Monday, November 23, 2015

Ezine 146 Excellere. Spanish and English.

Octubre 2014.



Gladiadores vegetarianos.............. Por Liebe Gundlich.
SISMOS EN OHIGGINS........... POR Clemencio Huerta.


MUERE UN TESTIGO CLAVE................. POR Abulia Gómez.

EXPRESO DEL RECUERDO........................................ POR CLEMENCIO HUERTA.

Anime and Manga portal................. pOR -Ed Cox.

REINCARNATION or just day dreaming?..................... By Darth Vader.

NASA empleado deja Top Secret Fotos de Base En Luna En El Escritorio Mientras Prensa Toma de fotos de 2012, la vista del UFO News. ......POR DARTH VADER.



RAPA NUI Y SUS VIAJES ANCESTRALES..........POR tutmosis vargas.

Resulta, por la noticia que a continuación tenemos, que los indigenas de la isla de Pascua eran grandes navegantes y llegaban al continente Sudamericano en viajes oceanicos de muchos dias, algo que posteriormente no siguieron haciendo.
Otra teoria mas antigua era que los indios sudamericanos viajaban a la isla de Pascua, usando los mismos barcos que tienen en el lago Titicaca, pero mayores en tamaño.
Por que motivo no siguieron esos viajes?  Se acabaron las tradiciones marineras en la isla y en el continente, o se enemistaron y ya no tenia objeto seguir comunicandose? Obviamente, el que salia perdiendo alli era la poblacion de la pequeña isla...

Contacto entre población de Rapa Nui y América ocurrió antes de la llegada de Colón

Estudio analizó la información genética de 27 nativos de Isla de Pascua, notando un cruce genético con pueblos de Sudamérica entre los años 1300 y 1500.
Científicos descifran el genoma de un hombre que vivió hace 45.000 años

 Vivían en un remoto punto en el medio del océano Pacífico, a 3.700 kilómetros al oeste de América del Sur y 1.770 de la isla más cercana, en donde levantaron enormes figuras de piedra que aún se alzan enigmáticamente desde las colinas. Pero los antiguos polinesios que poblaron la Isla de Pascua, o Rapa Nui, no estaban tan aislados como se pensó durante mucho tiempo.

Científicos que realizaron un estudio genético, aparecido esta semana en la publicación Current Biology, hallaron que estos antiguos habitantes tuvieron un importante contacto con poblaciones indígenas del continente cientos de años antes de que los primeros occidentales llegaran a la isla en 1722.

El pueblo Rapa Nui creó una cultura única más conocida por lo moais, 900 estatuas de cabeza y torso erigidas por toda la isla. La cultura prosperó alrededor del 1200 y comenzó a declinar en el Siglo XVI.

Información genética de 27 nativos de la Isla de Pascua indicó que ocurrió un cruce genético entre habitantes de Rapa Nui y pueblos de América del Sur entre los años 1300 y 1500.

"Hallamos evidencia de un flujo genético entre esta población y las poblaciones nativas americanas, lo que sugiere una ruta antigua de migración oceánica entre Polinesia y América", dijo la genetista Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas del Centro de GeoGenética de la Universidad de Copenhague, quien encabezó el estudio.

La evidencia genética indica que o los Rapa Nui viajaban a América del Sur o que nativos del continente se aventuraban hacia la Isla de Pascua. Los investigadores dijeron que probablemente eran los isleños quienes hacían los azarosos viajes oceánicos.

"Parece ser más posible que ellos viajaran desde Rapa Nui a América del Sur y llevaran sudamericanos a Rapa Nui y se mezclaran con ellos", dijo Mark Stoneking, un genetista con el Instituto de Evolución Antropológica Max Planck en Alemania, que colaboró en un estudio relacionado de los indígenas Botocudo de Brasil.

"Por lo que sería interesante ver si en otros estudios se puede hallar algún rastro de ancestros polinesios y Rapa Nui en sudamericanos", dijo.

En sus viajes de ida y vuelta, los Rapa Nui habrían pasado peligrosas semanas en el océano en canoas de madera.

Los investigadores concluyeron que la mezcla de razas ocurrió hace entre 19 y 23 generaciones atrás. Dijeron que los Rapa Nui no se habrían comenzado a mezclar con los europeos hasta mucho tiempo después, en el Siglo XIX.

Malaspinas dijo que el ancestro genético de los actuales Rapa Nui es casi un 75 por ciento polinesio, un 15 por ciento europeo y un 10 por ciento indígena americano.

Un segundo estudio, también publicado el jueves en la edición de Current Biology, ilustra otro caso de polinesios aventurándose hacia América del Sur. Dos cráneos humanos antiguos de los indígenas Botocudo, conocidos por los discos grandes de madera que usan en labios y orejas, pertenecían a habitantes genéticamente polinesios, sin rastros detectables de nativos americanos.

"Cómo dos individuos polinesios de los Botocudos llegaron a Brasil es la pregunta del millón", dijo el genetista Eske Willerslev, también del centro de la Universidad de Copenhague, quien encabezó el estudio sobre los Botocudos.

Las conclusiones sugieren que estos polinesios llegaron a América del Sur y siguieron su ruta hasta Brasil, ya sea por la costa oeste del continente y hasta el interior o viajando por el extremo sur de Tierra del Fuego y subiendo por la costa este, dijo Stoneking. "En cualquier caso, es una historia asombrosa", comentó

Gladiadores vegetarianos.............. Por Liebe Gundlich.

Estudio revela que los gladiadores romanos eran vegetarianos

Investigadores han estudiado los restos de 53 cuerpos datados entre los siglos II y III a.C y ubicados en un cementerio de la antigua ciudad romana de Éfeso en Turquía.

Encuentran diario de un explorador en la Antártida un siglo después

"Novio biónico": Hombre contrae matrimonio con ayuda de un exoesqueleto

Ciudad argentina bate récord Guinness con la "tormenta de ideas" más grande del mundo

Encuentran congelado el cuerpo de un soldado indio después de 21 años

Ver másCuriosidades

 SANTIAGO.- Los gladiadores romanos consumían principalmente centeno, cebada y vegetales; la carne y el pescado eran poco habituales en su dieta, según un estudio que acaban de publicar científicos de la Universidad de Viena y de la Universidad de Berna (Suiza) en la revista Plos One.

Los investigadores han estudiado ahora los restos de 53 cuerpos -22 inhumados como gladiadores- datados entre los siglos II y III a.C y ubicados en un cementerio de la antigua ciudad romana de Éfeso (Turquía), que fue descubierto en 1993.

El objetivo del estudio, según Plos One, se ha encaminado a determinar "la dieta, la estratificación social y los movimientos migratorios de los ciudadanos de Éfeso y de los distintos grupos de gladiadores", explican en su web.

Mediante un estudio espectroscópico, los científicos midieron el nivel de colágeno en los huesos, así como la proporción de estroncio y calcio en el mineral óseo, para acabar determinando que los gladiadores, presos o esclavos obligados a combatir en duelos públicos, poseían una dieta similar a la del resto de la población de la época, aunque con una gran diferencia.

Los huesos de estos guerreros presentan, según los expertos, mayores niveles de estroncio que el resto de los habitantes de Éfeso, una ciudad que llegó a albergar cerca de 200.000 habitantes.

Los gladiadores bebían, después de sus luchas (muchas de las cuales eran a muerte), un tónico condimentado mediante cenizas de plantas, ricas en estroncio, que les ayudaban a recuperarse de las lesiones óseas.

"Las cenizas de plantas eran consumidas para fortificar el cuerpo tras el ejercicio físico y para que los huesos sanaran mejor", concluye Fabian Kanz, director de este estudio, que corrobora el apodo con el que algunas fuentes históricas recuerdan a los gladiadores, "hordearii", "comedores de centeno".

Películas ambientadas en la Antigua Roma, como "Ben-Hur" (1959), "Espartaco" (1960) o la más reciente "Gladiator" potencian una imagen del gladiador como hombre fornido, cuya dieta parece constituida más por proteínas animales e hidratos de carbono que por simples vegetales, aunque este último estudio parece que desmonta ese infundado estereotipo.

Los gladiadores fueron probablemente hombres fuertes, más valientes que bien alimentados. Sin embargo, parece que su comida no era tan espectacular como sus luchas sobre la arena, y los productos de grano eran más habituales que la carne, más presente en la mesa de la clase social alta.

SISMOS EN OHIGGINS........... POR Clemencio Huerta.

Serie de sismos sacuden este jueves las costas de O'Higgins

El movimiento más fuerte tuvo una magnitud de 4,9, según el informe del Centro Sismológico Nacional, a 47 kms al sur de Navidad, que también se percibieron en las regiones de Valparaíso y Maule.

Sismo de mediana intensidad sacude al extremo norte del país

Sismo de menor intensidad fue percibido en las regiones de O'Higgins y el Maule

Sismo de 4,2 Richter se registró esta mañana en el extremo norte del país

Tres sismos seguidos se registraron esta mañana en la zona central

SANTIAGO.- Una serie de sismos afectaron durante esta noche a las costas de la zona central del país, específicamente frente a la Región de O'Higgins.

El primero de los temblores fue el más fuerte de los cuatro que se registraron en el lapso de una hora y media. Fue a las 20:41 horas, sacudiendo a las regiones de Valparaíso, O'Higgins y Maule.

El movimiento tuvo una magnitud de 4,9, de acuerdo al informe del Centro Sismológico Nacional.

El epicentro se ubicó a 47 kms al oeste de Navidad, en la Región de O'Higgins, a 36 kms de profunidad.

Las mayores intensidades se registraron en las comunas de Navidad, Pichilemu y San Antonio con IV.

La Onemi informó que preliminarmente, no se reportan daños a personas, alteración a servicios básicos o infraestructura producto de este sismo.

Además, el SHOA indicó que las características del movimiento no reúnen las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas del país.

Otros cinco sismos en la zona

Tras ese temblor, se registraron otros cinco sismos cercanos a ese lugar ubicado en la Región de O'Higgins.

El primero de esa seguidilla fue a las 21:16 horas y tuvo una magnitud de 3,6, cuyo epicentro se ubicó a 44 kms al oeste de Navidad.

Luego hubo otro a las 21:25 horas, de magnitud 3,8, ubicándose a 41 kms al oeste de la misma localidad.

Más tarde, se registró un movimiento a las 21:58 horas y tuvo una magnitud de 4,1. El epicentro se ubicó también a 49 kms de Navidad.

50 minutos después, según Sismología, hubo otro temblor a las 22:49 horas, con una magnitud de 3,8, a 41 kms al oeste de Navidad.

Finalmente, a las 23:30 horas un sismo de magnitud 4,4 volvió a sacudir esa zona, con epicentro a 39 kms al oeste de Navidad.

Todos los epicentros de esta serie se ha registrado en el mar.
13:50 24-10-2014


Travis Walton Da Entrevista De Su Alien Abduction, Oct 2014, Y Avistamiento OVNI ............. pOR EL DOCTOR FARTHON CLIMBOR.

 octubre 2014
  Lugar de la entrevista: Contacto en el desierto, Joshua Tree, California

Aquí tenemos una entrevista reciente con el famoso Travis Walton. En ella tienes la oportunidad de escuchar su relato de primera mano de lo que sucedió después de que él llegó a bordo del ovni. Hay un montón de cosas que aprendí de él en este video que no he leído en el libro o veo en la película, "Fuego en el cielo." Tengo que admitir, me gustaría que se vio menos pánico herido cuando estaba a bordo, por lo que podría haber avanzado más hacia la comunicación con ellos. La gente maneja las situaciones estresantes de diferentes maneras, pero para mí esto sería un sueño hecho realidad. Esta sería una aventura realmente emocionante y magnífica ... para cumplir con varias especies exóticas cara a cara. Guau! Travis tuvo mucha suerte, él no lo sabía en ese momento. SCW

Tres ovnis en la Estación Espacial el 21 de Oct, 2014, Vista del UFO News.

Fecha de la observación: 21 de octubre 2014
  Lugar de la observación: Tierras órbita a la estación espacial

Este video fue capturado en la estación espacial hace unos días en cámaras en vivo. Streetcap1 de Youtube grabó y capturó no uno, sino tres ovnis. El balón parece una cámara estaba mirando otra. ¿Puedes ver que el brazo largo blanco que salen? Ése es uno de los varios millones de dólares cámaras HD que conectó un par de meses atrás. Tengo que admitir que estoy un poco sorprendido de que los astronautas a bordo no zoom en los ovnis, pero supongo que fueron informados acerca de lo que les deja ser. SCW
Jueves, 23 de octubre 2014 Sin comentarios:

Calidad de la observación:

22 de octubre 2014

UFO orbes Durante Petaluma, California 10 2014, Avistamiento OVNI Noticias.
 observación: octubre 2014

Lugar de la observación: Petaluma, California, EE.UU.

Estados de testigos:
  Pensé que eran aviones al principio, pero estaban demasiado cerca y el cruce de caminos. Saqué el coche y las grabó en mi iPhone 5 con el mayor zoom.

OVNI Shoots anteriores Air Show Jets, San Francisco 11 de octubre 2014, la vista del UFO News Video.
Lugar de la observación: 11 de octubre 2014

Estados de testigos:

San Francisco, California - 10.11.14 - Yo estaba viendo los ángeles azules con 100 de las personas en los tejados. Yo uso mi iPhone 6 para disparar varios vídeos a cámara lenta. Nunca les dieron bastante justo encima de mí.

5 días más tarde, mirar los videos y cuando los vi en cámara lenta (se les disparó a 240fps) vi algo bastante increíble.

Debe haber 100 de videos como de que, más de 10.000 personas estaban viendo. No vi nada en tiempo real y no se puede ver nada en tiempo real en el video tampoco.

Pero como yo estaba filmando en 240FPS, en cámara lenta, objeto en movimiento a través del cielo, haciendo un bucle para "mirar" a los aviones volando, mientras que se ven casi quieto y que saca en 10-100x la velocidad de los aviones a reacción se claramente visible.

Tengo el video original, sin tocar en mi iPhone 6. Podría ser validado por expertos. También puede preguntar en la estación de televisión local para otras personas que dispararon 3:27:00-03:28:00 PM en alta velocidad!

Otras personas deben tener mucho mejor vídeo de este. Había cientos de personas que debe haber disparado esto y no me di cuenta lo que está en sus videos.

21 de octubre 2014

Reino Unido pilotos punto hombre volador desconocido en 3,500ft, Oct 2014, Avistamiento OVNI Noticias.
 octubre 2014

Lugar de la observación: Macclesfield, Inglaterra
 Pilotos y tripulantes vieron una persona volando junto a ellos desde arriba ... pero el radar no muestra ningún avión que lo dejó ni muestra el paracaidista! Claro DARPA dijo que estaban haciendo el traje ironman, pero no puede ser esto tan avanzado. Nada podría desafiar radar ... excepto un objeto con tecnología avanzada en él. Tal vez esto es un extranjero con poderes de Superman-como. Incluso Superman en el cómic vino de un planeta alienígena.
Macclesfield Noticias afirma:

Los pilotos de un avión de pasajeros se quedaron atónitos cuando un "hombre volador" cremallera más allá del lado de sus aviones en 3,500ft mientras volaban sobre Macclesfield.

Expertos en aviación admitieron que estaban desconcertados por el avistamiento del OVNI humano, que ha sido bautizada como el "Superman de Macclesfield».

Él apareció de la nada como el Airbus 320 pasa por encima de Cruz quebrada y hacia el centro de Macclesfield mientras entraba a aterrizar en el aeropuerto de Manchester.

El piloto y el primer oficial, que informó del avistamiento de control del tráfico aéreo, pensaron que el hombre era un parapente, pero no podía ver un dosel. El hombre presuntamente era el aire por encima de la zona de Rainow cuando manchado.

Y el misterio se profundizó cuando no había ni rastro de él en el radar.-

20 de octubre 2014

Hombre Charlotte NC ve un ovni y tiene el video para probarlo, Oct 2014, VIDEO, Avistamiento OVNI Noticias.
 11 de octubre de 2014, Sat
Lugar de la observación: Charlotte, Carolina del Norte, EE.UU.
Cuando tomé capturas de pantalla del UFO como hemos visto, me di cuenta de que el OVNI era en forma de triángulo. Esto se ajusta al de la nave de Los Alamos Laboratorio TR3B. El TR3B tiene un círculo brillante masivo en su centro ... no es brillante aquí, pero en el oficio como se ve en la siguiente captura de pantalla con iluminación alterada. Esto puede ser un OVNI, pero también podría ser vuelo de prueba TR3B. Una cosa que sí sabemos ... que no era un avión o helicóptero. SCW
CHARLOTTE, NC - Imagen salir a la calle en una noche de sábado, mirando hacia arriba en el cielo y ver lo que parece ser un OVNI.
Eso es lo que le pasó a Luis Rodriguez pasado fin de semana cuando estaba tomando su perro a pasear fuera de su apartamento en el Complejo Arwen Vista.
"Traté de hacer sentido de ella como cualquier otra persona racional haría", dijo Rodríguez. "Pensé que era un avión o algún tipo de aeronave que se acaba volando muy bajo."
Después de ver pasar por el cielo que él cree que era un ovni, una nave espacial de algún tipo. NBC Charlotte envió el vídeo a algunos expertos de la Comisión de Indemnización.

UFO sobre Los Angeles Por Weather Radar 13 Oct, 2014, Vista del UFO News. VIDEO
 13 de octubre 2014 por la tarde.

Lugar de la observación: Shreveport, Louisiana, EE.UU.

Este OVNI fue captado por el radar el pasado lunes de abandonar la zona de la explosión sónica. Especialista tiempo dicen que es nada que ver con con el tiempo y es un desconocido en la actualidad. Parece un ovni envuelta vino a visitar la ciudad, y luego comenzó a salir de la zona. SCW


  El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional en Shreveport dice que recogió un campo de escombros en el radar de la tarde del lunes, al mismo tiempo, muchas personas en todo el Arklatex dijeron haber escuchado una fuerte explosión.


MUERE UN TESTIGO CLAVE................. POR Abulia Gómez.

Ex vocero frentista muere en accidente en sector de La Pirámide

La víctima perdió la vida en el mismo lugar producto de la gravedad de sus lesiones tras caer unos 150 metros cuesta abajo.

losviejosestandartes (inició sesión usando yahoo)

"Los derechos humanos son una invención, muy sabia, de los marxistas." ( AUGUSTO PINOCHET UGARTE, PRESIDENTE DE LA REPÚBLICA DE CHILE )

Los izquierdistas, primero, se preocuparon de redefinir las "violaciones a los derechos humanos", de tal manera que en esa definición no fueran a caer los crímenes que ellos han cometido y cometen. Eso ya lo lograron: el asesinato de un civil (o de un militar) perpetrado por el MIR, el FPMR u otro grupo armado de izquierda, no constituyó una "violación a los derechos humanos", porque ésta sólo tiene lugar cuando el que mata a alguien es un "agente del Estado".

Como la izquierda chilena venía preparando desde 1965, según testimonios objetivos, la lucha armada para tomarse el poder; como durante la UP un centenar de víctimas cayó a manos de la izquierda violenta; y luego, bajo el Gobierno Militar, cuatro veces esa cifra fueron los caídos víctimas del terrorismo de izquierda, había que dejar despejado el punto: esas no fueron "violaciones a los derechos humanos".

Y como ellos no violaban los derechos humanos, pero tuvieron caídos en la lucha armada ¿que eran éstos?: "víctimas", por supuesto. Pues, para ella, no hubo lucha armada. Sólo dos bandos: los uniformados y las "víctimas".

Lautaro Carmona Soto:

Ya he dicho que una mentira mil veces repetida se convierte en verdad. Un manual de la guerrilla terrorista, conocido como "Manual de Marighela", por el apellido de su autor, un terrorista brasileño, establece como norma de conducta de todo extremista detenido la de declararse torturado. Y todos lo hacen.

Torturas. Siempre las hubo en Chile, antes de 1973. Una de las razones que cita el Acuerdo de la Cámara de 23 de agosto de 1973 para pedir la intervención militar fueron las torturas del gobierno de Allende contra opositores. Abogados socialistas denunciaron las torturas a miristas por parte del gobierno de Frei Montalva, en 1970. ¿Podía pretenderse que ese mal hábito tradicional desapareciera cuando llegó un gobierno militar y había veinte mil guerrilleros que cometían atentados terroristas?.

Desaparecidos. Casi todos los casos tuvieron lugar en los primeros meses de la lucha contra veinte mil terroristas que había en el país. En total los desaparecidos fueron 979, según Rettig. Entre 1975 y 1990 sólo hubo 23 casos. En el país desaparecen 30 mil personas al año (denuncias de presunta desgracia sin que se encuentre a la persona dentro del año). Paulatinamente se van comprobando las muertes de los desparecidos y algunos han resultado estar vivos. Casi todas las muertes tuvieron lugar en los primeros meses de la lucha.



Insólito accidente: Auto cayó a subsuelo de edificio en Las Condes

Fallece funcionaria de Aduanas y otras dos resultan heridas tras accidente automovilístico

Carabinero muere tras ser arrollado por chofer que no tenía documentos

Investigan accidente de camioneta que terminó quemada en Las Condes

SANTIAGO.- Un hombre murió al caer en la camioneta que conducía a un barranco desde una altura de 150 metros en el camino viejo de La Pirámide, sector Rinconada El Salto, en la comuna de Huechuraba.

Se trata de Álex Vojkovic Trier, de 62 años, ex vocero del Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR), quien perdió la vida en el mismo lugar producto de la gravedad de sus lesiones.

Según consignó el SIAT de Carabineros, el vehículo terminó su trayecto en un canal de regadío, quedando en el agua.

Según sus familiares y amigos, el ex militante del Partido Comunista se dirigía a un almuerzo al Estadio Croata.

"Él estaba en Providencia e iba por la Kennedy. No tenía nada que estar haciendo acá", dijo uno de ellos.

Al lugar llegaron personal de rescate de Bomberos y Carabineros para comenzar con la línea investigativa para descartar la participación de terceros.

El peritaje mecánico será estudiado por el SIAT "para verificar una falla mecánica para descartar o afirmar la presencia de otro vehículo en la participación de la pérdida del control y también el personal del Labocar verificar la existencia de huellas y en el caso del OS-9, la entrevista a los testigos con la finalidad de tener la mayor cantidad de información", explicó a Medianoche un personal de Carabineros.

Preliminarmente, la institución aseguró que el conductor no llevaba cinturón de seguridad y que los airbags sí se activaron al momento del impacto.

Vojkovic Trier, de profesión ingeniero, tuvo una relación sentimental con la actual Presidenta de la República, Michelle Bachelet, durante los años 80. En esa época, Bachelet se dedicaba a su especialidad en el área de pediatría del hospital Roberto

Comentario: Estos terroristas marxistas se llevan en comilonas y reciben dinero facil todos los dias, murio feliz en su vida jauja. La guatona lo va a echar de menos...

EXPRESO DEL RECUERDO........................................ POR CLEMENCIO HUERTA.


Por la antigua vía férrea a la costa
 Sábado 25 de octubre
 Para el día sábado 25 de octubre a las 9:45 hrs. se ha programado una nueva salida del Tren Expreso del Recuerdo desde la ciudad de Santiago hasta San Antonio por el antiguo ramal ferroviario a la costa. A bordo del tren podrá disfrutar de antiguos coches de pasajeros de la década de 1920, los paisajes del campo chileno, el paso por los cordones de la Cordillera de la Costa, la bajada por quebradas, túneles y bosque nativo de la cuesta de Llolleo, para finalmente llegar al mar en la ciudad de San Antonio.
 El tren posee vagones que van desde la década de 1920 los más antiguos, hasta modelos clásicos de la década de 1950, la idea es que el viaje sea como en el pasado. El servicio incluye el transporte de ida y regreso desde la Estación Central hasta San Antonio, snack de desayuno para el viaje de ida y once para el viaje de regreso, personal en los vagones para las consultas y necesidades de los pasajeros y seguro de viaje en el tren.

 Venta de pasajes e informaciones:
Boletería trenes turísticos, Estación Central.
Horario de atención: lunes a domingo de 9 a 21 horas.
Fono (+562) 2585 5991
 Twitter: @accpf


 *Todos los coches incluyen el snack de desayuno para la ida y once para el regreso

 Coche Salón Turista: Vagón de 1955 con 78 acomodaciones, asientos reclinables, ventanas fijas y baños al vacío, se usaron para los servicios de largo recorrido hasta la década de 1990. Valor: $19.900

 Coche Primera Clase: Antiguo vagón fabricado en Alemania en 1923, interior en madera, finas terminaciones y ventanas que se pueden abrir. Cuenta con 76 asientos en felpa reversibles según el sentido de marcha del tren o pudiendo enfrentarse asientos en grupos de a 4 personas. Valor $22.900

 Coche Súper Salón: Vagón alemán de 1930 con capacidad para 30 pasajeros en sillones, tiene amplios ventanales que permiten una vista privilegiada del paisaje, además en el viaje de ida es el primer vagón del tren. Valor $29.900

 Coche Comedor: Vagón alemán de 1923 con mesas para hasta 4 pasajeros, ideal para viajar en familia. Valor $90.000 (que incluye una mesa para hasta cuatro personas todas con desayuno y once incluida)

 Recuerda, informaciones en:
 (+562) 2585 5991
 Twitter @accpf

 * La venta de boletos es exclusivamente a través de los canales mencionados, no tenemos convenios vigentes con ninguna agencia de viajes.


Anime and Manga portal................. pOR -Ed Cox.

Earthian (????? Ashian?) is a shonen-ai manga by Yun Kouga about angel watchers of earth which was made into a J.C.Staff-produced anime OVA. The angels' roles are to assess the progress of humans giving them positive and negative scores based on their everyday actions. The angels, who have deemed that the Earthian are becoming far too destructive, decide that if the Earthian reach 10,000 negative marks instead of positive, then their world will be destroyed. While there are many sets of positive/negative partner teams that have descended to the Earth to carry out their investigations, the story focuses on a single pair that, due to the carelessness (or perhaps over-caring nature) of one, causes both to end up in trying circumstances multiple times throughout their stay on Earth...

There are four OVAs total, three of which continue the same plot, and another that delves into a separate side story. All of them coincide with the original manga.

For thousands of years angels have observed the behavior of humans from their homeland Eden. They are disgusted with humans for how they treat their planet and how they treat each other. It is decided that the humans should be wiped out. However, to give the humans a chance, Eden sends down many pairs of angels to observe the humans. One is a plus checker, who seeks the good in humans; the other is a minus checker, who seeks the bad in humans. If more good is seen in humans, they will be spared. But if 10,000 minus checks are made against them, then they will be destroyed.

Along with humans, angels fear and despise Lucifers, also known as fallen angels. An angel is typically born with light hair and white wings, but if an angel acts against Eden too many times, then their hair and wings will turn black, known as the Black Cancer, and they die. To encourage that angels stay away from both humans and Lucifers, it's decreed that if an angel exposes their wings to three humans or if they meet too many Lucifers, they shall also become one as well.

Chihaya is an orphaned angel of Eden. He was born with black hair and black wings, resembling a Lucifer. Because of this, he was shunned for most of his life, finding acceptance only in the residents at the orphanage and his adopted father Michael. He becomes a plus checker to see Earth and because of his love for humanity. Over time, he continuously interacts with Lucifers and feels a kinship towards them because of their hair and wings.

He is paired with Kagetsuya, a handsome and popular white-winged angel who hates mankind and holds hostility for Lucifers. Due to this prejudice, Kagetsuya is extremely hostile towards Chihaya at first, constantly belittling him because of his feelings and appearance. Despite all this, Kagetsuya often finds himself carried away with Chihaya's ideals and constantly aiding him, though it's against his position.

Things grow even more complicated for the pair when they fall in love with each other. Homosexuality is forbidden in Eden, but that doesn't stop their feelings for one another. Along the way, many secrets are discovered within Eden itself and the angels and the pair, especially Kagetsuya, must decide which side they will choose.
Chihaya in his human form
Chihaya . Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (Japanese), Robert Gompers (English)
 A beautiful male angel with long dark hair and wings. In Eden, where angels are generally fair-haired with white wings, Chihaya's naturally dark features make him a sort of an outcast. Despite his mutation, he is light-hearted and happy, and he cares deeply for the Earthian, unlike most other angels. This rare quality allows him to see beyond the Earthians' violence and destruction to the core of their hearts, which he believes are pure and kind, despite any other shortcomings. He is a plus checker, though he tends to let his emotions get in the way of his work. His special power is the ability to generate storms.
Kagetsuya in the human form
Kagetsuya (???). Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese), Ed Wagenseller (English)
 Chihaya's partner, a minus checker. He is a typical-looking angel, with blond hair and white wings, and is from a wealthy family. Like most other angels, he also bears a strong resentment towards the Earthians, who he believes are irresponsible and selfish. He is more mature and focused than Chihaya, and often ends up having to go to the aid of his partner. His specialty lies in bird calling and the healing arts.
Episodes 1,3 & 4

Dr. Ashino (Professor Ashiya). Voiced by: Kaneto Shiozawa (Japanese), Robin Dale Robertson (English)
 The mad doctor who created the biohumanoids, Taki and Takako. He seems to love Taki more than anything else in the world, and his madness reaches its peak when his beloved creation defies him. Later, inspired by Chihaya, Ashino creates a third android, this one a black angel.
Taki (???). Voiced by: Sho Hayami (Japanese), Dave Snow (English)
 An android made specially by the doctor to possess inhuman strength and endurance. Fed up with his life as a captive toy, Taki takes Takako and flees the laboratory, much to the dismay of his creator. He cares for Ashino, but he also does not want to be treated like a lifeless thing with no feelings.
Takako. Voiced by: Yuriko Yamamoto (Japanese), Juliet Cesario (English)
 Gynoid. Like Taki, she is an artificial. When the two of them get separated, she runs into Chihaya, who helps her flee from guards sent by Dr. Ashino to take her back to the lab. She is very concerned about Taki's well-being, for she does not know what had become of him after their escape, but apparently, Chihaya has some idea as to where he is...
Messiah. Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese), Michael Granberry (English)
 The black-winged angelic android created for one purpose only: to destroy the Earth and all the miserable people who went about their lives in spite of Dr. Ashino's suffering. Incidentally, before his memory chip can be properly finished, he makes contact with Chihaya, who shows him his identical black wings. Messiah becomes confused, but decides that what he truly wants is to protect Chihaya, at all costs...
Episode 2

Aya (???). Voiced by: Saeko Shimazu
 A female minus checker from Eden who openly flaunts her love for Kagetsuya and her scorn for the Earthian. She constantly makes it known to everyone that she would rather be Kagetsuya's partner, but not so much that she would convert to a plus checker. She gets worked up easily and is deeply envious of Chihaya.
Miyagi (???). Voiced by: Hirotaka Suzuoki
 A male angel that slightly resembles Kagetsuya. Unlike the latter, though, he is a positive checker for the Earthian and believes that they should be given a chance. He is Aya's partner. His temperament is somewhat more relaxed than hers, and so he tries to keep her in check whenever possible.
Lord Seraphim (????? Seraphim?). Voiced by: Sho Hayami
 A former leader of the plus-checkers of Eden that contracted the Black Cancer. He later descended to Earth where Chihaya and Kagetsuya found him before he died. He was very close to Chihaya and the black-angel took the loss very badly.
Sapphire (Cliff Grey). Voiced by: Shigeru Nakahara
 Another angel who contracted the Black Cancer who was living in England with the woman he loved, Blair. Chihaya sought him out when he was battling with his doubts about his own wing and hair color. He later died from a gun wound.
Blair (or Blare). Voiced by: Rei Sakuma
 The Earthian that Sapphire fell in love with.

The Beginning of the End (OVA 1)

Fallen Angel (OVA 2)

Of the four OVAs in the series, Fallen Angel is the only one that does not relate to the events of the first.

Chihaya and Kagetsuya are staying in France for their current assignment, and lately Chihaya has been having some disturbing nightmares. As Kagetsuya tries to console his partner over breakfast, Aya and Miyagi show up on vacation, and decide to stay in France for a short while.

Chihaya and Kagetsuya's mission is to locate the exiled angel named Sapphire, who has been hiding on Earth ever since his wings became black with cancer. Chihaya discovers Sapphire's whereabouts, and, learning about the former High Angel's predicament with some shady dealings, he lets himself become involved, much to the dismay of Kagetsuya, who knows that every time something bad goes down with the Earthian, it is always Chihaya who suffers.

The partners struggle to help Sapphire while keeping everything a secret from their guests, but Chihaya's exceedingly strange behavior has not been lost on Aya, and she begins to make some deductions of her own. Both she and Miyagi are well aware of the fact that Sapphire's disappearance has not been taken lightly back in Eden, and as it is, any fallen angels are considered to be a huge disgrace.

In the midst of all this, Chihaya is also hiding a secret of his own; one that has to do with the frightening dreams he has been having. His fears are eating away at his heart, and he worries that what happened to Sapphire might be the same thing that caused the abnormal color in his wings and hair.

Angelic Destroyer (OVA 3)

Picking up where the 1st OVA left off, Chihaya and Kagetsuya are trying to infiltrate Dr. Ashino's lab in order to rescue two black angel children who are being held for interrogation by the mad doctor. The pair split up to search for the hostages, and while wandering through the corridors, Chihaya discovers, locked away in a side room, a black-winged angel like himself, attached to wires extending from the walls.

The angel's name is Messiah, and Chihaya, desperate to get the dormant figure's attention, exposes his wings at the window of the room. Messiah's memory chip, still in the process of being encrypted, takes in the image of Chihaya's transformation and fills Messiah's mind with strange emotions. He is compelled to approach the angel on the other side of the glass window, but cannot get out of the locked room.

An alarm begins to sound, and Chihaya and Kagetsuya meet up again, Kagetsuya carrying the two children. They are forced to evacuate the lab immediately, as it is about to explode. Elvira, the mother of the children, pulls up in her car and help them get away. Chihaya is deeply troubled that he was unable to save the black-winged angel.

One morning, while watching the news, Chihaya discovers that Doctor Ashino has arrived in the city accompanied by a strange man in a trenchcoat. Chihaya immediately recognizes the man as Messiah. Ashino has been having dealings with the military, and was commissioned into creating the ultimate weapon of destruction: Messiah. However, he is not in it just for the money. Troubled by the fact that Taki abandoned him, Ashino is plotting a revenge against the entire world, who stood by despite his suffering.

Final Battle (OVA 4)

Chihaya is reluctant to accept Messiah's disappearance, and no matter how Kagetsuya tries to comfort him, he can only ever think of the android whose wings were like his. Messiah, in the meanwhile, is making his living carrying out errands for a club of drug dealers. He feels accepted by these people, who are appreciative of his physical strength, but longs to find Chihaya again.

Using his connection to the world's computer database, Messiah searches for his friend. Chihaya, also online, discovers Messiah's call, and rushes to meet him in the sky. However, Ashino has also been tracking Messiah, and he sends in men to capture the runaway android.

Ultimately, Messiah needs to choose between staying with Chihaya and learning more about the emotions that confuse him, or give up his freedom in exchange for the assurance of Chihaya's safety, and become the weapon of destruction he was intended to be.

Presence of Shonen-ai (in the OVA)

Because the OVA focused only on two stories out of a manga that contained many others, some things were cut from the plot line. As a result, viewers without prior knowledge of the manga may wonder about the events in the OVAs. Earthian is a shonen-ai title, and of all the OVAs, but the only time this theme is referenced is for a brief time in the third episode. There is no mention of the manga forbidding of homosexuality in Eden, and as such some degree of depth of conflict is missing for characters who show signs of interest in those of the same gender. This was likely done because the depth of detail that would have to be explained would not be possible for an OVA series.
The fourth OVA was reviewed by Anime News Network, which called Earthian "not that good, plot-wise".[1]
 Helen McCarthy in 500 Essential Anime Movies says that manga was "a meditation of mortality, love and the responsibly we have to create our own Eden", while in OVA Kagetsuya and Chihaya "get the most of the screen time" and the OVA "crams in so much that there's little time to explain or develop even the remaining cast".[2]

NASA empleado deja Top Secret Fotos de Base En Luna En El Escritorio Mientras Prensa Toma de fotos de 2012, la vista del UFO News. ......POR DARTH VADER.


Fecha de descubrimiento: 03 2012 (aunque la foto si a partir de 2009)
  Lugar de la observación: Luna de la Tierra
  NASA Foto !:

Actualizada el ago 2014: Anthony Colapret, el científico de la NASA, con el brazo en la foto todavía trabaja para la NASA hoy. Aquí está su biografía en la NASA.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Este edificio está situado en el mismo cráter que la NASA envió una bomba nuclear a punto de estallar. Esto está en Cabeus cráter! Haga clic aquí para ver 2009 bombardeo de la luna. También los nombres de los científicos en la foto son Anthony Colaprete y Karen Gundy-Burlet de trabajo en el Centro de Investigación Ames.

Sí NASA hizo caer una pequeña bomba nuclear en la Luna en 2009, yo personalmente vi en vivo por internet con mis alumnos. También el Centro de Investigación Ames de la NASA se pone intel en este tipo de estructuras, porque uno está siendo utilizado por la Infantería de Marina como una base de Estados Unidos en este momento! Hacker Gary Mckinnon confirmó esto cuando él se metió en las computadoras de la USAF y la NASA. Este edificio es AHORA habitada por militares estadounidenses PERSONAL ... Por eso, estos JÓVENES INVESTIGADORES (aprendizaje) está mirando IT NOW. SCW

Persona que haya descubierto que establece:. "Ahora que es un enorme gato dejó fuera de la bolsa de la NASA La evidencia irrefutable de que la NASA sabe de la presencia de bases extraterrestres en la Luna y en última instancia, bombardeó uno de estas estructuras durante el / la misión LCROSS LRO en 2009, presuntamente llevó a salir a buscar agua en el cráter Cabius ".
Publicado por Scott Waring en Viernes, 16 de marzo 2012
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Etiquetas: Centro de Investigación Ames, de base, la construcción, la luna, la NASA, informe, avistamiento, avistamientos, estructura, alto secreto, ufo, ufos
Carlos Espartaco de cráneo y BonesMarch 21, 2012 at 1:53 AM

¿Por qué la NASA ha hecho esto?
Sí, es fácil hacer esto que reescribir los libros de historia.
Pero no dejan la elección para nosotros, nos merecemos saber la verdad. Si van a bombardear cualquier señal de los extraterrestres en el universo algún día se volverán contra los nuestros.

Quizás la NASA hizo por venganza, pero la venganza para qué? un edificio de un edificio? Torres gemelas, tal vez? Algunos dicen que hay videos donde los aviones no se presenta en septiembre 11 videos. Theres OVNIS que cambiar de forma en planos ...

Ese edificio fue, por la escala, a unos 5 km de ancho, en muchas tiendas, imagine la cantidad de vidas si el edificio estaba habitado?

Ingo Swann vio extraterrestres en forma humana en la Luna en algunas experiencias de visión remota, y trabajó para la CIA (ver el libro de penetración).
Gracias por abrir los ojos de la humanidad para esto, vamos a difundirlo.
Mario FatulaApril 3, 2012 at 6:36 AM

Alguien tiene la sensación de que estaban meando fuera de estos "extranjeros"?

Eric HansenJanuary 9, 2013 a las 1:11 AM

no, para nada ... les da algo para estudiar / reloj

Mario FatulaApril 3, 2012 at 6:37 AM

Alguien más tiene la sensación de que estamos haciendo enojar estos "extranjeros"?

ScottCWaringApril 3, 2012 a las 16:21

Sí Absoluto! Utilizamos solamente el 3% de nuestro cerebro ... que probablemente tienen ADN y mejoras informáticas que hacen los utilizan 100% + lo que los implantes de computadoras les ofrecen. Estamos tan ignorante a ellos. Tenemos la suerte de que nos permiten vivir en este planeta ... la forma en que estamos destruyendo.

sarah buttsFebruary 22, 2014 a las 1:41 AM

  estamos destruyendo este planeta pieza a pieza .. Estoy seguro que los extraterrestres están disgustados con lo que somos .. raza y destruir la raza y destruir .. si querían crear a los humanos como esclavos, así que tendrán más que suficiente .. no puedo verlos satisfechos por nuestras emisiones de contaminación en los cielos o envenenando nuestras aguas, tierras y cuerpos .. yo soy un ser humano y estoy mortificado por lo que somos ..

AnonymousApril 23, 2014 a las 15:40

La gente cree que los extranjeros dan una mierda sobre nosotros? Ellos saben a vernos en caso tratamos de salir de nuestro propio sistema solar y aparte de eso sólo se ríen de nuestra estupidez nunca ahora y entonces. ¿Qué se va del espacio raza perdería su tiempo por nosotros estudiar? ¿Cómo sería una carrera eso es obviamente superior a la nuestra ganancia de nosotros? Los extranjeros son reales y que probablemente nos podrían acabar si querían, pero ¿qué se puede ganar matando a cada hormiga roja llegó a través de?

Anvitha SandeepAugust 8, 2014 a las 3:58 AM

Creo que nos r una especie de ratas de laboratorio para los extranjeros ... else y todavía nos quedaban vivos ???
AnonymousSeptember 2, 2014 a las 4:40 AM

AnonymousOctober 7, 2014 a las 2:26 AM

Esta es anónimo 23 de abril 2014 15:40
Por qué no nos pierde el tiempo estudiando las hormigas?

Mario FatulaApril 3, 2012 at 6:38 AM

oye scott, creo que es necesario actualizar sus famosos avistamientos personas. dan Akroyd tiene un documental que corre alrededor de una hora y media sobre ovnis y sus avistamientos. el hombre tiene un amplio conocimiento sobre el tema, que deff mirado en él. incluso se sabe de piedras Dropa

cottCWaringApril 3, 2012 a las 16:19

Derecha, Dan ha hablado mucho acerca de los OVNIs e incluso tengo un DVD sobre él y avistamientos de ovnis. He hecho dos mensajes, tanto de él hablando de ovnis y extraterrestres, pero si tiene una nueva entrevista voy a publicar. Gracias.
Robin VermeerJuly 3, 2012 a las 17:58

Muy interessting todo esto Scott, Es una bonita página para leer esto cuando estás en interessting extraterrestre. Soy de Holanda y una vez mientras conducía he visto una luz rara por encima del lago, desde entonces he buscado información sobre ellos. Descubrí que están sosteniendo la información, entonces estoy hablando del gobierno. Creo que es medio porque todo el mundo tiene el derecho de saber.

Pero gracias por este sitio que ha realizado.

Greatings de Holanda!

Vic RoughOctober 10, 2013 a las 24:55

Saludos de California! (No puedo creer que nadie respondió antes!) ¿Dónde está nuestra educación? :)

Quiero conocer a los extraterrestres, pero únicos piadosos, no hay (abductores)
c RoughOctober 10, 2013 a las 13:01

Saludos de California! Lo siento nadie regresó el saludo antes! ¿Dónde está nuestra educación? :)

He visto tres ovnis en mi vida, un avistamiento fue un poco bajo llave, otro daba miedo, pero mi más reciente fue absolutamente sorprendente! Era una forma de cilindro oscuro, rodeado de cerca de 6 luces extremadamente brillantes, cada uno fuera como el resplandor del sol, y esto fue en plena luz del día. Debe haber parecido impresionante por la noche. Lo vi a través de binoculares, se mueve muy, muy despacio sobre mi casa, varios kilómetros de altura.

UnknownOctober 3, 2012 a las 20:32

¿Por qué eliminar el video? Gran sitio, aunque!

ScottCWaringOctober 4, 2012 a las 15:37

Yo no ... NASA algunos cómo cerró las personas representan ... probablemente han pirateado por la NSA ... eso es parte de su trabajo.

Gracias por dejarme saber ... Me volvió a publicar otros dos videos similares. Quiero saber si dejan de trabajar.
nknownOctober 3, 2012 a las 20:34

Hola, ¿por qué eliminar el video? Gran sitio, aunque!

ScottCWaringOctober 4, 2012 a las 15:38

Su trabajo ahora y me descargado una copia para mí en caso de que la NASA tiene éxito en la toma de todos ellos hacia abajo.
AnonymousNovember 22, 2012 at 6:15 AM

Mantener el buen trabajo. TU BLOG es la mejor.

ScottCWaringJune 15, 2013 a las 14:04

Gracias, voy a intentar.

Youri CarmaDecember 24, 2012 a las 19:52

¿Podría ser este el oro los Annunaki tomó de la tierra al aerosol en la atmósfera de Marte en un intento por salvar el planeta?

Colores reales de Marte junto a los falsos

F?t?ß???? ????t??May 30, 2013 a las 18:09

La luna es un satélite hueco construir como es este planeta Tierra Arakula 2 .... con Arakula siendo 1 el planeta hermano de la Tierra en el otro lado del Sol Fue construida por el Apolo, antes de salir para el sistema Sirius Star, y tomó el lugar de las otras dos lunas Fobos y Deimos, que se trasladó a Marte ... ¿por qué cree usted que la NASA utiliza los nombres de Apolo para las misiones? Todos los planetas eh son construcciones huecas y así es el sol ... la humanidad ha sido engañada. Guerras planetarias del pasado destruidos Marduk ahora piezas muestran como anillo de Kronos ... ¿Por qué se degradan a Plutón? Debido a que no se les permite ir allí.
Marte está ahora en proceso de Terraforma.

dropdeadJune 9, 2013 a las 20:41

ok He mirado algunos de sus imágenes y que podía ser sombras. como alguien que ha visto 2 ufo, sé que no estamos solos. También creo que hay sin lugar a dudas un encubrimiento masivo por los gobiernos de todo el mundo, y me temo que para cualquier extranjero que se acercan a nuestros planetas.
AnonymousNovember 17, 2013 a las 8:10 AM

los extraterrestres reales son aquellos a los que todo el mundo es un extranjero y fuente y destino para su beneficio personal. Dicha entidad nunca ha experimentado la belleza del mundo en número sin fin de forma .the Diablo es esencialmente una máquina y las garrapatas que chupan su sangre se ha convertido en seres mecánicos. sí mismos. .They Han ocultado su chispa de la fuerza de la vida del Creador como su derecho de nacimiento con capas de miedo, el egoísmo, la confusión, la dependencia de la mente "conocido" en lugar de vacío y armonioso .. Mi corazón y mi casa también está abierto a los perseguidos y perseguidos, independientemente de su origen, forma o cualquier otra característica externos. Incluso los que hoy son los fiscales tendrán mañana será bienvenido en mi casa ..

objetos en la luna ... ven 0,05-0,15

Jeff HiemstraJune 13, 2013 a las 20:52

coordenadas (ubicación) pls

ScottCWaringJune 15, 2013 a las 14:07

Es en o cerca de Cabius cráter. Es bien Cabeus A o B.

Diámetro Longitud Latitud
Un 82.2 ° S 39.1 ° W 48 kilometros
B 82.4 ° S 53.0 ° W 61 kilometros

eff HiemstraJune 13, 2013 a las 20:53

ubicación / coordina pls

mariamarzJune 15, 2013 a las 2:38 AM

De Hola Scott, Sobre ESTOS aconteceres, veo COMO lógico do planteo, nuestro de la estafa actual Grado de Conciencia 3D sin Podemos sable La Realidad de los Hechos Que Nos Rodean, imagenes hijo las reales ?, creadas holográficamente, ONU Hecho Que Aconteció en el Pasado y en sí nn Muestra Ahora ?, es artificial o biológico ?, PORQUE Ahora sí ve y hay entradas obligatorias ?, Alguien Quiere Que lo veamos Por Alguna Razón LLAMAR la tención ?, personalmente si Pienso Que OEN Hechos influyen en mi vida, Pero ya Es Un paso adelante sable Que existen y Estar concientemente en positivo, confio Que Un Día la Balanza sí inclinación Hacia la Luz de la Verdad, gracias, un saludo.

ScottCWaringJune 23, 2013 a las 22:18

Hola mi amigo, la NASA FUE creada párr Ocultar La Verdad a los estados unidos. Es Asombroso Como Un Día el usted camina Hacia la ventana y El Mundo Que Una Vez conocieron Ahora Totalmente Diferente. El Hecho de sable Que No estamos solos baño El Universo me Hace entendre Mucho Más Ahora.

Todd LeachJune 17, 2013 a las 9:19 AM

¿Quién lo construyó y cuándo?

mariamarzJune 19, 2013 a las 8:32 AM

Hola señor Scott, me envíale Comunicar Cual es La Razón Por La Cual Elimina mis comentarios, de la ESA Manera sable PORQUE ASI no volveré un Comentar o Visitar do site, aire respeto, un saludo de mi instancia de parte y gracias.

ScottCWaringJune 23, 2013 a las 21:57

Entiendo. No te sientas mal, Está Bien. No Temas. Seguro Lugar ONU Este es.
ee OlsonJune 23, 2013 a las 22:47

Es increíble lo que puede desafiar la gravedad al tocar el material hacia atrás no creen?
Lee OlsonJune 23, 2013 a las 22:50

Estoy de acuerdo con los extraterrestres Steven Hawkings son peligrosos y no deben ser recibidos por los terrícolas. Al igual que el indio americano, el nuevo mundo será conquistada y habitantes se pondrá en reservas o destruido por completo.
Lee OlsonJune 23, 2013 a las 22:54

Contando sombras en la pared, que no me molestan en absoluto, fumando cigarrillos y ver el Capitán Canguro, ahora no me digas, no tengo nada que hacer!
Andrew BothaSeptember 27, 2013 a las 2:30 pm

Este objeto y unos pocos como es visible en un cráter en las sombras de la tira a través de la Luna en Google Moon.
la Última cráter t el left.Known como Lambert. Échale un vistazo. Espere a que el programa Google Moon se asiente y sigue a la sombra en el cráter, pero conseguir de cerca!
Scott WaringSeptember 27, 2013 a las 15:59

HI, comprobé Google luna y sí el edificio rectángulo usted menciona está ahí. Es muy pequeña ... probablemente mucho menor que el que está en esta foto las noticias de la NASA. Google gobernante dice que sus 47,2 metros por 47,7 metros y 30 metros de altura. Agradable encontrar. ¿Es esta la misma estructura que encontraste?

Bill FauberNovember 30, 2013 at 2:58

Hay evidencia de que la NASA aerógrafo cabo anomalías encontradas en la Luna y Marte, la NASA afirma película de los alunizajes se perdió, la NASA ha puesto en marcha varias misiones a la Luna como LADEE en agosto 2013 que no he oído hablar de cualquier ciencia de estos misiones, no hay fotos en alta definición, ¿POR QUÉ ?. Luego en Marte cuando extraña objetivo se observan NASA dice que es una roca, pero ¿por qué entonces no la NASA investigar los objetos y nos muestran que no es nada más que rocas? Ni una sola vez tiene que realmente investigan una anomalía de vista, un poco extraño para una misión llamada Curiosity no ?. Una investigación de la NASA debería celebrarse, quien es responsable de la retención de información o encubrir información relativa a los objetos en la Luna, Marte o visitas ET debe ser juzgado públicamente y luego enviado a la cárcel por un largo tiempo.
Bill FauberNovember 30, 2013 at 2:59

Hay evidencia de que la NASA aerógrafo cabo anomalías encontradas en la Luna y Marte, la NASA afirma película de los alunizajes se perdió, la NASA ha puesto en marcha varias misiones a la Luna como LADEE en agosto 2013 que no he oído hablar de cualquier ciencia de estos misiones, no hay fotos en alta definición, ¿POR QUÉ ?. Luego en Marte cuando extraña objetivo se observan NASA dice que es una roca, pero ¿por qué entonces no la NASA investigar los objetos y nos muestran que no es nada más que rocas? Ni una sola vez tiene que realmente investigan una anomalía de vista, un poco extraño para una misión llamada Curiosity no ?. Una investigación de la NASA debería celebrarse, quien es responsable de la retención de información o encubrir información relativa a los objetos en la Luna, Marte o visitas ET debe ser juzgado públicamente y luego enviado a la cárcel por un largo tiempo.
AnonymousDecember 29, 2013 a las 24:36

Sus parece a parecerse a un club de striptease voy a un montón
AnonymousJanuary 13, 2014 a las 22:27

La NASA está deleating un montón de cosas, lo que ellos no knoe es que i knoe que tengo un extranjero y una sirena en algunos cápsulas. la pregunta es ¿cómo puedo knoe? Bueno, yo sé somone que trabaja en la NASA y ha visto todo esto. i puede ser de 18, pero no soy tonto, he estado investigando un montón de cosas y tengo pruebas yo mismo. yall tratan de ocultar todas estas cosas del mundo, ¿por qué? no sabemos. esas ballenas yall están sufriendo por que pone bombas en el océano! soy inteligente, im studing de ser un científico, descubriré todo yo mismo. yall borrar todo, incluso una identidad personas, una de mis amigas hablaban y yall borró todo, haciendo que se vea como si estuviera nunca smh borm ....

AnonymousApril 25, 2014 a las 1:12 AM

Tal vez debería empezar por la ortografía "studing" y la gramática

Vic Tim RattleheadJuly 31, 2014 a las 1:55 AM

Tal vez no deberías recurrir a fuego amigo.
Me alegro de tener otro aliado, independientemente de la ortografía.

Vic Tim RattleheadJuly 31, 2014 a las 1:58 AM

No es un Dick sobre él dile si revisa sus mensajes de errores que se tomará más en serio.
aco SkullFebruary 7, 2014 at 6:55

Que había hecho una investigación y llegó a la conclusión de que tal vez ese edificio fue hecho por algún otro poder terrenal escondido - los nazis sobrevivientes. Parece mucho feched para algunos, pero la investigación para la estación 211, nueva base Schwabenland, haunebu platillos volantes. NASA no sería bombardear si fue hecha por extranjeros, que podían defenderse. Obama ganó su Premio Nobel meses después de este atentado, y él habla en su discurso "no hubiéramos derrotado a los nazis" ... hablando de los poderes del mal ... ir allí y escuchar su discurso nobel .... pero algunos días más tarde apareció esa pirámide sobre el Kremlin ... Creo que era los propietarios de bases que quieren satisfacción. Todo cabe en ...

AnonymousMay 14, 2014 a las 4:39 AM

Y nadie habla de lo que esta en uno de los monitores de ordenador.

AnonymousMay 20, 2014 a 12:04a.m.

Gov conoce su verdadera naturaleza, un día, pronto todos los seres will..These no se adhieren a su parte del trato, gobierno está preocupado por el futuro del hombre, digamos su cuenta. Vendieron a todos los demás.

AnonymousMay 23, 2014 at 2:09

Un lema que vine con la de hace muchos años, cuando yo estaba investigando el color real de Marte

"La NASA fue creada para esconder la verdad"

wensor.ian@gmail.comMay 28, 2014 at 12:06

Ellos nos están tratando como hongos por mantenernos en la oscuridad y nos alimenta bullshit.

wensor.ian@gmail.comMay 28, 2014 a las 12:12 PM

Ellos nos están tratando como hongos. Nos mantienen en la oscuridad y nos dan de comer mierda.

Manuel SalvadorJuly 23, 2014 a las 5:58 AM

Tenemos 200,000 años de edad como especies, y sólo en los últimos 60, 70 años que corremos en la tecnología. Ahora imagine otra especie con 2 millones de años! ... Imagínense. Gracias.

Cena WeiseJuly 23, 2014 a las 10:09 AM

ya bien la mayoría de los hongos colonizan la paja en lugar de anykind de poo pero tu todavía listo. Hurra!

Vinod ManekarJuly 27, 2014 at 6:40

thry nos waching que ahoras evrything bcoz que hacer planta humana como hacemos bebé probeta del mismo al mismo, así que nos waching y la NASA ahoras ...... pero estamos nada que Frant de que no podemos luchar wach tan onle. ... muy pronto se tomen medidas bcoz estamos creciendo con la tecnología .....

Vinod ManekarJuly 27, 2014 at 6:48

aliens nos waching que ahoras todo lo que hace la planta humana en la tierra como si haciendo bebé probeta ..... y .... no podemos luchar con los extraterrestres y ahoras tecnología aur ... no podemos encontrar compañías aéreas malysian MH370 así que ¿cómo puede encontrar perfactly ellos, pero tomar medidas pronto bcoz estamos creciendo rápidamente con la tecnología .... hi frnds soy un nuevo vinod A'M de la India

Ufo AlienJuly 31, 2014 a las 21:53

Es sólo para el estudio, para saber más visite

AnonymousAugust 14, 2014 a las 22:22

Ese tipo es un idiota para dejar material de seguridad nacional bajo el brazo durante una entrevista. Apuesto a que consiguió regañó por el jefe de la NASA sobre ella.

AnonymousAugust 26, 2014 a las 6:41 AM

Él esta ya  probablemente a dos metros bajo tierra por ahora.

Scott WaringAugust 26, 2014 13:57

En realidad sus nombres son Anthony Colaprete y el Dr. Kim Ennico Y Anthony aún trabaja para la NASA. Heres su biografía en la NASA.

AnonymousSeptember 27, 2014 a las 4:39 AM

Los extranjeros son reales, No lo dije. Ahora prob no me gusta nosotros y la razón por la que digo que es no nos gusta de nosotros.

the1grapeOctober 9, 2014 at 11:49

Si usted echa un vistazo a esta foto que envió:

Echa un vistazo a la pantalla del ordenador en la parte superior de la foto, el que muestra una pantalla dividida de la luna y lo que parece ser este "edificio Plaza" se indica con flechas apuntando hacia afuera de ella.
¿Usted lo ve ?!
¿Cuál es el problema con eso ?


UDI descarta acuerdo a menos que se reescriba la Reforma Educacional

Diputado Macaya dijo que a diferencia de los cambios tributarios, en el caso de la educación “el daño es irreversible”.

Lunes 27 de octubre de 2014 | por UPI   Publicado por: C.M.- Foto: Agencia Uno+ Sigue a Nació en Facebook y Twitter

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Sobre la reforma educacional, la directiva de la UDI enfatizó este lunes que “no estamos dispuestos bajo ningún punto de vista a llegar a un acuerdo en materia de educación; por ende, el llamado es al Senado a no ceder un centímetro en la defensa de la libertad” de enseñanza.

“Nosotros lo negamos tajantemente, lo descartamos absolutamente esa posibilidad, por cuanto a diferencia de la reforma tributaria donde uno hablaba de un peso más, un peso menos. En materia de educación estamos hablando de niños, de familias, de una generación completa de estudiantes que pueden ver su futuro truncado, con una nefasta reforma educacional. En el Senado vemos muy lejana la posibilidad de un acuerdo”, afirmó el secretario general del gremialismo, Javier Macaya.

A juicio del legislador, “acá el daño es irreversible. Un punto menos en el crecimiento, en un eventual gobierno nuestro, vamos a ser capaces de darlo vuelta con otra reforma tributaria; pero una generación completa de niños y estudiantes no puede ver su futuro salvado con una nueva reforma educacional”.

“Nuestro llamado es a partir de nuevo, si se tiene la disposición a partir de nuevo, a recomenzar, a escribir nuevamente esta reforma educacional, obviamente el escenario sería distinto. Mientras ello no ocurra, no hay ninguna posibilidad de acuerdo por nuestra parte”, subrayó.

Según el parlamentario, “hemos visto estos siete meses en materia de educación la 'nueva mediocridad', la hemos visto reflejada en eslóganes que dicen (...) sí a eliminar el copago, sí a eliminar la selección, pero no hemos visto el énfasis en cosas que dicen relación con la calidad, los sueldos de los profesores, aumentar la subvención para los establecimientos públicos. No hay una sola línea que recoja esa sensibilidad”.

En tanto, el presidente de la UDI, diputado Ernesto Silva, añadió que “la colectividad va a preocuparse que los papás no sean traicionados en la educación. Nosotros hacemos un llamado a todos los partidarios de la educación en libertad a sumarse a esta causa”.

“Nuestro sector necesita una marea para enfrentar a la izquierda. Esperamos que la ciudadanía despierte y se dedique a enfrentar los cambios de este gobierno”, puntualizó.



Científico realiza sorprendente confesión sobre aliens y muestra fotos antes de morir

Boyd Bushman señaló a través de un video que fue parte del mítico proyecto “secreto” de Estados Unidos “Área 51” y contó algunas de sus vivencias sobre aliens.
Lunes 27 octubre 2014

El científico estadounidense Boyd Bushman realizó una sorprendente confesión sobre aliens antes de morir. El profesional de la ciencia contó a través de un video algunos de los detalles, de las experiencias de vida, que tuvo al estar dentro de un proyecto secreto de los Estados Unidos.

Poco antes de morir, en agosto pasado, Bushman contó en las imágenes que participó del mítico proyecto “Área 51”, donde según él habrían naves y cuerpos de alienígenas capturados por el gobierno de EE.UU.

Asimismo, el video muestra algunas de las fotografías que Bushman tenía de los aliens que se supone él investigaba, agregando que existen dos tipos de seres de esa especie que han sido capturados.

Bushman, según el medio Metro, fue un destacado científico que se retiró de Lockheed Martin. Durante su carrera, este profesional desarrolló numerosas patentes y además trabajó con contratistas de Defensa, como Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics y Texas Instruments.

Cabe señalar que el proyecto Área 51 nunca ha sido confirmado por las autoridades de Estados Unidos, aunque no son pocas las personas que creen en su existencia.

Asombrosa Área 51 lecho de muerte confesión de Boyd Bushman - ex Lockheed-científico revela nuevos alienígenas / OVNI fotos

Boyd Bushman, que falleció en el verano de 2014, grabó un video poco antes de su muerte en la que habló con franqueza acerca de sus experiencias personales en el Área 51 y su participación allí con tecnología alienígena, criaturas alienígenas, y sus sistemas únicos de propulsión antigravedad . Durante la "lecho de muerte" vídeo de la entrevista, Bushman produjo una gran cantidad de fotografías que muestran la aeronave, los visitantes extranjeros (muertos y vivos), y sus tecnologías futuristas, mientras que describen los bits nunca antes contadas de información que obtenida de los visitantes extraterrestres no terrenal.

¿Quién era Boyd Bushman?

Bushman falleció el 7 de agosto de 2014. Antes de su muerte, trabajó como Científico Senior de Lockheed Martin. Que abarca una carrera de cuarenta años, Bushman era empleado de Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, y Lockheed Martin durante el cual se le concedió veintiséis patentes (algunos todavía están clasificados) por su trabajo en el Stinger (anteriormente Redeye) sistema de misiles , guiadas por láser bombas inteligentes, sistemas de imágenes y tecnologías relacionadas magnéticos. Sus credenciales son impecables que da credibilidad a sus afirmaciones - que él ha hablado con visitantes extraterrestres y trabajado de primera mano con su Technologie durante su mandato en el Área 51.

Poco antes de su muerte, Bushman reveló una gran cantidad de detalles interesantes acerca de los visitantes extranjeros que, según él, siguen visitando nuestro planeta hoy en día. Por ejemplo, Bushman alega que un ovni se estrelló está en posesión del gobierno de los Estados Unidos y que fue estudiada y probada en el área 51 instalaciones de alto secreto en Nevada el vehículo espacial extraterrestre (Bushman agregó que las pruebas de la nave espacial alienígena se trasladó a un instalaciones en Utah después de Área 51 llegó a ser tan bien conocido). Todo esto sería difícil de creer excepción - que lo respaldó con un conjunto convincente de fotos.

Bushman recuerda 1947 accidente ovni y la misión de recuperación extranjero

Durante su confesión lecho de muerte, Bushman, recuerda la historia de un piloto con respecto a cómo se obtuvo el ovni original, en 1947 (que no se identifica necesariamente con el OVNI se estrelló a Roswell pero las similitudes sugieren que es una y la misma). Según Bushman:

"El grupo de radar había encontrado un punto luminoso a lo largo de Nuevo México y querían asignar al piloto a ir a ver hacia fuera. Se levantó el avión más rápido en el momento (que era un puntal plano). Fue totalmente armado ... Él estaba fuera volando y se encontró con el elemento y de inmediato comunicó de nuevo y dijo: "En primer lugar, quiero que me digas si hay algún otro aviones que vuelan en el área?" Control respondió: "Sólo los dos de usted. "el piloto dijo:" la segunda cosa que quiero saber es qué tengo autoridad para derribarlo? "Ellos le respondieron:" ¿Por qué quieres a derribarlo? "Él dijo:" Porque yo estoy volando la cosa más rápida que Estados Unidos puede hacer y que está empezando a dejarme atrás. Sé que es ya sea un amigo o un enemigo y si él me deja, él es un enemigo. Por lo tanto, deseo autoridad para darla de baja. "Se le concedió la autoridad. Él le disparó.

Voló pasado [la nave derribada] y vio que había un camino a un lado de una zona vallada. Él descendió, aterrizó su avión. Era difícil de hacer, pero lo hizo. Cortó otro lado de la valla. La puerta [de la nave] estaba abierta y uno de ellos [el ser extranjero] estaba fuera caminando. El piloto no le importaba que - lo que le importaba lo que era el vehículo. Cuando él se agachó (porque eran sólo unos cinco pies de altura) en el interior de la nave, vio que podía ver a través de las paredes. No sólo eso, el suelo era esponjoso. Miró a los tres que estaban allí y que estaban muertos. Él sabía que iba a ser un rato antes de la llegada de los militares y que no quería estar a solas con el cuarto extranjero. Él re-subió a su avión y se fue. Él nunca fue interrogado en el lugar ".

Durante la entrevista en video, Boyd produjo una serie de fotos y les mostró a la cámara. A continuación se recortan y capturas de pantalla con zoom de las fotos revelaron Bushman. No se sabe donde están las fotos originales son o que tomó posesión de ellos después de la muerte de los bosquimanos.

La primera serie de fotos mostró varios puntos de vista de la superficie de la nave extraterrestre que se encuentra, y trasladado en avión, en el Área 51. Bushman dice la nave utiliza sistemas de propulsión anti-gravedad y fue construido de geranio, paladio, y una tercera sustancia que reclamaciones tiene propiedades anti-gravedad. De hecho, Bushman demostró propiedades anti-gravedad únicas del material en la película mediante la colocación de piezas de la aeronave extraterrestre en una escala junto a otro objeto terrenal. Cuando se añadieron los materiales ajenos a la escala, el peso del objeto cayó a tierra. Bushman también señaló que hasta la fecha (2014), 39 estadounidenses habían perdido la vida al intentar probar la aeronave extraterrestre incluyendo 19 hombres que murieron en un solo caso, cuando el sistema de defensa del aparato se activó.

Bushman claims the surviving alien being was able to fly the craft but nobody else in the Air Force could.  The alien was given a camera and asked to take pictures during one of these flights.  After one return flight, the alien provided officials this picture which shows our solar system upon return from “Quintonia”, the alien’s home planet.  Interestingly, Bushman says the alien being told him that their home planet was 68 light years away and that the travel time to and from earth was 45 minutes.
Not long before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he agreed to be video recorded for a short documentary where he openly spoke about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. (Video below)

Boyd Bushman was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. He had an impressive forty year career where he was awarded many patents while working with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments and Lockheed Martin.

**You can view some of those patents here. There is also another one you can view linked in this article below.**

In the last video footage (ever) of him recorded right before his death, he shared some fascinating information and photos about Area 51, Aliens, UFO’s and anti-gravity. His images of aliens will of course raise controversy given the mixed beliefs that exist amongst people about the existence of them, but could perhaps be among the most fascinating evidence out there -and from a decorated and credible source.

After all, this wouldn’t be the first time highly ranked individuals have spoken out about this type of stuff. The statements made by them seem to corroborate with all of the official documentation about UFOs that’s already been released for public viewing. Dozens of governments around the world have already disclosed this existence.
Boyd’s Wikipedia page has been disputed for accuracy. The reason given is that the information is not properly sourced. The controversy seems to stem around Boyd’s actual involvement in Lockheed Martin. Researching around for a while I was able to find patents filed by Lockheed Martin with Boyd Bushman’s name on it. Again, there are more linked earlier in this article as well.

As per Bushman’s claims, below is an image of plans for the first reverse engineered space craft that Lockheed Martin, and himself, put together.

Below is the video of Boyd’s final thoughts on some really fascinating subject matter. If this information is intriguing to you, you may want to check out the archives of articles we have on UFO’s and other topics that are related. The UFO topic is one that could be very compartmentalized. This information might not even be the tip of the ice berg, we’ve heard other statements from interesting people about multiple races.


REINCARNATION or just day dreaming?..................... By Darth Vader.

This article would be a book if we traced the origins of reincarnation theory back through every culture and epoch. Because of that and because of the inadequacy of language, we would do better to begin by considering incarnation and reincarnation by looking at the imagery and feeling that these words evoke.

The accepted use and definition of “incarnate” evokes images of something individual descending from one place, down into matter. This is spatial and temporal thinking unique to the human mind that most easily grasps 3rd dimensional realities of time and space. Most people will imagine incarnation as an individual unit of consciousness (that they call the “soul”) leaving it’s place and moving, like an orb of light, down to the earth sphere and then residing in and around the human body.

But what if there is another way of thinking about this?

Allow me to begin with two statements:

1. Just because a teaching is old, doesn’t make it true.

To highlight this, imagine that 10,000 years from now, a group of humans discovered the Georgia Guidestones during an excavation. Would you advise them to view this as ancient wisdom or truth given to mankind by sages? Or would you suggest instead that they consider the possibility that the stones were placed there by a billionaire with fascist leanings?

2. Anecdotal evidence and subjective experience are not proof of a thing.

This subject matter deserves to be handled both delicately and with assiduity. This involves the examination of both the origin of reincarnation theory (tracing backwards to the conditions of the epochs of which it arose) and its implications. That is, following the concept forward to its logical conclusions and implications. What does it imply about the nature of reality and the condition of the human-state?

Let’s try an exercise in allegory and imagination to view incarnation from another perspective.

In this exercise you are an observer, independent to the scene described:

Imagine that you are on a grassy knoll. There is no civilization around, only nature. The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly. You are facing north, the sun is southwest, behind you, over your left shoulder.

Floating in the air a short distance from you are seven magnificent mirrors. These mirrors are not truly physical as they are also not truly mirrors but, for the sake of this exercise we will imagine them this way.

Each mirror is unique in its beauty. Each has a different frame and shape. The glass in each mirror is equally unique. There are waves and forms, areas that are concave, some convex and colours, beautiful arrays of colours.

You then become aware that over your right shoulder stand seven white columns. They are also unique in their height, circumference and shape but the material from which they are made (sand, limestone and white clay) is pretty much the same, although some variations are present. Unlike the mirrors, the columns are physical and subject to entropy.

Suddenly something to your left glimmers and you see there, suspended in mid-air, a diamond of such brilliance that it blinds you at first. Then the most extraordinary thing occurs.

The sun’s light hits the multi-faceted diamond creating a spectacular effect of light and colour. One ray of the sun enters the diamond but seven rays are projected out of the front face and each ray hits a corresponding mirror.

Now the mirrors, due to their nature, automatically reflect the sun’s light. When the light hits each mirror, the effect is wholly unique. Depending on the shape and unique lines and colour in the glass, the light that each mirror projects is individual to it. This light never stops shining and each mirror never stops reflecting it.

Now your attention turns once again to the seven columns. You turn to look and see the most amazing effect. The unique light reflected by each mirror has found a target on the columns. Each mirror has found a corresponding column on which to project its reflected light.

Mirror 1 is projecting onto Column 1. The effect is that Column 1 becomes aware of itself. She is given a name, let’s call her Alice. Alice looks down at herself, at her beautiful colours and glimmers of light and says, “Look at me! Look at my colours of orange and rose and my unique forms of light. This is me. I am my unique individuality.” She is unaware of the mirror that is projecting light, she is unaware that she is a composite of that individual ray of light, the uniqueness of the mirror that projects it and the physical form of the column. She only sees the effect, not the cause. And therein lays her error.

This phenomenon continues down the line as each column become self-aware.

As time goes by the columns begin to notice entropy of their physical form. The wind and rain have worn them on them. One day, Alice, our Column 1, crumbles and the dust remaining is carried away by the wind. To the other Columns who have witnessed this event believe she has disappeared. Without a target for the light from her corresponding mirror to hit, it appears as if her light is gone, as if it shines no more.

But Column 1 witnesses and experiences something different. Her self-awareness, her consciousness lingers there for a moment. She then experiences the sensation of moving upward along the ray of light of which facilitated her awareness. As she moves, it appears as if she is traveling through a tunnel to a point of bright light at the end.

She now perceives a sense of “arriving” and in front of her is a magnificent Being of Light. It is the mirror. She doesn’t look back. This unit of consciousness and temporal self-awareness re-joins the mirror as memories and experience.

Note: She, this soul “container” (so-to-speak) or “unit of individualized consciousness” never descended down to the column. She was created when the light from the mirror found a target and a composite was formed. The projected light was never retracted and the mirror never actually left home. The mirror did not incarnate, only the light projected by the mirror, with all of its unique properties, experienced existence as a composite of form and light for a short while.

We are the “mirrors”, immortal spirits that are direct emanations of the Divine.

The “mirror” will find another target and in fact, can find multiple targets at once and experience multiple states of being, some more physical than others.

This exercise is meant to illustrate that there are more ways to think about the concept of incarnation or reincarnation as currently understood in the west.

The differences may be subtle but the implications are profound in light of recent claims that reincarnation is a trap.

Reincarnation as Understood in the Past

The doctrine of reincarnation, known by other names such as, rebirth, transmigration of the soul, metempsychosis, metensomatosis and palingenesis is a concept that generally implies the immortality of the soul and cyclic manifestation of Being through incarnation, both physical and non-physical.

Most of the ancient notions of reincarnation are surprisingly incongruent with the modern view on the subject. This is a pertinent point to note for it reflects a vital truth…Human beings have been evolving through ages and this evolution of consciousness and soul directly implies an evolving understanding of the universe and the human’s place in it.

Let us consider a few variations on the reincarnation theme:


The Mesopotamians believed in the Eternal Return, a concept that for them, while similar to the current Western view of reincarnation, was not the same. The Mesopotamian notion of “descent to the Underworld” involved “descending and ascending” as cyclic phenomena. To quote Adapa from his Treatise on Sumerian Religion, “reincarnation is a concept suitable for the Mesopotamians because it was so real and explicit that it was not worth reporting the strikingly obvious.” The Mesopotamians took painstaking notes of the coming of the sunrise and sunset every day, the return of the seasons, the planets and the stars, always revolving and returning to charted points in the skies. Thus, they did believe that everything was cyclic, and probably considered life and death as such as well’. This viewpoint is confirmed by the Assyriologist Jean Bottero in his work “Mesopotamia: Writing, Reasoning, and The Gods”.


Hinduism is not a religion unto itself but rather a tessellation of religions. There was no central founder or authority. Although the transmigration of soul (from one body to another) has an extraordinarily firm hold on the people of India, the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs, the theory of reincarnation does not appear in the Vedas. The Vedic religion did not have this belief. It teaches instead, the theory of re-death (punarmyrtyu) or “new death”.

The earliest mention of transmigration is found in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. According to the Upanishads rebirth or reincarnation of the souls can take place in a series of physical bodies (normally in human bodies but also in animals and even plants) or in a series of astral and preternatural bodies (sun, moon, planets, stars, angels or demons), depending on one’s karma. The Kaushitaki Upanishad expresses it more clearly: “He is reborn here either as a worm, or as a butterfly, or as a fish, or as a bird, or as a lion, or as a serpent, or as a tiger, or as a person, or as some other being in this or in that condition, according to his works, according to his knowledge”.

Who is the “he” that the Upanishad refers to here? Does “he” refer to the True Self or is this allegory used to explain the cyclic nature of conscious evolution? The Upanishad is a philosophical text, written by fallible humans.

Why do so many westerners accept eastern teachings to be absolute truth?

In his various works, philosopher René Guénon, illustrated that the belief in reincarnation held by the Hindu religion and by Buddhism, are misinterpretations of two completely different processes; metempsychosis and transmigration.

This manifestation of a Being (True Self) from state to state is called ‘transmigration’, although in reality, the Being has nowhere to migrate to; it is always home it never leaves home. It is more a case of innumerable lives manifesting at once due to the Being’s mere existence.”  [refer to: “A Case Against Reincarnation,” p. 31, para. 8)

The problem with the theory of reincarnation that holds sway over the minds of Hindus, Buddhist and many westerners today, is that it assumes the primacy of incarnating into a human body. This is an absurd idea considering that the universe teeming with life at all levels.

The Druids

Although Druidic tradition forbade the inscribing of their teachings, Caesar, Lucan and Pomponius Mela recorded accounts of their contact with the ancient Druids and their beliefs, especially regarding life and death. For the Druids, the goal of human experience was to reach the Otherworld. This Otherworld barely resembles exoteric Christian descriptions of heaven. The Romans had no concept of the continuity of existence that compared to the Druidic belief. “The Druids believe that souls do not die but pass after the death of the body into another” (Ceasar VI, 14).

Disconcerted by the Druidic belief in the soul’s immortality, Caesar, a cunning strategist, deemed it a shrewd move by the druids because it was, “suitable for exciting courage while suppressing the fear of death” (VI, 14). Pomponius Mela agreed, “[for the druids] Souls are immortal and there is another life among the dead, this makes them more courageous in war”. Despite the Romans astonishment, the authors of antiquity, without exception, testified to the druidic belief in the immortality of the soul. The important distinction here is that for the Druids, the concept of “rebirth” implied “re-entry” into the Otherworld) and/or “rebirth” to another life elsewhere. To the Druid mind, none of this occurred in a linear fashion (as in subsequent incarnations) nor forcibly on earth as a human being. The spirit chose when and where to experience life and is indeed, “incarnating” in both past and present, in multiple worlds, at the same time.

To the druids, this Otherworld is the intemporal and nonspatial place where the world imagined by the Divine Plan is realized. Human beings were active components of the whole, of God and its Becoming. Their beliefs were congruent with the Pythagorean system that exalted the individual soul. Individuals were entirely free to assume their destinies and choose their own paths. The individual assisted the Divine Plan by engaging, as a human being, with the world and acting upon it.


Zoroastrianism conveys a unique expression of reincarnation very similar to the ancient Germanic tribes and wholly different from the Eastern view. In the sixth paragraph of this essay it is written, “The accepted use and definition of ‘incarnate’ evokes images of something individual descending from one place, down into matter. This is spatial and temporal thinking unique to the human mind that most easily grasps 3rd dimensional realities of time and space”.

Zoroastrianistic thought did not account for or include linear time. For the Indo-Aryans, time was cyclic in nature. They lived in the present moment, the Here and Now. While there is no direct mention of reincarnation, Zoroastrianism infers a state of “multiplicity of being”.

The Zoroastrian understanding of incarnation is more like that of the Germanic tribes than that of Eastern thought.

From the 19th Century Onwards

The notion of metempsychosis became popular in Europe in the 19thcentury, most notably among European Intellectuals. This appears to have influenced Helena Blatvasky’s Theosophy in addition to her interpretation of Eastern concepts.

Rudolf Steiner, an esoterist and philosopher was first influenced by Theosophy before breaking away from the organization for various reasons, most notably because of Theosophy’s hostility towards the Christ (Christ Being and Christ Impulse not exoteric, orthodox Christianity which Steiner also objected to). This is an important point that we will come to in the latter portion of this essay).

Rudolf Steiner saw the cycles of human reincarnation as an evolutionary process, an evolution of the individual and of the whole of humanity, the universe, and the divine. According to Steiner, each human comes into the world with a fully unique personality, which cannot be reduced to genetics or familial and societal environment. The reality of the individual spirit is central to Steiner’s philosophy.

Steiner spoke of four bodies: the physical body; the etheric, or life, body; the astral, or soul, body; and the “I,” or spirit body. He further taught that, although the spirit of the individual is real and eternal, the complete human born each lifetime is unique, and work done in one particular incarnation cannot be achieved in the same way in another.

While Steiner spoke of the theory of reincarnation in terms thatseemed to correspond to the Theosophical view there were differences. Steiner stressed that reincarnations was a theory, whereas Theosophy proclaimed reincarnation as an absolute truth.

When studying Steiner’s work, it’s important to remember that Steiner was attempting to explain immortality and the development of humanity in terms that most people could understand.

The average person in the early 20th century had no notion of quantum physics and concepts like “all lives, past, present and future, are occurring at once”, would have been very difficult to understand. Nevertheless, Steiner alluded to this more than once. Reminding his students that thinking in terms of “past and future lives” would be in error.

Steiner offered techniques for receiving impressions of past lives but these were only impressions connected to a specific experience or lesson in one’s current life. There were no great details of the previous life (name, place, date and so on). The purpose of these exercises was to assist a person in better understanding their current situation, their strengths and weaknesses.

René Guenon (who critized Steiner but also admired him) saw such anecdotal evidence of reincarnation differently.

I quote; “Guénon explains the occurrence of anecdotal evidence of reincarnation (remembering past lives): He suggests that these phenomena are caused by “psychic residue,” which are the energies or subtle parts of one’s organic being. These energies are then separated or jettisoned from the body when a person dies, and while they slowly disperse and decompose, they can seemingly take on a life of their own.”

This also accounts for ghostly phenomena and instances in which mediums communicated with the recently departed.

“These residues can take the form of the body that they once inhabited, thus forming apparitions or ghosts, and they can also be picked up by individuals, sensed in dreams, manifesting as visions or even cause individuals to be possessed.”
Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner also stated emphatically that it is impossible for a departed soul to communicate with those on Earth through a medium. What Guenon referred to as “psychic residue” Blatvasky and Steiner called “astral shells” when a human dies they leave behind what can be called an “astral shell”. This is the remnant of consciousness left lingering after death. This is not the actual individual soul but is simply a senseless subjective form which eventually disintegrates, usually within a few decades at the most. This “shell” contains a large portion of memories and knowledge which the individual possessed during that lifetime but has no individual consciousness or Being behind it.

Blavatsky said that, “these astral shells or ‘Kama Rupas’ roam senselessly around in the Kama Loka (the astral) and are easily contacted by those with mediumistic tendencies or psychic sensitivity. Since they are able to senselessly repeat and recite certain pieces of information and knowledge which the individual possessed during its life on earth, they are easily mistaken by many to actually be the real soul.”

Guenon confirmed this as well. He wrote that “Since these energies are not unified through a physical body, they generally appear in a fragmentary manner, like the broken shards of a personality that once lived in another body in another time. However, without the constant renewal supplied by the physical body, these energies slowly dissipate; but they can and do continue to exist for long periods of time. Yet such a partial or fragmented entity, even though it is sensed and perceived in dreams and visions [or under hypnosis], and seems real and meaningful to the observer, it does not originate from one’s own self. The apparition, however seemingly real, is only the fragmentary residual energy of a completely different person who happened to live in another time and place. Ghostly phenomena are the effects of mindless and soulless entities, since the True Self or Being that acted as the core of such an entity was retracted back into the Universal Being upon the death of the physical body.”

Some may now ask, “But what about the work of hypnotherapist who regress people to past lives, isn’t that valid? Those people are in deep trance state so surely they aren’t making things up? Where is it coming from?”

Hypnosis is a form of spiritualism (referring to spirits not spiritual); it is purely psychic in nature, not spiritual in nature. This doesn’t make it “wrong” but the distinction must be made and all that is experienced in this state should be considered subjective.

Anecdotal evidence can be interesting but it doesn’t disprove or prove reincarnation as the majority understand it today.

Regarding past life memories, here is the crux of the matter: We interpret what we see, we interpret everything that we experience and filter these impressions through our current belief system. Heightened human consciousness is capable of great expansion; it’s capable of peering into other realities and getting glimpses of Parallel States of Being. But as soon as we attach a narrative to these experiences, we limit our perception of truth.

One may do well to contemplate the following: “How do I know that the glimpse of what we call a “past life” was or is actually me? Can I prove this? Could it be that I am merely experiencing sensations and images from someone else’s life?”.

To reiterate, hypnotism, channeling, spiritualism and mediumship are all psychic in nature. It’s important to distinguish between the psychic and the spiritual. They are different realms and different impulses possibly guided by different beings. This is important to note because evidence points to forces at work in our world that seek to incite confusion and might have, dare I say, their own agenda. .

We can’t go any further in this endeavor without considering these forces. Namely, Lucifer and Ahriman.

Steiner, as well as ancient authors (from Dionysius the Areopagate, pupil of St. Paul) spoke of at least nine orders of Beings — which are called the “hierarchies”. They in no way represent the totality of Beings in the universe but are directly tied to humanity and earth’s destinies.

The proceeding seven paragraphs are not the writing of this author, they are taken directly from an excellent essay entitled, The Advent of Ahriman that can be read in whole here.

“These [aforementioned] spirits are not all “angelic”, in the sense of “good and holy”. Some, sometimes, oppose the regular, good world-order. Ahriman (“the Unjust Prince of this World”) is a “retarded” Spirit of Form, working as an Arch, opposing (in a sense) the good world order. (Yet, this opposition is not purely “evil”, as I will discuss below.) Since Ahriman is a spirit of opposition, we might begin to understand his nature by understanding what he opposes: the Gods’ plan of earthly and human development. But the situation is not as simple as a two-sided contest; basic to competent understanding of the world-process is the recognition of at least three kinds of spiritual influence upon the evolution of mankind and the cosmos. (We must be clear that this “evolution” is something very different from the random, meaningless, material process conceived by the Darwinists and suchlike theorists. I mean by “evolution” a thoroughly purposeful, thought-filled process of development initiated and guided by spiritual beings.)

The normal gods (the regular hierarchies) create and nurture the evolution of the world and mankind, so as to bring about the possibility of Men attaining the status of divinity as “Spirits of Freedom and Love” — the tenth hierarchy. (At the present stage of evolution, the Man progresses through alternating periods of earth-lives and purely spiritual lives: birth, death, and reincarnation.) As the name implies, essential to the fulfillment of mankind’s task is the realization of freedom, meaning not so much political freedom as spiritual freedom — that Men should become independent, unique individuals acting consciously as the originators of their own deeds. Occult wisdom, independently rediscovered and made public by Steiner (and greatly simplified here, to put it mildly), explains this evolution as being created and guided through seven great cosmic ages. We are now in the fourth great age, called the “Earth” Age.

Besides the normal Spirits, a host of abnormal spiritual beings, called “Luciferic”, also influences earthly evolution. In a sense, these oppose the normal Gods’ plans for evolution. The Luciferic beings try to draw mankind away from the normal earth-evolution to their own abnormal psychic-spiritual cosmos of light. In the human soul they inspire pride, egotism, disinterest in one’s fellow Men, fiery emotionalism, subjectivity, fantasy, and hallucination. In the human intellect they inspire generalization, unification, hypothesizing, and the building of imaginative pictures beyond reality.

A third spiritual influence working into human and earthly evolution is the Ahrimanic (also known as “Satanic”). The intention of Ahriman, and his hosts, is to freeze the earth into complete rigidity, so that it will not pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan ages, and to make the Man into an entirely earthly being — unindividualized, unfree, and divorced from the normal Gods’ cosmos. The essential Ahrimanic tendency is to materialize; to crystallize; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form — in other words, to kill that which is living. This tendency in itself, within proper bounds, is not evil; the dead, material world is necessary for the regular Gods’ plan of human and cosmic development. The Ahrimanic tendency is evil only when it exceeds proper bounds, when it reaches into what should be alive — and Ahriman does try to exceed proper bounds. Again, the basic reality of the world is spiritual beings together with their deeds, but Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. In fact, Ahrimanic spirits, not “atoms” or “ultimate particles”, are the reality behind the apparently material world. Ahriman lives upon lies; he is a spirit of untruth, the “Father of Lies”.

To sum up this description of the triad of spiritual streams: The conflicts of human and spiritual life do not derive from a simple, two-sided war between good and evil. It was one of the great insights of Steiner to renew the ancient teaching of the “Golden Mean”, of good as the middle way between opposing extremes. — Lucifer is too warm, too flighty, too unstable; he inspires human fanaticism, false mysticism, hot-bloodedness, and the tendency to flee earthly reality for hallucinatory pleasures. Ahriman is too cold, too hard, too rigid; he tries to make people dry, prosaic, philistine, materialistic in thought and in deed — and hardens what would be healthily mobile, supple thoughts, feelings, and even bodies. Christ, as the Exemplar of the regular Gods, represents the middle way between the too-much and the too-little, holding the opposites in balance — and leading mankind to find the healthy middle way.

Seen this way, Lucifer and Ahriman are not purely evil; they both bring to human and earthly evolution forces that are needed for good, healthy development and the fulfilment of the Gods’ plans. Evil results only when events get out of balance and run to extremes. — However, neither do Lucifer and Ahriman simply oppose each other; in a sense, they work together in opposition to the Gods’ intent for evolution of mankind.

Lucifer draws human spirits away from earthly embodiment toward his own psychic-spiritual “planet” (read “plane”) of light; Ahriman pushes the individual human spirit out of the human organism and away from the earth, so that only a hardened, mechanized, ghostly human organism, devoid of free individuality and living an instinctive-but-clever animalistic species-life remains on the hardened “cosmic slag” of the earth.”
Considering the above, the Ahrimanic influence is obvious in our world; abject materialism, trans-humanism and total disregard for human dignity.

The Luciferian influence is more subtle, trickier to identify but rampant as an impulse in modern spirituality.

Is Reincarnation a Trap?

With that in mind, let’s return the title of this essay: Is reincarnation a trap?

I must answer this question with a question; What theory or reincarnation are you referring to when you call it a ‘trap’?

Consider also how these dire warnings about the ‘trap of reincarnation’  impact others. Dire stories of entrapment evoke paranoia and dis-balance, they dis-empower.

Who would benefit from a population of humans that believed that reincarnation is trap and carry this paranoia with them at death?

It is said that Luciferian forces want to drive human souls to their own plane, the so-called “8th sphere”. Dire warnings such as “don’t go into the light when you pass on!” beg the question: Where would a soul, a unit of individualized awareness, who believes firmly in the modern theory of reincarnation and believes it to be a trap, be guided immediately after death? How about the Luciferian plane where you “never have to reincarnate again, instead you can stay here”. Contemplate this.

Ahrimanic forces want to keep human souls entrapped around the earth. Convincing humans that “reincarnation is a trap and someone is waiting to snatch your soul after death”, would also be very beneficial to Ahriman’s agenda.

I do not claim that the the existence of Lucifer and Ahriman and their agendas are absolute truth. They are however, something to consider.

With that being said, a re-cap:

Linear time is an illusion, therefore the concept of reincarnating inasmuch as it implies “returning to human existence in future lives” is a flawed interpretation of the manifestation of Being.

We most likely exist simultaneously in multiple states of Being.

Reincarnation is a theory with variances on the theme. It is a concept used to help the human mind conceive of eternity, evolution and growth.

Reincarnation is not a “trap”…but unexamined, unquestioned belief in the modern doctrine of reincarnation, if it leads to paranoid conjecture, is.

I wish to bring before the public, through the World Wide Web, some information about tremendous events approaching. I am aware that much talk in this vein is already on the Web, and that there is generally a sense “in the air” that something big is happening, with the turning of the Millennium, the end of the Mayan calendar,etc. I believe that this sense of “something in the air” is a correct perception, albeit sometimes highly distorted. Most of the information in this essay is not new; it has been open to the public at least since the aftermath of the First World War. Yet it has not reached the wide public that needs to hear it.

I hope that the advent of the World Wide Web and the search engines will make this important information available to many around the world who have not yet encountered it and who might put it to good use. I claim no special knowledge concerning these matters; I have merely drawn on published sources. I expect no one to take my word for anything. I do ask the readers to read and think through this information, to follow the leads that I give, and do their own investigations. Conscientious investigations might well cause some intellectual upheavals, and change the course of some lives; and this is exactly what is needed, many times over, around the world.

Rudolf Steiner

This essay is based, directly or indirectly, on the “spiritual science”, or “Anthroposophy”, promulgated by Rudolf Steiner in the first quarter of the Twentieth Century. I say “based on” because this exposition can only be grossly oversimplified, and must contain whatever misunderstandings that derive from my own (more or less) weak grasp of the subject-matter. The reader must assume that this essay is almost wholly derivative; it contains scarcely any original ideas of my own. In the interest of readability (and to give my strained resources a break), I do not provide full citations in the text. If I did, almost every sentence would be footnoted. I do provide below some bibliographic remarks, which I hope will be useful to the conscientious reader. It is probable that hundreds, or thousands, of people in this world are better qualified than I to write this notice. I wrote it because:

I was not aware that anyone else was writing it, and it needed to be written, and published.

The events of which I speak are the approaching incarnation of a powerful super-human spiritual being, following the concomitant political, social, economic, and cultural events. Preparations for this incarnation have been building to a climax over the past four centuries or more, and the climax is approaching soon. This being is called “Ahriman” (from the ancient Persian name Angra Mainyu, given by the prehistoric Zarathustra). We might consider Ahriman to be the same being usually called “Satan”, except that the concept of “Satan” is much confused and misunderstood. Therefore, in this essay I will use the name “Ahriman”, and will attempt to give a clearer understanding of his nature and aims than generally obtains.

I realize that many are not inclined to take seriously the possibility of such an event, or to believe that such matters are known, or can be known. Nevertheless, again I ask the reader to read this essay with an open mind, at least open enough to take in the thoughts and concepts. I will give a few epistemological considerations which support the notion that such matters can be known. And I will give some references which will help the readers to conduct their own epistemological researches, and thus to be able to make an informed estimation of this report. This is a matter of some importance; it is essential for the future of mankind and the earth that as many people as possible become wakeful and not be caught sleeping by the impending events.

A full explanation of the nature of Ahriman and his incarnation is far beyond the scope of this essay (as well as beyond the understanding of this author). If I only give enough of an explanation so that the readers become conscious enough to see the necessity, and to have the means, of becoming more conscious about these matters, then I will have fulfilled my purpose.

Since this essay speaks of “spiritual” matters, I would like to bring into focus the concept of “spirit”, along with the concepts of “soul” and “body”. (I follow Steiner’s exposition in his Theosophy.) The “body”, of course, is the physical form, perceptible by the outer senses, in the world that is usually perceived in common by people’s outer senses. By “soul” I mean the inner world of subjective feelings and sensations of a Man (or animal). The sensation of an outer sense- perception (such as the green of grass), as well as feelings (such as pleasure or pain), are in the soul. Also, the inner being acts through the soul by the will, though the will is not usually conscious. We might say that the physical world acts on the soul through sensation; the soul lives in its own feelings, and acts upon the world through the will. We (generally) experience sensations in wakefulness, feelings as if in a dream, and will as if in deep, unconscious sleep.

In addition to living in the inner world of the soul, the Man can live in the world of thought. Through thinking, we make contact with the being of the things of the world. By “spirit” I mean the essence of thought. Contrary to common misconception, thought is not subjective, but objective, in that it belongs to the whole world, accessible to all. Many people can grasp the same thought and through that thought contact the same objective reality, though they do not (usually) experience each other’s sensations and feelings. As the physical world interacts with the soul, so also does the spirit; we can call forth thoughts by our acts of will, and the thoughts give us feelings. Much of the confusion about the supposed subjectivity of thinking arises from the subjectivity of feelings and sensations connected with thinking, as well as from the fact that much of what usually passes for thinking is hardly thinking at all, but a kind of semi-conscious, automatic pseudo-thinking.

(In modern times, people experience thinking as if it comes, usually automatically, out of themselves, yet, paradoxically, thinking in essence is objective and universal [as we can best see in mathematics]. I will say more about this below.)

Thus, through our experience of thinking, we can attach an experiential, “empirical” meaning to the concept of “spirit”. (All this should, of course, be taken as only a bare introduction to a vast, deep subject. For now, I am trying only to counter the widespread opinion that “soul” and “spirit” are nebulous, meaningless terms.) And while it is usually true that we hardly experience our thinking, thinking may be intensified so that it becomes conscious, and this development of consciousness may lead to the perception of the world and beings of soul and spirit — and thus become the basis of “spiritual science “.
Following the communications of this spiritual science, I will posit that spiritual beings, known as “angels”, live invisibly (to us, usually) and involve themselves in earthly affairs. (This idea has been gaining acceptance in the general culture in recent years, with a surge of interest in angels.) I will also posit the existence of other spiritual beings, higher and more advanced than the angels, called the “archangels” in theology or angelology. Modern spiritual research (by Steiner), as well as ancient tradition (from Dionysius the Areopagate, pupil of St. Paul) speaks of at least nine orders of angels and supra-angelic beings — which, taken together, are called the “hierarchies”, sometimes the “choirs of angels”, or sometimes the “Gods”. (Other, still higher Beings are not discussed here.) Some of the names given to the nine hierarchies, in ascending order, are:

• Angels (Angeloi, Sons of Twilight, Sons of Life; all Men have individual angels as
 guardians and carriers of their eternal Selves)
 • Archangels (Archangeloi, Spirits of Fire; the “folk-spirits” are of this rank)
 • Archai (singular “Arche”; Spirits of Personality, Primal Beginnings, Principalities; the “Time Spirit” or “Zeitgeist” is of this rank)
 • Exusiai (Spirits of Form, Powers, Authorities; the “Elohim” and “Jehovah” are of this rank)
 • Dynamis (Spirits of Motion, Mights, Virtues)
 • Kyriotetes (Spirits of Wisdom, Dominions)
 • Thrones (Spirits of Will)
 • Cherubim (Spirits of Harmony)
 • Seraphim (Spirits of Love).

Although the doctrines of Dionysius were long considered to be heretical, the existence of these Hierarchical beings is mentioned in the Bible. Angels, of course, are mentioned in many places. Some other examples:

• Archangels — Jude v.9; I Thes. 4: 16
 • Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers — Rom. 8: 38; Col. 1: 16, 2: 15; Eph. 1: 21, 3: 10
 • Cherubim — Gen. 3: 24; Ex. 25: 18-20,22; Num. 7: 89; Ezk. 9: 3, ch. 10; Ps. 18: 10
 • Seraphim — Isa. 6: 21

These spirits are not all “angelic”, in the sense of “good and holy”. Some, sometimes, oppose the regular, good world-order. Ahriman (“the Unjust Prince of this World”) is a “retarded” Spirit of Form, working as an Arche, opposing (in a sense) the good world order. (Yet, this opposition is not purely “evil”, as I will discuss below.) Since Ahriman is a spirit of opposition, we might begin to understand his nature by understanding what he opposes: the Gods’ plan of earthly and human development. But the situation is not as simple as a two-sided contest; basic to competent understanding of the world-process is the recognition of at least three kinds of spiritual influence upon the evolution of mankind and the cosmos. (We must be clear that this “evolution” is something very different from the random, meaningless, material process conceived by the Darwinists and suchlike theorists. I mean by “evolution” a thoroughly purposeful, thought-filled process of development initiated and guided by spiritual beings.)

The normal Gods (the regular hierarchies) create and nurture the evolvement of the world and mankind, so as to bring about the possibility of Men attaining the status of divinity as “Spirits of Freedom and Love” — the tenth hierarchy. (At the present stage of evolution, the Man progresses through alternating periods of earth-lives and purely spiritual lives: birth, death, and reincarnation.) As the name implies, essential to the fulfillment of mankind’s task is the realization of “freedom”, meaning not so much political freedom as spiritual freedom — that Men should become independent, unique individuals acting consciously as the originators of their own deeds. Occult wisdom, independently rediscovered and made public by Steiner (and greatly simplified here, to put it mildly), explains this evolution as being created and guided through seven great cosmic ages. We are now in the fourth great age, called the “Earth” Age. (All ages’ names here are given in order of succession.)

The previous three ages are called “Saturn”, “Sun”, and “Moon”. Again, these are past ages of cosmic development, not to be confused with the present-day heavenly bodies of the same names. The same holds for the three future ages: “Jupiter”, “Venus”, and “Vulcan”. The great Earth Age comprises seven lesser ages, of which we are in the fifth. These five are called “Polarian”, “Hyperborean”, “Lemurian”, “Atlantean”, and “Post-Atlantean”. And the Post-Atlantean Age comprises seven cultural epochs, of which, again, we are in the fifth. The previous four are called “Indian”, “Persian”, “Egypto-Chaldean”, and “Greco-Roman”. Recorded history begins only with the Egypto-Chaldean Epoch; what is generally known of ancient Indian  and Persian culture derives from records made in the third epoch. — These names of epochs do not imply that nothing important was happening in other regions of the earth, but that the archetypal evolutionary impulses of the times were centered in the regions designated. The epochs last approximately 2160 years; and the present, fifth post-Atlantean epoch began about 1413 AD. Neither are these epochs considered to be sharply differentiated; transitions happen gradually, future developments being prepared in advance, and past influences lingering after.

Note: This account is ridiculously simplified, for the purpose of providing a bare conceptual framework for this essay. To get a faint idea of how simplified, consider that on Old Saturn “space” did not exist; “time”, paradoxically, “began” only during that age; and the only quasi-sensory phenomenon was a kind of heat- substance. Conditions on Old Saturn were so vastly different from earthly conditions that we can imagine them only faintly. Indeed, perhaps better than trying merely to picture Old Saturn as a physical existence, would be to conceive of this “heat” as only an outer appearance of the “soul-warmth” of the Creator-Gods. The basic reality is spirit-beings and their deeds. The “beginning” might be pictured thus: the Thrones offered sacrifice of part of their own being to the Cherubim; the warmth of this devotional sacrifice rose as smoke, and from this fiery smoke was born the Archai — the Time-Spirits.

Thus: a sacramental, creative act of holy Beings, viewed “externally” as “heat” and the “beginning of time”. — We can properly approach these sacred Mysteries (made public only in our time) with reverent inner activity, calling forth inner pictures imbued with devotional feeling of respect for even our physical existence as a gift of the Gods’ own being-substance. — And again, this is only to give the dimmest conception of these tremendous facts, and of their remoteness from our usual, materialistic imagining. Conditions only very gradually, over inconceivable aeons, approached those of the present. For example, a kind of “space” came into existence only on the Old Sun, and so on. Always, the reality “behind” the “outer appearances” is: beings and their deeds.

The central event of the Earth Age occurred during the Greco-Roman Epoch, in Palestine. It was the incarnation of a very high spiritual Being, a God of the normal current, called the “Christ” — culminating in the events surrounding the Crucifixion: the “Mystery of Golgatha”. This Event was the turning-point of Earth-evolution from descent from spirit into matter, toward ascent back to the spirit, with the fruits gained from the sojourn into matter. (Steiner himself did not begin with a Christian world-view. He independently, and unexpectedly, rediscovered the “mystical fact” of Christianity during the course of his consciously clairvoyant experiences.)

Besides the normal Gods, a host of abnormal spiritual beings, called “Luciferic”, also influences earthly evolution. In a sense, these oppose the normal Gods’ plans for evolution. The Luciferic beings try to draw mankind away from the normal earth-evolution to their own abnormal psychic-spiritual cosmos of light. In the human soul they inspire pride, egotism, disinterest in one’s fellow Men, fiery emotionalism, subjectivity, fantasy, and hallucination. In the human intellect they inspire generalization, unification, hypothesizing, and the building of imaginative pictures beyond reality. Human speech and thought are Luciferic in origin; so are human self- consciousness and the capacity for independence and rebellion against the normal Gods’ world- order. Also, the susceptibility to disease originated from Luciferic influence. — A high spiritual being, in a sense the leader of the Luciferic host, “Lucifer” himself, incarnated in a human body, in the region of China, in the Third Millennium BC. This event brought about a revolution in human consciousness.

Before then, Men could not use the organs of intellect and lived by a kind of instinct. Lucifer was the first to grasp by the intellect the wisdom of the Mysteries theretofore revealed by the Gods to mankind in other forms of consciousness. The effects of this incarnation inspired the wisdom of Pagan culture, up through the Gnosis of the early centuries AD, and lingered even into the early Nineteenth Century. — This wisdom should not be considered to be false in itself; it is good or evil depending on who holds it, and for what purposes it is used. The  great Pagan initiates took it upon themselves to enter into the Luciferic influence and turn it to the good of mankind. Only through the Luciferic influence has mankind risen above the status of childishness. (Apart from the Pagan culture of Nature-wisdom was the Hebraic culture, which [in a sense] separated the Man from Nature, and which prepared an hereditary current to provide a body for the incarnation of Christ. In Pagan culture the Man felt membered into the starry cosmos, without what we now know as moral impulses. Moral impulses in the human soul were prepared by Hebrewism and furthered by Christianity. Christianity is also a culmination and fulfillment of Pagan wisdom. — Here “Christianity” means not so much “organized religion” as the deeds and continuing influence of the Christ-Being and His hosts, not necessarily confined to formal-religious organizations.)

A third spiritual influence working into human and earthly evolution is the Ahrimanic. The intention of Ahriman, and his hosts, is to freeze the earth into complete rigidity, so that it will not pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan ages, and to make the Man into an entirely earthly being — unindividualized, unfree, and divorced from the normal Gods’ cosmos. The essential Ahrimanic tendency is to materialize; to crystallize; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form — in other words, to kill that which is living. This tendency in itself, within proper bounds, is not evil; the dead, material world is necessary for the regular Gods’ plan of human and cosmic development. The Ahrimanic tendency is evil only when it exceeds proper bounds, when it reaches into what should be alive — and Ahriman does try to exceed proper bounds. Again, the basic reality of the world is spiritual beings together with their deeds, but Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. In fact, Ahrimanic spirits, not “atoms” or “ultimate particles”, are the reality behind the apparently material world. Ahriman lives upon lies; he is a spirit of untruth, the “Father of Lies”.

In the present, fifth cultural epoch the Ahrimanic influence in human culture is reaching a climax. The modern scientific revolution, since the fifteenth century, has been inspired largely by Ahriman. He is the inspirer of amoral, atheistic, mechanistic materialism, and the kind of cleverness that goes with it. The regular Gods’ intent for the present epoch (also called the “Consciousness Soul Epoch”) is that mankind should develop increased consciousness, together with the individuality and spiritual freedom that go with that consciousness. Ahriman opposes this; he wants the Man to live from unconscious instincts as an unindividualized, impulsive animal — clever, but an animal nonetheless. (Ahriman is the teacher of the lie that the Manis an animal: Darwinism and similar theories.)

To the modern mind it might seem a contradiction to say Ahriman opposes increased consciousness but promotes intelligence and science. This is because the modern mind is so immured in what is generally considered to be “scientific thinking” that it has almost no conception of the true nature of conscious thinking. (Steiner, especially in his book Die Philosophie
 der Freiheit [1894], has been our teacher of real thinking, but the general intellectual culture has not

learned the lesson.) The fact is that the “scientific” thinking normal in this epoch, no matter how clever, is hardly conscious at all (possibly with some relatively rare exceptions at moments of “insight” or mathematical discovery). In the kind of consciousness usual in our “scientific” culture, we become conscious only of the fixed results of the thinking, after it has been accomplished; we are not (usually) conscious of the thinking-process itself. And since it is unconscious, it is not our free action; it is automatic. When we think in the manner usual in our epoch, we are sentient automata, acting from instinct. (Formerly occult fact: this instinctive thinking in the wide culture had been inspired by Jehovah up to about 1840 AD. Since then it has been inspired by Ahriman, resulting in the Nineteenth-Century torrent of materialism, which, aided by the withdrawal of the German folk-spirit, drowned the life-positive Romanticism in culture.) And this is what Ahriman wants: he wants to stamp out all traces and all possibility of free, individualized human consciousness; he wants the Man not to be an individual, but only a member of a general species of pseudo-mankind — to be a clever, earth-bound animal, an “homunculus”.

As indicated, Ahriman is the inspirer of the most extreme kind of “scientific” materialism: the doctrine that there is no spirit or soul in the world; that life itself is not in fact alive, but is only a complex of mechanical processes; that reality is at base only quantitative, that there is no reality in the qualitative — color, sound,etc.; even that the human’s inner being is a confluence of material forces. On the emotional level, he works in the human subconscious instincts, inspiring fear, hatred, lust for power, and destructive sex impulses. On the mental level, he inspires rigid, automatic thinking: (in Steiner’s phrase) thinking almost entirely without thoughts, but thinking tremendously strongly in the language, in the literal words, which easily become empty words, which in turn easily become lies. — This “abstract” thinking is devoid of any conscious, inner activity and devoid of any real connection to living experience, and creates a darkened consciousness without light, color, or images.

According to Steiner, it is characteristic of the present culture of Ahrimanic scientism and Anglo- American economic imperialism that language has lost its instinctive spiritual meaning; that is, the connection is lost between the literal word and the spiritual impulse that constitutes meaning. Without real, spiritual content, language consists only of “empty phrases”, such as rule by the will of the people, the free world, individual freedom, and so on. These phrases are largely devoid of reality in our socio-political structure; here the pervasive actuality is the power of money over Men and over life. And where the empty phrase rules in language, mere conventions — rather than living human contact — rule in social life, and mere routine — rather than lively human interest — rules in economic life. And: “It is only a short step from the empty phrase to the lie.” Again, this is especially true in politics and economics, for the prevalence of empty words makes possible the falsification of realities — a potent weapon in the hands of those with occult, conscious intentions to manipulate people for devious ends. In our time, people en masse act as if they are possessed by evil forces, because, in a way, they are. The demons of materialism speak through empty words. A language in which the demons of materialism have taken the place of human spiritual impulses can lead only to destruction.

Certainly Steiner was not the only one to notice this aspect of modern language. George Orwell was perhaps the most prominent writer to decry this trend. See, for instance, his classic essay “Politics and the English Language”. He envisioned the dehumanization of language becoming deliberately intensified in the “newspeak” of the Ahrimanic nightmare 1984. Having no apparent knowledge of spiritual science, and working with only keen observation and a love of truth, he saw what was happening in the political discourse of Western Europe and carried to extremes in the totalitarian regimes.

On the socio-political level, the antidote for this poison of empty words is the liberation of cultural life, especially education, from political and financial power. (As outlined in Steiner’s concept of the “threefold commonwealth”: the separation of the political-rights state, the spiritual-cultural sphere, and the economic sector — along with the elimination of egotism and coercion from the economy.) On the individual-personal level, the antidote is the infusion of active, creative thought into language, thus creating a language in which the words point to the thoughts, evoking living thinking in the listeners. If we do not put effort into creating our original thoughts, then ready-made pseudo-thoughts, trite words and phrases, come automatically to mind and carry us along with them, resulting in “thinking almost entirely without thoughts”. We can at least make the effort to resist these ready-made phrases and generalizations that effortlessly come to mind, and to form mental pictures of particular people, things, and events — and further, to make original word- formations describing these things and pictures from varying points of view. The essential point is that we not let our speaking and writing be determined by unconscious influences, but that we call forth through our own efforts new, original thought-creations and convey them with original, fluid, artistic word-formations.

We will not always fully succeed; we are not all poets all the time; but if we consciously make this effort, then we will go far toward recovering the lost human-spirituality of language, and consequently, toward the humanization of culture. (I will say more on this subject in another context.) — And, not incidentally, we will thus progress toward living consciously in the thinking-free-of-literal-words that is the “language” of the spirit-soul world in which we will live after death.

“Men must learn to see through words; they will have to acquire the capacity to grasp the gesture in language.” [From Symptom to Reality in Modern History, p. 124]

In the social-cultural sphere, Ahriman’s influence is apparent everywhere, especially strong and growing stronger throughout the Twentieth Century. Chief among the Ahrimanic trends are:

• Antagonistic nationalism based on ethnicity. (Moderate folk-nationalism was a progressive principle in the past, but ethnic nationalism is retrogressive and destructive today.)

• Dogmatic party politics, engendering hatred and bitterness arising from the refusal to see other, equally valid (or invalid) points of view

• The subjugation of cultural life (e.g. medicine, education, research, criminal jurisprudence) to political and economic power

• The mechanization of the political state, bound by rigid laws everywhere, with little place for free human initiative

• In everyday life: Philistinism, tedium, and alienation, lack of interest in one’s work, even in intellectual work (Ahriman wants knowledge to be devoid of warm human interest and connection, to be stored in libraries and not to live in human souls.)

• In medicine: materialistic, mechanistic (and atrocious) experimentalism and treatment, without understanding of the living human individual (The related practice of embalming corpses tends to bind the human entity to earth; this is an Ahrimanic reflection of ancient Egyptian mummification.)

• In social science: blind acceptance of statistics, and the belief that the satisfaction of economic needs by itself will secure human welfare

• In economics: the subjugation of all living and human interests to the inhuman, impersonal mechanism of profit-seeking, to the “artificial person” of the corporation (In the USA this has reached such a state that the humanizing influence of the labor movement is being obliterated, and the exigencies of “making a living”, along with other destructive Ahrimanic trends, are destroying the human family — this in the so-called “richest country in the world”. (A perspicacious American folk-wisdom has coined the phrase “the Almighty Dollar”.) The Ahrimanic “Mammon” is archetypally the god of “filthy lucre” and of the power of money over life, as well as of all low and dark forces; his hosts also attack the human body and soul to corrupt and destroy them.)

• In the Christian religion: narrow, simplistic interpretation of the Gospels, without appreciation for the occult wisdom needed for an approach to the deep mysteries of the Christ Being

• In literature: books inspired directly by Ahriman, works of great intelligence that further Ahriman’s goals (e.g. some parts of Nietzsche’sAntichrist and Ecce Homo)

• In technics: very refined developments, but directed only at satisfying animal needs, promoting human immersion in the sense-world to the exclusion of the supersensible

• In world-view: humans as animals, animals (and all living things) as mechanisms, the non-existence of soul and spirit, and the non-existence of moral reality: amoralism.

Obviously, these impulses are running amok in this world, more so all the time. They are, in fact, approaching a climax; they are preparations for the incarnation of Ahriman himself in a human body.

To sum up this description of the triad of spiritual streams: The conflicts of human and spiritual life do not derive from a simple, two-sided war between good and evil. It was one of the great insights of Steiner to renew the ancient teaching of the “Golden Mean”, of good as the middle way between opposing extremes. — Lucifer is too warm, too flighty, too unstable; he inspires human fanaticism, false mysticism, hot-bloodedness, and the tendency to flee earthly reality for hallucinatory pleasures. Ahriman is too cold, too hard, too rigid; he tries to make people dry, prosaic, philistine, materialistic in thought and in deed — and hardens what would be healthily mobile, supple thoughts, feelings, and even bodies. Christ, as the Exemplar of the regular Gods, represents the middle way between the too-much and the too-little, holding the opposites in balance — and leading mankind to find the healthy middle way.

Seen this way, Lucifer and Ahriman are not purely evil; they both bring to human and earthly evolution forces that are needed for good, healthy development and the fulfillment of the Gods’ plans. Evil results only when events get out of balance and run to extremes. — However, neither do Lucifer and Ahriman simply oppose each other; in a sense, they work together in opposition to the Gods’ intent for evolution; they both work to prevent mankind and the earth from progressing together to the New Jupiter. Lucifer draws human spirits away from earthly embodiment toward his own psychic-spiritual “planet” of light; Ahriman pushes the individual human spirit out of the human organism and away from the earth, so that only a hardened, mechanized, ghostly human organism, devoid of free individuality and living an instinctive-but-clever animalistic species-life remains on the hardened “cosmic slag” of the earth (surrounded with Old Moon forces). Mankind’s rightful task for the present is to lead lives of healthy, progressive alternation between the earthly and the cosmic (life, death, and rebirth), so as to lead the earth over to New Jupiter. — The profound mystery of evil is that in a higher sense, in the long run, it serves the good. Not to imply that we would be justified in doing evil with the rationalization that good would result. “…it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” [Matthew 18;vii]

Note: This is a deep subject, and I am not altogether sure of my grasp of it. My impression is that Steiner was developing and expanding his insights during his career, so that reading just one of his treatments of the subject will not give the whole picture. The picture I have drawn so far is this:

The true picture of the workings of evil might be even more complex than outlined above. Steiner did make some statements which might be interpreted as indicating a third stream of spirits of opposition: the “Asuras” (a borrowed Eastern term), which are retarded Archai who work to destroy the human “I”, the Ego itself. The Asuras might be agents of the actual Antichrist, the Sun-Demon, known to occultism as “Sorat” (or “Sorath”). In some passages Steiner does identify the Apocalyptic Beast 666 as Sorat, not clearly differentiating the Ahrimanic and Soratic principals. While it seems true that the numerological interpretation of the Hebrew spelling of “Sorat” gives the number 666, still the position of Sorat in relation to Lucifer and Ahriman is not altogether clear (to this writer). A possible solution to this question might  follow from the imagery of the Apocalypse: Michael casts the Dragon out of heaven; immediately afterwards arise the two “beasts” — the first from the sea (Lucifer) and the second from the land (Ahriman). Thus Lucifer and Ahriman appear on earth as two beings or principles, but they are the progeny of the one spirit of opposition — the Dragon — in Heaven.

If we identify the Dragon, the Antichrist, as Sorat, we can picture Lucifer and Ahriman as the left and right hands of Sorat. Christ strives to hold Lucifer and Ahriman in balance so that they serve the good, while Sorat strives to keep them out of balance, so that they work for destruction. While Lucifer seeks to draw the human “I”, the Ego to his own planet, and Ahriman seeks to harden the earth and the human organism so that no Ego can live in a human on earth, Sorat — through the Asuras — seeks to destroy the Ego itself, along with the earth. Sorat uses Lucifer and Ahriman as spirits of seduction to mask his own true intention of pure destruction. And Sorat manifests in social evolution as pure destruction, especially in the wars and mass murders of our century. (Some suggest that he manifests in the human organism as the destroyer of the immune system — the so-called “AIDS”.) Thus, the true picture might look something like this:
Steiner says that the Ahrimanic incarnation will happen the West in the Third Millennium. In his nomenclature “West” means primarily Britain and English-speaking America. There is ample reason to suspect that the destined place for this event is (North) America, for the effect of the American natural environment on the human body and soul especially favors Ahrimanic tendencies. According to Steiner’s insights, each of the various regions of the earth has its unique effect upon the human organism. In America the Ahrimanic influence is strong, rising from the center of the earth, carried by electromagnetism. This strengthens the entity known to occultism as the human “double” or “Doppelgänger”. ThisDoppelgänger is an Ahrimanic soul-being with intelligence and will, but with no individual, spiritual ego, and tends to bind the human soul to the body, hardening human thinking, feeling, and willing. All Men have aDoppelgänger living in their nerve-electricity, infusing into their souls all sorts of degrading, depressing impulses, as well as instigating internal illnesses. (Electricity is the “sub-natural”, rigidifying shadow of soul forces.) — The Ahrimanic tendencies in America are well-known even to those whose perception is unenlivened by occult knowledge; American culture has long been famous for its violence and “hard-boiled” materialism, and, more recently, for its degeneracy and decadence.

As to exactly when Ahriman’s incarnation will happen, Steiner (as far as I am aware) does not give a precise time. In at least one passage he seems to indicate the end of the Third Millennium; in other places he indicates the early part of that millennium. In many places he points to a great crisis at the end of the Twentieth Century, even a “War of All against All”, when mankind might well “stand at the grave of civilization”. In any case, it seems highly likely that a major Ahrimanic onslaught — either the incarnation of Ahriman himself, or the advent of the “false prophet” of the Apocalypse, or some other attack — occurs around 1998 AD (approximately). To see why this is so, we need to do a few simple calculations, based on the occult principle of meaningful rhythms in history. (Let the sceptical reader be a true sceptic and suspend judgment, and take in the following discussion with a mind open to possibilities unsuspected by the materialistic mind.)
It is a fact, unknown to history but revealed by Steiner’s spiritual research, that while the Incarnation of Christ was happening in Palestine another stupendous drama played out in Mexico. A high initiate of the negative Mysteries, the most advanced “black magician” in the world, had reached, by repeated ritual murders of an especially horrible kind, the threshold of knowledge of certain deep, cosmic secrets. This knowledge would have given him the ability, as was his intention, of achieving the Ahrimanic goals of completely rigidifying the earth, so as to draw it out of the progressive development toward the New Jupiter, and of binding human organisms as automata in that “slag” of the earth. He was thwarted in this intention by the incarnate high Sun-being “Vitzliputzli”, who caused the black magician to be crucified at the same time as the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ — a shattering reflection in the American continent of the Events in Palestine. (Since then the soul of this black magician has been held in a kind of “prison”.)

Recall that the Greco-Roman Epoch ran approximately 2160 years, from 747 BC to 1413 AD. The midpoint of this epoch was 1413 AD minus 2160/2 = 333 AD. Consider (as an hypothesis) the occult teaching that events in history occur at times that, as it were, reflect and balance the events equidistant in time from a midpoint. Taking 333 AD as the midpoint, the fulcrum of the balance, and on one side the Birth in Palestine, on the other side of the scales would be 333 AD + 333 = 666 AD. The big event , known to history, of the Seventh Century was the rise of Islam. Another event, not so famous but still known to history, was the transfer of ancient Greek philosophy (especially Aristotle’s works, probably including the lost work on alchemy) to the Academy of Jundi Sabur (near present-day Baghdad). Following the expulsion of the philosophers from Syrian Edessa in 489 AD and from Athens in 529 AD, the philosophers had found refuge in what was then the Persian Empire, and at that Academy they pursued their calling.

Then this knowledge passed to the Islamic Arabs, and science of a particular bent reached a high development under them, while Europe was in the “Dark Ages”. Only gradually, over many centuries, did this science pass over to Europe, where it developed into the modern scientific revolution. Again, the trend of modern science, as it has in fact developed, is Ahrimanic. The direct ancestor of scientific materialism was this Arabian science, which was itself derived from the Academy of Jundi Sabur. Thus, on the other side of the 333 AD midpoint from the Birth in Palestine was the rise of an active materialistic, anti-Christian world view in Jundi Sabur.

Occult history (as given by Steiner) reveals how this came about: Sorat intended to approach physical manifestation in 666 AD at Jundi Sabur, and to bestow upon the philosophers there a super-human knowledge. This knowledge was to consist of everything that mankind, under the  plan of the regular Gods, was to learn through its own efforts by the height of the present, Consciousness Soul Epoch. This epoch began in 1413 AD, so its midpoint will be 2493 AD. In other words, Sorat wanted to give to mankind, prematurely and without the requisite human effort and experience, the knowledge that would be right and healthy for mankind to achieve through work and evolution by the middle of the Third Millennium. The regular Gods’ plan for the Consciousness Soul Epoch is for mankind to acquire, through self-education and self- discipline, the free, conscious, individualized human personality. If the mankind of the Seventh Century had been given this advanced knowledge at that immature stage of development, when people could not think in full consciousness, the result would have been disastrous. Just consider how much evil mankind has done with the science we have acquired up to now, at our present stage of maturity (or immaturity), and then try to imagine what the relatively primitive people of the Seventh Century would have done with the science of 2493 AD. — This picture is bad enough, but we need to recall Steiner’s occult insights to begin to get the whole picture.

If Sorat had succeeded, we humans would have lost the possibility of developing our true nature, and would have become egotistic, animalistic automata, with no possibility of further development. We would have become earth-bound, and the earth could never then pass over to the Jupiter, Venus, and Vulcan stages. The normal Gods’ plan would have been thwarted and Men could not become the Spirits of Freedom and Love. — However, the rise of Islam thwarted this plan of Sorat. It is a deep, mysterious paradox that Islam, which was, and is, opposed to Christianity in many ways, also in effect worked jointly with the Christ-impulse in history, by blanketing, by “skimming the cream off”, this Sorat-science, and by watering it down. Still, this science survived, and has worked on into the present day, but the worst was averted, for those times.

The weakened Jundi Sabur impulse, as a distorted quasi-Aristotelianism, passed to the Arabs, over Africa and Spain, to France, England, and through the monasteries (e.g. Roger Bacon) back over to the Continent. The “Realism” of the Medieval scholastics (especially the revived Aristotelianism of Thomas Aquinas) opposed this Arabian influence, somewhat correctly seeing it as inimical to Christianity; but with the decline and decadence of Medieval Aristotelianism, and with the dawn of modern, anti- Aristotelian “empiricism” (e.g. Francis Bacon), the diluted, but still powerful, Sorat-science came to dominate world-culture.
The true spirit of this kind of scientism can be illustrated by a telling metaphor coined early in this epoch by scientism’s seminal spokesman, Francis Bacon. He said, propounding scientific experimentalism, that we must put Nature on the rack and force Her to answer the questions we put to Her. — This figure will speak volumes to those who meditate upon it: We, seeking information for whatever motives, are to torture the Goddess who gave us birth and nurture, so as to cause Her, through unbearable pain and injury, to blurt out secrets which She, in her wisdom, conceals from the impure and self-seeking. — In much of so-called “physiological research” and “medical training” this is hardly even a metaphor; the torture unto death is quite literal. The usual victims are animals, but all too many “researchers” are not above using human “subjects” when they can get enough power over them. And even a slight whiff of occult knowledge shows us a deeper meaning: The central rite of “Satanism” or “black magic” — sometimes crude, sometimes sophisticated — is the deliberate, ritual torture and killing of animals and, at a more advanced level, of humans. When done in a precise way, this practice confers knowledge and power upon the practitioner; also, it affects the whole earth, hardening and  rigidifying it, to the characteristic Ahrimanic purpose. Thus we can see the hordes of “researchers” and medical students — who hurt, injure, and “sacrifice” animals — as undergoing an unconscious, Ahrimanic black magic initiation, which hardens, brutalizes, and Ahrimanizes their souls, and through them also the culture, and even the earth itself. (Sacrifice is the actual word they commonly use, not thinking which “god” they sacrifice unto.) Vivisection is truly the archetypal act of modern science as it is generally understood and practiced.

In contrast to our Baconian science, there does exist a little-known scientific trend, inaugurated by the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. In the general culture he is known primarily as the author ofFaust; but he was also a scientist, known for (if known at all) the prediction of the discovery of the intermaxillary bone in humans, or, less often, for his anti-Newtonian theory of color. His mode of scientific thinking was quite different form the Baconian-Ahrimanic mode, and likewise he illustrated it with a telling metaphor. He said (in paraphrase) that we must approach Nature as a reverent lover, and, perhaps, She will whisper to us Her intimate secrets. — The contrast to Bacon’s metaphor could hardly be more stark. Also, the Goethean method of scientific investigation, in contrast to amoral experimentalism, is a method of self-improvement and self- development — a reverent meditating upon the facts of experience, in the hope that they will speak. This scientific method has, of course, been all but buried under the Baconian-Ahrimanic avalanche, even in Goethe’s own country.

And it was no mere accident that Steiner’s first professional appointment was to edit Goethe’s scientific writings, in the Goethe-Schiller Archive in Weimar. Steiner and his successors have developed and expanded the Goethean method to an amazing extent, giving us a reasonable hope for renewed life in our deadened, death-dealing scientific culture. Steiner too has been almost totally ignored by scientists in the West, slightly less so in Central Europe. Also, the practice of Goethean-Steinerean science has vast implications for the soul of the practitioner, as well as for the whole earth. Spiritual science sees soul and spirit in Nature, in a real, practical way, completely consistent with the “empirical” facts. It reverently approaches the scientific laboratory as a holy place, and the experiment as a sacrament, as a revelation of the Creator-Spirits through the sacred symbols of Nature. This is consistent only with the moral development of the scientist, and with the furtherance of the Gods’ plan of human and cosmic evolution.
The 666-year rhythm continued further; another period ended in 1332 AD. Around this time (circa 1312) the cruel suppression of the Knights Templar began. Little is known to history of the true nature of the Templars, because of their secretive nature and the distortions passed to history by their triumphant enemies. But these Knights did cultivate an esoteric Christianity that, although somewhat flawed, had the potential of bringing about a more humane civilization in Europe. This possibility was thwarted by the power of the French King, Philip the Fair, and his allies in the Church. Philip, through the torture and killing of the Templars, and through the material inspiration from their looted gold, attained a kind of Ahrimanic initiation-knowledge, but he died soon thereafter. The Templars were either killed or driven underground, and Medieval culture declined until the Renaissance and Reformation.

The Templar-impulse did continue underground, to pass over to the “Lodges”, especially York and Scottish Rite Freemasonry. These Lodges worked in opposition to Roman Catholicism (at least until the end of the Eighteenth Century, when Freemasonry and esoteric-political Catholicism united in opposition to Napoleon), but the esoteric content of Freemasonry became decadent and Ahrimanized. Nevertheless, many of the modern institutions of “liberal republican democracy” (such as freedom of speech, religion,  and the press) are very largely due to the influence of Freemasonry, especially in the USA. — This is a huge and interesting story, but it is beyond the scope of this essay (as well as the knowledge of this author).

And, of course, another 666-year cycle ends around 1998 AD. As stated already, it is apparent that the Ahrimanic influence in culture is building to some kind of climax. Indeed, as is obvious to all with eyes to see, that civilization in the USA, despite (or because of) the triumphant march of technology, human culture and civilization are decaying (regardless of erstwhile “rising economic indicators”). It is an easy guess that the times around 1998 AD are a propitious period for a major Ahrimanic manifestation: perhaps the incarnation of Ahriman himself; or since 1998 = 3×666 years since the Birth of the body for the incarnation of Christ, perhaps the body was born which is to be the vehicle for Ahriman, possibly 30 years later; or perhaps some other major event, such as the advent of the “false prophet” of the Apocalypse.

(These are approximate times only; the outer effects of occult [="hidden"] events may manifest only gradually. In 1998 we did not see newspaper headlines announcing a spectacular, “supernatural” event. But if we had been alive in 666 AD or 1332 AD neither would we have likely been informed by the then contemporary analogues of headlines that any major, “supernatural” events had occurred. Those manifestations of evil did not fully succeed according to the “plan”; other influences intervened and moderated the outcomes. The occult machinations were hardly known to the public. Such may also be true in the present: the actual course of events depends on many contending forces, and upon the consciousness and will of Men; and the crux of the struggle will likely be hidden [="occult"] to the wide public. We will live and/or die in the outer effects of the occult causes, as uncomprehending [most of us, probably] as is usual in social cataclysms. This essay is an attempt to lessen the incomprehension, and to lighten the mental atmosphere of this planet, even a little. Surely, as “thoughts are things”, even a slight change in consciousness can influence physical event in the right direction.)

Steiner repeatedly pointed to the turn of the Century/Millennium as a time of crisis. (As is the turn of every millennium: every 1000 years Lucifer and Ahriman work together with special power.) — Also, the Dutch Anthroposophist Bernard Lievegoed, in his deathbed testament, made the following remarks:

“From indications by Rudolf Steiner, we have to assume that in the year 1998 Ahriman will play an important role….it is a part of the development of the earth and of mankind that Ahriman will at one time be on earth in a physical body.

In lectures, Rudolf Steiner has mentioned a time in the third millennium:

‘before even a part of the third millennium after Christ has passed’.

However, he said at a meeting of young people in Breslau, that Ahriman will do everything in his power to advance this moment as much as he can. Steiner then mentions the year 1998. It will depend on all of mankind together whether Ahriman will succeed in this or not…. Whether he will succeed in this will depend on the question whether there will be enough people who see through his designs….In 1916 Rudolf Steiner said that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, evil will appear in a form which at that time [1916] could not yet be described… My estimate is that the nadir of this battle will fall around the years 2020 to 2040. Then the abyss of the demons will open. National Socialism and Bolshevism will pale in comparison with this. Million of people will perish.” [The Battle for the Soul; pp. 98-113]

A cynic might say that these predictions allow for plenty of “wiggle room” for the incarnation of Ahriman: 1998 to the first part of the next millennium, or even the end of that millennium. — I will concede that the predicted time is not very precise, but I believe nevertheless that it is highly likely that this incarnation will manifest in the next few years to half-century or century. And even without occult insight, one who observes the present social/cultural decline can hardly avoid seeing some kind of wrenching changes approaching.

Again, it is not certain that Ahriman’s incarnation will be immediately known to the public: Steiner warns that Ahriman wants mankind to be unconscious of his true nature and to see his advent as progressive and good for human welfare. Says Steiner:

“If Ahriman were able to slink into a humanity unaware of his coming, that would gladden him most of all. It is for this reason that the occurrences and trends in which Ahriman is working for his future incarnation must be brought to light.”

Ahriman will establish a (possibly secret) school for powerful “magic” arts and clairvoyance. The technical applications of this highly intelligent spirit will indeed look like “magic” to us, even as advanced as we might consider our science to be — for Ahriman’s understanding is not limited by the crude materialism he foists upon mankind. And the clairvoyance bestowed upon Ahriman’s pupils will be effortless (not won through the long preparation of soul-purification and self- discipline of legitimate occultism). It will give spirit-vision, but the visions will be subjective and deceptive; people will see differing, conflicting visions of the soul/spirit worlds, and will fall into confusion and conflict. Ahriman-in-the-flesh will be an overwhelmingly powerful and impressive figure, when he reveals himself. And it seems probable that, as the Father of Lies, he will present himself as that which he is most certainly not: Christ, in His Second Coming. — And again, it is America, where many religious people are expecting the Second Coming in a physical body, that will be especially susceptible to Ahriman’s deceptions. It is entirely possible that they who cling to the Gospels with a superficially literalistic interpretation closed to occult insight will be the very people who will be the false Christ’s followers. (For us, occult insight is needed to understand what the Scriptures do literally say, for they were written in occult terminology, out of higher consciousness.)
Another tremendous revelation from Steiner’s spiritual science concerns the true nature of the Second Coming of Christ. Steiner was adamant that the physical incarnation of Christ can happen once and only once.
“Just as a pair of scales can have only one balancing-point, so in Earth evolution the event of Golgatha can take place only once”.

The amazing fact is that the Second Coming is happening now, but that most of mankind is unaware of it. (Actually, the term “second coming” is not in the New Testament; the Greek word ispa rousia, meaning roughly “active presence”. It was this “presence” that Saul/Paul experienced on the road to Damascus; Paul being mankind’s “premature birth” of the coming new experience of Christ.Parousia was translated into Latin asad ventus, which meansarrival, thus helping to give rise to the expectation of a physical arrival of Christ. The original Greek term seems in consonance with Steiner’s explanation. See Emil Bock’s St. Paul.) In fact, it is the driving force behind the “apocalyptic” convulsions and struggles of our time. For, as the picture is given in the Apocalypse of John, the bottomless pit is opened, Michael casts the dragon and his hosts onto the earth, the vials of wrath are poured out, and Babylon is overthrown — all in preparation for Christ’s triumph that brings the New Heaven and New Earth.

Most of us are unaware of this present Second Coming because it is not happening in the visible, material world, but in the “ethereal” region of the earth. “Ethereal” means the system of “formative forces”, bordering on the physical, that raise inert matter to the realm of the living. Plants, animals, and humans all have ethereal, formative-force “bodies”, and when the ethereal body forsakes the physical body, the physical body becomes ordinary matter; in other words, it dies. The earth, being the body of a living Being, also has a formative-force body, the “ethereal earth”. These ethereal forces manifest especially in weather phenomena, such  as cloud formation. (It is a false, Ahrimanic science that sees cloud formation as a merely material process of evaporation and condensation of “water molecules”; this is rather a process of de- materialization and re-materialization through the workings of the ethers.)

With these concepts, we can see new meaning in the Bible verses concerning the Ascension and Return of Christ. “…a cloud received him out of their sight” (Acts I;9) seems to be saying that Christ ascended into the ethereal, formative-force region of the earth. And the statement that He “…so shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts I;11) seems to say that He shall return from the ethereal regions: “Behold he cometh with clouds….” (Rev. I;7) Steiner’s assertion that Christ shall not come again in the flesh seems to be in consonance with the Bible:

“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not….Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; behold he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” (Matt. XXIV;23,26)

On the contrary, the Second Coming shall be a tremendous event, not limited to a particular location:

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt. XXIV;27)

The ethereal is super-physical, not bound by the laws of material space; Christ’s appearance in the ethereal earth is everywhere-at-once. And since the ethereal is super-physical, some degree of super-physical vision, or “clairvoyance”, is needed to see into it. Few people at the present stage of evolution have that kind of clairvoyance, and some may have it only sporadically. But the Second Coming is only at its beginning; true clairvoyance (as opposed to the deceptive Ahrimanic clairvoyance) will reveal to consciousness the ethereal Christ in the centuries to come. — Ahriman dreads human consciousness of the ethereal Christ, and fights against it. It is essential for us to grasp the fact that he who shall come in the flesh is not Christ, but Ahriman:

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders….” (Matt. XXIV;24)

Steiner revealed the occult fact that, since the beginning of the present reign of the Sun-Archangel Michael as the Time Spirit in 1879 AD, the human ethereal body is becoming less closely bound to the physical body, thus opening the possibility of new clairvoyance. 1933 AD (two 950-year cycles of the precession of the nodes of Saturn since the Crucifixion and Resurrection in 33 AD) would have been an especially propitious time for the beginning of widespread perception of the ethereal Christ. But this was hindered by the rise to power of Hitler — one expression of Sorat himself “rising from the Abyss” — and by the many convulsions and distractions around the same time in earth-life. What was hindered in 1933 might again become propitious around 2000-2100 AD (a reflection of the calling of Abraham around 2000-2100 BC). We may speculate that Ahriman, and Sorat, will oppose this new Christ-consciousness by even more horrendous hindrances.
A very interesting theory (by David B. Black) interprets the progressive mechanization of culture not only as an Ahrimanic influence, but as the actual “macrocosmic incarnation” of Ahriman: This is being brought to completion through the development of the electronic computer. Black traces the milestones in the evolution of the computer as reflections of the spiritual events in the heavens.

For example, in the 1840's, around the time of Jehovah’s abandonment of human blood-bound thinking to Ahriman, Boolean algebra was developed. The year 1879 — the time of Michael’s accession as Time Spirit and the final expulsion of the “dragon” onto earth — saw the publication of Frege’s Begriffschrift, a great milestone in the development of “formal logic”: the separation of logic from the spiritual “Word”.

Also in 1879:

* Edison invented the electric light (light is separated from the sun and plunged into the “sub-earthly”: “Electricity is Ahrimanic `light’.”)

* Trotsky and Stalin were born

* Merganthaler invented the Linotype machine

* Bessemer introduced the hard-steel process

* the US Census Bureau hired Herman Hollerith, who developed the first large-scale punched-card tabulating machine

The Christ’s “coming in the clouds” in the early 1930's was reflected on earth by the publication of Gödel’s “incompleteness theorem”, which demonstrated that a truly-thinking machine is impossible, but which also led to the development of “recursion theory”, which is the essential conceptual framework for “artificial intelligence” and “artificial life”. Also in 1930, by a fortuitous comedy of errors, the planet Pluto was discovered.

Pluto, of course, is the god of the underworld, and the discovery of “his” planet was a synchronistic harbinger of the unleashing of the sub-material “powers of the pit” upon earth: later transits of Saturn and Uranus to Pluto’s discovery position marked the bombing of Hiroshima and the explosion of the first “H-bomb”.

As is well-known, the development of the electronic computer proceeded exponentially, from von Neumann’s development of the “stored program” to the desktop and the laptop. A lesser-known development was the “Josephson effect”, which allows the construction of semi-conductors from superconducting materials. Thus, electrical circuits can operate without “Luciferic” heat, and Ahriman, whose nature is “freezing cold”, can completely enter into electrical devices.

As superconducting computers become more common, Ahrimanic beings higher than “elementals” might actually incarnate in them, since no physical energy is consumed in a superconducting circuit. (Ahrimanic “elemental spirits” inhabit our artificial machines, just as normal “elementals” [or "nature spirits": gnomes, undines, sylphs, salamanders] work in and throughout the living processes of Nature.) Black sums up: “Sunless light and Wordless logic intertwined, and out of them came the computer.”

Thus, while Ahriman incarnates “microcosmically” in a human body, we might also face the “macrocosmic” literal incarnation of Ahriman in our machines.
The incarnation of high spiritual beings in human bodies has the special significance that new possibilities for human development are opened up, because, as it were, the way is cleared by these high-spiritual-beings-in-the-flesh being the first to accomplish these developments. Lucifer was the first to use the organs of intellect. Christ was the first to redeem the “fallen” death-prone human body with the Resurrection Body.

(This was but one of the tremendous deeds of Christ. Even a minimal exposition of the scope of the accomplishments of this Incarnation is far, far beyond the limits of this essay. Suffice it to say, for now, that Steiner, out of his clairvoyant initiation-knowledge, revealed that the Incarnation of Christ was the turning-point of the evolution of the earth, and of mankind, from descent into the physical toward ascent into the spiritual. Not that this evolution “turned on a dime”; the downward momentum is obviously still very great; but the seed for the upward growth was planted. The true “stigmatists” have participated somewhat in the Redeemed Body, as harbingers of future evolution.)

Likewise, Ahriman-in-the-flesh will try to inaugurate a new human capacity, for his own ends: he wishes to bring the shadowy, brain-bound, semi-conscious, clever Ahrimanic “thinking” into the human ethereal body. This would be an especially evil development if it is carried into the average human organism. It is normal and healthy, at the present stage of human evolution, for the human ethereal body to dissolve into the wide cosmos in the days immediately following death (after “one’s whole life passes before one’s eyes”).

Afterwards the human soul-and-spirit entity rises to higher regions, where it is purified and prepared for a new earth-life. But materialism in the earth-life hardens the ethereal body so that it does not dissolve, but remains near the earth for a longer time, while the dead human entity serves Ahriman. Only slowly and in unconsciousness do such dead spirits enter the spirit-worlds to prepare for a new incarnation.

Ahriman wishes to be the first to so harden the ethereal body so that it becomes the vehicle of automatic, intellectual thinking-devoid-of-will, and thus to make it possible to keep human ethereal bodies permanently in the region of the earth. Then the earth would become so hardened that it would not pass over to the Jupiter Age, and Man would become clever, animalistic, ghostly, earth-bound creatures.

The Gods’ plan for human and earthly evolution would be obstructed. Steiner put it this way:

“Ahriman works against the word ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away’. He wills that the words shall be thrown away, that heaven and earth shall continue on.”

(Here we can get a glimpse into the motives of the sophisticated “Satanists” or “black magicians”. Ahriman’s acolytes seek a kind of “immortality” in the slag-earth-surrounded-with-Old-Moon-forces, but an immortality with egotistic, earthly consciousness instead of the cosmic consciousness of the individualized spiritual Ego.)

The regular Gods intend that in the present epoch people should indeed think free of the physical brain, but with free, conscious, self-created thinking. This development would gradually open the possibility of the reintegration of mankind into the spiritual cosmos, and further the passing of the earth over to the New Jupiter.

Mankind could eventually rise to the rank of Spirits of Freedom and Love, and not sink to the level of earth-bound, animalistic, clever automata. — To put it mildly: a lot is at stake here.
But Ahriman’s incarnation need not be an evil event, as he wishes it to be. This incarnation is necessary in human and earthly evolution, and it can be turned toward the good, if mankind meets it in the right way: On the mundane level, we can remedy Ahrimanic tedium in the work-life and the intellectual life, by filling them with warm, Luciferic enthusiasm, by finding what is interesting in them, by getting ourselves interested in objective, impersonal facts and processes.

On the psychological level, we can remedy Luciferic subjectivity and fiery emotionalism by observing ourselves coolly, as we would an external natural process.

(Indeed, we can personally experience how the Ahrimanic principle can be a blessing if applied in the right way, through cold, objective self-contemplation in impersonal thinking. If we can find satisfaction in dry, but correct, evaluation of our own wants, fears, and vicissitudes, as we could, say, in a mathematical proposition, we will gain thereby a wonderful liberation.

And we can truly understand and feel how Ahriman’s influence need not be evil, but can be quite decidedly good, if we bring to it the right consciousness. — And so it will be with Ahriman’s incarnation: very much depends on the consciousness with which mankind meets him. He wants us to be unconscious; it is our responsibility to strive to be more and more conscious, and to inculcate consciousness in as many people as we can. Such are the motives behind this essay.)

On a higher level, we can become more aware of the meaning of our own lives, and of the world-process, by studying and filling ourselves with the modern form of cosmic wisdom, given by spiritual science (mainly from Steiner, but from others also). This is a renewal of wisdom that was formerly kept hidden, or “occult”, in the Mysteries.

Today it is essential that more of this wisdom becomes generally known, if human culture is not to succumb to Ahriman. Just as the ancient Initiates entered into the Luciferic wisdom and rescued it for the good of mankind, now must mankind, with the consciousness gained from spiritual science and from the Ethereal Christ, enter into the coming Ahrimanic knowledge and turn it to good purpose.

The Ahrimanic knowledge will show what cleverness can, and cannot, produce from earthly forces. If we meet Ahriman consciously, we can acquire through him the realization that the earth is becoming old and must decline physically, eventually to die and enter the spiritual worlds, to be reborn as the New Jupiter.

And through this decline, mankind is to be lifted above the earthly, as the seed survives the dying plant in winter, to sprout and grow in the spring.
The fundamental principle in this, the Consciousness Soul Epoch, is the emergence in the Man of conscious, individualized, independent thinking. Concurrent with the emergence of this soul-force (as a by-product, as it were) are wider possibilities for the workings of the forces of Death and Evil. But these workings are (as is characteristic of Ahriman) so falsified that, for example, the cultural institutions that are generally regarded as most beneficial — education and medicine — are in fact among the worst carriers of evil.

(Not to imply that these institutions should be shunned of destroyed, but purified and renewed — in part by their liberation from money and politics.)

When this epoch has run its course (if it will have fulfilled its potentials), human culture will be vastly changed. For example, the distinction between “civilized” and “primitive” peoples will have been erased, and a kind of moral “socialism” will have become instinctive.

Our specific task for the Consciousness Soul Epoch is to acquire three great truths, the same truths that Sorat wished to foist upon mankind in the Seventh Century, with his own slant. We might presume that Ahriman-in-the-flesh will likewise try to insert them into our culture and distort them to his own ends. It is the task of an alert and conscious mankind, schooled in spiritual science and led by the Christ, to gain these three truths through our own striving and to use them for the good development of the earthly creation.

The first truth concerns the Mystery of Birth and Death: that the human soul in the physical world has but the semblance of the true soul-life that it had before conception and will have again after death. The life in the sense-world interrupts the supersensible soul-life in the world-between-death-and-rebirth, so that we can gain, for the spirit, that which can be gained only in the sense-world.

To see this truth, we must “look Lucifer in the eye”, and thus see through the distortions and illusions he spreads over the human soul. The destiny of the “East” (meaning the Slavic regions and eastwards) is to give rise to an “eugenic occultism”: the knowledge of how, through astrological regulation of conception, to bring the right human entities to birth at the right time and place for forward evolution, or conversely, to bring in the wrong entities, for the hindrance of right evolution. Thus, this eugenic occultism can cause great good or great harm, depending on how it is used.

The second truth concerns the Mystery of the Body: that the human body is not a lump of matter, but a form, which is spiritual in origin, and through which interchanging substances are constantly in flux. This knowledge will lead to a true medical art, the essence of which is to keep intact the natural healing forces of the body. The destiny of the “Middle” (meaning Central Europe) is to give rise to this “hygienic occultism” — which, of course, can lead to great good, but can also cause great harm if it is used without strict conscientiousness.

The third truth concerns the Mystery of Matter: that the reality behind “material substance” is not “atoms”, “molecules”, or “ultimate particles”, but is spirit — to be exact: Ahrimanic spirits, in rhythmic inter-relations. The true picture of “solid matter” is not a machine, but a rainbow: a ghostly appearance, an outcome of spiritual processes.

Modern physics, in some advanced theorizing, may have made some halting moves toward this truth, but the dead, mechanistic world-conception still holds sway over the scientism which dominates world-culture. This scientism is the Ahrimanic lie, the descendant of the Jundi Sabur influence, which, even though weakened, banished soul and spirit from the scientific world-view.

To see through this lie, we must “look Ahriman in the eye” — a dangerous undertaking if we are not prepared by spiritual science. The destiny of the West (meaning primarily the English-speaking world) is to give rise to a “mechanistic occultism”, which will bring about fantastic machine forces, based on rhythm and resonance. (The lost, fabled “Keely motor” was a start in this direction.)

But the introduction of such machine forces would cause harm to society if the political, cultural, and economic spheres are not made mutually independent, and if egotism is not banished from the economy. (Steiner laid down the basis for this healthy social re-ordering, in his concept of the “threefold commonwealth”.)

Ahriman seeks to divert and pervert these three destined developments of the Consciousness Soul Epoch, through the activity of angels who rejected the Christ influence during the Egypto-Chaldean Epoch. In the present times, the “Christian” angels pour pictures of spirit-realities into the deep regions of the human soul-organism. If the Man does not take up these pictures consciously, they sink down into the ethereal body and act as unconscious instincts through the influence of the Ahrimanic angels.

These unconscious instincts work against the three progressive evolutionary trends in the following ways:

* Perverting the Eugenic Occultism, destructive sex impulses affect the whole social life, working against the development of conscious human brotherhood, and making a mankind entirely egotistical and entirely controlled by instinctive urges carried in the blood.

* Perverting the Hygienic Occultism, medicine becomes materialistic and can be used to heal or harm, according to egotistic purposes.

* Perverting the Mechanistic Occultism, powerful, Keely-like machine forces are employed, controlled not by the “vibrations” of good people (seeking the liberation of the workers), but by egotistic people for the evil purpose of attaining power and control over the masses.

The first two perversions are readily apparent in modern society; the third has yet to emerge in public. — Again, the direction that these three trends of the present epoch will take depends upon human consciousness and will.
Some powerful, Ahrimanic secret societies, linked to the Lodges, in Britain and the USA strive to keep their version of this third truth (of the spirituality of matter) as their own secret and to ensure that the wider public knows only a crude atheistic-mechanistic scientism, in which spirit and soul have no place. (In more recent times, one can notice that the “crude materialism” given to the public is beginning to be replaced by a more quasi-esoteric materialism.)

These societies also strive to guide political and economic trends over the world so that the budding potentialities of the Middle and Eastern peoples come under their domination. The history of modern times has very largely been the story of the outworkings of this struggle.

(The crimes of the secret Anglo-American power groups include the instigation of the First World War and the consequent establishment of the Bolshevik regime in the East. These power groups believe that the English-speaking peoples are destined to justifiedly dominate the East-Slavs in this, the fifth cultural epoch, for the purpose of guiding their nascent potentialities, which should blossom to lead the world-culture in the sixth epoch — just as the Romans, during the fourth epoch, dominated and educated Britain for her future leadership in the fifth epoch.

Some truth does lie behind this concept: this is the epoch of the consciousness soul, and the English-speaking peoples are gifted to develop the consciousness soul in an instinctive way, and it is true that the Slavs are destined to lead world-culture in the sixth epoch. But these power groups seek, through illegitimate means, to guide toward illegitimate, Ahrimanic ends these inherent potentialities, which are loosely “written into” destiny.)

Many historians and “paranoid right-wing conspiracy nuts” have, solely through common sense and open-eyed observation of external events, discerned some of the outworkings of the influence of these secret societies through their semi-secret instruments: the Council on Foreign Relation, the Order of Skull and Bones (whose members included George Bush, Averell Harriman, and an amazing number of powerful Americans), the Rhodes Scholarships, the Round Table, etc.

But these observers, lacking occult knowledge, can only guess at the true aims of the secret power groups. The “Anglophile” societies may disagree among themselves about means and details, but essentially they aim to gain world-domination for themselves (though certainly not for the good of the masses of the English-speaking peoples) and to influence all cultural trends in an Ahrimanic direction.

Now, in “post-Cold War” Europe, the Anglo-Americans and the Jesuit-Catholic power groups apparently are working together to make the basic arrangements of this part of the “New World Order“: Central Europe, from France to Poland, is to be dominated by the Jesuit interests, while the “East” (meaning roughly the regions historically Orthodox Christian) is to dominated by the Anglo-American “West”.

This arrangement furthers the aims of the Anglo-Americans by preventing cultural collaboration between Central Europe and the Eastern Slavs, thus preventing the rise of a strong, healthy, and independent Central European culture that could mediate and balance the East and the West. Thus, the present push toward the “New World Order” in Europe is a continuation of the long-standing Anglo-American policy of obliterating Central Europe (especially Germany) as a political/cultural force and of controlling the future-seeds being prepared in East-Europe — the same policy that led to First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution.

The deeper, Ahrimanic aim of the Anglo-Americans is to defeat the Gods’ plan for Earth-evolution, by turning the earth into a heap of dark, frozen, cosmic slag, haunted by an earth-bound mankind of ghostly homunculi — and to secure for themselves a privileged place in this Ahrimanic world-order: an Ahrimanic immortality, with earthly consciousness and with power over the uninitiated.

(The late Professor Carroll Quigley, mentor of the young Wm. Jefferson Clinton, wrote the fairly well-known tome Tragedy and Hope, and the lesser-known work The Anglo-American Establishment, in which he described, from a sympathetic point of view, some of the machinations of semi-secret “Anglophile” [his word] power groups.

Prominent among these “Anglophile” groups was the secret society organized by Cecil Rhodes around 1891. Its members included Wm. T. Stead [a spiritualist known to Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society], Lord Esher [an advisor to Queen Victoria], the Earl of Rosebury, Nathan Rothschild, Alfred Milner [whose posts included Colonial Secretary, and War Minister during the First World War], H.A.L. Fisher [sometime Education Minister], and A.J. Balfour.

I do not imply that Quigley, or Clinton [or all those working for the goals of these power groups] were, or are, fully aware of the deeper aims behind the “Anglophiles”, but that they are more or less knowingly, or unknowingly, under the influence of the occultists and will usually act in the way desired by these occultists. Altogether, of those who work in accordance with the aims of what may be loosely called the “Anglo-American power groups” [e.g. the Freemasons (or at least some factions of them), C.F.R., Round Table, Rhodes Scholarships, Skull and Bones, and their associated political and economic instruments] — or of the Jesuits — very few are aware of the true, occult aims.

This is true even of most of the “initiated”, for the ceremonial magic of the initiation-rituals works on the ethereal bodies of the acolytes so as to make those lower initiates into receptive, unsuspecting instruments for the wishes of the few who are more aware. This process might loosely be likened to a sophisticated kind of “post-hypnotic suggestion”. In general, we should hold suspect any secret society that practices ceremonial magic and is administered by higher “grades”.

Nor do I wish to imply that one super-secret power group on earth “controls everything”; various occult power groups, arrayed in various and shifting alliances and antagonisms, vie for their various aims. The centers of the conspiracies do not lie on the physical plane, and no matter how great their power, they are not omnipotent. Again, the primal force behind present-day turmoil is the Coming of the Ethereal Christ. As an old saying goes: “Where there is bright light, there are deep shadows.”)

But much depends on us, on mankind. We need to become conscious of these power groups, as well as their deeper aims and the aims of Ahriman himself. If we do not acquire this alert consciousness, Ahriman might have his way, and the future of the earth, and of mankind, will be dark and bleak.

The earth’s future, as well as our own, is our responsibility. — Any real progress toward a healthy social order depends on mankind’s development of a new kind of thinking. The present, Ahrimanic, brain-bound pseudo-thinking is inherently anti-social; it (subconsciously) tries to dominate other people and put them to sleep. Most present anti-social aspects of society proceed from anti-social consciousness; the brain-bound pseudo-thinking is determined by subjective, unconscious instincts, not by concurrence with the objective truth, not by the meaning-process of the thinking itself.

An anti-social society is a physical picture of the anti-social human consciousness. If human consciousness becomes harmonious with objective reality, then a truly social society will be possible. Again, it all depends on human consciousness — and will.
The foregoing discussion can help us understand a presently unfolding event: the “emergence” of the so-called “Maitreya”, now being promoted by Benjamin Creme and others. Allegedly this “Maitreya” is not only the Christ but also the Messiah, Krishna, and the Imam Mahdi.
In 1977 “Maitreya” left his “ancient retreat in the Himalayas” to reside incognito in London. Allegedly he has created his own physical body — a “mayavirupa” — which can appear in many places at once, according to his intention. Nevertheless, he supposedly rode an airliner from Pakistan to London, “coming in the clouds”.

He also appears in dreams to many people around the world. The “Maitreya” is a highly advanced Man, not a god. He has been working behind the scenes to inspire many recent events, such as the “environmental” movement, the end of Communism in the Soviet Union, the end of apartheid in South Africa, and the end of the East-West confrontation. Since 1988 he has “miraculously” appeared to speak before religious groups worldwide, causing miraculous healings and “charging” water with healing power.

Other miraculous phenomena around the world are said to emanate from him: Marian appearances and weeping Madonna statues, “crop circles”, holographic “crosses of light”, and mysterious hitchhikers who announce the Return of Christ and then vanish. These phenomena are leading to a fast-approaching “Day of Declaration” when “Maitreya” will announce his “true identity” over world-wide radio and television, and listeners (and even those not listening) will hear him telepathically in their own languages — and, simultaneously, spontaneous healings will occur around the world.

Thereafter, “Masters” (advanced initiates who have reached the stage that they no longer need to incarnate, but return to earth voluntarily) of “Maitreya’s” “Vanguard” will reveal themselves to support his efforts. One of these “Masters” will be the “Jesus” whom the supposed Christ-Maitreya “overshadowed” from the Baptism to the Crucifixion.

The social teachings of “Maitreya” oppose unfettered market forces and support the easing of the vast disparity between the rich and the poor by “the principle of sharing”. Governments will be forced to institute sharing after the coming collapse of the stock markets (beginning in Japan) and the resulting upheavals.

Under the leading of “Maitreya” and the “Masters” a new world-wide civilization will emerge, based on the principles of: lessened regulation, liberty, freedom, environmental equilibrium, solar energy — and the guarantee to all of enough food, clothing, housing, health care, and education.
It is true enough that runaway “market forces”, aided by their agents in government, are grievously oppressing mankind; the gap between rich and poor is cruel and dangerous; the natural environment is being degraded; and so on and on. We can begin to see “what’s wrong” when we consider, as explained above, that Christ appears once and only once in the flesh, and that His Second Coming is now taking place in the supra-physical, ethereal earth.

Clearly this is inconsistent with the supposed Christ-Maitreya coming down from the Himalayas to live in London and appear around the world to the physical senses. Furthermore, the “Maitreya’s” supporters teach that the “anti-Christ energy” will not be manifested through individuals on earth, until 3000 years will have passed since the defeat of Hitler.

Again, this is the reverse of the truth, as explained above: this is the time of climaxing activity of the Antichrist, through Ahrimanic influence, leading to the physical incarnation of Ahriman. Evidently, this supposed Maitreya-Christ is an impostor who tries to falsify the tremendous events breaking upon us.

We get a strong clue to the true nature of the “Maitreya” from this statement of his supporters:

“For the last 100 years, the Ageless Wisdom teachings have been released through individuals such as Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, and later by Alice A. Bailey and Helena Roerich. In 1948, the imminent return of Christ was revealed in Alice Bailey’s book, The Reappearance of the Christ.” [Emergence Quarterly, No. 9]

Steiner and, following his researches, Sergei O. Prokofieff (grandson of the composer) have uncovered the occult influences behind Blavatsky, Bailey, and Roerich. This story, much abridged, goes as follows: Around 1875 Blavatsky gave voice to some true Western (Rosicrucian) wisdom, much garbled, in her Isis Unveiled. She later came under the influence of a particular group of Eastern, Tibeto-Indian occultists, who inspired her Secret Doctrine, with its strongly anti-Christian bent.

These inspirers were the “mahatmas”, the supposed “Morya” and “Kut Humi”. (The true identity of these “mahatmas” is problematic.) Under her influence, and that of A. P. Sinnet (whose Esoteric Buddhism was inspired by the same “mahatmas”), the Theosophical Society took a decidedly Eastern turn, even moving its headquarters from New York to Madras. The teachings of the “mahatmas” derived from a pre-Christian occult wisdom and held Lucifer higher than Christ, but also had a strongly materialistic and atheistic tinge.

This “occult materialism” did not deny the existence of higher beings (up to a point), or the human afterlife and reincarnation under the law of karma (indeed, the concept of karma entered Western culture mostly through the Theosophical Society), but it did deny the existence of a theistic God and held that the higher realms consist only of refined, subtle matter. Blavatsky traveled to India and a secret location in Tibet to be initiated into these teachings.

The “mahatmas” aimed to get a kind of revenge on the Western world for having overwhelmed the East and suppressed Eastern occultism. We have Blavatsky’s (hearsay) testimony that at least one of her “mahatmas” even hated and despised the white race. On a deeper level, the aim was to work with Lucifer and Ahriman to draw mankind into the illegitimate realm known to occultism as the “Eighth Sphere”.

This realm lies outside the normal seven great ages of the Saturn-Vulcan series. It arose through Lucifer’s introduction, into the Earth Age, of the supersensible Old Moon forces, containing reflected images of higher worlds. Ahriman tries to take earthly, dense matter and join it to these images to create “densified imaginations” or “spectres”. Materialistic thoughts in human brains, especially the “occult materialism” taught by the “mahatmas”, greatly furthers this process. If human evolution could be diverted into this Eighth Sphere, the Gods’ plan for earthly and human evolution would be defeated.

Later, after Madame Blavatsky’s death, the Theosophical Society, under Annie Besant, tried to put forth the young Krishnamurti as the Christ, or Maitreya, or both. Krishnamurti was prepared over a number of years, going through some “initiations”, but later lost faith in his putative mission, at least in part because his ailing brother died despite the assurances of the “Masters” that he would recover.

As is well known, Krishnamurti later disavowed his nomination, and the whole undertaking collapsed. (This affair also led to the departure of Steiner from the Theosophical Society — wherein he had been the Secretary of the German Section — and subsequently to the founding of the Anthroposophical Society.) Helena Roerich (and her husband, the painter Nicholas Roerich) came into the picture in the 1920's. Helena Roerich started receiving telepathic dictations from a “mahatma”, and she began to write these inspirations in her multi-volume work Agni Yoga.

Then began a series of journeys, the most amazing of which (1925-28) was an expedition which, under the American flag, crossed India, Tibet, Mongolia, and the new Soviet Union. Incredibly, they traveled to Moscow — with aid of the OGPU (later called the “KGB”) — to meet with high Bolshevik commissars, and to deliver a letter from the “mahatmas”, along with some Tibetan soil for the grave of “our brother Mahatma Lenin”. For the “mahatmas” were indeed cooperating with Anglo-American secret societies in promoting the “socialist experiment” in Russia.

Emissaries of the “mahatmas” had even met with Marx in London and with Lenin in Switzerland. Though the Anglo-Americans and Indo-Tibetans oppose each other in some ways (the Indo-Tibetans opposed British rule in India), they were united, for somewhat differing motives, in supporting the Bolshevist war against the Russian people and culture. For the destiny of the Slavic East is to create an humane, Christ-inspired society in the Sixth Cultural Epoch; both these occult groups wish to divert this destiny into other paths — even by the destruction of human civilization, which would have been the result of Bolshevism, had it succeeded.

(Today, after the “fall of communism”, Russia, and much of Eastern Europe, lie prostrate, both physically and morally. Russia is grievously wounded, but not yet dead; she might yet rise to her destiny, if “free market reforms” and other destructive Western influences don’t kill her first.)

It even turns out that the Indo-Tibetans were behind the depredations of the “Mongol Hordes” of Genghis Khan and his successors, who devastated and enslaved almost all of Russia. — And even today the supporters of “Agni Yoga” are active in Russia; Mikhail Gorbachev is among them. The hidden Tibetan “mahatmas’” headquarters visited by the Roerich expedition was the same as was visited by H. Blavatsky.

This is the “earthly Shamballa”, whose high ruler, according to H. Roerich, is the “Maitreya”. (In its true meaning “Shamballa” is an Eastern term for the soul-spirit world which was lost to ordinary human perception with the decline of atavistic clairvoyance. The “return of Shamballa” refers to the coming recovery of this perception with the new, higher clairvoyance.)

And it is this same “earthly Shamballa” and these same “mahatmas” who inspired Alice Bailey, and her organizations, the “Servants of the World” and the “Secret School” (Schola Arcana). Creme’s group uses the same prayer, now called the “Transmission Meditation”, given in Bailey’s The Reappearance of Christ. And, of course, Bailey’s “Christ” who will “reappear” is none other that this so-called “Maitreya”.

The truth, as given by Steiner, about the real Maitreya is roughly this: There are twelve exalted beings, called “Bodhisattvas”, who serve the Christ Spirit in the guidance of mankind. One of these Bodhisattvas was incarnated in the Sixth Century BC as Gautama, who rose to rank of “Buddha”.

The excarnate Gautama Buddha closely cooperated with the mission of Christ-Jesus in Palestine, and later took on a mission of redemption on Mars. His successor was “appointed”, so to speak, to take his place in the Lodge of Bodhisattvas, and this Bodhisattva is destined to become the Maitreya Buddha, “the Bringer of the Good”, approximately two and a half millennia from now. Meanwhile, he repeatedly incarnates, at least partially, on earth, in the service of the Christ.

One of these incarnations (or “incorporations” — not quite incarnations in the usual sense) was as Jeshu ben Pandira, the Essene teacher and martyr (circa 105 BC). Today this Maitreya-Bodhisattva works to proclaim and further the coming of the Ethereal Christ. When this Bodhisattva becomes the Maitreya Buddha the earth and the human organism will be constituted very differently than now: thinking, speaking, and doing will be morally consistent.

Thus it is evident that the so-called “Maitreya” presently “emerging” is not only a false Christ, but also a false Maitreya. The “mahatmas” of “Shamballa” have deep knowledge and far-reaching influence and abilities, but they are severely limited and falsified by their blindness, or opposition, to the Christ. Their occult vision extends only to this “solar system”, and backwards only to the Old Moon.

They do not comprehend the Cosmic Christ, Who descended from the starry realms to the sun, and thence to the earth. They are basically Luciferic, with strong Ahrimanic tendencies. It is not clear (to this writer) exactly what role the pseudo-Maitreya will play in the incarnation of Ahriman: perhaps he will be the bodily vehicle for Ahriman; perhaps he will work in that uneasy, problematic of alliance that sometimes holds between Lucifer and Ahriman.

But this much is clear: if mankind accepts him as he presents himself to be, much evil will follow. Again: The consciousness of Men is essential. If the stated aims of the pseudo-Maitreya seem benign, remember that, not very long ago, many otherwise intelligent people believed Bolshevism to be the inauguration of a just civilization.

The “mahatmas” of “Shamballa” inspired Genghis Khan, Marx, and Lenin; they are not to be taken lightly.
“Your occultist Steiner says one thing; these Indo-Tibetans say something else; still others say yet other things. What’s to choose between them, or among them; it’s all incomprehensible anyway.”

Again, the aim in this short essay is not to prove things conclusively, but to get some important information to a wider public.

Those who absorb these concepts will at least be forewarned, so that they need not be caught wholly unprepared, and unaware, by onrushing events. It is hoped that those thus forewarned will not easily take at face value the phenomena surrounding the putative “Maitreya” or “Christ”, and that they will not be wholly oblivious to the real, Ethereal Christ.

And further: it is hoped that people will take the information given here, and begin their own investigations, and even set out on the “Path of Knowledge”. There is no need to be dismayed and defeated by the complexity and abstruseness of this subject-matter: truth does live in the human heart, and it speaks to us through a “sense of reality”, if we truly will to listen to it.

Those who have a real, persistent will-for-the-truth will eventually find truth, even though most may stray temporally into byways. The Law is: “Seek, and ye shall find”.

Many modern people, especially those trained in the sciences, regard such concepts as spiritual beings, spiritual worlds, divine Providence, etc., to be preposterous, impossible, or at least unknowable. The prevailing epistemology (usually unconsciously assumed) of scientific-technical culture holds that whatever “knowledge” we can gain, whether considered certain or hypothetical, we can gain only through the physical senses, mathematizing, and inductive reasoning.

But, as we are taught primarily by Steiner in modern times, we can find other approaches toward gaining experiential knowledge. Sense-bound, mechanistic-mathematical scientism is peculiar to a particular mode of human consciousness, which mode is prevalent in our time but is not the only kind of consciousness available to mankind. (We might regard the “psychedelic revolution” as a muddled attempt to open up these other kinds of consciousness.)

In ancient times mankind had a dream-like consciousness of “supersensible” realities. (This consciousness is often and somewhat confusedly called primitive animism).

In the course of evolution we lost this faculty in order to enter deeply into the sense-world, losing our experiential membership in the spiritual cosmos, thus to gain the possibility of individuality and freedom. We have now reached the evolutionary stage at which we are poised to regain this supersensible experience (“clairvoyance”) at a higher level; that is, with the ability of independent, self-willed thinking.

And the practice of this consciously self-willed thinking, as opposed to the Ahrimanic thinking discussed above, is the gateway to true clairvoyance. For thinking itself, when consciously self-willed and freed from dependence on the subconscious human organism, is itself the first stage of clairvoyance — a “waking-up” to a higher state of consciousness, which is just as experientially distinct as is ordinary waking day-consciousness from dream-consciousness. Still higher development of clairvoyance leads to experiences which can be metaphorically described as spiritual “seeing”, “hearing”, and “touching”.

Steiner has given detailed instructions for the orderly, healthy development of these higher faculties of experience. To entertain another figure of speech, we might consider the developing of these faculties as the refining of the human organism itself into an instrument for scientific investigation — just as the mineral substances of the earth can be refined and developed into, say, a telescope — only, the human organism consists of body, life, soul and spirit, and its refining is to make us conscious of supersensible realities.

Rudolf Steiner accomplished this self-development to a higher degree than anyone else who has made himself publicly known in our times, and his teachings on “spiritual science” flow from his supersensible experience. (There are other, dubious — or downright evil — ways of gaining some kind of supersensible experience, but these can lead to delusion and/or moral and spiritual ruin.)

But this knowledge is not altogether closed to those who do not yet have this clairvoyance. Steiner time and again emphasized that those of us without spiritual vision can, because true thinking itself is a kind of living-into spirit realities, understand and justifiably believe true information given by the spiritual seer:

“It would be would wrong for anyone to say: `I cannot accept the teachings of spiritual science until I myself become a seer,’ for without inward application to the results of spiritual research there is no chance whatever of attaining genuine higher knowledge. It would be as though child, during gestation, were to refuse the forces coming to it through its mother, and proposed to wait until it could procure them for itself.

Just as the embryonic child in its incipient feeling for life learns to appreciate what is offered to it, so can the non-seer appreciate the truths of spiritual science. An insight into these teachings based on a deeply-rooted feeling for truth, and a clear, sound, all-round critical and reasoning faculty are possible even before spiritual things are actually perceived. The esoteric knowledge must first be studied, so that this study becomes a preparation for clairvoyance.” [Knowledge of Higher Worlds; p.189 f.]

“For in thought itself an inner entity is present that is connected with the supersensible world.” [Occult Science; p.294]

“…one, by really thinking, finds oneself in the region of a living supersensible world.” [Occult Science; p.295]

“…if we read communications about supersensible facts in the right way, we are living into the stream of spiritual existence.” [Occult Science; p.18]

“Certain powers are required to discover the things referred to, but if after having been discovered they are made known, every person can understand them who is willing to bring to them unprejudiced logic and a healthy sense of truth.” [Theosophy; p.xx]

“…all knowledge of the worlds of soul and spirit slumbers in the profoundest depths of the human soul. We can grasp, however, not only what we ourselves have brought to light, but also what someone else has brought up from the depths of soul. This is so even when we have ourselves not yet made any preparations for the treading of the Path of Knowledge.

Correct spiritual insight awakens the powers of comprehension in anyone whose inner nature is not beclouded by preconceptions and prejudices. Unconscious knowledge flashes up to meet the spiritual fact discovered by another, and this `flashing up’ is not blind faith but the right working of healthy human understanding.” [Theosophy; p.156]

“The thoughts [presented by the seer] are, indeed, already present when one [the non-clairvoyant reader] surrenders to them; but one cannot think them if one does not, in every case, recreate them anew within the soul. What is important is the fact that the spiritual researcher calls up thoughts in listeners and readers that they must first draw forth out of themselves….” [Occult Science; p.296]

We can find our way toward the truth about soul and spirit through our healthy human feeling for reality:

“The feeling for truth and the power of understanding it are inherent in everyone….This feeling, which perhaps at first perceives nothing at all of what it is told [about higher worlds], is itself the magician that opens the `eye of the spirit’. In darkness this feeling stirs, the soul sees nothing, but through this feeling it is seized by the power of truth. The truth then gradually draws nearer to the soul and opens the higher sense in it.” [Theosophy; p.xviii-xix]

Of course, we must learn what is so hard for most of us: to distinguish between a healthy feeling for truth and the feeling of satisfaction of our egotistic prejudices. The key here is unsparing self-examination and a sincere preference for objective reality over our short-sighted, selfish interests and subconscious impulses.

We must have a firm grasp of the fact that the truth is still true regardless of our ignorance or resistance, and have an energetic Will-to-Reality. Again, the Law is: “Seek, and ye shall find.” If we really love the objective truth above all else, we will come to feel healthy and happy in the presence of truth, and to feel sick and pained in the presence of falsehood.

These pure feelings, and pure, objective thinking are our touchstones of reality and of guidance, and, if fostered, will eventually develop into personal, firsthand, higher cognition — perhaps not in the present incarnation, but the Will-to-Reality is itself an indestructible reality which carries into future lives and into eternity. — Of course, treading the “Path of Knowledge” does not immediately confer infallibility. In occultism the possibilities for illusion and deception are vast. One might yet stray into error; however, the essential thing is the seeker’s purity of striving for truth.
“…the truth is what leads to the highest and noblest impulses for human evolution; the truth should be dearer to us than we are to ourselves. If our relationship to truth is guided by these words and we still make a mistake in this life, the truth will be strong enough to draw us to itself in the next incarnation. Honest mistakes we make in this incarnation will be compensated and redeemed in the next. It is better to make an honest mistake than to adhere to dogmas dishonestly. After all, our path will be lit by the promise that truth will ultimately prevail, not by our own will, but by its own inherent divine power.” [Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity; pp. 88-9]

Note: One of the questions which occasion much illusion and confusion is that of reincarnation. Even many of those who readily accept the reality of the supersensible worlds can easily fall into error here, if they do not appreciate the complexities and possibilities for illusion. According to Steiner, not only does the individual human spirit undergo reincarnation on earth, but so also might, in a way, the ethereal bodies, astral bodies (i.e. the soul-organisms), and even “copies” of the individual Ego. All these latter are not at all necessarily unique and individualized; they might be shared by many incarnated individual Men. [See the lectures published in English as The Principle of Spiritual Economy.] It is possible that one with insufficiently developed clairvoyance might misperceive these other kinds of reappearance of supersensible entities, taking them to be the true reincarnation of human individualities. To see how and why, we need some understanding of the stages of higher knowledge metaphorically called “spiritual seeing, hearing, and touching”. Steiner calls these stages (in his special, restricted meanings) “Imagination”, “Inspiration”, and “Intuition”.

“To have knowledge of a sense-being means to stand outside it and to judge it according to the external impression. To have knowledge of a spiritual being through intuition means to have become completely one with it, to have become united with its inner nature. Step by step the student of the spiritual ascends to such knowledge. Imagination leads him to sense the perceptions no longer as outer characteristics of beings, but to recognize in them the outpouring of something psycho-spiritual; inspiration leads him further into the inner nature of beings. He learns through it to understand what these beings are to each other; with intuition he penetrates into the beings themselves.” [Occult Science, p. 310]
“What is released after death from the human bodily nature goes through various states in the subsequent period. The states directly after death might be described in some measure through imaginative cognition. What, however, takes place when man advances further into the period between death and rebirth would have to remain quite unintelligible to imaginative cognition, if inspiration did not come to the rescue. Only inspiration is able to discover what may be said about the life of man in the land of spirits after purification….Whoever wished to fathom the nature of man by imagination and inspiration alone, would miss the innermost processes of his being that take place from incarnation to incarnation. Only intuitive cognition, therefore, makes possible an adequate research into repeated earth lives and into karma.” [Occult Science, pp. 310-1]

In general, those of us who have not attained to “intuitive cognition” should use great caution in forming judgments on our own about the identities of particular individuals in cases of reincarnation. We might be misled by an incomplete perception of the reappearance of unindividualized parts of the human entity. To judge these as being “reincarnation” might be partially true, in that some supersensible human “energies” are indeed reappearing in the physical world, but such judgments could be seriously misleading if one were to read uncritically from them deep meanings concerning an individual’s destiny through repeated earthly incarnations.

We might first set foot on the Path of Knowledge as skeptics, but if we are true, consistent skeptics, we must admit that we cannot claim to know of the impossibility of higher knowledge. This realization should make us unprejudiced and open-minded about that possibility. With this attitude, and with a Will-to-Reality, we then can assimilate the concepts of higher knowledge (without “blind faith”), and their truth will call forth inchoate recognition in our souls, because the truth is already in our souls.

We might find that this “knowledge” is much more alive and paradoxical than we conceived it to be in our skepticism. Says Steiner:

“When you look at reality you do not arrive at concepts which can be fitted into systems, for one thing is always at the same time and in a certain way the other thing.” [Ideas for a New Europe ]

Even our skepticism can carry truth, if we are imbued with a sincere desire for reality. Steiner again:

“And our high goal is this: that we may know more exactly how much we still need to know. Then we shall be more and more permeated with the truth of the old Socratic saying: ‘The more a man learns, the more he knows how little he knows.’ But this conviction is good only when it is not a confession of passive, easy-going resignation, but testifies to living effort and will towards an ever-extending knowledge….The right result is to be more and more inspired to further striving: to regard every new thing learnt as a step towards the attainment of yet higher stages.” [From Jesus to Christ]

We can, further, work upon ourselves, through the proper training, to begin to develop our own higher perception.

For a quick overview of Rudolf Steiner’s lifework see A. P. Shepherd’s Scientist of the Invisible [Inner Traditions; New York; 1983]. This work provides only the barest introduction; the serious investigator will need to probe deeper. Steiner left a stupendous, vast body of work in German; not all of it is available in English.

Most of the publications bearing his name are not his writings, but his lectures, preserved in stenographic records and published without his review and corrections. Most of these lectures were given to audiences who were familiar with his basic teachings, and he spoke directly to the particular needs of his listeners. He only reluctantly allowed (most of) the stenographic records to published, with the disclaimer that they might contain errors and could be rightly judged only by those who already had a thorough understanding of the basics of spiritual science.

Thus the investigator might best begin by studying Steiner’s basic writings, which he intended for the general public, and which systematically set forth his fundamental concepts. Chief among these basic works are Theosophy [1904] and Occult Science, an Outline [1910]. These are indispensable for an understanding of Steiner’s spiritual anthropology and cosmology, and give condensed expositions of the “path of knowledge”.

The chapter by that name in Theosophy should almost be memorized by the serious truth-seeker. An extended exposition of this Path is given in Knowledge of Higher Worlds [1904-5], also in a new translation: How to Know Higher Worlds.

Steiner’s basic work on the enlivenment of thinking itself is The Philosophy of Freedom [1894]. (Other translations: The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity and Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path.) This book can be hard reading; we can get some help from Otto Palmer’s compilation: Rudolf Steiner on his Book The Philosophy of Freedom [Anthroposophic Press; 1979] and from Georg Kühlewind’s Stages of Consciousness, “Chapter One” [Lindisfarne Press; 1984].

Steiner gave many lecture cycles expounding his clairvoyant insights into Christology, but his basic written treatment of that subject is the early work Christianity as Mystical Fact (another translation: Christianity and the Occult Mysteries of Antiquity).

For a reading guide to Steiner’s works, see Robert McDermott’s The Essential Steiner, which also contains introductory essays by McDermott and selections form Steiner’s works.

The primary sources for the foregoing essay are Steiner’s lectures published as The Ahrimanic Deception, The Influences of Lucifer And Ahriman, Three Streams in Evolution , and Inner Realities of Evolution. Another source, which I have used almost to the point of plagiarism, is Carl Stegmann’s great work The Other America (two volumes, typescript; 1975), a deep study of Americanism in the light of Anthroposophy.

Stegmann lived almost 99 years, dying early in 1996. His efforts, stemming from his feeling for America’s true spiritual destiny as the battleground in the war to turn Ahriman’s influence to the good, culminated in 1976 in the founding of Rudolf Steiner College near Sacramento, California.

The Other America has just been published, at long last, by the Rudolf Steiner College Press. [Bookstore: 9200 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks CA 95628; (916)961-8729; FAX (916)961-3032] If people will meet their responsibility for wakefulness, this book should have a press run in the millions.

Some other sources relevant to this essay include: (Here mention of a source should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement of everything therein.)

Ere the Century Closes; Peter Tradowsky; Camphill Books; 1995

(Another work by Tradowsky, Kaspar Hauser, The Struggle for the Spirit [Temple Lodge], has a deep discussion of the spiritual destiny of Central Europe and some more indications pointing to the year 1998. Well worth reading.)

Also by Tradowsky, first published in EEEnglish in 1998: Christ and Antichrist, Understanding the events at the end of the century and recognizing our tasks [Temple Lodge.]

In the Name of the New World Order by Amnon Reuveni [Temple Lodge; 1996] — This is a very interesting series of essays on the workings of the “Anglophile” secret societies from the Second World War to the Yugoslavian break-up. Includes information on the cooperation of the “Anglophiles” with the Catholic Church in shaping present-day Europe.

Apparently the Freemasons and the Jesuits are not always implacable enemies; Steiner said that the Freemasons and Jesuits have been cooperating somewhat since around the turn of the Nineteenth Century, at least at the higher, more esoteric levels. Reuveni’s book also contains an interesting discussion of the inter-relations of Sorat, Lucifer, and Ahriman, based on Steiner’s lecture cycle Apokalypse und Priesterwirken.

(This cycle has more recently published in English as The Book of Revelation and the Work of the Priest; Rudolf Steiner Press; London; 1998. The text of this publication is not an exact stenographic record of Steiner’s words, but it does contain much material on the theme of the manifestations of Sorat and Ahriman, with especial reference to the years 1933 and 1998.)

Also in the same vein as Reuveni’s workkk, with emphasis on the machinations surrounding the First World War: Mapping the Millennium, Behind the Plans of the New World Order by Terry M. Boardman [Temple Lodge].

The East in Light of the West, Part 1: Agni Yoga; Sergei O. Prokofieff; Temple Lodge; 1993. A deep work on the occult influence of the “mahatmas” of “Shamballa”, with emphasis on the Roeriches. (See also Stephen E. Usher’s review of this work in the Newsletter of the Anthroposophical Society in America; Summer 1994; pp. 32-35.)

Two more volumes on the “Mahatmas’” movement are published in German. Prokofieff is probably the most popular living Anthroposophical writer; he has many very influential volumes in print. He has recently become a member of the Executive Council (Vorstand) of the General Anthroposophical Society. In his first publication, Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries [Temple Lodge], Prokofieff makes a strong case for identifying Steiner as the reincarnated individuality of Aristotle/Thomas Aquinas. — (However, many aspects of his work are, in this writer’s opinion, dubious. For a critical look at Prokofieff’s work see this book advertisement.)

For a more mundane account of the “Anglophile” support of Bolshevism (and more) see the works of the late Antony C. Sutton, especially America’s Secret Establishment; Liberty House Press; Billings, Montana; 1986. Sutton had no apparent background in spiritual science, but he did, through normal journalistic research, document some “smoking guns” in this stupendous crime story, and did as well discern a hint of the occult background of the story, and gave a fairly accurate account of the twisted Hegelianism behind the “Anglophiles’” support of both opposing sides in conflicts.

For some Anthroposophical elucidation of Christianity, see Steiner’s many lecture cycles on the subject — as well as any and all books by Emil Bock, especially The Three Years, St. Paul, and The Apocalypse (Floris Books; Edinburgh).

For some excerpts from the book The Crisis of Civilization (Anthroposophie auf der Kreuzung der okkult-politischen Bewegungen der Gegenwart; ANTROPOSOFIYA na skryeshchyenii okkultno-politichyeskikh tyechyeniy sovryemyennosti), by the somewhat controversial Russian Anthroposophist Gennady Bondarev (Gennadij Bondarew), go to

This webpage also contains a short introduction to Bondarev’s work and links to four complete chapters from this book. — Bondarev’s books are published in German by Moskau-Basel-Verlag at
 I regret that I cannot cite chapter and verse for the metaphors of Bacon and Goethe. I may have read about them in Rudolf Frieling’s Christianity and Islam (Floris).

For some of Steiner’s insights on occult conspiracies, social decadence, linguistic decadence, and future destiny and renewal, see, for example, his lecture cycles published as: The Challenge of the Times, Spiritual Science as a Foundation For Social Forms, Ideas for a New Europe, Social Issues: Meditative Thinking and the Threefold Order, Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy, and The Karma of Untruthfulness.

For some information on the occult background of the Theosophical Society and the “Anglophiles”, see Steiner’s cycle The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century and a recently republished work by an “Anglophile” sympathizer: The Transcendental Universe; C. G. Harrison (Lindisfarne Press; originally published 1894). This last, rare work let some of the truth slip out about conspiratorial preparations for the First World War and the “socialist experiment” in Russia.

For some profound insights into the detailed inter-workings of individual and world destiny (karma), including the karma of the Anthroposophical Movement, see the series of volumes of Steiner’s lectures called Karmic Relationships, especially Vols. III and IV.

Bernard Lievegoed’s deathbed message, born out of a long lifetime of Anthroposophical service to mankind, is published as The Battle for the Soul [Hawthorn Press; 1994]. It gives his deep considerations on the interweaving of Anthroposophical and world karma, with special reference to the coming crisis. He also identifies Rudolf Steiner as the reincarnation of the Nature-man Enkidu, storied in the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh; then as Cratylus, the priest of the Ephesian Mysteries and teacher of Plato; then Aristotle; then Schionatulander, the tragic character in the Grail saga; and then Thomas Aquinas.

David Black’s basic work on the “macrocosmic” incarnation or Ahriman is The Computer and the Incarnation of Ahriman; (St. George Publications; 1981.) Black has also published a more recent essay on the same subject in the Newsletter of the Anthroposophical Society in America — in which issue, unhappily, I don’t remember.

The 950-year Saturn-cycle in connection with the Ethereal Christ is mentioned in the works of Willi Sucher. He gave the basics of modern “astrosophy” — astrology raised to a higher level — in his published works, especially Cosmic Christianity. The contemporary writer Robert Powell is attempting to develop astrosophy further; his Chronicle of the Living Christ [Anthroposophic Press] also points to a crisis around the turn of the Millennium.

Through some calculations assuming that mankind’s life as a whole recapitulates the Incarnation, with one Saturn orbit corresponding to one day of Christ’s life on earth, he points to the year 869 AD as the start of mankind’s “40 days in the wilderness”. (And Steiner many times also named this fateful year as a major turning point in history: the Eighth Ecumenical Council’s “outlawing” of the Spirit as heresy.)

According to Powell’s scenario, the years circa 1960–2049 AD mark the last three “days” in the wilderness: the temptations by Lucifer and Ahriman. Also, Powell points to the year 2010 AD as the time of mankind’s choice between Christ and the Antichrist: Pluto transits its sidereal position at the time of Christ’s temptation. (Powell also gives many other correspondences from the turn of the Century to the time of the Incarnation.)

Caveat: Many of Powell’s calculations are based largely on the dubious visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, and his work has been questioned within present-day Anthroposophical discussions, for reasons not having to do with astrosophy as such. His readers might do well to get a different perspective from Prokofieff’s The Case of Valentin Tomberg, Anthroposophy or Jesuitism? [Temple Lodge, 1997]. The influence of Tomberg is very much controversial within the Anthroposophical movement.

For some information on the occult background of Nazism, see Trevor Ravenscroft’s work The Spear of Destiny (Samuel Weiser; 1982; and Neville Spearman; 1973), as well as one in German (which I haven’t read): Karl Heyer’s Wesen und Wollen des National-Socialismus; Perseus Verlag; Basel; 1991.

(I should note that some Anthroposophists have a low opinion of Ravenscroft’s book. — My opinion is that, while many of the details of Ravenscroft’s narrative may be dubious, the book is still well worth reading, for it provokes many questions that need to be asked about many aspects of European and world history. In writing the book, he was apparently fulfilling a task that fell to him because of the sudden death of the man [Walter Johannes Stein] who was best suited to write it, and he was working under the disadvantage of not having the best information at hand.

Still, he has brought before a fairly wide public some knowledge of many previously unknown forces in the world, and to me that seems a considerable accomplishment. Hopefully, whatever deficiencies that may be contained in his writings will be corrected by further research. — An effort in that direction was recently published [in its English language version] by the Rudolf Steiner Press: Light for the new Millennium [ed. T.H. Meyer].

This is a meticulously documented account of some of the deep forces involved in the beginning of the First World War and in further European destiny — centering on the individuality of Helmuth von Moltke/Pope Nicholas I. — One can find information on the deeper significance of Nazism in Bondarev’s Anthroposophie auf der Kreuzung der okkkult-politischen Bewegungen der Gegenwart, in English: The Crisis of Civilization.)

Another, more recent, book by Ravenscroft (with Tim Wallace-Murphy) is Mark of the Beast. This work covers many of the same themes as this essay: the incarnation of Ahriman, the turning of the Millennium, Jundi Sabur, and more. It contains much, very interesting information that I have not seen elsewhere — including some apocryphal statements by Steiner concerning upcoming disasters — but, again, I wouldn’t want to vouch for its complete accuracy. And again, hopefully, it could be a springboard for further research. (Thanks to Richard Metzger of DisInformation for bringing this book to my attention.)

For an well-informed account of the Krishnamurti episode, occult Jesuitism, the Maitreya, and more, see T. H. Meyer’s The Bodhisattva Question (Temple Lodge). Creme’s reply to Steiner’s assertion that Christ will not reappear in a physical body goes as follows:

“Rudolf Steiner died in 1925. The revelation of Christ’s need to come back to the physical world occurred only in 1945. the decision to come back took place indeed earlier, but the way in which He was to appear was still undecided at the time. Actually there were certain initiates in the world…who had been prepared as possible vehicles for the Christ. Altogether there were four, one of them [Krishnamurti] is known to all of us. Then, however, the plan to make use of that vehicle was abandoned.”

(From The Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, quoted in The Bodhisattva Question)

Creme’s remarks seem to ignore the deep, profound cosmological reasons for the uniqueness of the Incarnation, and seem to imply that these could be superseded “on the spur of the moment”, and further, to completely ignore the appearance of the Ethereal Christ. But beyond this comment, I will leave it the readers to investigate Steiner’s cosmology and Christology, and to evaluate Creme’s statement for themselves. In the interest of fairness, I give a link to Creme’s organization: Share International

And for some Anthroposophically enlivened explorations of the UFO phenomenon, weather modification by ethereal manipulation, and much more, see Trevor J. Constable’s classic The Cosmic Pulse of Life, if you can find a complete edition. Try the Borderland Science Research Foundation.

[Thanks to Tom Corcoran for the following note on a relevant book (which I haven't read) in French: De Jundi Shapur a Silicon Valley.

"It really is an excellent book and deserves to be translated into English. The author is Francis Paul Emberson, head of Anthro-Tech in Suisse Romande.

Here's a list of the contents:

1. Good and Evil. Manes. Jundi Shapur

2. Harun-al-Rashid. Francis Bacon of Verulam. The universal code. In the quest of wisdom

3. The war between the disciples of Michael and the "idols" (from Bacon's opus)

4. The fall into matter. Silicon Valley

5. Beyond Silicon Valley. Future development of demonic technology. The 6th and 7th post-Atlantean epochs.

6. Spiritual Science and technology. Moral Force.

7. Moral Technology and the 5th post-Atlantean epoch. Moral Tech during the 6th and 7th.

8. Epilogue. The mystery of thought and electricity. Michael and the Solar Demon."]

[Emberson's book now has been published in English by Etheric Dimensions Press. A short extract from the book can be found here.]

Most of the works I have listed are, of course, translations from the German; the Lievegoed book from the Dutch, and the Prokofieff books from the Russian. Originally in English are works by Shepherd, Sutton, Harrison, Black, Usher, Ravenscroft, Powell, and Constable.

One could go on and on referring to important topics in Anthroposophical literature; at this point I will refer the reader to some resources available for independent investigation. Steiner’s work touches almost all aspects of culture, and would, if it were seriously and widely assimilated, bring life-giving renewal to civilization. It is the wonder, or the crime, of the Twentieth Century that this did not happen.

(The power of the Adversaries has been that strong, even though they were working from the non-physical world. Of course they were working with their incarnated human accomplices, and with human indolence and just-plain-cussedness. Again, it is far beyond the scope of this essay to provide an overview of Steiner’s work and its ramifications. Many of his (and his collaborators’) works are available, and a number of independent organizations worldwide are applying and developing his teachings in practical ways.

Chief among them is the international headquarters of the Anthroposophical Society; contact:

Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, Goethaneum, CH-4143, Dornach, Schweiz. There are many national branches around the world. The Society in the USA can be reached at: The Anthroposophical Society in America, 1923 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor MI 48104-1797; (313) 662-9355, (888) 757-2742, FAX (313) 662-1727.

The lending library of the Society in the USA is: The Rudolf Steiner Library; 65 Fern Hill Road; Ghent, NY 12075 — (518) 672-7690; FAX (518) 672-5827. They have available many, many of Steiner’s (and other Anthroposophists’) works in both English and German, as well as catalog and research assistance. Books can be loaned by mail, and services are also available to non-members of the Society, for a reasonable fee.

A good online Anthroposophical resource is The Rudolf Steiner Archive and eLib. (That’s where I lifted the background color for this page. No inference should be made that the views presented in this essay are necessarily those of the Archive, or of any of the links and references listed here.) This site has the texts of a number of Steiner’s books and lectures, in English, ready for downloading.

To recapitulate some history, from a slightly different, panoramic viewpoint, using Steiner’s insights into the interplay of individual and world karma:

The ruling Time Spirit, since 1879 AD, is now the Sun-Archangel Michael (the “Countenance of Christ”). His previous rulership encompassed the time of Aristotle and Alexander. Michael is the administrator of Cosmic Intelligence, and a promoter of cosmopolitanism. Ideas to Plato had been living spiritual beings, attainable in higher vision.

His pupil Aristotle put this pictorial wisdom into conceptual thoughts, suitable for the age of lost clairvoyance; Alexander carried this Greek thought-culture into the wider world — both in the service of Michael. But this ancient Greek thinking was not experienced as coming from within the Man; it was rather experienced as coming, like perceptions, from the outside, a cosmic Pan-Intelligence. Later, this Aristotelianism was carried over to Jundi Sabur, and thence into Arabian/Muslim culture.

Perhaps the most brilliant and influential proponent of this Arabian culture were the Caliph Haroun al Rashid and his associates, in the Eighth Century AD. This culture was, as indicated above, brilliant in a way, but was also anti-evolutionary in that it failed to appreciate the Christ-Impulse and was infected with the Sorat/Ahriman influence from Jundi Sabur.

Around this time the cosmic Intelligence began to “fall to earth”, out of the rule of Michael and in the “heads” of Men; the Pan-Intelligence becoming individualized, personal intelligence. This process was a preparation for what was to culminate after the dawn of the Consciousness Soul Epoch in the Fifteenth Century: that Men were to experience their thoughts as coming from out of themselves, as a personal intelligence in individual freedom.

In 869 AD the fateful Eighth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople declared to be heretical the doctrine of “trichotomy”: that the Man is body, soul and spirit — thus effectively “outlawing the spirit” in Western Christendom, and plunging West-European mankind ever more deeply into material experience. While this Council was happening on earth, in the soul/spirit world Haroun al Rashid and his associates, who had recently died, conferred with the individuality of Aristotle and associates: Alexander and the “Aristotelians”, together with the “Platonists” and the Knights of Arthur’s Round Table.

In this meeting Aristotle and his associates resolved to bring to earth a renewed and Christianized wisdom suitable for the epoch of individualized intelligence of the Consciousness Soul, but al Rashid and his party remained opposed to this Christianization. Subsequently, on earth, the Arabian impulse was carried forward by philosophers such as Avicenna and Averroës, who upheld a decadent and retrogressive quasi-Aristotelianism, which denied human-spiritual individuality surviving death.

And the Platonists descended to earthly incarnation, up through the Twelfth Century, as teachers of the Christianized Nature-wisdom of the School of Chartres. (This wisdom later inspired Bruno Latini, and consequently his pupil Dante.)

In the Thirteenth Century the Aristotelians incarnated into the Dominican Order, wherein, with the help of the Platonists then in the spirit-world, they upheld the doctrine of human-individual intelligence and immortality, in the subtle conceptual thinking of the Scholastic “Realists”, as against the Arabian philosophers.

The greatest of the Scholastics was Aristotle himself, incarnated as Thomas Aquinas, the proponent of the reality of Pan-Intelligence in the form of concepts — the “universals” — and of the reality of human-individual experience of intelligence. — After the end of Medieval culture and the beginning of the Consciousness Soul Epoch, al Rashid himself incarnated as none other than Francis Bacon, the fountainhead of modern, Ahrimanic scientism. (Paradoxically, Bacon was inspired by a high Initiate, who also inspired Shakespeare, Jacob Boehme, and Jacob Balde. [Karmic Relationships, Vol. II]

Again: evolution is not a simple, two-sided conflict between “good” and “evil” — in a way, a nominalistic-empirical science “had to” enter cultural development.) Ahriman intends to make the now-earthly human intelligence entirely, overly individualized and personal, so that it degenerates into mere cleverness, driven by lower instincts and divorced from universal reality. But while Baconian science gained ground on earth, in the spirit/soul world the Platonists and Aristotelians convened in a “school” under the leadership of Michael.

This school prepared the impulses which were to appear later on earth as the renewing and enlivening of culture in the coming Michael Age.

(Meanwhile, in the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Ahriman had convened a “school” of his own, for the purpose, among others, of preparing his human acolytes for their coming incarnations, especially those in our time. This school was “sub-earthly” in the sense that it was beneath the earth’s surface, and in the sense that it was “sub-sensible” — the opposite of supersensible.)

This heavenly gathering, around the turning of the Eighteenth/Nineteenth centuries, culminated in a mighty Ritual, while on earth the Romantic Movement brought life into culture, before the deep descent into the materialism of the later Nineteenth century. (Goethe in a previous incarnation had been a sculptor associated closely with Plato.)

After 1879 the Aristotelians were in incarnation (led, as Prokofieff and Lievegoed maintain, by Aristotle/Thomas himself as Rudolf Steiner) and brought to earth the content of the Michael School as Anthroposophy (“spiritual science”). (Plato himself had been incarnated toward the end of the Nineteenth century as the Goethean scholar Karl Julius Schröer, teacher of Rudolf Steiner at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna.)

And, shortly before his death, Steiner prophesied that the Aristotelians, together with the Platonists, would again be on earth for the battle against Ahriman at the end of the Twentieth Century.

“…those who stand with full intensity within the Anthroposophical Movement will return at the end of the century, and others will then unite with them, for by this means the salvation of the earth and earthly civilization from destruction must eventually be settled. This is the mission of the Anthroposophical Movement….” [Karmic Relationships, Vol. IV]

The troops are mustering; the armies are forming up for battle: The hosts of Ahriman against the hosts of Michael.

Note: This struggle is further complicated by the fact that, besides the coming physical incarnation of Ahriman, a non-physical, ethereal manifestation of Ahriman will occur, with the aim of obscuring the appearance of the Ethereal Christ. This aim is being furthered by the supra-Masonic, occult “power groups” (or “brotherhoods”) mentioned earlier.

Steiner says:

“These brotherhoods of which I have just spoken, whose aim is to banish the souls of men into materialistic spheres, are also making it their aim to ensure that the coming of Christ should pass by unnoticed in the twentieth century, that His coming as an etheric Being should not be noticed by mankind. This aim is developing under the influence of a very definite idea, a very definite impulse of will, to win the sphere of influence which should come to us through Christ in the twentieth and later centuries, for another being — to conquer that sphere for another being….These brotherhoods of the West do exist. They aim to thwart the impulse of the Christ and put in his place another individuality that has never appeared in the flesh — an etheric being of a strongly Ahrimanic nature.” [lecture of 18 Nov., 1917; quoted in Tradowsky's Kaspar Hauser, pp. 198-9]

Prokofieff [in The Spiritual Originnns of Eastern Europe...], tries to explicate the inter-relations of Sorat, Lucifer, and Ahriman — thusly: The ethereal Ahrimanic manifestation will be of a being still mightier than the “Ahriman” who will incarnate in the flesh, an ethereal “emissary” of the Sun Demon, Sorat. This “emissary” was the being who inspired the demonic impulse of Jundi Shapur, and might “temporarily incorporate” in the incarnated “Ahriman” in “the culminating moments of the earthly activity of the latter”. (Sorat himself will directly enter earthly evolution only in the distant future.)

Further, this “emissary” works through Luciferic spirits to inspire Jesuitism, through Ahrimanic spirits to inspire the Western “brotherhoods”, and directly to inspire Bolshevism [and perhaps Nazism]. — And [in The Cycle of the Year...], Prokofieff tries to explain the present crescendo of phenomena surrounding “UFOs” as proceeding from these Western “brotherhoods” which seek to

“…conjure forth a spectral ream which will — in accordance with the intentions of this [ethereal, Ahrimanic 'emissary'] Being — be formed immediately beneath the surface of the Earth in the region of its solid and liquid elements…. That is, in that sphere where during the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries the sub-earthly Ahrimanic school began its operations….and from which [sphere] the many so-called ‘unexplained’ phenomena of our time, mistakenly ascribed to extra-terrestrial influences, proceed.” [pp. 299, 410]

As mentioned above, these “brothers” seek to so harden their ethereal bodies as to attain an “Ahrimanic immortality” for themselves in the environment of the Earth, and to so harden the Earth as to prevent it from passing over to the New Jupiter.

Tradowsky, in his more recent work >>Christ and Antichrist gives a somewhat similar, and perhaps somewhat differing, view: “…three stages [re Jundi Shapur] are defined: Sorath, the Beast, as the impulse-giver; and ahrimanic being as inspirer; a Man, who, so to speak, propagates and acts as the representative on earth of his doctrines.

With that an indication is given of the co-operation between Sorath and the ahrimanic beings, which have several characteristics in common.” [pp. 21-2] Tradowsky seems to see the 666-year rhythm as pertaining more essentially to Sorat than to Ahriman. Here is an excerpt from the same book, quoting Steiner’s lecture to priests of the Christian Community in Sept. 1924:

“We can say, as the writer of the Apocalypse would put it, that before the Etheric Christ can be properly understood by people, mankind must have passed through the encounter with the Beast, which will make its appearance in 1933….At the end of the century [1998] we come to the time when Sorath again rises his head most powerfully from the surrounding flood of evolution. He will oppose the vision of Christ which will appear in the etheric world to those who are prepared to receive it in the first half of the twentieth century…”

(It is startling that Steiner named the exact year of Hitler’s [and FD Roosevelt's] accession to political power as the time of the direct intervention of the Beast Sorat in earthly affairs.)

Tradowsky comments:
…the present situation [re Sorat] is far more dangerous [than in 1933], if only for the reason that people imagine that it is less dangerous….At present, however, the situation is the reverse [vs. 1933]. One is exposed to an inner undertow, which is so insidious because it gradually creeps up on the soul unawares in tiny steps, in such a way that truth and the reality of the spiritual world become ever more shrouded in oblivion. Truly, it is so difficult to tackle such an elusive foe because he does everything to remain unnoticed.” [p. 48-9]

Tradowsky apparently sees the present incursion of Sorat as distinct from the impending incarnation of Ahriman, though both are closely related. For some, this may seem a fine point, given the horrific and tremendously critical nature of the crisis. However, in the end it may not be a superfluous distinction; we may need all the understanding we can get, in order to face the crisis correctly. Again, I refer the reader to this excellent book, as well as to Steiner’s 1924 lectures, both now available in English.

Steiner sums up the nature of the struggle between Michael and Ahriman for the formerly-cosmic and now-earthly Intelligence:

“…in Ahriman there stands before us a cosmic Being of the highest imaginable Intelligence, a cosmic Being who has already taken the Intelligence entirely into the individual, personal element. In every conceivable direction Ahriman is in the highest degree intelligent, over-intelligent. He has at his command a dazzling Intelligence, proceeding from the whole human being, with the single exception of the part of the human being which in the human forehead takes on human form.

“To reproduce Ahriman in human Imaginations we should have to give him a receding forehead, a frivolously cynical expression, for in him everything comes out of the lower forces, and yet from these lower forces the highest Intelligence proceeds. If ever we let ourselves in for a discussion with Ahriman, we should inevitably be shattered by the logical conclusiveness, the magnificent certainty of aim with which he manipulates his arguments,. The really decisive question for the world of men, in the opinion of Ahriman, is this: Will cleverness or stupidity prevail? And Ahriman calls stupidity everything which does not contain Intelligence in it in full personal individuality. Every Ahriman-being is over-endowed with personal Intelligence in the way I have now described; critical … in the repudiation of all things unlogical; scornful and contemptuous in thought.

“When we have Ahriman before us in this way, then too we shall feel the great contrast between Ahriman and Michael. For Michael is not in the least concerned with the personal quality of Intelligence. It is only for man that the temptation is ever-present to make his Intelligence personal after the pattern of Ahriman. Truth to tell, Ahriman has a most contemptuous judgment of Michael. He thinks Michael foolish and stupid — stupid, needless to say, in relation to himself. For Michael does not wish to seize Intelligence and make it personally his own. Michael only wills, and has willed through the thousands of years, nay through the aeons, to administer the Pan-Intelligence. And now once more that men have the Intelligence, it should again be administered by Michael as something belonging to all mankind — as the common and universal Intelligence that benefits all men alike.

“We human beings shall indeed do rightly…if we say to ourselves: the idea that we can have cleverness for ourselves alone is foolish. Certainly we cannot be clever for ourselves alone. For if we want to prove anything to another person logically, the first thing we must presume if that the same logic holds good for him as for ourselves. And for a third party it is again the same logic. If anyone were to have a logic of his own, it would be absurd for us to want to prove anything to him by our logic.” [Karmic Relationships, Vol. III]

And, Steiner makes this concept of “Intelligence” more concrete: “What is Intelligence? These abstract generalisations do not of course exist in reality. `Intelligence’ means the mutual relationships of conduct among the higher Hierarchies. What they do, how they relate themselves to one another, what they are to one another — this is Cosmic Intelligence.

And since as Men we must first consider the Kingdom that is nearest to us, concretely speaking the Cosmic Intelligence will be for us the sum-total of the Beings of the Hierarchy of Angeloi. If we are speaking concretely we cannot say `so much Intelligence’, but rather `so many Angeloi’. This is the reality.”

Around that fateful year of 869 AD there was a split in the world of angels: the other six “Planetary Archangels”, which until then had been led by Michael, “rebelled” against the Sun-rulership, taking with them their associated angels. Since the angels are the carriers of the reincarnating human individualities, this split brought human karma into “disorder”; much of the chaos in recent history is the result of this schism.

And those Men whose angels fell away from Michael,

“…receive their personal Intelligence as a complete matter of course. This means that it works in them automatically, through their bodily nature. It works in such a way that they think, think cleverly, but are not fully and deeply and humanly concerned in what they think.” [Karmic Relationships, Vol. IV] –

These now-earthly angels can “incorporate” themselves into Men, the cleverest ones who deny the spirit, when human consciousness becomes impaired or dull: a very real kind of Ahrimanic “possession”:

“Ahriman’s perpetual endeavor is to appropriate the intelligence of human beings and not allow them to realise what they can achieve through their own intelligence….Men must strive as time goes on to keep their intelligence under their own individual control, to keep unceasing watch over it…..Ahriman takes full advantage of moments when, in full waking life, a man falls into a state of vertigo or dizziness, into a kind of twilight consciousness, when he feels not quite securely anchored in the physical world and begins to yield himself to the whirl of the universe, when he does not stand firmly and steadily on his own feet as an individuality…

The best way we can protect ourselves is to develop clear, exact thinking, not simply skimming over things in thought as is the general custom today. We should go even farther and try to avoid colloquialisms and current catchwords, for directly we use such words which come, not from thoughts but from habits of speech, we are not exercising thinking — even if only for a very short time. These are particularly dangerous moments because they are not heeded. We should really be careful to avoid using words behind which there is not sufficient reflection.” [The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth Century pp. 170f.]

[What is now happening in mankind is nothing less than a further Incarnation of logic (the Logos, "Word"), which is Cosmic Intelligence. The "Word" is "becoming flesh" in the individualities of Men on earth. The Christ (Logos/logic) is indwelling individual Men. Ahriman -- the Spirit of Lies -- seeks to falsify this intelligence by severing it from the Cosmos and making it, and mankind, entire earthly. But just as logic (Logos) is universally true for all Men, an entirely individual, subjective logic/intelligence is false -- a lie, an unreality. To think truly, as an individual being with universal Intelligence, is a deed important for the whole earth, for all mankind. It is an act in the battle for the future of the earth, for Michael against Ahriman, for the Cosmic Christ Who descended to become the Spirit of the Earth.]

Again, Steiner says that the time of decision is around the end of the Twentieth Century. We “will either stand at the grave of civilization” or we will turn toward a spiritualized culture. We may face a scaled-down “War of All against All”. (This War is known to occultism as the catastrophe that will end the Post-Atlantean Age, as the Flood ended the Atlantean Age.)

We are given help through the present Second Resurrection of Christ — in the consciousness of Men — following the Second Crucifixion of Christ by the materialism in the souls of the dead from the Nineteenth Century onward. We can now think angel-thoughts, have Christ-thoughts and Christ-feelings on earth.

This ability prepares, but is not to be confused with the perception of the Ethereal Christ. This natural clairvoyance, which was hindered in 1933 may again become possible from 2000 AD onward, as a reflection of the Deed of Abraham around 2000 BC. He was the first Man to transform the old clairvoyance into brain-thinking: the reflection of this event will be the freeing of thought from the brain and transformation into free, conscious clairvoyance. [The date of 2000 BC for Abraham derives from Stegmann. Prokofieff puts the calling of Abraham around 2100 BC.]

There will be no real social healing unless Men allow the Christ into their souls.

To outward appearances, the Christ-influence might seem so weak, and the Ahrimanic influence so strong, that we might lose heart. But we can take heart by ever recalling that the greatest, most powerful event of our times is the coming of the Ethereal Christ. It is the unseen driving force behind the visible depredations of the Adversaries.

A new clairvoyance is coming as a natural development; Ahriman seeks to divert it into the earthbound, intellectual pseudo-thinking of the hardened ethereal body, so that the Ethereal Christ passes by mankind unnoticed and another (Ahriman) is substituted in His place. But cosmic wisdom in the human mind has power: Men permeated by this wisdom — spiritual science — instill horror into the Ahrimanic spirits. If we meet the Ethereal Christ and the earthly Ahriman consciously, with spirit-will, both events will serve the good of mankind and the world.

The battle against Ahriman in the West will require greater inner force than elsewhere (as indicated, because the “spiritual geography” of the American continent favors the Doppelgänger and Ahrimanic spirits generally), therefore the gain from the eventual victory can be all the greater. Ahriman can be defeated in America, just as the Mexican black magician was defeated by the Sun-being Vitzliputzli almost 2000 years ago.

And we have the prophecy from Steiner that, while the present American materialism is strong, it is youthful and childlike; it is destined to be outgrown, into a spiritualized culture — during the sixth (Slavic) epoch. The power Ahriman is great, especially in America, but the power of Christ is greater. Yet the Christ and His hosts (with Michael in the forefront) respect and wait upon human freedom; and with freedom comes responsibility.

If Men will consciously take up the Christ-power, the earth can be won for the good.

The English language does not have as clear a word for human being irrespective of sex as does, for instance, the German language, which has Mensch in contradistinction to Mann, which means (male) man. I have decided to avoid, when possible, the use of the word human, for, as Terry Boardman has pointed out, human has the same root as humus, (soil, earth), whereas man has the same root as manas.

The natural English word man, of course, can mean either human being or (male) man — or at least it could before the advent of PCism. The context would usually make the meaning clear, but even disregarding PC considerations, confusion still could sometimes happen.

So, one might use human being to mean man in the sexless sense, however, besides being awkward and cumbersome, this usage does deny the wisdom contained in the natural English language: that man means a creature having an inherent spiritual principle (manas), not necessarily a (male) man, still less a creature of the soil, of the earth.

So, I use Man, capitalized, to mean human being, and mankind to mean the aggregate of human beings. I usually use the Man to refer to the individual, so as to avoid confusion with the universal archetype, the Platonic Idea, MAN.

However, I do use the adjective human; somehow, Manly just won’t do. But, after all, human is not altogether a “dirty word”, it is related to the Latin homo = man.



Cohete Antares de la NASA explota a segundos de su lanzamiento

La agencia señaló que la misión pretendía llevar equipos y alimentos a quienes están en la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Martes 28 de octubre de 2014

El cohete portador estadounidense Antares explotó poco después de su lanzamiento desde la isla de Wallops, en el estado de Virginia.

A bordo del cohete se encontraba el carguero Cygnus que llevaría equipos y alimentos a la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI).

El lunes fue suspendido el lanzamiento del mismo cohete, por el ingreso de un barco en el área cercana al lanzamiento.

Cygnus es fabricado Orbital Science, la segunda empresa privada que provee a la NASA de este tipo de vehículos tras Space X, que es la que está detrás de Dragon.



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