Praefoco is here.”
“Yes, sir. - She said, and soon he was in the presence of Ketar, who have a visit- a very attractive woman.
“Seat down, Adipalis! Here Miss Sularna and I were talking about my recent triumph! Really it was expected but always there are certain uncertainties in politics.”- Senator Ketar commented.
“The people love you.”- Adipalis said. The woman giggles. Ketar said:” And do you resign to your old job?”
“Yes, sir. I come here that I am ready to begin helping with whatever you deem to be done.”- Adipalis said. Senator Ketar looks at Miss Sularna nice legs and said:” Pity we must work to earn our living, Adipalis! Well, tell my Secretary to assign you an office at the south wing…put yourself comfortable in there, and later we will talk about the work to do.”- Senator Ketar assured him, and Miss Sularna giggled again.


Adipalis remembers his office at LB3 Association, as a cubicle 3x3 meters wide, no windows… and Turno, the Secretary, shows him his new office: 6x6 meters wide, a whole side facing the west -and fancy furniture: two desks and drawers.
“I will call a Secretary for you, Sir. Put yourself comfortable.”- The man said, leaving the door open.
Adipalis smiled- now he will look as very important- he heard high heels resounding by the corridor, and then a woman in her thirties appears, saying:” Good afternoon, Mr. Adipalis Praefoco. I’m Tignuma, Master in Internal Affairs, a degree in mathematics, four languages, and single.”
“God afternoon. Are you the new secretary exclusively for me, or must I share you with others?”- He said, gulping. The woman has a body without blemish, and spectacular. She was dressing a circumspect dark green uniform, but possible a smaller size, because their teats bulged, her waist was minimal, but her buttocks protruded happily to the rear; she was white as Brontosaur’s milk, and very pretty, with a big pair of eyes…
“Yes, sorry I know little about you, but I see you seem to be a straight kind of man.”- She announced.
“I am straight. “- Adipalis said, trying not to surrender to her powerful charms- not officially, at least.
“I have studies also in Laws, but I am not a lawyer. I can make errands, prepare your coffee, receive phone calls, and call clients of persons of importance for your work.”- Tignuma said, standing there as a pretty statue of bygone years- when myth said everyone was happy and beautiful.
“Well, I am a single man, lawyer, helping Senator Ketar in everything legal. I worked at LB3 Associates, for about two years: he had a few successes after hard work in there. Due to the insistence and perseverance of the Senator, I finally quit there and come and arrive here in search of new horizons. And by the way, we both are new in here… or have you worked for the Senator beforehand?”- Adipalis asked.
She blinked and said:” I was working for the Senator but in a minor level. You mention new horizons… are they political horizons or mere investigations?”-
“Perhaps to be a Senator it’s not a bad idea.”- Adipalis replied.
Tignuma moves her head sidewise and said:” You will depend on the will of the people that is always changing for new alternatives.”
“That I know. Well, as the Senator hasn’t given me any job, I must ask of you what’s on my future here.”- Adipalis asked. She looks at him, choosing between what she already knows of simply let him find out for himself… he choose the second option, being the less compromising and said.” It’s not a rule, but in here it all depends on the Senator’s orders. There are no other chief.”
“And about working hours?”- Adipalis asked.
“Up only to you! But of course, there is a rule: nobody leaves if the Senator is here.”-
“So if he leaves… the people go?”
“Only if they don’t have something to do.”- Tignuma replied, thinking the man was too curious about minor details…
“We have nothing to do right now.”- Adipalis said.
“But the Senator is here at the building.”- Tignuma replied.
“How could people know when the Senator is at office?”- Adipalis asked.
“He is notoriously present – at his corridor people are running around. When he is not, there are no sounds in that corridor.”- She said.
“Very well. So, I will wait for a project to work with.”- Adipalis said.
She said:”- This office has two desks: one is for you, the other for your Secretary: me, in this case. No need to call me!”-
“Take possession of it right now! Please be seated.”- Adipalis said, signaling at the second desk.
She smiled and seats there, rummaging on the drawers that have a computer, blocks of paper and some pencils to take quick notes.
If Adipalis was searching for a continuation of his job under Senator Ketar, he was wrong. The Senator usually calls him to assist at meeting, give speeches glorifying the Senator, and editing speeches.
“I wonder if I ever work in analyzing other politicians!”- Adipalis commented to Tignuma, who said:”- Forget it! He was reelected! The war is over by now! A truce is running along! They don’t molest him; he does not molest his rivals! “
“And my job is …to back him up? Speeches and being a stooge!”- Adipalis said.
Tignuma seats at the corner of her desk, saying:”- Enjoy the ride! It’s at last nine year of easy going: one or two speeches, several ceremonies ending in banquets, a good salary, and me!”
“You? How is that?”- He smiled.
“I will be around, advising you on what to do! Or I have been a mean Secretary to you?”- Tignuma asked. He looks at her long perfect legs and said:” You have been a nice help.”
“Let’s keep on! Remember your wish? To become a Senator!”- And she was smiling.
“I remember. But I am very far from the end line!”- Adipalis said, moving on his seat.
“”Don’t think so! You are known by lots of people, thanks to the meetings and ceremonies. I remember about your first weeks in here!! Your knowledge on politicians, on debates, on national economy very well could have been comprised in a tea cup!”-Tignuma said. He laughed, because in a way, she was right.
At the very next day, Senator Ketar said to him:” Be ready for tomorrow! We will be traveling towards Ragun city!”
“Is it not from the Associates?”- Adipalis asked, uneasily- as it was enemy’s territory.
“It’s a secret and delicate mission! Three Senators will be traveling there, plus some members of Assistants; you could carry your own Secretary.”-Senator Ketar said.
“Very well, sir.”- Adipalis said, humbly, but Ketar patted him on his shoulder, saying:” Cheer you up, man! You are not going to a funeral!”
When back at his desk, he addressed Tignuma:”- Tomorrow we will be with Senator Ketar in one of his far away trips.”
Tignuma smiled, seats on the border of his desk, showing a generous portion of white unblemished legs and said:”- A trip! Where is he going?”
“Oh, a secret? I bet he didn’t tell you!”- Tignuma said, staring at him.
“He did tell me! But I must keep the secret.”- Adipalis assured her. She smiled and said:” Don’t worry! I will inquire and somebody will have to tell me!”
“Prepare your valises instead of to be gossiping around- you can leave, now: come here to morrow at eight hours.”- Adipalis asks of her.
“Very well, no inquiries! Seems that you were impressed by the final destination.”- The secretary said, departing out, with a delightful way of walk…
Adipalis was in good terms with young and healthy Mordicusa, but somehow their romance lacks luster, it have been loosing charm, and now it was like a sportive relationship: dinner, dance, and bed each four days- routine!
At 17.00 o’clock he leaves office and went to his hotel room in a valise he puts a pair of tunics (the standard fashion clothes at the Associate community), underwear, a copybook and several pencils. In all, a very lightweight luggage. Contrariwise to the common routine, that evening Mordicusa arrives to the lobby of the hotel; the janitor calls him, saying: “Miss Mordicusa is calling for you, Sir. I told her it’s the norm here not to let young ladies visit bachelor’s rooms, be it day or night.”
“Good boy! She never comes here before, but my recommendation to you was not a wasted time! Tell her I will be there in a minute.”-Adipalis said, smiling.
“One question, sir: Why did you tell me to invent that rule?”
“Once a woman gets into a bachelor suite, the tranquil life of the bachelor went pop!”- Adipalis said.
“Very good, sir. And yes, I have seen many a scandal just because other bachelors were too confiding in their ladies not arriving when not called! - The janitor said, producing a big laugh.
Adipalis pours some perfume over his head- just in case he was not
sufficiently odorous- and walks out of his den…
“Darling, darling! Why are you here?”
“I wished to see you!”
“Why? What’s happening?”
“Oh, I was suddenly afraid for you! I don’t know why, and… I don’t know, but it’s the very first time I feel like this! Are you in trouble?”- Mordicusa asked him.
“Not that I know of! I was ready to hit the sac… so to speak.”
“I see. Well, if you want me to go, I’m going right now!”
“No! Stay! I mean, let’s go somewhere else to talk. It’s not proper in here.”- Adipalis said, taking her by the arm. The eyes of Mordicusa become slits, and looked at the elevator from where Adipalis has arrived to the foyer, and taking some more air into her lugs, she said:” Were you… alone?”
“As mother brought me to the world, yes! What do you expect?”- Adipalis said, realizing that the old and rusty jealousy in women never rest…
They went to dinner, but none of them eats much; she pretends to be happy but after some minutes she returns to the theme:” It’s there no other woman in your life?”
“Only you, my darling! Rest assured we keep on being lovers.”- Adipalis said, kissing her hand.
At midnight he leaves her at her parent’s house, and returns to his hotel room to rest.
In the morning, he said to the Janitor:”- I am going out in a trip. Please rent that room if you like.”
“What do you mean? Are you leaving the hotel? Any complaints, or was your visit of last night that has something to do with your leaving so unexpectedly?”- The janitor said.
“The fact is that I am going out in a dangerous trip. That’s  why.”- Adipalis said.
“You have been a good client. Have a nice trip, and don’t think you will have any problem, because if you think in bad things to happen, it happens!”- The janitor commented.
Once at the Senator’s mansion, Ketar said:” Good you are here at an early notice! You will help me with the valises!”
At 11.30 o’clock they were in a couple of cars, heading for the Depugno River.
“We will be on board of a nice boat, under Captain Schlank, a good navigator as they told me. First time in a boat?”
“Yes, sir. I am a city dweller.”- Adipalis replied.
“We all are! Pity we still have no commercial relations with the Associates! Pity our battles against them… so many time from that, but they still remember with hatred… strange as those people of today , who weren’t alive with the war happens, inherit the hate towards our country. “Senator Ketar said.
Adipalis looks at the others in the car: Turno, the butler, Tignuma his secretary, Tausend, the first adviser to Senator Ketar, and a gorgeous blonde, Miss Lauten, Assistant to the Senator.
At the pier, Adipalis saw the rest on that expedition: Senator Himmel and the assistant Rampe, Senator Mobel and his Assistant Binse, Lieutenant Schub that was clothes as a civilian and Gottin, female, the expert on things pertaining to the “Associates” traditions and ways of life; also in commercial affairs.
Captain Schlank was a tall thin man with a pipe that was rarely lit. He saluted the Senators and invited them for a private conversation at his cabin. The rest was shown their cabins: small 2, 5 x 1.5 meters wide, cubicles with a hammock and a wooden bench; the boat have several communal bathrooms.
At 15.15 hours the boat was chugging down river, helped by the current. Ketar went out from the captain’s reunion and gathering his team he said:” Captain Schlank has told us what to expect in this trip. There will be several changes: everyone will be called by his name, as the titles are forbidden from now on. Perhaps the only remaining title will be “Captain”.
Somebody laugh, and Senator Himmel said:” First stop will be at Ashar city. We will be not disembarking; the only reason to stop there is because the boat must be refueled. As you could have noted already, we are moving thanks to a diesel engine and a propeller, but at Ashar we will be moving thanks to a steam engine this boat also have. It will be donned so as to not awake suspicions from the government of that city, s they know only about steam engines- diesel engines are known to be used by the Twin Cities government, and as such, deemed their enemies! “
Senator Ketar interrupted to say: The best way is would have been to travel in an airplane, but our president does not even hear about the use of it.”
Later, Adipalis was standing near the prow, looking at the dwindling course of the river, when Tignuma approaches him, saying: “So here we are, finally, on our way to Ragun.”
He turns his gaze unto her, saying: “Hope you could be comfortable at your hammock!”
She laughed and said:”- Strange way to sleep! But they said it is very useful out at sea: you don’t feel the movement of the waves!”
“Hope it will be so! I have never cruised the sea.”- Adipalis commented, looking at that woman; now they were not at the office, and he was looking at her without that green uniform that was peremptorily used at the building. She looked still more attractive than before, and Tignuma notices the sudden shine in his eyes and smiled adorably…
That night the boat keeps on going, thanks to the powerful electric lamps on front; the sway was minimal. AT his hammock, Adipalis couldn’t get asleep, so he went up to deck. A group was there, talking in low voices. Rampe was saying: Three more days to see the ocean. Hope this bathtub resists the sea waves!”
Assistant Binse added:” This is an old boat.”
Adipalis saw Tignuma passing-by, and he approaches her, saying:” Beautiful night isn’t it?”
She leans on the veranda and said:” Yes! Thanks to the beam of light, so we could see the river!”
“I couldn’t sleep at my cabin. It’s so small! It seems without air.”
“But there’s a bull’s eye! You could open it… and some breeze comes in.”
“My cabin has no bull’s eye.”-Adipalis said.
She stared at him- her face was in the shadows. She said:” I can’t believe…”
“Yes! I can show you, if you cannot believe me.”- He said. She waits a moment and said:” Yes, let’s go finding out!”
They descend by the stairs and they enter the cabin: he lit a candle.
“See? No bull’s eye!”- And in fact, at the wall there wasn’t any aperture. She stared at him in silence- her body was so tempting that Adipalis takes her in his arms and kissed her. She sighed and soon they were kissing each other passionately. The candle was thrown to the floor, the door went shut, and they climb to the hammock while undressing.
At the next day, they were still kissing each other. She said: “Good morning!”
“Well, how do you know? Scant light in here.”- Adipalis said, embraced with the beauty.
“Hope you could sleep a little? I heard you snoring.”- Tignuma murmured in his hears.
“How could that be? I don’t recall myself sleeping… I only remember you at my side.”- Adipalis replied.
“Are you regretting it?”-
“I’m delighted. You are so sweet…”- Adipalis confirmed.
“Oh, yes? Well… you are very nice, too.”- Tignuma said, biting his ear.
One hour later, they went upstairs and eat a sandwich and a glass of beverage in the company of the rest: even Ketar was looking happy, ogling from time to time to his Assistant, Miss Lautern, dressed with a simple dress that seems it would explode any time now…
Senator Ketar said:” We must rehearsal what we are going to say at our destination point: that we, from the twin towns, have much to offer in exchange for their goods. That we have flying ships that could carry merchandise to and from any town. That commerce with us is good. That the evil of our forefathers is not with us anymore.”
“Fine speech!”- Senator Himmel said. Ketar looks on Adipalis and said:” Lawyer! You must make a draft, in case they accept commerce in great scale. Prohibitions and laws of ethics must prevail! Just tell them that if somebody asks for merchandise and didn’t pay for it, he (or she) will be punished y the government of any of our two countries with prohibition to make deals again! Jail if they don’t give back the goods provided under oath. Merchants cannot be cheated anymore!”
“Yes, Ketar. To do that we must sign documents- and a Tribunal to decide. I wonder if they have tribunals at all!”- Adipalis said and Miss Gotin the expert in the matter, said:”- You don’t have to worry about this! They did have tribunals, laws, and understand commerce. But one thing we must always remember: money is something in what they don’t confide. They don’t trust coins and bills. They confide in bartering!”
“The oldest way of to buy and sell! Tradition tells them how many tunics a house could cost; how many potatoes to the dentist you must give if with a rotten tooth!”-Adipalis said, looking at the pretty woman.
Some more indications were given by Senator Ketar, while the other Senators almost don’t say anything at all.
Adipalis realize the difference between them: Ketar was a hyper kinetic kind of man, while the others were not. He went to a site on deck where he could work with his secretary. After some hours, he said:” Enough! We have now our schedule for the next three days! After that, I assume we will be ready for anything expected from me at our destination point.”
“Ragun!”- She said, touching his hand.
“You are a lovely girl!”- He said, looking at her green eyes.
“Yes, you needed a trip by the sea to realize it.”-Tignuma said.
“I am sorry about that. I was not willing to appear as forcing situations over you.”- Adipalis said.
“Forcing situations is how the man obtains things. To wait serves only to lose opportunities!”- Tignuma said. Adipalis was surprised to see deep knowledge on a woman, but then he remembers that she was more than thirty years old.
When at the sea, the boat becomes swaying and moving sidewise. The captain Schlank sent a sailor to apace the passengers by saying it was a thing only temporarily: the river meeting the sea was always like this.
Every passenger went seasick, but at the second day the majority of then was back to normal.
“It’s scary to see these blue mountains of water coming after us.”- Tignuma said.
“Yes, perhaps the sea was not meant to be crossed by small boats.”- Adipalis said, remembering tales heard in his childhood of a very big ship manned by Associates that disappear in storms.
“This boat was meant to travel through a river only!”- She said, and one of the sailors nearby sent her a crooked look. Adipalis approaches that sailor, saying:” Have you anything to say about that remark?”-
The man stared at him and said: “I have nothing to say, sir.”- But his stare says another thing.

Later, the captain Schlank tell Senator Ketar about this, adding:” you must tell your people not to mingle or address my crew in any form but to ask for a service. We are in the sea now, and these people are very rude.”
Senator Ketar erected his body stiff and said:”- Sorry, captain, but I am here traveling peacefully with some colleagues and collaborators. Everyone knows what to do as he pleases: my orders are only in the field of work, not how they must behave here. I am not a father or a captain to them.”
“But it seems you command them!”-Captain Schlank reddened quite a bit, seeing no collaboration on Ketar side. And said:” very wall but do not complain to me if something nasty happens in the future.”
Ketar made a gesture with a hand and said:” I accept not bad behavior in my surroundings, and if I am close to any ill action, I swear that I will be not crossing my arms and look the other way.”
The captain just went away- his crew has several ex convicts in it, and perhaps they will return, after this well paid trip, with several passengers missing: he will not regret it: they were being warned…

At the next dinner, Ketar said:” We will get to Ashar in a few days. I beg of you to have patience and behave with everyone on board; look that we are going to travel for months together.”
And that was the lame advice he wishes to make; the captain Schlank, at the head of the table, makes no comments but stared at several passengers in a row.
At their cabin, Tignuma said:” Something is going on! Do you heard Senator Ketar remark? I wonder if these sprouts by you’re questioning to that disagreeable sailor.”
Adipalis revolved the idea in his mind and said:”- Yes, possible it was that. No news of any discussion ob board. I know seamen are hysterical and very touchy.”- Adipalis said, embrace with that superb body. She moves a little closer and said:”- I feel that you like my body…”
“Yes, you are very attractive and well built...”- He replied.
“Every woman could look like me if they drink water in abundance, and a half an hour of exercise every day.” – She murmured.
From then on, from eighty six kilograms weight, Adipalis went below seventy kilograms in weight, this in the whole travel towards Ragun.
Twenty days later they arrive at Ashar, bearing the banner of the city, and burning coal to pass inadvertently. The captain Schlank was already a known person to the authorities at the dock, so there were no problems.
At dinner, captain Schlank said:” We must wait for the charcoal, at least two days.”
“Hope we could move out of the ship, for a change?”- Senator Himmel said.
“Not very wise, but it can be donned, if you follow my advice.”-Captain Schlank said, staring at them.
“And which ones are those?”- Tignuma asked.
“I know of a hotel where nothing is asked, no matter how bizarre it is. The second thing it is: never, say you are not from their Associates” community- the best is to say you live in a field outside the city, and that you are buying goods to carry back. And of course, when ready, I will send a seaman to collect you all back to my ship.”-Captain Schlank said, with a proud tone of command.
“Donned! When could we depart’”- Senator Himmel asked, rubbing his fat hands.
“As soon as I went to that hotel, talk with the owner set a price and come back here to tell you how is going to be.”-  Captain Schlank said.
And it was donned so; none of the passengers lose the opportunity and they all went ashore.
No matter the trade was by way of bartering things, the most common usage to barter were pieces of dried soup inside bags. A whole portion of dried soup inside bags. A Whole portion (one kilogram) serves for four dishes of soup. A quarter portion (250 grams) inside a bag was the smallest item available. The captain pays with dried meat from Gaza, mimicking there real soup. He said:” I already paid for three days in here, no meals. If you want to eat, go to my ship.”
And the group lodged in rooms 3x3 meters wide; Tignuma and Adipalis get one for their stay.
“Water in a basin a tin receptacle… only to wash ourselves. Where is the bathroom?”- Tignuma asked.
“Possibly at the end of the corridor.”- Adipalis said, smiling. He was over a very comfortable bed. Other furniture was: a small table with three stools, a drawer, and a mirror. That was all. The window shows a vacant lot, then the roofs of one story high houses.
“It’s very hot in here.”- She said, opening the window. A hot air comes instantly raising the temperature another notch (32 Centigrade).
“It is much suffocated! Let’s go out of this furnace!!”-Tignuma said, and Adipalis went out of that bed with a sigh- for him, a day in an immobile hammock was a blessing- no matter the hot weather.
At the street, nay cartwheels being car loaded with groceries. The animals used were Lycorhinos of all sizes and colors- predominant the pale brown colored ones.
“What a difference! These people seem to ignore any of the modern appliances!”- Assistant Rampe said.
“Equally dangerous society- by sheer numbers, they could present a big problem to our towns.”- Lieutenant Schub commented.
“I wonder why they don’t attack us again.”- Miss Tignuma asked.
“The destruction of important parts of this city makes they forget about retaliation, although a military expedition was sent by the river Depugno.” Adipalis remembered.
“But that was prior of the aerial raid!”- Minister Himmel commented.
They arrive to the commercial sector, where clothes and utensils were sold. They become surprised of the fine craftsmanship of every artifact, specially the oil lamps.
The women, of course, prefers to direct their attention to clothes, some of them really master works of design and functionality.
“The prices are high!”- Tignuma said.
“You feel that way because you have but a small amount of goods to barter! Guess we, as tourists, are of the poorer kind.”- Adipalis said, but helps her to buy a few dresses, helping her with her portion of the pieces of dried good given by the captain Schlank.
That night, at their bed, Tignuma said:” It is incredible how bad Miss Gottin has made his work!”
“Her job was to explain things at our arrival toRagun.2 Adipalis replied, embracing her slim waist.
“Yes, I concede that! But not to tell our team sopes weren’t in use here, makes us the poorer bunch in town.”- Tignuma said, caressing his head…
Senator Himmel finds a theatre and after paying for the entrance, he saw the play ´portraying the battle of Ashar, the people against the flying people. Through the play the Ashar people struggle to know who they were and from where they come- at the end of the play the objects and the people were finally discovered: they were from Gaza and Karme city, evil people to be avoided for ever as friends.
People inside the theatre yelled and comments about those evil people, so the Senator learns first hand how the memory of the Asharians were refreshed and strengthen through time.
Later, he speaks with his colleagues about this.
“If they have means to remember the populace about the attack, pointing to us as the evil doers, the enmity between the two groups will never cease. To forget is to pardon; remembering is in service here of hatred.”- Senator Himmel said.
Senator Mobel raises his glass of wine (they were at a Restaurant) and said:”- I will toast to political entanglement! We cannot change people’s ideas from the bottom, but from above! The administrators have a job to do here, we must convince our politicians to bribe “Associates” people in their government to put a happy face towards us! Foreign aid must be implemented- people must know of our help, love us because we could be generous unto them!”
“Up until now, we have being done nothing of the sort.”- Senator Ketar said, farthing.
“We should begin teaching them we are good from infancy! Schools all over their cities!”- Senator Mobel said, drinking from a mug full of orange (ersatz) juice.
“Hope we could reach some achievements in this trip.”- Senator Himmel said.
“I am sure we will! We have several important persons ready to make good business with us! Cheer you up, guys: we are here to make history!”- Senator Ketar said.
Adipalis and Tignuma discover a nice beach! They spent days lying under the sun, bathing in the blue sea. Many other people went there because it was nice and free to stay. At small stands some vendors trade beverages and sandwiches, so there was no real need to visit Restaurants.
“Oh, this is Heaven! Pity we, in our towns, have no sea.”-
“The river runs muddy all through the year.”- Adipalis remembers river Depugno…
“That’s a fact. Pity on our people.” Tignuma said, stretching her long legs over the green towel.
From time to time a fishing boat passes some 300 meters from the beach, usually using sails yellowed by the sun.
When at the promenade (a street next to the beach) – they saw painters and junk sellers by the dozen; dolls, figurines in china, metal, crystal, and made of filled cloth. He bought three dolls for the enchanted Tignuma, who said:” You have discovered my childish side. I love dolls.”
“Don’t tell me you have a collection?”- He asked, amused.
“Of course! Whole valises of them! I usually clean and wash their clothes twice a month.”- Tignuma said, smiling.
“Well, now I know what to give you at your birthday.”
“Nice! It’s the next month, so you better be prepared!”- Tignuma said, blinking one of her big eyes.
That night they attend a music concert at a square totally for free. The night was fresh with the air coming from the sea.
“Oh, this city is amazing! All the good qualities of a city in just one place!”_ Adipalis said, embraced with Tignuma, who smiled because she was thinking that the reason he was feeling so good was that he was in love with her! By her own part, she felt a quiet attraction towards Adipalis, to whom she finds very naïve.
Two days later, captain Schlank sent a seaman to tell them:”- You must be at the ship before eighteen hours! Captain Schlank will depart at 20.00 hours – sharp.”
“Tell him we will be there in time.”- Senator Ketar said who was seated at a table with the beautiful Lautern.
He passed the word, adding:” Beware! That captain is capable of to weigh anchor with or without our whole team!”
Thinking in this matter, the group follows the leader and they were rummaging at their cabins before the hour prescript by the fiery captain.
They noticed that several animals were penned in cages at the deck; a sailor said it was for to eat during the trip south. Soon the ship was swaying among mountains of blue; from time to time, tons of salt water falls on deck, bathing seamen and animals alike. The diesel engine working, no smoke was being poured from the chimney… only the chug chug was faintly heard at the cabins, where passengers were trying to withstand nausea and dizziness.
Three days of bad weather, that in the night the waves terrified even the sailors; rain pouring from the sky, streaked with rays of pure white radiance, while Adipalis was in bed with Tignuma, he didn’t enjoyed her too much because the woman was repeatedly throwing out, and of late, just a few mucus only.
Senator Ketar was different; he usually was with Captain Schlank at the bridge, looking how salt water splashes repeatedly against the front windows that were separated from the main deck about twelve meters high.
“Awful bad weather! Hope the ship could resist!”- Ketar said, to enliven the atmosphere.
“What? My ship is one block of pure iron and noble wood! I have traveled hither and thither not even in need of any repair in eight years of heavy use!” Captain Schlank assured him, although it was a big lie.
Eight days later, the captain enters with the ship in a small gulf, to give a rest to his men and for the search of fresh food and some liters of tap water.
The place has only one site where to disembark- the rest were sharp rocks of a black color.
“Seems a volcano were near.”- Senator Ketar commented at the control cabin; the captain Schlank replied:” I am not sure, but what I did know is that the forest around this site has many fruit trees.”
“That’s good news.”-
“What’s bad news is that there are some big birds, very bellicose. We have rifles provided by your government, but really doubt a simple bullet could kill one of those nefarious critters.”- Captain Schlank said, looking at the rocks…
“Could we, passengers, land and walk around?”- Senator Ketar asked.
“Of course! I am not a baby sitter! But remember: every man has enough knowledge. If you told of the dangers and they accept, then the matter is no longer on my hands. And I will not accept responsibilities of what could befall on your lot.”-
Soon they were at the shore. The sand was conformed of small black pebbles; a kind of passageway among the black rocks gives way to an incline, free of trees, that ends in a magnificent view of the forest, green, thick and with birds flying above the treetops, some of those trees were giants 50meters tall. Patches of yellow leaves were there to be seen.
“There are fruit trees in there, the captain said. Let’s go inside the forest but remember not to get away of the group.”- Senator Ketar, now hand in hand with the beautiful Miss Lautern.
Adipalis takes Tignuma by the hand, saying:” Let’s walk together, darling!”
“Yes, my love.”-
They were on that trend, now they begin to feel love for each other out of so many arises and out of any discussion: she was out of that nasty behavior of to contradict and they were devoted only to find pleasure in the other.
Perhaps true love needs not a crowd around, so they walk away from the group of passengers- and also from the dark group of sailors that were always looking with evil eyes towards passengers.
After some bushes, they find a fig tree 40 meters high; they climb some meters helping by the branches, and eat some of the fruits.
“Wonderful! It smells and tastes good.”- Adipalis commented. Suddenly, they heard a bit roar and yelling of people, they saw their team running among the near-by trees, and a big creature on two foots grabbing as many as its great velocity could muster.
“An Australovenator wintonensis!”- Tignuma said, looking at Adipalis in terror.
The Australovenator was similar to a crocodile but with walking on two large legs, with the arms ending on paws capable of to disembowel a small dinosaur without difficulties.
“Stay here! We cannot be of any help down there!”- Adipalis said, grabbing her wrist. They wait until no sound was heard.
“Come on! We must leave this forest!”- Adipalis said. She nodded and followed him down the slippery branches. Once on the ground, they run and soon they were        looking pieces of corpses on patches of blood.
“Look! The head!”- Tignuma said, signaling to the ground.
“Senator Ketar!”- Adipalis exclaimed, taking the cranium with both hands. The eyes of defunct Senator Ketar were open, as if looking at him in terror…
“Well, I think he will never arrive to that secret reunion. I will take the head.”- He said, wrapping it on his jacket, to show at home.
They kept walking, and then they found the passageway between the black rocks. The gulf was empty of any ship.
“Look! They are gone!”- Adipalis said, in despair. When looking at Tignuma, he saw her pointing to the ground: a heavy imprint was there- three fingers in each footprint…
“A big one appears here! Surely captain Schlank departed, assuming the beast ends with the whole lot of us.”- Tignuma said.
“Do you think the beast is still around?”- He asked, looking troubled.
“Look at the imprints! Straight to the water! Seems it could swim… and guess captain Schlank was in a dire predicament when fleeing.” Tignuma said.
“Perhaps we should walk to that promontory over there… perhaps he anchored the boat away from the coast, to come back later!”-Adipalis said.
They walked towards that point; not an easy task, as there were any trails whatsoever.
When reaching the spot, they saw only the vast expanse of the sea. Tignuma said:”- Well, he is not caring for survivors! That’s for sure!”
“Do you mean… that we are on our own?”- He asked, taking one of her hands.
“Certainly true. We better begin to dig a pair of graves, jut to be sure.”- Tignuma said.
“Horrible situation! I saw some caves on the cliff: we better find one to pass the night… to ramble around the forest is not a sound idea!”- Adipalis commented.
They retrace their steps and find several caves, and choosing the best for them, she seats at the entrance, looking at the sea. The sound, monotone and never ending of the waves hitting the shore, seems a good way to end brainwashed… Adipalis lay on the bottom of that hole on the rock, and soon he gets asleep. Two hours latter, she also lay on the ground, embracing the man… Outside, the main star finally was behind the horizon and the darkness begins.
Adipalis awakes hours later, alerted by some noise. He disentangled from the beautiful Tignuma, and peeked outside the cave. Not a thing was discernible down the cliff and unto the stretch of the beach. Only stars were visibly over his head, but its light wasn’t enough to see down below.
A coughing sound repeats itself... not as close as to get afraid, but yes to be worry. He stays there for three hours, and then the noise ends and only the waves kept its monotonous hammering… He come back to the warm place near his secretary and gets asleep.
In the next morning they return to the woods, eating in a hurry.
“Well? Any idea to come back to our two towns?”- Tignuma asked him.
A growling sound receives her as an answer…
“Dinosaur to the left! “- Adipalis said, pointing with his right arm. They hide among the trees- powerful and quick steps were sensed and heard.
“It’s a heavy one! Stay put!”- Adipalis recommended thinking in how wrong the team was when running hither and thither before being chased as mites.
The animal appears at their right- they moved to the left of that big apple-like tree. The beast produced a mighty roar, sure in his small brain that, if any small creature was around, it will escape… but of course, Adipalis stay in his place, grabbing Tignuma against his chest- the brute goes away, and he calculates it was an old Achillobator, with an angry disposition.
They stayed there, and when he was say8ing to move out, a group of strange dinosaurs appeared, walking in two legs, with a long green tail dangling behind their bodies.
“Look!”- She murmured. The bipeds moved in a shaky way with two upper arms ending on three fingered hands. One of them spotted them, staring with round eyes. He opened slightly his mouth – showing a row of serrated teeth…
“Carnivore!”-Adipalis murmured, trying to think what to do. The other two sauroids realize there was something their companion have seen- soon three pairs of round eyes were staring at them- the first one whistles in a shrieking way. Another far-off whistle sound responds. Again the leader of that strange group whistles, probably to guide the rest of them there…
A man appeared, clothed with dinosaur hides, a rifle in his hands and some balls made of clay hanging from a leather belt attached to his waist.
“Who are you, gents? - The bearded man asked, touching his fur cap with a hand.
“Stranded ship voyagers.”- Adipalis said, the man chuckled and said:” I am Brol. Do you saw that Achillobator walking around?”
“Yes, we saw him passing that way!”- Adipalis said, pointing to his right side. The man stared at Tignuma, saying:”- What happens with her? Is she dumb?”
“I am not dumb! And I am not feeling secure with those beasts near us!”- Tignuma replied. The man chuckled again and said:” Of course! Sorry, but those animals are my pets.”
“Are we near Ragun city? - Adipalis asked him. The man touched his fur cap and said:” As near as a year walking, if they don’t eat you first!”
“And to Ashar city, are we equally far?”- Tignuma asked.
“Equally far, yes… and very dangerous road too… I don’t recommend going there on foot.”- Brol said.
“Have you any boat, per chance? We could barter for anything you need, if only you help us arrive to any of those cities.”- Adipalis offered.
“No way. There is nothing available in this jungle to offer you as a way out, fast. But you haven’t told me your names!”
“I am Adipalis.”
“Me, Tignuma.”
The man scratched his hair and said:”- Strange names… not from the Associates, I guess.”
“We are from the Twin Towns.”- Adipalis said.
“Twin Towns! No, I don’t know that place. Must be very far from here.”- Brol said, looking at his beasts that were still around.
“Since when are you…”- Tignuma was saying, but a big growl interrupted her. Brol said: “There it comes again! It’s a really difficult job to rob her eggs! Come with me!”- And Brol started to run. Tignuma and Adipalis followed him through the wood… then they saw a fence made of branches and spikes. Brol opens a door in it and urged them inside- also his three animals and then close the aperture. They keep going by this entanglement of branches and spikes until they get into a cave between two gray boulders.
“This is my refuge! At first it was only a hole, but now it’s a real tunnel! No big dinosaurs could crawl inside!”- Brol said.
“Darkness reigns in here.”- Tignuma commented.
“Yes, but wait! I have some candles.”- Brol said, and lit two of them, using a flint. The figure of the three animals was not to feel secure, but Adipalis prefers not to make any commentary- Brol seems to be at ease with their presence…
“Have you hungry? I have some fruits.”- Brol offered, and opens a box; inside there were dozens of fruits. Adipalis eat two that tasted to cucumber with a banana flavor; Tignuma eats grapes.
“If you want to rest for a while, I have something for you. Pity the light must be had only by candles.”- Brol said, and walking down the tunnel, he shows a sort of room, with some fur over some branches to lie upon. He leaves the candle in a hole on the wall, saying:” Here’s the candle. If you prefer to save it and use afterwards, remember that you need to use the flint.”- And he chuckled.
In that place she said:”- Well, we find someone who learns how to survive in this jungle, and I guess he tame those three dinosaurs in the proc3ss. Must be hard to take specimens that, when grown up, could chew you out in minutes.”
Adipalis lay on the furs, saying:”- Certainly a most original man! With respect of his pets, I have heard that if you stole the eggs from a dinosaur nest, and wait for it to hatch, and nurture the little creature, well, the creature takes you as family…. No matter the differences between dinosaur and mammal.”
“Guess you are right. Well, I am tied. Let’s rest for a while.”
And she lay at Adipalis side, he said:” it´s amazing the silence that exits in here! Like in a tomb.”
“Creepy idea.”- She murmured and soon she was asleep. He only dozed: he was not feeling sure, with three dinosaurs lurking in the darkness.
Six hours later, she awakened and said: “Do you hear something, dear?”
“What? Oh, I was dozing but seem I get asleep… I hear nothing.”- Adipalis said, straining his hears…
“Oh, perhaps I was mistaken… look, I know we are in the verge of extinction here, but really I feel we are in more danger here in this tunnel than outside.”- Tignuma commented in his hear, not to be heard by anyone…
“Brol could help us keep on being alive! But if you prefer to sleep in a branch, let us go.”- He said, knowing that when a female decides something, it will be pestering eternally on it if not getting it immediately.
At the entrance there was nobody in sight. Outside, the branches and spikes were darkening, as the light of day was waning.
Adipalis opened the door for her to get out; and when she did it, he closes it saying:” As it were! Goodbye to Brol… wherever he may be!”
“Yes… that guy is creepy.”- Tignuma said, trembling. They walked fast and away of that refuge, and three hours later they were already perched on a tree, trying to sleep. None of them has any wish to speak, because only desperate thoughts were there to be told…
In the next morning, they descend and Adipalis said:” That is the general direction to Ashar city. Hope we could get there soon!” You better take it slowly, dear! We are far from our goal!”- And she kissed him, thinking he was like a child.
The forest was very dense, with poplars, bushes and long grass where the trees disdain to root… Soon they find fruit threes and begin to eat.
“We could be living in the jungle, eh? The only problem would be if you get pregnant.”- Adipalis said. She stared at him and said:” Don’t you worry about that.”
“Oh, no? Why?”- Adipalis asked, but she moves away. He seats on a boulder and played with the grass, as he was accustomed when rejected.
Later, he heard a thunderclap, then a heavy rain begin to fall… something changes in Adipalis mind. >Now he felt different towards Tignuma. Suddenly the golden halo around her body, her personality, was gone. The attraction was dimmed almost to extinction and he was aware that she was one person, apart from him- next to him, yes, but not fusing as before. He was almost enraged by what happened before- the romance, the sexual acts… everything was clouded by a rain of ash.
She was looking at him, realizing he was changing before her very eyes… They climb a tree… very difficult because it was slippery by the rain- all the dust and rotten leaves were flowing to the ground… They lasted one hour there, and she said:”- I can’t stand it any longer! I am all wet and cold!”
They descend and searched for rocks; half ah hour later they found a shelter and she said:” Wish you could light a fire.”
He try, using the fling obtained at Brol´s tunnel, but he could not produce fire…
Before daylight, they heard a great explosion and the ground shook; he looked around but as it was night, only stars could be seen, in patches where the clouds permit. Then a strong wind ensued, and Tignuma said:” What could have been that, dear?”
“Perhaps an aerolite! And it was pretty near of this place.”- Adipalis said. At dawn, they saw smoke behind the trees.
“Let’s take a look, Tignuma! Must be very interesting.”- He said, and she goes along but not very happy. Soon they saw trees burning and big flames engulfing some of them. Apparently the object was behind the curtain of fire. She coughed and said:” Let’s get out of here, before I get asphyxiated!”
He saw reason on that, and they keep walking to the north- fruit trees weren’t many, and fruits on the branches were scarce.
At noon the rain recommenced, so they seek refuge once more, finding it in some kind of a passageway through the bushes.
“Not totally water proof!”- He joked.
“Pity on my hair-do!”- She replied, and both smiled each other.
Some time later, they heard a bussing noise, and when looking, they saw a land vehicle.
“Look! A car!”- Adipalis exclaimed, and the vehicle has no wheels but moves over the ground without touching it, and then it was gone.
“Who do you think it was driving that vehicle?”- Tignuma asked.
“I wonder the guys from the “Associates” weren’t inside! They not even know what a gasoline engine is, and this was more advanced.”- Adipalis said.
Tignuma looked at the ground by where the vehicle has passed, and there were no signs of wheels, or chains, so she said:” That thing of last night… instead of a meteorite could it have been a guided machine!”
“But, from where? Gaza… impossible! Perhaps there is another more advanced society around… Everything could be possibly; we know so few about other places in this world of ours.”- Adipalis commented.
“So, you think unseeingly impossible of life in other planets?”_ Tignuma asked.
“Highly improbable! As they teach me in school, this planet is the only at a perfect distance of our star, to accept life… organic life.”- Adipalis said, walking to the northern part of the continent.
They found a big farm; plenty of people there working on some fruit trees. They approached without fear, so the group saw them immediately, and a guy with a machete approaches them.
“Who are you and from where do you come?”- The chief of them asked. After a little turmoil provoked by their untimely visit.
“We come from a shipwreck, far to the south! We are merchants, but the boat collapses under a storm! All we need is to get back to Ashar city, where is home.”- Adipalis lie with a straight face and looking at the man in the eye.
“Ashar city! Beautiful place. We are going to send our products there, in a few more days that are… Perhaps you could go with our cargo… helping, of course.”- That chief said, and ordered to give them food and a place to rest.
At a hut, they gives them a simple place where to rest; at the centre of the hut there was some coals burning, and over it, a cauldron hanging from a chain to the roof.
They both lay there, and slept for a few hours. When awake, the Chief appears in front of them, saying:” here everyone works for the good of the community, so you, from tomorrow morning, will have to work.”
“No problem, chief! We are not of the lazy kind!”- Adipalis assured him. They eat fried cucumbers and porridge, hot and smelling. although nothing was discernible through the eyes, because the porridge ingredients were smashed into a porridge.
That night they slept under a roof made of branches and leaves- no walls while the farmers did on huts; obviously they don’t trust them much, appearing out of the blue with a fancy story no way to be ascertained by visual confirmation…
At the next day they help working at the fields; there were fruit trees as well as crops; at midday when the heat was strong, the farmers slept or rest for about two hours- no clocks available there, and then they resume their work until seventeen hours. From then on, some women do the cooking while others cleaned the huts of bugs, as well as others repair the bramble spiked fences for the night.
The chief calls them and said:” You are fine workers: not a complaint issued. Do you want to go, or do you prefer to live with us here until our departure? I offer you the choice. Answer me when you feel ready to reply.”
Adipalis thanks for the option, thinking that the delay was only for a few days, and then they will be marching towards some village near Ashar…
So he said:” We have a way of life at our town, but in here we are at your disposal.”
The chief nodded and with a wave of his hand, he sent them away.
“Nice offer, but strange. Are they moving or not?”- Tignuma asked.
“We have nothing to lose if we wait for them to move on! Just wait and see: if in three more days they still are in here, we’ll depart.”Adipalis said.
Seven days later, the convoy was ready to depart; there were eight cartwheels pushed by Lycorhinos, some of them bulls of age.
“Let us depart with them! But let us pretend to work and be happy.”- Adipalis said to Tignuma.
“You are scared of the chief? He has no guards and the men are very peaceful. I see no guards around.”- She mentioned.
But when on the move, they realize the group was not marching towards Ashar, but in the opposite direction, so Tignuma said:”—Let us work as usual, but at lunch hour we will escape- in the opposite direction this people are marching.”
“Let us take some provisions, too!”- He said, looking at the wagon with the fruit and vegetables.
When the group was resting to gain strength for the afternoon walk, Tignuma and Adipalis flee with two bags full of fruits and grains. They trotted all afternoon, and finding a small hill, they search for a place where to rest, among boulders.
“Well, they ignore us! Nobody coming after us.”- Tignuma said, panting.
“Better this way! They are not going near Ashar, but in the opposite direction! “- Adipalis said, somewhat scared to be alone again in the wilderness…
“We have food for two days! So we will not waste time searching for fruits!”- Tignuma said, and lying on the ground, she was quickly asleep.
Adipalis stared at her shoes: they were ragged and almost useless; not better than his own boots, but there was no way to obtain another pair.
He dozed and then gets asleep, tightly embraced with the woman, because the cold was fierce.
At the next day, he searches for a firm solid branch to make a lance, and she said:” Good idea, now you will become a hunter?”
And he made several lances, he was practicing while walking, and at the second day, he gets a Coelophysis; he laboriously peeled it out of its skin and used two hours to light a fire, where he roasted the meat.
Both of them eat and smile at each other, with the hope to hunt for more Coelophysis in the future…
Two days later, they saw a group heading towards Ashar, and he said:” Let’s not approach them! But we can follow their course: they must know better than us how to arrive there by the shortest way!”-
They kept a safe distance, and three days later, Adipalis said:” Scant fruit and scant animals to hunt! Perhaps I could wander inside their wagons and take some food!”


When pitch dark, both of them gets near the cartwheels, seeing in a very faint way the bulk of the Corythosaurus still tied to the carts. They crawled and untied one of them, and she climbs on it back, while Adipalis takes the reins and pushed. The animal begins to walk at an even pace, and soon they were out of danger; nobody noticed the risky action because they slept in a row at the center of the column.
“Pity we cannot take food.”_ She murmured.
“I sense the road while I walk. Don’t be afraid!”- Adipalis murmured, while perspiring because he almost doesn’t see where they were heeding.
After four hours they rested, and the Corythosaurus begin to snore… she said: “His snores could be heard from afar!”
“Don’t you worry! They guys back there are soundly asleep! No way could they hear because at the least we are ten kilometers ahead of them!”
“That’s the point, dear! We must maintain that distance- always!”- Tignuma commented. He yawned and soon he was asleep.
At dawn, she awakes him, saying:” On your feet! They must have discovered a beast was missing!”
“Yes, we will get going right away.”- Adipalis said, standing up and while she climbs the beast, he said:” I will be riding this animal from his rump, perhaps we could make him trot.”
She laughed and said:” Well, I am accustomed to see him march as in a slumber.”
Adipalis climbs on the dinosaur, and with the spike he urged it to walk… the Corythosaurus begin to march rapidly- now he was not having a heavy cartload on the back- and she said:” Good beast! I am more optimistic now.”
They keep on marching until noon, when he leaves the animal to east vegetables, and said:” That warrior troubles my mind a bit. How about he takes another beast to try to catch us unawares?”
“Let us not think in a pessimistic way! I will see it coming- then we will think in what to do.”- Tignuma said. He realizes a fight must be had and smiled: his skills with the laces were far better than at the beginning: perhaps he could win a fight with any warrior!
In fact, the group sent a warrior after the burglars that take one of their beasts. He was mounting a Ceratosaurus and chase them for a whole day; but that night he gests scared of the roaring he heard at the woods, so he decided to get back to the column and waits to reach Ashar, where he could find help and get the burglars unawares. He knew the animal, by the signs on its hide.
With those ideas he permits himself not to proceed against that couple, allowing them to ride unabashed until their destination point: bay Awer. That place was only a site where ships from Ashar arrives to barter goods with the people of that jungle; rundown high-sea boats with assorted crews of every kind; the day when Adipalis and Tignuma saw, from the higher ground, that handful of houses and two ships at the pier, she said: “his is not Ashar city!”
“Seems not. But I will try to barter this animal for a trip to Ashar.”- He said, looking with high hopes at the ships.
When finally on the dirt road next to the pier, people looked at them with curiosity, because they carry no goods of any kind, but they were in need of no excuses, because there were no administration office, no police squadron, no Major: only peasants barely civilized.
Adipalis talks with the captains of the ships; both of them told him they were waiting for goods.
“This is the time of the year when goods come into town! Have you any idea of when they will arrive?”- One of the captains asked him. He was a thin kind of man, but using a saver wide enough to instill some respect.
“Goods are coming! We only arrive in anticipation; my woman was suffering from her feet, so we traveled mounted on a fast Corythosaurus.”-Adipalis informed him, who laughed and said:”- First time that I heard of a “fast” Corythosaurus!”-
“And we need a ride towards Ashar city! My woman has her parents there, who could help with some money with what to pay you.”- Adipalis said.
“Oh? But you have to wait! I am a merchant! Goods are needed to earn a living.”- The captain, whose name was Lipar, as Adipalis knew later, said:” I can be paid with your beast. I am not a greedy man.”- And the eyes of Captain Lipar shone, in view of a profitable bartering, and in a few words the deal was made. The Corythosaurus in exchange for two persons traveling in a cabin towards Ashar city. In the making of the deal, Adipalis learnt that the trip was a mere six days of navigation.
“We have no place to stay! The cabin will serves us to sleep.”- Adipalis said.
“No problem. Plenty of unoccupied room in my ship!”- The captain Lipar authorized.
Adipalis and Tignuma saw how the Corythosaurus was butchered, his flesh eaten, his hide put to dry, its teeth powdered for aphrodisiac purposes…
“Poor beast! It serves us loyally.”- She said, while some teardrops appear running down her cheeks. He embraced her, saying:” We haven’t any other cho8ise, if we wanted to flee this flea bitten place!” And he reflects on this, sure enough as man finds excuses to do his will and appease conscience every time an evil thing was donned.
Four days later, the slow convoy from the jungle arrives, Natsul rummaged the place in search of Adipalis, and the girl, not finding the, because they were hiding in that cabin. Captain Lipar exchanged swords, arrows, leather jackets made in Ashar, for crude skins, beans, dry peas, dried slices of meat.
A day was enough to fill the holds with merchandise; the ship departed before the caravan was ready for his trip back to the hut compound and the Chief Natsul was very troubled because he will have nothing to show his Chief, so he simply hides the fact a Corythosaurus was stolen, but lying about it saying the animal was devoured by a Sarcosaurs.
The sea voyage was short and uneventful; the sea was calm and the sun fierce, so when arriving to Ashar, they looked brown baked pieces of clay.
“Well! Here we are! The impossible task was performed. This city is far better than to sleep perched in a branch amid dinosaurs!”- Adipalis told her, embraced while walking by the pier.
“It’s a dream! I cannot believe we are freed from the jungle horrors!” – Tignuma said, happily.
“It’s true! Pity we haven’t any thing to trade with. I will work.”- Adipalis said, finally. That same day both were employed: she, at a Restaurant, and Adipalis at the docks. By night, they slept at a third rate hotel, that allows them to be there if afterwards cleans the place, thing they did before eight hours in each morning. It was also source of income, finding items on the rooms after their visitors leaves the rooms.
“Look! Three fancy rings, a wallet ant the upper part of a denture!”- Tignuma said.
“What? Let me see!”- Adipalis said, handling the object: there were teeth and tooth, white in its origins but stained at the present time.
“You better leave it in a tray at the Reception office.” Adipalis recommended.
“What? The saying is that if we, servants, begin leaving things at the Receptionist, the next step will be the Management searching us for the things that clients has never lost in here, and ultimately being fired!”- Tignuma said.
“It sounds like an excuse to keep those things as treasure trove… “- Adipalis commented, but didn’t press her to change attitude: he want s to leave town, and everything else wasn’t of importance to him.
 Thirty days after their arrival to Ashar, the contact with smugglers were already made and the price was already known: 130.000 sopes for the trip to Gaza- each one.
“We have 60.000 sopes to barter but we need the 130.000 … and you could go.”- Adipalis said.
“What? I will not leave without you!”- Tignuma said, embracing him tightly. But he was adamant, saying: “You just go there, and send someone to fetch me out with enough money!”
“But you will be here alone!”- Tignuma said.
“No matter that! Nobody knows here we are enemies of old! Just another week’s payment and you will be in one of those ships!”- He murmured in her hear.
A week later, she was waving her hand to him in a goodbye gesture, aboard the ship “Burgi”, on route to the river Depugno and the docks near Gaza city…
Adipalis keeps on living at the hotel, performing small jobs, and at the docks. He was certain that she will be asking for money, but it was difficult they could help her in scant days. The trip takes more than two month’s time, so he trust only in his own forces; in a month he have 40.000 sopes in goods, 80.000 at the second month, and realizing that Tignuma was only recently arrived to Gaza city, another two months of waiting was for certain.
So, he presents in front of a captain, saying:” I have need to travel towards Gaza city. I have just 80000 sopes worth to pay you, if you take me in your ship. I could pay what is left with my work.”
Captain Ingol rubbed his hands and said:” Let´s see those goods first! Then I will tell you what we are going to do!”
“Guess it’ll be better for both of us if you accept right now, but I’ll indulge you and I’ll brought the goods for you to see.”- Adipalis said, not happy with that decision.
Two hours later, he arrives with the goods in a cartwheel, for the captain to inspect it. Captain Ingol accepts because the merchandise was of good quality. A day later they depart to the south, and then to the East, turn again, and to the north.
Adipalis was now helping here and there, earning the part he hasn’t paid. The work was easy but heavier when the course changes under the captain’s orders.
The weather was nice, and when finally reaching the river Depugno, Adipalis senses a strong feeling of pertinence- his mind was longing for the place he was born.
But the work become exhausting; not much time for memories, because the ship was now between two forces: the wind blowing from the south west and the sea water, trying to enter the land through her river, and that was not meant to last for long: at high tide, the water wins the force of the river (at least on the surface of it) but at low tide the onrushing force of the river flows directly towards the ocean… the order on the sails was very important- the angle of them could force the ship onwards, or not. The job on the ropes and sails was hard; his hands now were much stronger than at the beginning of this trip.
Now there was struggle; other ships were seen through the voyage cruising the river; at night there were occasions when two or three boats were lined alongside a tranquil corner of the river, anchorage to pass the dark night without trouble; people visited one another using smaller vessels; interchange of news and sometimes goods were the usual thing
In that way, he learnt there were much gossip about secret conversations between the “Associates” and the Twin Towns administration (although the Associates have a very thin and unpredictable uniformity of thought).
Adipalis realize that the people was trusting in something that failed hat will never occur. Senator Ketar, Himmel, and the rest were already rotten remains on the jungle…

A clock:

Where to read:

Felicidades a todos
Los que salieron del lodo
Evolucion de las lombrices
He aquí arriscan narices
Todos vamos a la muerte
Eso es algo fuerte
Pero en las alegres navidades
Todos olvidamos el Hades
Hoy en El Monte viviendo
Vamos asados comiendo
Bajo el cielo azul
Con camisa de tul.
Alegre cantan las catas
Mientras el viejo cata
Esos vinos añejos
De tiempos muy viejos.
Vamos desenvolviendo regalos
Con ojos de fieros galos
Vamos olvidando penas
Comiendo ricas peras.
domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2017
King Millonavon presentation.
This is only a presentation of the new book written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara 2017.
The title is King Millonavon.
Science Fiction.
Characters in this book are:
Lord Binolvio; Sir Blandir.
Brolore, Assistant to Lord Binolvio.
King Millonavon; Lord Skiusfor (Chamberlain); 
Mr. Jury (Secretary of State); Lord Sumorfo (cousin to the King Millonavon and Chancellor of the kingdom); Zaus Surio (Chamberlain); Mr. Vegijunc (brother in law to Lord Sumorfo);
Mr. Atopac (Treasurer).

From the Army Forces:
General Tiliano.-
Captain Pecheco, Sergeant Mamurbo, Silter= Explorer,
Copilot Luluro,); Soldiers Tewaso, Uikus.

Royal Agency of Investigation team:
Agents: Yegia, Lerfud, Cosifot, Beedro, Skines, Beatrice, Rumford, Mirrion. Alliaga.
Airplane pilots: Batel , Ottendulso . Marcari.
 Dirigible pilots: Raster and Invius.

Morbidus (the king’s doctor); Tukorvo, maitre;
Professor Luddit, Professor Nemeto, Scientist Mr. Frixio;
Miss Lamuela (Botanists); Miss Risku (Anthropologist);
Rimua. Prolifemo. Pedica, Nurses: Miss Fenum, Miss Colaphus.

1. - Lord Binolvio receives Sir Blandir at his Castle.

Lord Binolvio saw the carriage being drawn by six Gasosaurus; it was an eight wheeler with possibly tons of cargo in the back portion of it.
“Prepare the saloon! Sir Blandir is arriving!”- He said, with his profound voice.
“Yes, sir. “- His assistant Brolore replied; he was a tall, thin man in his fifties.
Twenty minutes later, Sir Blandir arrives to the dinning room, where Lord Binolvio was already eating.
“Welcome to castle Cloud, Sir Blandir! Glad to see you here. Take a seat and eat!”- Lord Binolvio said, munching a Gasosaurus chop. Sir Blandir gives him a crooked smile and seats, with his fur coat on.
“Yes, I am tired to be inside of my carriage! It’s a long way here.” Sir Blandir said, leaving the copper cup on the table after drinking its content of red wine.
“My castle it’s at your disposition. Hope you don’t get bored in here: too much silence and quietude it’s the norm.”- Lord Binolvio said.
“Well, sir, it’s exactly what I expect to find! You must know I resign of my post at Depugno, recently!”- Sir Blandir said, beginning to eat of the meat on the table.
“Must have been hard, at Depugno city… you were the Chief of Police for how many years?”- Lord Binolvio asked.
“Correct, but the king has made a few changes! Now the Chief of Police is Madame Lafurette! She commands in my place.”- Sir Blandir explains cutting a slice of Coelophysis leg smears it on spices and munched...
“Must be hard on you! So many years in that post…”- Lord Binolvio said, drinking from the red wine (local). Sir Blandir smiled and said:” Indeed that there were many! Thirty seven years serving our country! First in Gaza City, then at Karme. But all must to end!”- Sir Blandir said, finishing his cup of wine.  A servant pours more wine in it that reflects the light with bloody shine… Lord Binolvio coughed and said:” I was a young man when President Praefoco tries to keep on his post and the people revolts against!”
“Which year was that?”- Sir Blandir asked.
“Seems to me it was the 5725! And there was many a man hanged or exiled after General Pinorto seizes the government and rules as a Dictator for two more years!”-
Lord Binolvio said.
“In the years 5725 or 5726, I presume! “. Sir Blandir said, eating some of the lettuce.
“Exactly. He then becomes the new king: he was sure the people would accept that, after the scandals of the Republic! But people hate not to have the opportunity of to serve as politicians and get rich, so they revolt against him.”- Lord Binolvio said.
“And your ancestor was at his side.”- Sir Blandir said, raising his cup. Lord Binolvio takes his cap and the glasses tinkled…
“It was a great idea! To help the new king with money and efforts gives him the title of Lord. And as it’s hereditary, here am I, with the title and lands of my ancestor Angus.”- Lord Binolvio said, cutting a generous piece of meat (this time Lycorhinos) and after smearing it with some spicy sauce, he begins to eat. Sir Blandir smiled- his title dies with him. - And said: “The war of 5729 fixed all differences!”
“Yes indeed! The invasion of 5729 was the end of the controversy among royalists and republicans: everyone fights against the hordes of “Associates” that appears that year, trying to seize our cities!”- Lord Binolvio said.

The war against the Associates.

“Four thousand men in 20 ships and by land they appeared! The battle was fought with our people behind the walls that many citizens oppose to be built in their time! Now … I mean, then, they were very happy to have them between their souls and the weapons of the enemy! Airplanes throwing bombs, machine guns from the turrets spitting fie, armored trucks marching through flesh and blood… carnage.”- Sir Blandir remembers what now was in the History books…”
“The war was won, general Pinorto appoints more nobles to his kingdom and in the year 5731 he passes away.”- Lord Binolvio said, smiling …
“Some rumors about his death talks of a certain woman…”- Sir Blandir suggested…
“Not in your dreams you must repeat those lies! My ancestor saw him sick for many days! Certainly the man has blood in his veins, but the cause of his death was a fiery sickness.”- Lord Binolvio remembered…
“Of course. People always try to change history facts.”- Sir Blandir accepted.
“Well… his cousin Alberico becomes the new King, but he was too fond of ceremonies and banquets, so he died three years later, of cirrhosis … a pity, because he was a generous man- this castle and the terrains around it was given by him to my family. I met him twice, and in each of those occasions he was very gentle and caring.”- Lord Binolvio remembered.

A historical conversation.

“King Alberior, 5631 to 5734! Drunken years of happiness…”- Sir Blandir said, laughing.
“More wine?”- The Assistant offered, pouring more red wine on both glasses.
“Thanks, Tukorbo. “- Lord Binolvio said to the man, adding:”- His son, prince Alfondreido, rules four years (5734- 5738), dying in a trip while riding a Troodon- difficult beast to ride, of course! And now, under his cousin Millonavon, the country is at peace and thriving as it must be!”
“How old do you think he is?”- Sir Blandir asked.
“Seventy eight years old?” – Replied the hesitant Lord.
“Eighty eight years! And as fresh as a young man!”- Sir Blandir said, as usual among the noblemen – never a stain on the honor and appearance of their king…
“Well, he looks younger! Certainly I haven’t been at Depugno city lately… some day I will pay him a visit… soon it will be a celebration in his honor.”- Lord Binolvio said.
“The Anniversary of his crowning day.”- Sir Blandir said.
“Oh, yes! Of course. Queen Kinodrurba must be a little older, too. I wonder if she still remembers his dead son… so tragically death…”- The Lord commented…both men knew she has never recovered and that she was retired of every ceremony whatsoever due to that fact.
The two noblemen retires to their bedrooms, aided by the Assistants, as between the two eight litters of wine they have consumed.

Meanwhile, at the city, the king Millonavon was awake and talking with his Chamberlain, Lord Skiusfor.
“In three more months it’s the memorial of my crowning day. This time I have brand new ideas to give more lusters to that date!”- King Millonavon was saying.
“Perhaps I could give you some ideas, your Majesty. New species, strange men, serpents, water creatures, so many freaky animals we still ignore, that you could put into cages while the ceremony is held.”- The Chamberlain said. The King rubbed his chin and said:” Of course, I haven’t made such a show because of the odor; also, we could be giving a ceremony very close to a Zoo, or worst, to a Circus… being myself the major freak!”
The Chamberlain laughed and said:” Oh, then we could put those cages in another room, to be seen before or later than the ceremony itself!”
“See to it! And I want every animal in perfect conditions, clean, and perfume must be had.”- The king said.
“I will require the use of the Army for these purposes.”- The Chamberlain said.
“Use everything you want! All I want it’s a fabulous celebration: new uniforms, beautiful women serving, smiling at my banquet!”- King Millonavon ordered.
The reunion ends there; the Chamberlain calls on general Tiliano, saying:”- His Majesty ordered to bring strange animals to show at the Ceremony of Crowning.”
“You mean the coronation ceremony?”- The general clarifies.
“Yes, that. Take the soldiers you need for this mission, but bring the animals before the end date: you have less than two months to produce end results.”-
“Of course. A simple mission, but also, to search what we don’t know must be interesting. I will send a couple of airplanes, to search in remote sites.”- General Tiliano commented.
“Do as you like, but bring animals here. Could be fish, bird, mammal, dinosaur… no insects, as they usually are very small in size.”- The Chamberlain said.
General Tiliano talks a little more on the subject and then he departs to the barracks.

Strange animals are required.

“Captain Pecheco! Come to my office: there is work to do!”
Captain Pecheco was a tall, young man with a beard; he follows his chief and stand at attention while the General takes a seta below his metallic desk.
“Well, we are helping the Chamberlain to give more lusters to the next coronation memorial. Animals must be brought!”- General Tiliano informed.
“Animals? Not enough at our markets?”- Captain Pecheco asked.
“Strange and unknown animals. The king Millonavon wants strange things at his new celebration. You will use two airplanes, see where you could find animals, and bring here in thirty days.”- General Tiliano commanded.
“Thirty days? I will see what I can do, General. We must prepare the expedition and that requires some time.”- Captain Pecheco commented.
“Take thirty of forty days! Bring live specimens, strange animals, sane and healthy. The airplanes must be modified: cages are needed. Use an appropriate number of soldiers: remember the weight when using planes: I don’t need and I don’t want failures of any kind!”
“Yes, Sir. I will do my best.”- Captain Pecheco said.
“Proceed.”- General Tiliano said.
The captain calls for the use of airplanes, and selected his crew. But he also adds several civilians: two hunters, a zoologist and a botanist.

In a tent, he talks with them about the mission. Captain Pecheco said:” In forty more days we ought to be back here with animals so strange and unknown that the nobility must applause us for this feat! Here we are military, scientists and explorers, to study this matter. Sergeant Mamurbo, you speak first.”
Mamurbo was a wiry man in his thirties, somewhat short of height, who said:”- Wherever you command us to go, my men and I will go. We will obey any order from you, no matter how dangerous could be.”
Everyone looked at this piece of brutish obedience, and more than one smile of scorn flourished on thin lips. The Captain notices it and reddened. He said:” Very well said, Sergeant! Now, it’s your turn to speak, pilot Marcari.”
Marcari was a seasoned pilot, expert in difficult landings, who said with a feeble whispered tone of voice:” Our planes are apt to descend on flat surfaces. From the air you could see a flat surface but when landing you could find veritable holes and cracks on the terrain, all very able to snap a landing ear in several pieces. We have studied the case, and we could use skids to land over grass, provide the site is flat and large.”

Flying before the hunt..

Captain Pecheco said:”- Explorers, we want your opinion.”
Silter, one of the explorers and hunters, said:”- We are experts in traps. Now we will be not killing to hunt, but making traps to hunt living species! Because of this change, I think you ought to give us money to buy what we deemed necessary, no matter where we could go we need good materials, ropes, cages, baits of all kinds. We also need money as wages, because we leave our families at home, not knowing if we are going to come back or not, and this leads me to ask of you clear contracts, where we could read how are you going to provide our loved ones with money in the aforementioned sad case we don’t come back alive.”
Captain Pecheco didn’t like this request but stay silent for a moment and then said:” Very well, all your requests are going to be considered. My men and I will work to provide what’s needed. My desire is not to waste weeks on end trying to fulfill our mission! I prefer to work with a food basis: tell me where is most probably to find strange animals, to fly there, catch the beasts, put them in cages and bring them backing in the shortest time possible!”-
And the reunion becomes more animated until new ideas begin to flourish.

End of the except.

Next Chapter is: Landing on a Prairie
Landing on a Prairie
End of this excerpt.The whole book is very large.
 Thanks you for your listening. If you want to hear the whole tale, please send a donation to through paypal
The tale has more than 500 pages, and it could be borrow as a wave file or a text book, just send notice and your email and I will send to you after seeing your generous donation.Thanks you.

Thanks you for your listening. If you want to hear the whole tale, please send a donation to through paypal
The tale has more than 500 pages, and it could be borrow as a wave file or a text book, just send notice and your email and I will send to you after seeing your generous donation.Thanks you.

Felicidades a todos
Los que salieron del lodo
Evolucion de las lombrices
He aquí arriscan narices
Todos vamos a la muerte
Eso es algo fuerte
Pero en las alegres navidades
Todos olvidamos el Hades
Hoy en El Monte viviendo
Vamos asados comiendo
Bajo el cielo azul
Con camisa de tul.
Alegre cantan las catas
Mientras el viejo cata
Esos vinos añejos
De tiempos muy viejos.
Vamos desenvolviendo regalos
Con ojos de fieros galos
Vamos olvidando penas
Comiendo ricas peras.


The concept of Divine Omnipresence, of the pervasiveness of
G-dliness, implies also the concept of hashgachah peratit -
of Divine Providence relating to every detail of all creatures
and entities in the world and universe. (110)

The principle of hashgachah peratit is itself charged with
significant consequences. For it infuses not only the obligation
to seek and recognize Providential intent in all one sees, hears
and experiences, (111) but also moulds the very consciousness of
man in general. It confers the power of positive thinking, an
attitude of optimism and joy, and inspires an activist approach
to man's service of G-d.

To be sure, G-d's presence is hidden, vested and concealed in
many `garments.' Nonetheless, the very knowledge of this, the
awareness of the reality of Divine Omnipresence, the
consciousness that the whole earth is full of His glory and that
every motion and thought originates in Him, this in effect
removes the screens of G-d's hiddenness and `causes all workers
of iniquity to be scattered.' (112) Thus everyone must realize
that he is never ever forlorn: wherever he may be or go, G-d is
always with him.  (113)

"One must forever keep in mind the Creator's omnipresence, and
that His Shechinah is with you at all times.... One must always
be joyful, keeping in mind and believing with absolute faith that
the Shechinah is with him and guards him; he is bound up with the
Creator, and the Creator is bound up with him in all his limbs
and faculties.  He `looks' upon the Creator, and the Creator
looks upon him. All good things as well as judgments in the world
are rooted in G-d, for His effluence and vitality are in
everything; thus `I trust but in Him, and fear but Him, blessed
be He.... (114)

In short, "Shiviti Hashem" - I have set G-d before me at all times; as
He is at my right hand, I shall not falter" (Psalms 16:8).  That is,
`I acknowledge and sense the Omnipresence of G-d, that G-d is all and
that all is in G-d.(115)  Moreover, shiviti has a double meaning.  The
principle of setting the Divine Presence and Providence before us at
all times, per force implies also the interpretation of shiviti as an
idiom of shaveh (equal), thus rendering the concept of equanimity:
`everything is equal to me;' there is personal indifference to any
affectations to the ego (the concept of bitul hayesh), because `G-d is
before me at all times.' (116)martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

A algun cerebro caliente se le ocurrió ponerle sello negro a todo lo que contribuyera a aumentar las calorias, que en sus estudios son causa de enfermedades, entre las que incluyeron ser gordo.
Norma obliga difundir mensajes que incentiven el consumo de produ tos libres de sellos, . Ley de Etiquetado: empresas advierten inconsistencias de nuevo reglamento que hasta podrian afectar la salud. Afirman que el hecho de qu un alimento no tenga el logo no es garantia de que sea inocuo nutricionalmente. Algunos tienen mas azucar por porcin que los “altos en” calorias que el gobierno exige.
Para mi, que todo esto es negociado encubierto.
Francesco Starace, CEO de ENEL, dice: Con el señor Guillier (de la Nueva Mayoria marxistoide) la inversion habria sido mas difícil”. Felizmente, salio el Sr. Piñera que es de derecha y no seguira con las politicas nefastas de la izquierda socialista comunista.
Informe de la SOFOFA indica sobre el funcionamiento del SEIA. Proyectos tardan mas de 12 meses ien obtener su calificación ambiental. Un año para un estudio de 30 dias.
HACIENDA da giro y pedira al comit4e politico reponer urgencia de proyecto que reforma el sistema de pensiones. Eyzaguirre, el ministro, sostuvo en el Congreso que era virtualmente imposible arpobarlo antes de marzo, pero ahora se desdice y trataran de aprobarlo antes de que llegue Piñera Presidente el 11 de marzo. Es decir, hacer la voluntad propia aunque las cosas sean hechas con desprolijidades y a contrario al parecer nacional. Asi gobierna la izquierda chilena, haciendo su voluntad sobre la del pueblo.
La saliente Presidenta Bachelet envia el 27 de diciembre la propuesta de cambio de Constitución aunque no le queda mas de unas semanas de mandato. Asi gobiernan los zurdos, tratando de amarrar proyectos y leyes aunque después los que sigan tengan los problemas creados por ellos. Una tozudez mañosa.
Gobierno asegura que proyecto de nueva Constitución será ingresado durante el próximo mesAsí lo afirmó la vocera de La Moneda, Paula Narváez, quien explicó que la iniciativa no se envió durante esta semana debido a que aún está en la “revisión final”.

Esta mujer fue la que dia a dia denostaba contra Piñera usando los medios noticiosos . Gobierno asegura que proyecto de nueva Constitución será ingresado durante el próximo mesAsí lo afirmó la vocera de La Moneda, Paula Narváez, quien explicó que la iniciativa no se envió durante esta semana debido a que aún está en la “revisión final”. 27 de Diciembre de 2017 | 13:14 | Por Felipe Vargas, Emol 197 La vocera Paula Narváez. Aton SANTIAGO.- La ministra Secretaria General de Gobierno, Paula Narváez, aseguró este miércoles que el proyecto de una nueva Constitución elaborado por el Ejecutivo a partir de las conclusiones del proceso constituyente será ingresado en enero del próximo año al Congreso Nacional. "Con respecto al proyecto de nueva Constitución, durante esta semana no lo vamos a enviar, lo vamos a enviar por tanto durante el mes de enero", explicó la vocera de La Moneda, junto con argumentar que el retraso en el ingreso de la iniciativa se debe a que "está en la revisión final, por eso no lo vamos a enviar al Congreso". NOTICIA RELACIONADA Gobierno quitará urgencia a Capítulo XV y apostará al éxito de la gratuidad en última semana de campaña 35 En cuanto a la decisión del Gobierno de quitar la urgencia legislativa a la reforma al Capítulo XV de la Constitución, el cual permitiría la elaboración de una nueva Carta Magna, Narváez indicó que "la próxima semana se renuevan las urgencias y se entregarán novedades sobre este punto en los próximos días". La portavoz del Ejecutivo también abordó otros aspectos de la agenda gubernamental y sostuvo que "vamos a seguir adelante con mucha fuerza con lo que es agenda en materia de educación, eso significa educación superior en su versión específicamente regulatoria y gratuidad, y el de universidades estatales por otra parte". "También vamos a seguir adelante también con lo que se refiere a la modificación en materia de mejorar las pensiones, pero entendemos que ahí tenemos un límite de tiempo, porque eso requiere de un debate más amplio", añadió. Sobre la agenda valórica, la titular de la Segegob sostuvo que “también vamos a hacer un esfuerzo bien importante, que tiene que ver con la ampliación y reconocimiento de derechos en materia de identidad de género. Está con suma urgencia, lo que significa un despacho de 15 días de la comisión de DD.HH. de la Cámara de Diputados”. "Eso concluye la próxima semana, entendemos el compromiso de esa comisión para que la próxima semana se esté votando”, afirmó. En tanto, sobre el proyecto de ley de matrimonio igualitario, dijo que "queremos avanzar hasta una instancia legislativa que permita que luego se siga profundizando el debate". "Estamos en conversaciones con la comisión de Constitución del Senado para ver hasta qué instancia podemos llegar con este proyecto, entendiendo que recién partimos con las audiencias", concluyó.
 Hablando en términos democráticos. El proceso Constituyente fue apoyado por menos del 1 % de la población , en un gobierno con menos del 40% de aprobación y derrotado con el 55% de los votos.

 La ciudadanía habló fuerte y claro, por lo que esto representa sólo la tozudez del gobierno en seguir enviando proyecto que no tienen validación, salvo la que ellos creen tener.
Si el 90% no está ni ahì con cambiar la contituciòn; porqué no legislan a favor de las listas de espera en hosp..o ayuda a jubilados pobres; o ayuda urgente a niños sename etc..algo que si beneficie pais??? Esta sra..daaaale con sus malas reformas y apuraditas..còmo salgan no le importa....para despues decir que cumpliò.. pero en que forma??????
 Tirando la carreta hasta donde llegue, hasta cuando con las improvisaciones, están lanzando proyectos a última hora, y lo mas grave ,es que son muy importantes y requieren de seriedad
 Esta es una de las iniciativas de este gobierno que tiene muy poco apoyo ciudadano, ya que es inspirada ideológicamente, queriendo instaurar una nueva Constitución y sacar la actual, que no tiene nada de malo. Incluso ha sido perfeccionada. Si le agregamos la Asamblea Constituyente de inspiración marxista, es abrir la puerta a todo lo malo hacia nuestro país. y en la revolución francesa le cortaron la cabeza a todos los ladrones y abusadores de la monarquía aquí les pagamos sueldos y les decimos honorables, si matamos a todos los políticos y comunistas también te apoyo con una nueva Constitución, hoy con el cambio del binominal ideado por los delincuentes del frente amplio tenemos diputados electos con 1% de los votos esos no deberían asumir por dignidad pero la dieta es muy buena suficiente para no tener vergüenza
 Solo proyectos testimoniales. La Moneda sabe que no existen los plazos ni las comisiones para siquiera plantear en positivo avanzar con dichas iniciativas. Si Bachelet y su desgobierno hacen todo esto es para decir que cumplieron con sus promesas y que es culpa de la derecha no haber avanzado en ellas. O sea pura politica chica. Que se vayan luego es lo mejor que pueden hacer.
 No alcanzan a una reforma de pensiones pero si a modificar la costitucion?... quien los entiende...
 ¿Es una broma? No tiene ninguna oportunidad de ser aprobado. De todos modos, aunque la tuviera, todos los chilenos de bien deberíamos unirnos en defensa de la Constitución de 1980, de valores portalianos que otorgaron estabilidad y prosperidad a Chile. No hay por qué enmendar algo que no está roto y, por lo contrario, funciona muy bien.

Hay de los caídos hijos de Jehová.
Escrito por AJF el 31 de Dic 2017.

Ay de los caídos hijos de Jehová,
Ay de los caídos por rebelión,
En el universo de la eternidad,
Ay de los caídos hijos de Jehová,
Pues salvó a los humanos caídos
Pero no a los ángeles caídos de antaño.
Ay de los dolores y padecimientos,
Ay de aquellos que gimen en la oscuridad,
De los que se queman en vida
Sin poderlo remediar con la muerte.
Ay de aquellos que combatieron
Y por el azar perdieron la batalla,
Ay de los libres de antaño,
Hoy lamentando ser esclavos.
En el Cielo no hay perdón para ellos,
No hay compasión que les llegue,
No hay piedad para los muchos
Que en su camino erraron hace mucho.

31/12/2017 22:36

2017 que se vá.

Se vá el dos mil diecisiete
Con la frente adolorida
Pero con las almas alegres
Que vieron caer la cortina roja
Que cayo cuando muchos
Eligieron a los rojos.
Ya se dieron cuenta
De lo mucho que adolecen,
De lo mucho que se enriquecen
Solo los rojos se enardecen
De saber que los millones
Ya no seguiran cayendo en sus manos.
Que no podran pedir mas regalias
Para los que desdeñan al sexo contrario
Y se acuestan con su propio sexo.
Fuera ya los rojos calcitrantes
Fuera ya del gobierno,
No los queremos nunca más,
Pero hay mucha gente que les admira
Y les mira con amor.
Asi debe mirar el conejo
A la culebra que se lo va a comer.

SF tales to download:

Sale el sol y sale Bachelet
Va con rumbo al Caribe
Va con el señuelo de sonrisas
Y la cara gorda sudorosa
Va a ver al criminal
En su tumba adornada
Aquel que mató a miles
Y se llama el maldito Fidel
Allá partió la bachelet
Con el avión pagado
Y los bolsillos llenos
De dulces y golosinas
Para regalar al hermano del asesino
Al segundón de Castro
Que hoy en su palacio vive
Ya que enterró a su hermano
Allá va la ex guerrillera ayudista
De los criminales marxistas
Va en avión pagado
Va con dulces cargado
La que frenó el desarrollo
La que gobernó con comunistas
Allá vá arrellanada en sillón presidencial
A bordo del avión presidencial
Va como dueña de residencial
Con sonrisa prestada y bolsillo lleno.
Bachelet paseando por este verano
Porque ya le queda poco
De seguir gobernando a Chile
Con ayuda de sus marxistas.

Este es un testimonio de una declaración del Comandante "Pepe" a un periodista. El comandante "Pepe" fue un terrorista que comandó el Movimiento Obrero campesino y se dedicó junto a sus secuaces a expropiar a sangre y fuego la no despreciable cantidad de 460 mil hectáreas , pertenecientes al sector privado y que estaban produciendo frutas, hortalizas, ganado y además predios madereros en la zona de Panguipulli.. Esto declaró:
“Soy marxista – Leninista. No hay otra cara en la moneda que la dictadura del proletariado para oponerse a la dictadura de la burguesía. Pero antes deberá DESTRUIRSE todo el aparato administrativo y represivo que ha construido la burguesía para sustentar su dictadura de clases y construir una de obreros y campesinos que será la del proletariado. Pensar otra cosa no es más que ser un iluso o un traidor a la clase obrera”
El gobierno de Allende hizo oídos sordos a todos los abusos que cometió este terrorista en el sur de Chile y amparado en la Ley de la Reforma Agraria, se le permitió cometer toda clase abusos y expulsiones de los dueños de los predios a Sangre y fuego, ni siquiera respetó la voluntad de los campesinos que quisieron defender a sus patrones.
Se refería al decir “Destruir todo el aparato administrativo y represivo”, Destruir la institucionalidad democrática y además a los carabineros que supuestamente eran los agentes “represivos del estado”, bajo la autoridad del gobierno de Allende.
Esta es una prueba más de que la historia de Chile no comenzó el 11 de Septiembre de 1973. El Gobierno de Allende fue el peor gobierno en la historia de Chile y el causante del rompimiento de la estabilidad democrática del País.
Y el olvido que tiene la izquierda de estos hechos hace que no sea posible que haya una reconciliación entre todos los chilenos y dejar atrás estos episodios que dejaron tantas heridas para uno u otro sector.
Desgraciadamente no se tiene una memoria colectiva de los horrores que el comunismo ha provocado en el mundo, El manifiesto comunista fue puesto en práctica en la revolución rusa en los años 1917-1918, los muertos sumaron millones, en China la puesta en práctica del manifiesto comunista, por parte de Mao Tze tung también provocó millones de muertos y nunca he escuchado ni una sola palabra de parte de la izquierda respecto a estos hechos históricos. En tiempos de González Videla, cuando se dictó la Ley Maldita los comunistas fueron expulsados del gobierno y declarado un partido proscrito .Tiene que haber habido una razón ¿Verdad?
Los jóvenes, especialmente estudiantes, se ven atraídos por estas ideologías. Yo les recomendaría lean el manifiesto comunista de Karl y Hengel. Sepan que Karl aprovechó la instancia de su propuesta comunista para vivir a expensas de Hengel que era hijo de un industrial alemán, Desde los 31 años en adelante no trabajó más. había encontrado en Hengel una mina de oro que le permitió vivir sin trabajar.

Juan Perez dice: Me carga este Papa, no lo soporto es un populista, mas que unir divide, y ahora es indignante lo que va a gastar el Gobierno en su recibimiento; cuanto de ese dinero podria arreglarse la salud, o el Sename, etc..  Me indigna.-
Francisco Mena a Juan Perez ..como se nota que no sabes nada y eres un limitrofe Juanito..ese dinero se recupera rapidamente con los impuestos que generará el turismo con el ingreso de 1 millon de argentinos que entraran a Chile mas muchos de otros paises..en vez de indignarse, procese las ideas por el cerebro y analice..parece que hay mucha droguita en esa cabecita..jaja
Marcos Dupont a Juan Perez juancito......esa "cabezota tuya" no creo que sea asi de gigante por tus que tengas hidricefalia.   Me parece que tenes que dejar de pensar tanto y relajarte.......en la.vida a algunos.le.toco.un lugar importante como a este.cura,a otro poco importante como.el.mio,y otro.hacen de pelo tudos nomas y solo les quedar odiar a los demas.como.a.vos.destapate un vino.y.mirate de tomas lo sificiente ni te vas a acordar que es en diferido y hasta podes festejar algo nuevamente.un abrazo
Jose Latorre a Juan Perez es el tipico picante que critica todo sin averiguar nada antes,,por culpe de gente como el estamos tan mal

 Gotu Pycook a  Juan Perez Te compadezco, compadre. Francisco te trata de drogadicto, Marcos de cabezón, hidrocefalico y pelotudo, Y José de ignorante. Y se supone que todos ellos son catolicos practicantes, o no te atacarian con tutti. Solo que de caritativos pacientes y resignados no tienen ni un pelo.Cada cual tiene su opinion personal, y no hay que desprestigiar (sin saber) solo porque no te gusta el papa, que es el obispo de Roma y "manda" en una organización milenaria basada en una idea. Tampoco me gusta el papa, porque se puso del lado de Bolivia, y francamente no veo nada de santo en él. Es un argentino rey en Roma, y que lo pase bien, es su vida. Abur.

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