Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ezine Excellere 120 Casa Juillet.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=endscreen&v=WIj8jEiiUIo&NR=1 Enlaces y Links= http://heliosium.livejournal.com/91555.html http://casajuillet.blogspot.com/ http://eternity-oceanica.blogspot.com/ http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/CasaJuilletScienceFiction/ Agoust 2012. Content http://eternity-oceanica.blogspot.com/ Secret UFO files released Date August 5, 2012 Read later http://imagenesflasheras.wordpress.com/salvador-dali/ Flying sorcery ... one of the restricted documents, now released. Photo: National Archives of Australia It is probably the closest Australia has come to scrambling fighter jets to intercept a UFO. Documents that have just become available under the 30-year rule at the National Archives of Australia reveal how two RAAF Mirage jets were placed on the second highest level of alert to determine the cause of unidentified radar contacts seen on screens at Mascot. The ''X Files'' viewed in Canberra also give details of other unexplained sightings, some of which are supported by witness statements to police. Mysterious ... a colour-enhanced photo of a UFO seen from Bendigo. One caller dismissed it as a rock band's laser show. Photo: National Archives of Australia In the Sydney alert, the papers stamped ''restricted'' tell how operation ''Close Encounter'' was launched by No.3 Control and Reporting Unit at RAAF Base Williamtown near Newcastle on June 30, 1983, after the phenomenon was first noticed earlier in the month. Senior air controllers at Mascot said the contacts were mostly located between 70 and 150 nautical miles north of Sydney at ''alleged speeds of 1100-6500 km/h that suggested high altitude''. The papers state that no scramble was to occur in the round-the-clock operation unless confirmation of any reported tracks was made on the radar screens at RAAF Williamtown or any radar other than Sydney. At the same time, three senior air defence controllers were dispatched to Sydney to investigate and plot every contact and ''control interceptors against these contacts if a reasonable chance of interception presented itself''. But then one of the defence controllers, a squadron leader, asked whether a comparison had been made of the contacts on the screens of Mascot's Area Approach Radar Centre and those in a ''workshop across the corridor''. Soon after, tests showed that the ''unidentified objects reported by Sydney were generated entirely by radar interference known colloquially as 'running rabbits' ''. Squadron leader K. Keenan, in his six-page report, said operation Close Encounter cost 66½ days of overtime, 1000 kilometres was travelled by a staff car and a C130 Hercules transport aircraft ''may have been diverted to Sydney airport'' to deliver one of the defence controllers. He wrote: ''The lines of communication, extending as they did across the width of an entire corridor, seem to have been insufficient for the purpose.'' He added rather dryly: ''Fortunately there was no temptation to launch aircraft and add to the fuel bill occasioned by use of the RAAF Datsun.'' A cautiously worded statement was released as a result ''in a manner that would not embarrass departmental personnel'' which blamed ''random atmospheric conditions''. Other reports in the X Files give details of an ''unidentified physical feature'' of circles on Milo Station at Adavale, Queensland, in 1982. The file refers to photographs that apparently were taken, but they were not among the papers. Constable Geoffrey Russell, from the local police station, visited the site and wrote a report for RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich. The officer saw depressions in the ground and thought they were caused by a motorcyclist doing donuts but then dismissed the idea. He wrote: ''I strongly feel this [is] no hoax even though I do not know the cause of this 'feature'.'' He described a large circle of 2330mm in diameter with one inner circle of 2010mm which were 160mm in width and about 15-20 mm deep. The soil around the outer circle appeared to have been ''blown away'', he said. Elsewhere in Queensland, dairy farmer Robin Priebe phoned Imbil police at 5.30am in July 1983 to report seeing a strange object in the sky to the north of the town. The papers state that a Sergeant Waterson then went to his back verandah and saw ''a large white light with several flashing lights around it'' which did not appear to be a normal aircraft. A similar sighting was made by Constable R. Keys from a separate position. He was also of the opinion that it wasn't a normal aircraft. Mr Priebe said both he and his wife saw a bright red glow gradually change to a white light which then started to move slowly east. Through binoculars, ''the light was disc shaped with a very bright light around the perimeter of the disc with two flashing lights in the front and one to the side'', he said. The only photographs in the X Files were of unusual lights over Bendigo, witnessed by hundreds in May 1983. An interim report by the RAAF stated that Mike Evans, a 17-year-old disc jockey with the Bendigo radio station 3BO, received calls from listeners, then saw the lights himself and took photos. One anonymous caller to the RAAF said the lights were caused by a rock group experimenting with laser lighting. The report said they were probably caused by train headlights or lasers or from planets or stars. There had been unusual weather atmospherics on the night. Zoe¨ D'Arcy, director of digital and online access at the National Archives, said: ''Where you and I might think UFO - a spaceship - the RAAF and other agencies were probably wondering if there was a security threat. ''Most of the files you read and you think that most probably was a meteorite, but there are ones that you read and you think - well, what could that have been? ''I can't explain that from my knowledge. ''So what was it that these people have experienced? It has that open-ended question to it that I find really intriguing.'' Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci- tech/secret-ufo-files-released-20120804- 23mhq.html#ixzz23k9LurTV ññññññññññññññññññññññ Hypersonic vehicle crashes seconds into test flight Date August 16, 2012 10 Hypersonic aircraft fails seconds after launch RAW VISION: An unmanned experimental hypersonic military aircraft called the Waverider breaks apart seconds into a test flight. An unmanned experimental hypersonic military aircraft called the Waverider broke apart over the Pacific Ocean seconds into a test flight due to a faulty control fin, the US Air Force said on Wednesday. The problem with the fin was identified 16 seconds after a rocket booster on the X-51A aircraft was ignited to increase its speed in a test flight on Tuesday morning, the Air Force said in a statement. Fifteen seconds later, when the X-51A separated from the rocket booster, it lost control due to a "faulty control fin," the statement said. The 31 seconds of flight fell far short of the military's goal for the X-51A to fly for five minutes. US Air Force photo shows the X-51A WaveRider hypersonic flight test vehicle. Photo: AFP Photo/US Air Force The aircraft broke apart immediately and fell into the Pacific Ocean near Point Mugu northwest of Los Angeles, said Daryl Mayer, a spokesman for the 88th Air Base Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. The Waverider was designed to reach speeds of Mach 6 or above, which is six times the speed of sound and fast enough to zoom from New York to London in less than an hour. The military has its eye on using the Waverider program to develop high-speed cruise missiles. The cost of the experimental aircraft has not been disclosed because many details of the program are classified. US Air Force illustration shows the X-51A Waverider set to demonstrate hypersonic flight. Photo: AFP Photo/US Air Force This was the third of four X-51A aircraft built for the military. The Air Force said in a statement that one of the aircraft remains and that a decision has not been made "when or if that vehicle will fly at this time." Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne designed the X-51A's "Scramjet" engine, which uses the forward motion of the craft to compress air for fuel combustion, according to a description of the project from the military. "It is unfortunate that a problem with this subsystem caused a termination before we could light the Scramjet engine," Charlie Brink, X-51A Program Manager for the Air Force Research Laboratory, said in a statement. "All our data showed we had created the right conditions for engine ignition and we were very hopeful to meet our test objectives," Brink said Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/technology/sci- tech/hypersonic-vehicle-crashes-seconds-into-test-flight- 20120816-249np.html#ixzz23kASlHBT ññññññññññññññññññ DALI http://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=QOQ1UgDg5OU yOUNG PEOPLE JUST DON T KNOW ABOUT HIM. WHAT A JOKE, AND HE WAS SO FAMOUS IN HIS TIME. ññññññññññññññññ UFOS AND HERMOGENES.............BY NICK OBRE. Hermogenes Perez de Arce, will launch its latest and most amazing book called confess I believe in UFOs. There will be all his experiences and theories related to one of the passions of his life: extraterrestrial beings, the same as, according to him, are controlling the Earth. -There. That is where the device landed round and bright. Where UFOs-rested announces Hermogenes Perez de Arce. Her finger points to a hill Pochoco sector. Examines the place and nods his head a few times, sure of what he says. It is there, where more than 10 years ago, according to him, stopped a spaceship that left around the bush burned, because of the radiation emanating from the alien construction. The place that identifies Perez de Arce is not too different from the rest of the sector: there are only a couple of spots with less vegetation. And still scorched. I still see them well charred, right? He smiles, pleased by his certainty. An hour ago, the biggest defender of the military government examined in detail the map that would take him in his Mercedes-Benz sedan navy at the foot of the hill Pochoco in The Arrayán sector. From boots, blue jeans, plaid shirt and brown suede jacket, decided to undertake the walk once did almost every weekend and where he saw first shocked, then fascinated and finally gullible, that impressed him so much and now describes as the marks left on the ground by objects coming from outside the planet. - UFO! She repeats. It started a little over a decade, when the owner of one of the houses facing the hill said that a luminous object had stopped outside his field. "That house witnessed it all," says Hermogenes. And although he did not see anything, did not need to be witnessed to be believed. At that point, Perez de Arce had seen UFOs three times. Hence, his fervent belief in higher beings who, according to him, they control every move they make humans on Earth. He is sitting at the desk , is dedicated to his family, to manage their properties and their views on a blog. Behind them is a shelf full of books, including several dealing with life on other planets. That, he says, is his "hobby". Although not completely dedicated to it, does recognize read much about it and even have called for seminars and lectures on UFOs. His knowledge is based mainly on three sightings, reading specialized texts and conversations with people who, she says, have had extraterrestrial contact. "I've seen UFOs three times. The first time was in the 60s, being in the sea at night with my wife, Maria Soledad, my children and my inlaws guys. It was like watching pass a jewel on the horizon, by the great brightness of all colors that can fire a diamond. Passed horizontally and silent. All were very impressed, "he says. "I knew existed, because Santiago looked much. Frisbees and told them people were revolutionized, because out in the newspapers. " The second time I saw them was the day of the funeral of his mother, on August 17, 1985. "Returning from the cemetery, we noticed that the house was revolutionized, because there was a golden thing in the mountains. I saw him with glasses long view, was a kind of golden chalice, with an antenna up and another down. He was quite visible while, until it moved away and disappeared. Don Francisco gave television, newspapers picked it up. There came the debate, they were imagery, but I saw it, "he says. No matter what you labeled as "crazy" for believing in UFOs. The theory of Hermogenes Perez de Arce on the August 17, 1985 goes a little beyond the mere experience of having seen a UFO in the distance, he says. Twenty years later he understood everything. "I went to treat an injury with a gentleman who applied magnets, called Octavio Ortiz. Talking with him, I said: Hey, Don Hermogenes, I've seen you on interviews states that believe in UFOs. I replied that of course it was a very interesting topic and I've read a lot about it. Then I said: Well, I had treatment for eight years with inhabitants of other planets, who are here in Chile, on an island. " Ortiz said he is a ham and, because of that, one night in 1984 contacted a guy who claimed to be from another planet, the son of an American with an alien. Her name was Ariel, had a calm voice. "Octavio Ariel asked if she wanted to befriend him. She told him that she lived on the island Friendship, leading Puerto Aguirre, in Region XI. The whole relationship was on the radio, in a very religious, very moral recommendations made him, in the Bible. He says his life began to change, "says Perez de Arce, who then explains why Ariel is so important to understand where he came from that golden UFO was the day of the funeral of his mother. "That day, Ariel contacted Octavio, who said, Go into the garden and overlooks the mountains. I'm here, I'm talking from the unidentified flying object, "he says. Perez de Arce no doubt the words of Octavio Ortiz: "It's an honest guy who works in an honest profession is a good person, then I believe him." A year ago they met and Octavio told him that all the time watching a small light. "You ask me if I see, but I do not see it. He believes they are, they are always linked with him. Who have absolutely monitored "says Hermogenes. Octavio Ortiz wrote a book that told Perez de Arce and helped him edit. Hence came the idea of ??visiting that island they call Friendship, but that certainly does not appear on the map located. "On March 3, 2010, I went from the island with my oldest son. I had everything ready, two yachtsmen were to accompany us, but three days before the earthquake struck, and the women in my family and we were not opposed. Now we are preparing it again, "he smiles. His son of the same name, wants accompany this journey, also believes in UFOs. In fact, three of his four children, one of them, the youngest of 36, has Down syndrome-believe in UFOs. "They have seen, so believe. Cross saw unexplained lights in the sky that are not airplanes. One of them even once was on the coast and saw a light come. He nodded and said that the light did an awesome flash. He was very excited, "he says. It also ensures that a person "very close" something inexplicable happened. "A person next to us was going to drive from Ensenada Petrohué, with two people. It was night and saw a light coming very powerful. An hour and 50 minutes later another 20 miles away, outside a police station. They have no sense of where they were during that time. Two of them were in pain in the arm and chest. I have told them to undergo hypnosis to know what happened, but they do not want, "he says. According to what he has read, "people who have been abducted, that have reported have been in spacecraft, have been taken over by aliens. Do not have hurt, but they have intervened bodies. " He said not to be afraid to meet an alien. Based on the books on UFOs that have been consulted, he infers that "are very superior to us, they are not bad guys they are going to kill humans. I think we are a planet guarded by beings with superior skills and capabilities that do not want to interfere explicitly on Earth, but they can influence at decisive moments perfectly. " He concludes that the aliens want to preserve the planet. "I mean, if they see an ecological catastrophe, may seek to influence not to happen. There are people who have been abducted and then have that have tended towards the preservation of the planet. It seems that they receive a maintenance workshop planet. So some say that Tompkins is extraterrestrial. Tompkins's mission is that humans do not do anything to the planet ". Although no concrete evidence of what he is saying, is convinced. I like the subject, believes in aliens. With the same vehemence that is already so well known. "I think we are present and control what they want, because they have the means to do so. They have super technology. I think what Octavio says that he sees a light could be a monitor. Now, who analyzes the information reaching the millions of monitors? Well, that requires advanced technology, you can determine what is important and what is not. For example, if I say I'm going to set off a nuclear bomb, the monitor of the ET says: tit tit tit tit tit and care of the problem as well. I have no doubt that they have a super technology. Or, for example, if the government of Chile decided to attack the island Friendship, do the loco. We could lose the entire Navy, and they all Aviation nothing would happen, because they have a far superior power. " One night in 1998, at 4.30 am, was the third and last time Perez de Arce said he saw a UFO. "I was sleeping and my wife got up, opened the curtains and saw that there was a very bright white balloon with a nice little red light in the corner, stopped in front of us. I took my glasses and immediately started looking at it. It was another well, and they went both to the surponiente and disappeared behind the trees. " "Why Maria Soledad, my wife, at four in the morning, opened the curtains? For me it's a mystery to me indicates that there may be something there. She does not know why he did it and is not fond of it. Believe in UFOs because he has seen, but that is a craze is mine. What can explain that she gets up and draw the curtains? Why not happened to me, that I am interested?, Why not me I woke UFOs? "Asks. Back to the hill Pochoco. At 76 years, Hermogenes Perez de Arce has trouble climbing the hill, more than what it cost before, a decade ago, when he first saw the imprint left says the spacecraft. He says in his new book, I confess that I believe in UFOs, recount their experiences and all of those who know. Summarize your opinion and "state the facts available to the Chileans, with amenity". So far, the book has 100 pages and hopes to write 100 more the next two weeks. That's why travel to the beach, to concentrate and write in peace. Before publishing it hopes to fulfill his dream of traveling to the island Friendship, where bet you find something special you can put on your new and patented more amazing work written. Look to the sky for the last time. I believe in them and think they are here. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo Appeared a strange cow mutilations and the owner says they are "UFOs" 20/08/2012 | PrincipalesLeido 64 times, 16 today Just 53 kilometers from the provincial capital, found a cow with strange cuts in the udder, tongue, eyes and other parts that do not seem to have done with a knife. "Are UFO" exclaims the owner. A cow with obvious signs of death by mutilation in her body appeared a few days ago in the rural setting "The Zulma" located in Paso de las Piedras to 53 Kmde Paraná. Alli owners, Widmer Brothers astonishment not leave the lesions observed in the animal and how the cuts have been made in the area of ??the udder, tongue, eyes and other parts do not appear to take place with a knife. "Are UFO" exclaims without hesitation when Araceli Widmer consultation by any suspicion. Wants vets to check the animal area and come to some conclusion to what happened to his cattle. Araceli Widmer gave his testimony saying that last Sunday discovered a dead cow with obvious signs of mutilation in different parts of the body. Without leaving his amazement Campaign Paraná Araceli told that "takes almost 8 days dead, no animal tries to eat it, as always in the case that there is a dead cow." To provide details of the injuries has said the beef "has cuts on the part of the udder, missing eyes, tongue, cuts destine leather parts, without being able to notice a loss of blood in the animal." "It is noteworthy also that the courts seem to be cauterized, deformations in the leather, as usually happens when it is cut with a knife," he said. In the signs that the animal presents can be observed in the three Puntazo abdomen without sharp cuts suggests that the interviewees can be burnt with a laser. "We are UFOs" exclaims Araceli when consultation if you have any suspicion about what may have happened to the animal. Finally called veterinary specialists to come to your country, to see and study this animal "to tell us that could have happened." {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ I think Meier has a point, his photos are taken from afar, no cables could reach a valley between two mountains, and photos are in sequence, no way you could do that with a fishing rod. And there are others more close at hand, and Wendelle works in one of the blurry ones and happens to show a real disc shape vehicle with a lot of detail in it. The debunkers takes their own ideas from their own heads, put some remarks from others and bingo, they had all figured out. What a crap. Meier goes into History as the one who contacted some ET and that´s it, no matter dogs are barking loudly. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret Published August 27, 2012. | By drgreer. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82. Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes- and no. Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module, that landed on the moon in July of 1969. The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon- but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day. By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one DisclosureProject.org witness. So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community- and a small compartment of operatives at NASA- knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there. To prepare for this possibility, there was a time delay from the Lunar Module via an NSA (National Security Agency) uplink and other, alternative film footage was prepared to be shown in the event of something really unusual happening. Well it happened. Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me “It is not my place to out Buzz on this- someday if he can speak about it, he will…” Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation! When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrong’s friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could –but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly. I found this to be unbelievable at the time, but since then have found that such threats and bullying by the over- reaching national security state is routine. A very senior scientist at the Naval Research Labs in Washington DC recently told me and the Disclosure Project team that if he spoke about some of the information he knew, that he, his wife, his children and grandchildren would all be killed. This is no joke – and not a conspiracy theory. This is the way the highly secretive and fascist bosses in the deep black national security state operate. They make the Mafia look like choir boys. In the meanwhile, we continue to applaud those courageous men and women who come forward, speak the truth and move Disclosure forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life exists in the universe beyond earth and that we have amazing new sciences and technologies that urgently need to be disclosed. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on earth, without poverty or pollution- and with justice for all. The upcoming film Sirius will advance this cause- and it must. Please help us in this endeavor- go to Sirius.Neverendinglight.com and join the thousands who are supporting the next big step in Disclosure, Peaceful Contact and New Energy. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Sirius Filmmaker Arm Kaleka’s Father Killed at Sikh Temple Published August 6, 2012. | By drgreer. We ask that everyone remember in their thoughts and prayers Arm Kaleka and his family as they mourn the loss of his father, who was shot and killed at the Sikh Temple in WI. We are shocked and appalled by this act of senseless violence. Our love and sympathy goes to Arm, his family and all those who lost loved ones. Let us see Arm’s father and the others advancing in the worlds of Light and Truth and in eternal Peace. Steven M. Greer MD ñññññññññññññ My deepest condolence to the Kaleka family, and to all of those affected by this tragedy. Unfortunately, this is NOT a coincidence. No longer will we tolerate having our brave souls who challenge the powers that be, snuffed out to maintain silence. Truth, not big business, is the ONLY thing that is too big to fail. As I cry writing this, please understand Dr. Greer, Mr. Kaleka, and the ‘Sirius’ team, WE will not falter, waiver, back-down, or be dissuaded in ANY way, shape or form in our support for you and this amazing project of global enlightenment. I hope that the entire Sirius team will take time to grieve for Mr. Kaleka’s loss, but will re-group to gather in strength, and take account of the many truth-seekers who support you, and are at your backs. Having lived through the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, and others, and seeing the devastation which has occur to my beautiful America because of their absence, I, for one, am dedicating the rest of my life, as I have for over thirty- five years, in pursuit of THE TRUTH. Wherever it takes me. In God’s love WE ALL have the strength to defeat these deceitful forces, out solely for their own ends. Beyond differing cultures, race, religion or lifestyle, we have to get past our petty differences to gather all of our strength, and to be at each other’s backs, so to fight the foes of us all. THE ENSLAVERS WILL BE DEFEATED. To the entire Sirius team, may the light and love of God console you all through this horrific event. May God’s strength feed your souls to ready for the greater fight ahead. The best revenge we can possibly take away from this tragedy, is to produce a bigger and better Sirius documentary. Your dedicated supporters will then do the rest spreading the word of truth around this entire planet. To build a future we deserve. No longer tolerating a past and present that has been inflicted upon us. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing – Edmund Burke, 1795 ppppppppppppppp SIRIUS” THE MOVIE POISED TO MAKE CROWD FUNDING HISTORY! Published July 28, 2012. | By drgreer. A big thank you to everyone who has supported us at Sirius.Neverendinglight.com ! Because of your incredibly generous support, coming from every corner of the globe, we can announce today that A. Kaleka’s production company will be able to be fully funded to complete the feature documentary “Sirius”! The minimum they needed to do a broadcast quality, major documentary was $250,000 which we now have raised because of all of you! Of course, this minimum is a minimum. And if we have more networking support from the public we can make an even better, more far-reaching and impactful film. So please contribute all that you can to support this historic multi-media project. Further funding will enable us to engage adequate publicity so the wider public learns of the film, do more extensive research on new evidence and ET/UFO cases and develop a multi-media presence that includes the Internet- and more. Let’s make this the number one crowd-funded film in history! BREAKING NEWS: URGENT There is a chance that we may be able to include in the film “Sirius” the scientific testing of a possible Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) that has been recovered and is deceased. This EBE is in the possession of a cooperative institute desiring further scientific evaluation of the possible ET. We cannot reveal at this time the location of this being or the name of the person or persons who possess it. Dr. Jan Bravo- who is a STAR Board member and a fellow Emergency Physician- and I have actually visited the group that possesses this EBE and have personally and professionally examined the being. It is indeed an actual deceased body, and most certainly is not plastic or man- made. It has a head, 2 arms and 2 legs and is humanoid . We have seen and examined X-Rays of the being. Its anatomy however is not homo sapien (modern human) or any known hominid (predecessors to humans). As you can imagine, the security and scientific issues surrounding the further testing of this potentially explosive and world- changing evidence are mind-boggling. However, we feel we simply must proceed expeditiously but cautiously. The cost of doing proper MRI testing, full and dispositive forensic-level DNA testing and carbon dating with other isotope testing are considerable and certainly not currently funded. We must rule out other hominids, bizarre genetic defects and so forth. But it is most certainly an actual biological specimen – and it may be – well, what it looks like. If you can assist further with funding the campaign for Sirius we will attempt to carry out this scientific inquiry, however daunting it may be. We are currently investigating what these costs will be, but they will certainly be in the tens of thousands of dollars and perhaps more. Dr. Bravo, myself, Dr. Ted Loder, Professor Emeritus University of New Hampshire, and other scientists who wish to remain confidential will be doing the examinations and testing. A top DNA lab will be engaged for appropriate DNA evaluation. The only reason I mention this sensitive matter at this time is that in order for this possible ET body to be properly evaluated and disclosed in “Sirius” – which is planned for completion in December 2012- we must act immediately. We will need your help with funding this and the rest of “Sirius”. And we cannot buy the safety and security that millions of people knowing about what we are doing can afford. Shadowy classified projects would prefer for us not to proceed, just as they wished that we not proceed with DisclosureProject.org in 2001. But we did. And we are here to tell the tale because millions of people knew what we were doing well before that historic event. You the public are our shield. You are our protectors, along with providence. While the testing will be confidential and done very discreetly until results are known- the fact that we are pursuing this evidence must be known by millions of people in order for us to be protected. Tell everyone you know-now. ------------------------- turvan 00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXQa6ySiJwA ññññññññññññññññññññññññ Si Ud. quiere desocupar de su casa un aparato o resto de computadora , en vez de tirarlo al tacho de la basura, regálelo a Alfredo, en Santos Dumont 730, Santiago, Chile, y habrá contribuido a esta publicación mensual. Hagalo hoy, cortese el cabello en la peluqueria de Julie, y pida una rebaja del 10 % ´por regalar objetos. ======================================= Enlaces y Links= http://heliosium.livejournal.com/91555.html http://casajuillet.blogspot.com/ http://eternity-oceanica.blogspot.com/ http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/CasaJuilletScienceFiction/ Compro lapiceras Parker. Envie email a alfjuillet@yahoo.com ............................................. Vendo una tinaja grande de captacion de aguas, de 100 años de antiguedad. $250.000.-alfjuillet@yahoo.com ------------------------ Vendo camara AGFA 35 mm. con estuche, antigua, $30.000 alfjuillet@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------ _Vendo dos tubos gas oxigeno y acetileno, $100.000 alfjuillet@yahoo.com ññññññññññññññññññññññññññ Pocket books in english, $4 dollars the dozen, Westerns of old. I sent it to the US , in exchange for pencils. Send a letter to alfjuillet@yahoo.com to see to it. ............................................ Porís de Abona, Arico.Spain UFO........BY .. By leaving the highway and heading to the coast, could not avoid my gaze that tower emitting light that is known as the Lighthouse Porís. Just had six or seven years and to this day I have not clear whether he had been there before, but in my memory has been set as a strange place and carries a mystique probably the result of the child's mind it was in those years. But the coastal zone of the municipality of Arico has enough ingredients to make a stop on the arguments related to the unusual. Let's start talking about mysteries arrived from heaven. We place the story of the events in one night in late June 1984. A group of young people decide to go to El Porís de Abona, at a point close to the sea, near the lighthouse, to celebrate the completion of the examinations to rhythm guitar. Between talks, laughs and music was getting dark. Our protagonist, a young man who was accompanied by his girlfriend, looking out to sea when he saw an intense white light which originally related to the outbreak of a fishing boat that seemed to go south and not given too much importance. Those young people continued chatting for a while until a light reappeared and behaving manifesting as above. Then Juan-so let's call that he thought it was an important night fishing in the area and for a moment gaze followed that intense light source until it reached almost to the end of your viewing angle, Southbound losing. At that time, made a sudden change of direction, charting a major arc movement between that point and the area near Santa Cruz in less than a second, while maintaining its position close to the sea surface. The light had made a shift of many kilometers in a ridiculous time! That left baffled the young man and his girlfriend who also must have realized what happened. Suddenly the light returns quickly south to the starting point again repeating almost spontaneous stroke towards the capital of the Island From that moment the strange light phenomenon captures the attention of those present, who are seen we can catalog of UFO encounter. That light is directed back into Porís area, but is now separated from the sea and making a quick zigzag path, from top to bottom in a line perfectly broken. That situation lasted for several minutes while the light stopped suddenly in the air and run again strange maneuvers. It was at one of these movements when that focus came to the coast, which John describes it: "It came so close that lit the lighthouse and around the car as if it were day. We thought 'what' and was closer to what one would have liked. Start the car and even today I thank God for that vehicle pulled to the first. We went in there with all the speed that allowed the track. " But it is not an isolated testimony. The Porís de Abona and its surroundings has been related to the phenomena of strange flying objects home for many decades. Take the example of the day July 9, 1992. At that time nothing presaged that a few hours of starting the afternoon, a strange aerial object came flying at very low altitude before the astonished eyes of the witnesses who watched from the beach and from points of the middle, as a kind plane plunged into the sea and staying for a while in float, eventually disappear under water. The surprising thing was that after the arrival of the Guardia Civil and the appropriate and thorough scan of the area, could not recover any evidence of that bumpy landing. Was it a UFO?, Was it a small private plane used for the illegal? Could be, although he underwent obscurantism that research suggests another possibility, that it were a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) military technology, also known as drone, or remotely controlled aircraft. Either way, the enigma remains on the seabed in the area. Continue looking skyward. On Friday June 27, 2003, Paul H. G. and his wife Maria del Carmen T. G. were fishing among the rocks near the lighthouse Porís, when at about quarter past eight p.m.-even without having fallen overnight in the area, watched from the sea, near the water surface and toward them, a light yellow to white stood about 200 meters offshore and was there for more than half a minute and then introduced under water almost instantly and go back to the surface without leaving marks on the apparent water, about 500 yards from shore. Witnesses identified the phenomenon as a thick cloud, with elongated, oval-like bone of a cuttlefish or sepia-and about the size of a zodiac seen from that distance. That object made no noise during your stay in the area and not remember hearing anything by getting into the water and out of it. What strange object viewed Paul and Mari Carmen? Either way, and whatever it is, repeated sightings in the southern coastal area of ​​Tenerife without anyone find the blunt responses that each case requires. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

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