Saturday, July 18, 2015

Avistamientos OVNI 2013.

Avistamiento OVNIS............Compilado y traducido por: Alfredo Juillet F.

Ocurrido: 28/09/2013 19:15 (Entró como: 09/28/2013 19:15)
Informe: 29/09/2013 5:18:26 PM 17:18
Publicado: 09/30/2013
Ubicación: Glendale, AZ
Forma: Desconocido
Duración: 5 minutos
UFO avistamiento sobre Glendale, Az en 9/28/2013 (150 objetos Anaranjados)
Yo soy un agente de la policía estatal jubilado del estado de Arizona después de casi 35 años de servicio,vivo en el norte de Glendale, al norte de la carretera Loop 101 en el área de la avenida 67a.
Aproximadamente a las 19:15, se me ocurrió mirar por la ventana de la cocina que mira hacia el norte, y observé algunas luces de color naranja brillante que viajan desde el oeste hacia el este. Parecía extraño, por lo que sali a mi patio trasero para investigar más a fondo.
En ese momento observé varios objetos de color naranja brillante que vienen de lo que parecía ser la zona de Pleasant Lake, que es de aproximadamente 15 a 20 millas al noroeste de mi casa. Viajaban desde el oeste hacia el este.
En mi mente, pensé inmediatamente éstos parecían ser objetos voladores no identificados (ovnis). Inmediatamente me dije a mí mismo: "Si no consigo fotos, nadie me va a creer." Volví a entrar a mi casa y tengo mi teléfono me y empecé a tomar fotos.
Los objetos estaban siendo parcialmente bloqueadas por algunos árboles en el campo de golf, así que decidí salir en el campo de golf en el que podía obtener imágenes no obstruidos.
Tengo un gran interés en los OVNIs y he leido sobre ellos y estaba convencido de que la probabilidad es alta de que existan los OVNIS.
Filmé estos objetos por más de 5 minutos. En un momento mi video parado y tuve que reiniciar de nuevo. Yo estaba asombrado porque siguen llegando. Yo estimaría tantos como 150 de estos objetos naranjas.
Es difícil estimar su velocidad. No iban tan rápido como un avión militar y que no fueron detenidos. Parecían mantener una velocidad constante que yo tendría que estimar a 150-200 mph. Yo no veo ninguna formación en particular. Habría 5-7 de ellos viajan juntos y otros siguen detrás en una línea.
Me pareció que cuando vi por primera vez que  ellos provenian de la zona del Lago Pleasant, y parecia que aceleraban para ponerse al día con los que van delante. Mantuvieron un brillo de color naranja constante sin parpadeo. Observé no hay otras luces en ellos, sólo el brillo de color naranja.
Sé que el área de Phoenix tenía informes de un meteorito anoche. Esto no era un meteoro. Un meteoro viaja tan rápido que si parpadean, es muy posible que te lo pierdas. Los meteoros son generalmente un destello de luz blanca o de fuego y mirando estos objetos eran de color naranja brillante en color y tenía una velocidad controlada mucho menos que un meteoro.
Esto no fue un globo meteorológico ya que el gobierno podría reclamar. Había aproximadamente 150 de ellos y ellos estaban volando a una velocidad incompatible con un globo meteorológico. Estas no eran velas chinas (vela encendida objetos que se elevan desde el calor de la vela). Los objetos eran demasiado rápido para ser velas chinos.
Estos no eran bengalas militares como algunos podrían pensar. Ellos estaban subiendo, no caer, como llamaradas hacen tras recibir un disparo en el aire o cayendo tras ser abandonado.
Una vez más, estos objetos se desplazaban de oeste a este en aproximadamente 150 a 200 kilómetros por hora y al pasar sólo un poco al este de mi casa parecían desaparecer.
Este desfile continuó por más de 5 minutos. Como algunos desaparecerían, otros aparecerían de la zona del lago.
Cuando todos se habían ido, volví a mi casa para llamar a la familia para decirles lo que había visto. Como la mayoría de la gente por ahí algunos eran creyentes y otros tenían sus dudas. Pensé ", pero tengo pruebas de vídeo", y cuando fui a ver las imágenes, nada era visible, sólo una pantalla en negro.
Yo sé lo que vi y menos que alguien tiene una mejor explicación, creo que tuve la suerte de ver lo que muchos de nosotros la esperanza de ver algún día y no.
No tengo absolutamente ninguna razón para hacer afirmaciones falsas o presentar informes falsos.

Sección de Datos útiles:
Arreglar correas metalicas de reloj:

Teclado para hacer la arroa:
control alt q = @
Eliminar cuenta facebook :
Otro dato: cuando tu lector DVD-CD falle en reconocer mp4 o CD, tienes que hacer lo
siguiente: en Inicio, buscar programas o archivos, pon REGEDIT.
En Regedit busca hkey local machines/ system/ current control set/ control/class/
(4d36e9 (E325 -11 CE- BRC1-08002 BE10318)
Haz clic derecho en Filtros superiores, y elimina y confirma. Haz lo mismo con Filtros
inferiores. A veces hay uno solo de ellos, pues lo eliminas.
Antes de reiniciar, haz un PUNTO DE RESTAURACION, ya que en mi caso el computador
no quiso iniciarse, y debi usar la partida con "ultima sesion efectiva". Así, con el punto de
restauracion, simplemente eliges partida con punto de restauracion y no habra problemas.
(Si los hubiere, usa ultima sesion efectiva).
Ahora, mi lector lee perfectamente; no sé por qué nacen esos "filtros", porque algo los
OVNIS ............ por Doctor Farthon Climbor.

2002/12/29 0:25 esfera EEUU Jacksonville FL 1 NUFORC Luz ignea paso por el cielo
2002/12/29 21:00 esfera EEUU Jacksonville FL 1 NUFORC Bola de fuego vista sobre Aeropuerto San Mateo
2002/12/29 21:00 luz Belgica Lubbeck 2 NUFORC Bola luminosa volante
2002/12/29 21:30 luz EEUU Sta Rosa CA 1 NUFORC Objeto al norte y otro azul aparecio al Este.
2002/12/29 21:00 luz EEUU Belmont CA 1 NUFORC bola de fuego pasando por aeropuerto San Mateo por 5 segundos.
2002/12/29 13:45 Luz EEUU Coconut Grove Miami 2 NUFORC 3 puntos de luz muy altos sobre Miami
2002/12/30 21:32 esfera EEUU Sunnyvale CA 1 NUFORC Bola con luces moviendose rapido ,visto por cinco minutos.
2002/12/30 18:30 luz EEUU Falbrook CA 1 NUFORC OVNI
2002/12/30 17:47 luz EEUU Torrance CA 1 NUFORC Se movia por el espacio cambiando de curso
2002/12/30 19:30 Objeto oval Canada Prince Albert SK 1 NUFORC objeto oval viajando como satelite giro y acelero
2002/12/30 20:42 Tubo EEUU Compton CA 1 NUFORC Tubo volador en viaje por el cielo durante 15 segundos.
2002/12/31 13:30 Disco EEUU Buena Park CA 1 NUFORC en forma vertical se detenia sobre el terreno, lugo se puso horizontal
y se fue
2002/12/31 13:00 Disco EEUU Burke VA 1 NUFORC Esferas cambiantes en una nube vistas durante 30 segundos
2002/12/31 16:40 campana EEUU Phoenix AZ 3 NUFORC lampara brillante metalica anaranjada paso volando
2002/12/31 23:30 luces EEUU Wenatchee WA 1 NUFORC Luz paso muy rapido
2002/12/31 23:50 luces EEUU Wenatchee WA 7 NUFORC 9 luces amarillentas viajando rapido
2002/12/31 23:50 luces EEUU Wenatchee WA 1 NUFORC 3 luces sobre Wenatchee por 8 minutos
2002/12/31 22:20 luces EEUU Milpitas CA 1 NUFORC 2 luces viajando al sur este con luces parpadeantes
2002/12/31 18:43 luces EEUU Austin TX 1 NUFORC vio luces viajando rapido a 30 grados norte
2002/12/31 17:13 luces EEUU Monrovia Arcadia Auarte CA 1 NUFORC 3 luces en perfecta alineacion parpadeantes
2002/12/31 12:30 Luz EEUU Farmesrville CA 1 NUFORC luz roja neon al norte a baja velocidad, vistas por 8 minutos
2003/01/02 20:00 disco EEUU Winnebago Minnesota Peter DAvenport 2 UFOINFO A las 20 horas un disco con luces alrededor del
perimetro volo sobre Winnebago Minnesota, color rojo a verde y azul.
2003/01/02 16:05 esfera Azerbaijan Baku Peter Davenport Nat. UFO Rep Center 1 UFOINFO A las 16.05 horas un hombre toma foto a un
objeto esferico sobre Baku.
2003/01/02 22:00 objeto oval Autralia Wyreema Peter Davenport UFOINFO Objeto ovalado color azulado efectua giros en angulo
recto sobre el cielo de Wyreema por 10 segundos, y se fue
2003/01/02 16:30 Puro EEUU Enid y Tulsa, Oklahoma Peter DAvenport varios UFOINFO A las 16:30 horas un cigarro oscuro volaba
sobre los campos de Garfield, y fue visto sobre la carretera que une Enid y Tulsa.Oklahoma EEUU
2003/01/02 19:30 Puro EEUU Los Angeles California Peter Davenport grande UFOINFO Puro volador volando con 3 o 4 luces cegadoras
horizontales paso lento sobre Los Angeles.
2003/01/02 17:20 triangulos EEUU San Jose California Peter Davenport UFOINFO A las 17:30 horas se vieron dos triangulos negros volando a
1.200 metros sobre San Jose California, giraron hacia el este y se devolvieron en direccion oeste.
2003/01/04 2:40 disco Canada Rosswood british columbia Peter Davenport UFOINFO A las 2.40 hrs. tres grandes discos circularon por
el cielo sobre Rosswood, en Canada.
2003/01/04 5:15 disco EEUU San Isidro Tejas Peter Davenport UFOINFO A las 5.15 hrs doce objetos ovalados giraron por el cielo
durante una hora. Once objetos se movian en formacion a plena luz, en Chula Vista California a las 14.30 hrs. A las 21.41 hrs. en Bayport New York, 2 objetos brillantes se seguian uno al otro, giraban y
danzaban en la noche.
2003/01/04 2:40 Ser EEUU Fulton Missouri Bob Simon,25, testigo 1 UFOINFO Bob Simon, 25, desperto a las 3 de la manana mientras iba
siendo tirado fuera de su dormitorio por un ser delgado y alto de ojos rojos, de manos grandes y dedos largos, sin boca y con cuerpo gris. Simon lucho y le enterro un cuchillo que tenia en el velador
al ser; este le solto lanzando un relampago de luz y se desaparecio.Simon dice que tiene rasgunos en su cuerpo.
2004/02/08 18:25 luz EEUU Chester county N Carolina Peter Davenport 1 NICAP Viniendo del Este, una luz paso sobre una casa y
los perros ladraron
2004/02/13 1:00 Esfera EEUU Houston Texas Peter Davenport 1 Chico NICAP Objeto rojizo pequeño, volaba ondulando
2004/02/15 11:00 disco EEUU Kent Valley Auburn Washington Peter Davenport 1 chico NICAP Disco bajo, se detuvo en el aire, se
mantuvo estatico
2004/02/16 20:30 Disco eeuu Amytville ny long island peter 1 grande NICAP disco oval volaba ida y vuelta sobre el pueblo
2004/03/05 diurno Disco mejico ciudad de mejico larry hatch varios grande NICAP avion ff aa de mejico volando con detector de infrarojos ve naves en
hilera volando lejos en la misma direccion, uno se le acerco.
2004/03/10 19:00 disco eeuu new bay Washington peter Davenport pescadores mediano NICAP objeto blanco con luces blanco rojo y verde
voolando rapido visto durante media hora.
2004/03/12 4:00 luz y ser Canada Sault Saint Marie Ontario Albert S Rosales 1 mediano NICAP M N iba manejando auto vio luz sobre una calle
empinada sobre y lo vio subir por las escaleras como flotando, lo siguio y cuando llego arriba del cerro un objeto hizo una explosion en el aire y se elevo perdiendose en el cielo.
2004/03/21 19:26 luces 2 EEUU Kingfisher Oklahoma 2 mediano NICAP 2 jovenes estudiantes vieron dos luces, descendiendo, el objeto
triangular brillaba. Otros automovilistas se detuvieron a verlo.
2004/03/25 19:00 discos 4 eeuu Omaha Nebraska tripulantes avion mediano NICAP Vieron 4 objetos voladores por quince minutos, volaban al
oeste con luces. El radar no los detectaba.
2004/03/26 4:22 disco eeuu Brandenton Florida Geoff Dittman varios mediano NICAP Platillo con domo inferiorvolaba yse detuvo luego otros
dos discos giraron sobre el golfo volando rapido.
2004/04/05 11:00 ser eeuu Newport Tennessee varios chico NUFOR Ser volador cabezon, alas cortas sin mover, rapido.
2004/04/08 Noche disco eeuu Rochester Indiana P Davenport 3 grande NUFOR Objeto con seis luces intermitentes.
2004/04/15 6:00 Esfera eeuu Orlando Florida P Davenport 1 chico NUFORC Objeto flotando cerca del suelo, zigzagueo despues de que
un auto se le acerco, y se fue velozmente.
2004/04/21 3:00 Disco Canada Ottawa Geoff 1 mediano NUFORC 2 objetos ovales girando en el aire.
2004/04/21 2:30 Objeto con tubo Canada Newmarket Ontario Geoff Dittman 1 mediano NUFORC Objeto sacando agua de un pozo con un tubo.
2004/04/26 21:00 Puro eeuu Longmont Colorado P Davenport mediano NUFORC Objeto volando bajo y rapido con protuberancia inferior
2004/05/14 2:30 Triangulo eeuu Scaboose Oregon P Davenport 1 grande NUFORC De sur a norte, oscuro.
2004/05/17 23:30 disco eeuu Vicksburt Michigan P Davenport 1 mediano NUFORC Objeto volando a ras del suelo luces verdes y azules,
relampagueo y cego al testigo por medio minuto.
2004/05/17 tarde ser eeuu Culloden West Virginia P Davenport 1 NUFORC Vio ser pasar rapido ante la ventana, luego
otros y salio y no vio a nadie. Despues recibio un haz de luz que ilumino la cocina.
2004/06/06 4:00 campana eeuu Rockne Tejas P Davenport mediano NUFORC Domo amarillo de sur a norte, lento.
2004/06/09 18:00 Disco Nueva Zelanda Ruby Bay, Nelson P Davenport 1 NUFORC Objeto volando por sobre el mar, luces rojas y
lanzaba luz blanca al agua y tenia un ruido sordo ademas de un zumbido, se alejo rapido y al otro dia habian alli peces muertos.
2004/06/09 20:00 Disco Nueva Zelanda Ruby Bay, Nelson P Davenport varios grandes NUFORC Orbes amarillentos llegaron y volaron toda la
noche haciendo giros.
2004/06/12 15:03 Disco eeuu Torrance California Peter Davenport 1 mediano NUFORC Disco plateado volando de norte a nor oeste y viceversa.
2004/06/16 12:30 Esfera eeuu Milan Tennessee Geoff Dittman varios mediano NUFORC Disco cromado volando se oculto en una nube y no salio
2004/06/19 disco Canada Chatom Ontario 2 testigos, recop de Geof Dittman 2 mediano NUFORC Objeto volaba, se detuvo, retrocedio
y elevandose se fue.
2004/06/21 9:30 disco eeuu Richmond Hill N York P Davenport NUFORC Disco con luces rojas
2004/07/07 3:30 triangulo canada Ontario P Davenport 1 gde NUFORC Triagulo azul cerca planta atomica peterborough, se alejo rapido
pero el testigo tiene 40 minutos perdidos
2004/07/17 3:00 triangulo eeuu Portsmouth Ohio P Davenport 2 gde NUFORC Triangulo flotando por carretera I 70, Lewisburg Ohio,
bota un arbol
2004/07/17 22:45 triangulo eeuu Portsmouth Ohio P Davenport 2 gde NUFORC Flotaba y enviaba luz al suelo
2004/07/26 1:20 ser eeuu Kerman Calif Albert S Rosales 1 NUFORC Durante un apagon , ser volando a 21 metros de altura, paso
por sobre los arboles y siguio muy veloz
2004/07/27 2:00 disco eeuu Asland Massachusetts P Davenport 2 mediano NUFORC Objeto sobre un sitio eriazo, Chesnutt Street,
los dos testigos se acercaron y vieron a unos pequeños seres dentro, como dormidos, no respondian y de pronto se elevaron en el aparato
2004/07/27 1:30 seres eeuu New Mexico P Davenport 1 NUFORC Dos figuras de 1.20 metros de alto, trajes metalicos y
linternas con luz verde
2004/07/31 17:30 disco con domo inglaterra Hollingworth deakin 1 NUFORC Vio objeto con forma de pipa flotando en el cielo, vio
detalles con binoculares.
2004/08/02 3:00 disco Ucrania Novorossik Andre & Alexandrovitch Zabara varios Albert S Rosales 8 objetos volando por sobre un cerro
y se elevaron yendo al sur este y al Este.
2004/08/02 5:00 seres Ucrania Cape Plaka Andre & Alexandrovitch Zabara 2 Albert S Rosales Dos jovenes en un cerro, se aparecio
una vieja con capucha y les dijo Hijos, no cuenten lo que vean porque no les creeran. Y despues se desaparecio. Luego al bajar vieron a un hombre en el mar con el agua a la cintura, media 3 metros y
miraba al pueblo, pero de pronto se desvanecio.
2004/08/02 1:00 triangulo Ucrania Cape Plaka Andre & Alexandrovitch Zabara varios Albert S Rosales Triangulo volando por sobre el mar
Negro, giro y descendio, con luces verdes y rojas, maniobraba sobre el agua, de pronto se hizo invisible
2004/08/06 22:20 disco Canada Brampton Geoff Dittman varios NUFORC Esfera cambiando de forma volaba sobre Brampton hizo giro en S y
acelerando se fue.
2004/08/10 2:26 disco eeuu Pottstown P Davenport 1 NUFORC Se elevo hizo un rizo y se fue.
2004/08/11 luz Canada Meklatlaka Geoff Dittman CUFOS Una luz tenue zigzagueando al norte de la ciudad. Se le
hicieron señales luminosas y respondio con otras.
2004/08/11 21:30 triangulo eeuu Guilderland P Davenport v NUFORC Objeto se acerco al suelo volando y tenia luces blancas en
el borde del disco.
2004/08/20 22:30 ala curva eeuu Stonewal Manitoba Geoff Dittman CUFOS 3 objetos volaban en formacion , rapido y sin sonido,
tenian forma de bumerang
2004/08/20 22:00 Disco eeuu Staten island P Davenport NUFORC 4 objetos luminosos volaban formando un circulo y se
juntaban y separaban a intervalos.
2004/09/14 Disco canada Humboldt Saskatchewan Geoff Dittman CUFOS Objetos ovalados y rojizos volando a diferentes
alturas de Oeste a Este, en fila india y muy rapido.
2004/09/18 22:00 Disco canada Kanata Geoff Dittman v NUFORC Objetos voladores rapidos, ovalados y a gran altura, sin luces ni
2004/09/29 4:10 esfera canada Ontario Geoff Dittman v NUFORC Lindsay, Ontario. Objeto siguio a un auto, acelero y se detuvo,
esperando. Tenia movimientos ondulatorios
2004/10/02 23:37 triangulo eeuu South Attleboro P Davenport v NUFORC Triangulo a baja altura, se le vio por un minuto en vuelo,
despues se alejo.
2004/10/02 5:30 triangulo y bolas eeuu Tennessee albert S Rosales 1 gde NUFORC Vio triangulo con tres bolas colgando. Se bajo del auto y
el triangulo paso por sobre el, dejandole marcas de quemadura y se le cayo el cabello, le escucho zumbar
2004/11/25 5:00 triangulo EEUU Ottumwa Ohio P Davenport 1 NUFORC Triangulo con luces rojas y azules, silencioso, las luces


Gotu Pycook. Science _Fiction novel by Alfred Juillet Frascara.


Volume #1.
Written by Alfred Juillet Frascara.

Name: Alfred

Surname: Juillet

2nd surname: Frascara.



Common Era 5614 - 5685.



Aurea 2-2, Spoon 7-3, D-4.



Gotu Pycook, Botanist; Commeatus, wife to Gotu;


Synthetic people:

Emily, AB 487, ED 333, and 200 other E-beings.






1. - Gotu Pycook.

2. - Sortridates.

3.- Cohimbro.

4.- AB2122.

5.- Spoon 7- 3.


Chapter #1.



Gotu Pycook was born at Aurea City; planetary system of Aurea #2, that since his young age his inclinations was towards the study of plants.

At the age of twenty five years, he was receiving his Master on Botanic, and for three years he gives lessons at the same University, expecting to be chosen as a member of one of the expeditions that the University of Aurea organized to find new pants at foreign worlds.

His first assignment was in the year 5642, when professor Cohimbro departs towards Aurea 7-3 in search of new botanic specimens.

In that expedition they used one of the newest spaceships the Aurea University has at the time: a model CARJU-320.

“The travel will take four months, so we are going into “Deep Sleep”. - Professor Cohimbro said, while they were having their first dinner on board the ship.

Gotu Pycook was seated three places from the famous teacher, and said:” Wish our five months there could be enlarged, professor.”

Cohimbro looks at him, saying:” It all depends on our first finds, because if we are not getting interesting samples in the first two months, I doubt much the University will keep on paying our stay in there! Our first job must be to find botanic treasures in the first five weeks.”


Sortridates, one of the Assistants of the Professor, said:”- I am sure we are going to present several unique discoveries to the board of Directors! We count with the presence of several distinguished scientists in the field: Professor Lysias, professor Rampias and so many others!”

The alluded ones smiled proudly, and the rest feels better disposed to the job…


After dinner, the captain Callixeinus shows them some portions spaceship, ending at the radar section, where he presents the two flight specialists, saying:”- And these young lads here, are always on the look for hazards in space, in the figure of asteroids or spatial debris.”

There were three special radars that could detect objects and its trajectories at a distance of five thousand kilometers away.

“The velocity could be more than 300.000 kilometers per hour, so our sensors are connected to the guidance system of the ship.”- Captain Callixeinus said, much to the astonishment of some of the passengers.

A crewman approaches Gotu Pycook, saying:”I will guide you to the Cryogenic pod tomorrow. By now, you will sleep at a cabin.”

“Very well, guide me there.”- Gotu Pycook said, as he was dead tired after a full day of activities.

The cabin was very functional: a bed and a closet where to left the luggage (that was waiting at an enclosure, together with the rest of the passenger´s luggage).

The crewman left and Gotu went to bed, after a short sonic shower at the tiny bathroom.

In the morning he was awaken by the buzzer at the door. He went there, after dressing with a blue overall the cabin as on the drawer- a prerequisite several times repeated when getting on board) and after opening the door, another crewman look at him, saying:” Professor: I am here to guide you to the Cryogenic Section.”

“Very well: I am ready.”- Gotu said, following the man.

The cryo-pod was a capsule, with a lid that opens to a kind of bed, with several tubes and needles. Gotu knows the systems in function, so he just gets inside the capsule.

“Nice dreams.”- The crewman said, and soon the lid was tightly closed. The interior was filled with gas- the lost conscience and needles begin to be inserted into his body. The Cryogenic fluid being replacing his blood, causing the body to be preserved for as much time as the trip could endure.

“All scientist under deep sleep, Sir.”

“All right, see that the systems keep on being right.”- Captain Callixeinus said, turning his gaze to the main screen.


This screen was holographic; he said: “Show me the entire course.”

The officer in charge, Miss Peisana, touch her screen and suddenly the whole projected course was there, in the form of balloons of light, touched and connected by a red line.

“Our goal it´s the third planet of that yellow star… Aurea 7. It has seas, woods, but also a very dangerous kind of natives.”- Captain Callixeinus said.





Miss Peisana trembled when hearing about those natives… fully apt to kill and maim, unable to talk or be human. Highly developed animals but not to the point of being sentient…

The trip lasted sixty eight days; when arriving, captain Callixeinus said:”It´s our duty to revive our passengers and sent them to Domicium- there is a University building there, waiting for them.”

“Shuttle #1 is ready to depart, Sir.”- First officer Prosit said.

“Very well, Mr. Prosit: see that you man that vehicle.”- Captain Callixeinus said, after receiving the authorization from the Aurea 7-3 space administration.

Professor Cohimbro was very busy asking for to have care of the numerous equipments they have brought- Mr. Prosit said to him: “Nothing to be worried about, Mr. Cohimbro! The next trip will take everything down with utmost care.”

“Yes, I know, but with this cargo you must have extra care.”- Professor Cohimbro assured him with a worried look- and it was so, because other items, he had personal equipment among the general cargo.

Officer Prosit makes them seat into the shuttle and said to the eighty three expeditionary: strap to your chairs, please! Bad weather is expected in our way down.”

“But I was told no problems were to happen in the landings! Our cargo must be treated with care! - Professor Cohimbro moaned out.

Miss Etionica, the Nutrient specialist and a distinguished professor, said, from her seat:”- I have cases with delicate glass items! Those cannot be banging around at the descent!”

First officer Mr. Prosit waves a hand in her direction and said:”It will be landed without any damage, lady! That is, if the cargo you are mentioning was storage in a proper way.”

Miss Etionica (forty six years old and a bachelorette) puffed and reddened in a notorious way…

“Ready to depart. Open gates.”- Mr. Prosit said by the radio communicator.

“Opening gates.”- Flight specialist Mr. Scoffor said. The very white painted gates of Hold #1 begins to open and the moving rails take the shuttle out. For a moment it was there, standing on the pair of rails, but when the clams snapped open, the released Shuttle begin to hover. Prosit gives a little push to the thrusters and the twenty two long Shuttle craft begin to fly away from the spaceship.

Prosit push the sign to calculate a descent orbit, and the computer makes the necessary calculus to achieve a course towards Domicium city. A green triangle hits up on the holographic board.

“Course accepted. Begin the descent.”- Prosit murmured into the mike.


The tempest was wide and extended to the upper layers of the atmosphere. The shuttle begins to sway under the air currents, and a flash of light startled the passengers.

“What was that?”- Miss Etionica asked.

“Could we get hit by a lightning?”Professor Cohimbro replied.

“Impossible! The protection of this craft…-“- Mr. Scoffor was saying, when a shock and a hit makes the whole shuttle tremble and the computer blinks a red light indicating there was trouble not able to remedy, with the use of the automatic pilot.

Mr. Prosit touch the red signal, and it become green- free to obey were now the commands to be used by a human pilot. He decides to go slower, by not keep on carrying the original angle of descent- so the ship could receive less strain by the bad weather.

Several lightning hit the shuttle. Another red light lit up.

“Failure on the refrigeration ducts! I must land without delay!”- He murmured, and changes the angle of descent- this time the ship sinks into the lower atmosphere; the dancing in the air increases- sometimes the shuttle was spinning wildly… the passengers were green or white (with revolving stomach of very afraid.)


The ground appears between clouds and the rain.

“Mountains!”- He murmured. - “The sea must be close!”

And certainly it was- the shuttle was now flying over stormy clouds that show, in patches, the blue waters down below.

Pilot Prosit turns the ship towards the beach- at low altitude, he try to land as soon as possible, but time was not permitting it- an explosion on one of the heated engine sends the shuttle against the land in an oblique course- the hit was very rough- one nacelle was flattened, curbing the shuttle at the middle part.

Jefferies, the engine technician, was the first in to recuperate his senses. He was amid torn bars and pieces of equipment; when regaining full control of his body, he crept out through a maze of twisted sheets of metal and descend to the gravel, that was the constitution of the ground where the shuttle craft fall.

He saw vapor escaping from the rear part – the front side was several meters away, torn out from the rest of the ship.

He saw coming others- four men, two women; among them Gotu Pycook, which said:”- Where is the pilot?”- And he was looking at the separated section.

“Guess he is dead. Look how it´s almost buried in the ground.”- Jefferies commented. Professor Cohimbro was limping towards it, so Pycook and Jefferies follows the old man.


From the open gash they stumble inside the cabin- as the most delicate part of the ship, it was reinforced with strong bars of micro carbon compounds- they search for the only seat in there and found the body of Prosit.

“He is alive!”- Pycook said, after putting a hand over his heart.

“Let´s take him outside! Too much poisonous gases here inside!”- Professor Cohimbro said, who was already coughing…

When outside, they saw how the survivors were taking other people from inside- many of them injured but now recovering from the concussion.

Mr. Prosit was all night in comma, and with the rest of the injured, lying under a wing of the crashed Shuttle. Jefferies was trying to fix the radio, in order to send a message asking for help.

Pycook dozed the night away, feeling a headache that buzzed inside his head.

When the sun appears over the horizon, they count the dead: four males and one female, valuable scientist that perhaps because of their age, gets the most of the impact on their bodies.

“Fourteen injured people, not counting the ones that are feeling sick and in pain because of the crash landing. Wish we could have a doctor and medicines around, but we must attain ourselves of what we got.”- Professor Cohimbro said (he was an organizer and was trying to set the group in motion.)


They used metal sheets to make holes where to entomb the dead people. That first day they just do that work and nothing else, as they all were very dizzy after the tremendous crash landing.

But at the second day, they begin to need food; at the Shuttle there was no way to retrieve anything- the metallic structure was twisted and the emergency rations were sandwiched between sheets of micro carbon plates.

“The wood is our salvation! But also, beasts must abound there!”- Professor Cohimbro said.

“We need food for the sick people! We also need food.”- Professor Lysias said.

“All right! A group of more than three persons is needed.”- Professor Cohimbro said, eyeing the youngest of the group.

Four groups of three persons each departed to the woods that were at half a kilometer away from where they stand.

“The pilot is in bad state.”- Gotu Pycook said, walking by the sand.

“It figures. A wonder he´s alive, being at the front of the spaceship when.” Sortridates said.

“At the moment of the landing.”- Miss Etionica said.

“Look there! Someone is there!”- Sortridates exclaimed.

“A human figure…”- Gotu murmured.

“Now he is gone. I wonder who he was.”- Miss Etionica asked.

“Hope it was a human being. Alien creatures here abounds.”- Gotu wished.

“We are the aliens here. They are in their natural habitat.”- Sortridates said, scornfully.


They found fruit trees- a mixture of avocado and a piquant taste. They take of these and carried to the encampment in bags.

“You are the first to return! Mr. Prosit keeps on being unconscious- it´s a pity to see so many injured people and not be able to give those medicines.”- Cohimbro said- he and some others were working on a roof made of branches next to the airship, for shelter.

At fifteen hours a heavy rain begins to fall, soaking the ground in scant minutes. They lit a fire, and with the light they saw die Mr. Prosit, which at the last hour opened his eyes, as saying good bye to life…

“Poor man! He saves our lives, paying with his own.”- Professor Cohimbro said.

In the night two other injured men died- of cold and pain from their broken bones.

“I must try to fix the radio transmitter.”- Jefferies said, and he was the technician in charge of it from then on. He was one of the males that were looking how the fire sizzled when receiving raindrops.

“But, how? The main cabin is twisted and smashed as a tin can on a railroad bend.”- Gotu said.

“Let him work in what he knows! Optimism!”- Professor Cohimbro said, looking at the black sky.

Professor Lysias was the one designed to give the alarm in case of danger of any kind, but at 3.40 hours he was asleep, so the dark shadow that was looking at them crept near and grabs one of the wounded passengers.

At dawn, Miss Etionica went to look on the injured people and gives a yelling that alerted everyone around.


“What´s wrong?”

“Conon is disappeared! How? Last night he was delirious.”-

“And now he went for a walk? We must search him now! Everyone!”- Professor Cohimbro said, looking at the trail the body of Conon left on the ground- together with other marks that looked like being donned by paws…

Three hours later, the teams return without a clue.

“Something takes him away.”

“What a terrible thing!”

They were all looking at each other and then to the woods, that seems to look darker by the minute.

“We will put more guards tonight. We must make some weapons.”- Professor Lysias said; he was not being accused but everyone was blaming him for the disappearance of Conon…

Twisting and pulling out, they obtain bars and sheets of metal that were going to serves as weapons.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jefferies was assembling a rudimentary radio broadcaster. He said:” The battery is broken but still with some charge in it. It will begin to transmit a weak distress signal, with a reduced range of action. But if they get near this artifact, they will hear it.”- And he was sending distress messages each half an hour.

At dusk they have already a flimsy wall around their camp, and six guards were on the lookout, with iron bars and sheets to slice anything that could approach them with bad intentions. One of the injured men was begging them to let the “beast” takes him away…


“Rest assured that nobody will trespass our defenses.”- Professor Cohimbro said to them.

At 6.00 hours, when the Guards were the least expecting, a black figure mumps over the fence, and grabs another injured person; but when trying to escape with its pray, Jefferies and Gotu Pycook throw their lances, hitting his back. The creature exhaled a profound cry and banged the ground with his head, releasing the injured passenger.

Women yelling, some of the men follow the creature, sending more lances until he died.

“Oh, it´s really ugly!”- Miss  Etionica said, moving the corpse with her boot.

The creature was 1.70 meters tall, 2.20 meters long, due to the fact that he has a long tail with projections to the sides; a very dangerous weapon.

“We should burn this specimen in case some others could see him dead and try to take revenge.”- Professor Cohimbro proposes.

“Callicratidas is dead.”- Miss Etionica said, moments later; the man could not endure the assault and now he was with her mouth full of blood.

They bury him next to Conon, with a lot of pebbles over his dead body.

The Shurruco (the native beast) was burnt immediately, using timber.

Jefferies went to sleep early, as he was dead tired after a day of broadcasting – he knew his efforts were dubious, but that was better than doing nothing at all.


They went to the woods, searching for fruits- the rain was back, and pools of mud were growing all around- their boots were soiled and the men begin to catch cold, being ill dressed and with just a small amount of food.

Miss Etionica, Gotu Pycook and Sortridates found a river brown and very rapid- the forest here was formed by big plants, wide leaves; they heard noises.

“Beware! Something is coming!”- Miss Etionica said, hiding behind a tree… Mr. Sortridates climbs a tree, and seeing that Gotu was still immobile, he yelled:”Go there and protect Miss Etionica!” – And signaled to the tree where Miss Etionica was hiding. The roar was stringer this time, so Gotu run to that tree – a wide trunk, and with entangled robust roots and a maze of weeds.

“Sarcosuchus.”- She said, pointing with a trembling finger towards the bushes.

“I see nothing.”- Gotu whispered.

“We must hide a lot better!”- She said, working to go deeper into the ground. Soon both of them were in an enclosure, with mud below and roots on top. The beast appears, sniffing the air.

“He is searching, guided by the smell.” Gotu whispered, and Miss Etionica puts one of her hands over his mouth, not to give dilatory sounds.

After a while, the Sarcosuchus keeps on growling and went away. Gotu was very close to Miss Etionica, and when she looks at him in the half light, he kissed her. She responded but then said:”We must return to camp, Gotu.”

They went out, and Sortridates appears, climbing on a rock and saying:” Hello! What a monster! Plenty of Sarcosuchus around here!”

“How do you know that?”

“When climbing to that tree… I climb a lot more, and from high you could see far and away- to the north. A nice valley.”

“Let´s go there! Perhaps there´s fruits in there.”- Miss Etionica said, taking Gotu´s hand, under the curious stare of Sortridates.

The bushes abound; nice wide green leaves obscure the way. They saw four big butterflies drinking from a sticky plant´s juices.

“Look!”- Etionica said, staring at three small birds that were jumping from branch to branch. They were yellow feathered, with pink tails…. They were producing piping noises.

The group find fruits, and filled their bags with them, after eating right away, so as not to eat later from what they were going to carry.

Miss Etionica said:”-. Oh, I am beginning to feel very good in this natural environ!”- And stared at Gotu Pycook that smiled back, under the sarcastic stare of Mr. Sortridates… as he was looking a forty six years old woman romancing a young man in his twenties…


At their return to camp, professor Cohimbro said to them:” Mr. Jefferies discovered something among the wreckage, that is allowing his transmitter to become more powerful… soon we will see if it really works!”

They were more confident now; the injured people shares that wave of optimism- even the women were looking optimist in their future.

Gotu Pycook was also optimist, more so when Etionica said:” How about a stroll by the woods, before dark?”

“It would be fine! Want to come with me?”- He asked immediately, under the smiling face of her… so they walked there, and she said:” Our friendship just is starting! The nice thing is to begin, don´t you think?”

“Of course. You are beautiful.”- Gotu replied.

“Really? I was better looking, years ago. I´m forty six years old now. Perhaps you are younger.”- Etionica commented.

“Not much younger.”- Gotu said.

“Oh, but you are! Never mind. I prefer young people around me: as they say, I have the age of the people that are around me.”- Etionica said.

“Nowadays people lives for more than a hundred years.”- Gotu commented.

“Yes, but who wants an old man?”- She said, stopping and leaning on a tree trunk. He kissed her, feeling uneasiness… she was acting as a very delicate lady, so he wasn´t allowed going beyond kissing…

When they return to camp, a Flier was standing at the other side of the wreckage- it has the signs of an institution of the government…


“Look! They find us!”- Etionica said, running to the vehicle.

Gotu Pycook went there, where two male persons in khaki uniform were talking with Professor Cohimbro.

“We could carry only five persons by now! The sick or injured first.”- The taller man was saying.

“But, are other vehicles coming?”- Professor Cohimbro asked.

“Yes, but as it´s already night time, I doubt our Administration will allow more flights today.”- The same person said, and as told, the vehicle departs with the injured people: just five of them.

“Pity they are not here in numbers!”- Professor Cohimbro said, seating with the back towards the wrecked Shuttle.

2But they find us” Certainly, tomorrow we will be back to the civilization!” – Professor Lysias said, throwing more wood to the fire. Several insects appear, attracted by the light and some of them approach too much, sizzling and falling to the fire as burned corpses.

Gotu was near Miss Etionica, and she soon falls asleep. He was now very attracted to her, as she has splendid legs, no bags at the stomach and her face was very attractive…

That night a Shurrua appears, and sensing there were harmless mammals, grabs another injured man and in silence drags him to the woods, as the guards were dozing at their posts.


Soon after dawn, three Fliers appear in the air, landing near the crashed Shuttle.

“We are here to carry you all to the city. Prepare your people.”- The man in charge said to Professor Cohimbro, who was on the alert.

“Very well, Sir. Our person is weak and that is because of the scant food available here.”- Professor Cohimbro said. Miss Etionica approaches, saying:”One man is missing: Mr. Imantus was dragged by a beast out of our camp.”

“A Shurrua?”

“Most possible. Our hunters are searching the area.”- Miss Etionica said.

“Please, tell them to come back! That man is already dead by now. And we are in danger here. A mass attack and we will be doomed for sure.”- Mr. Blissam said, who was the commander of Operation Rescue.

The people, who was hearing this conversation, gets nervous and climbs on the fliers with promptitude… among them, Gotu Pycook.

Two of the Fliers take off, carrying the most of the survivors, while the third Flier waits two more hours for the explorers to come back.

“Not a sign! The creature surely uses the trees to climb and get away.”- Sortridates said.

“Very well, get into the Flier, you and the rest! We are leaving his dangerous place. Give thanks to your destinies not to have been attacked by a pack of Shurru.”- Mr. Blissam said, looking at the near-by forest.

Soon afterwards, the last Flier leaves that deadly place and the wrecked shuttle from the CARJU 320 spaceship.



Thursday, July 16, 2015


Lista de abduccion revisada.
If these reports can be believed--and there is no reason to doubt the honesty of the reporters--the abduction phenomenon includes the following details.
Si esos avisos pueden ser creidos- y no hay razon para dudar de la honestidad de los que han hablado- el fenomeno de la abduccion incluye los siguientes detalles:

-- Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings.
Los alienigenas pueden alterar nuestra percepcion del terreno que nos rodea.
-- Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes.
Los alienigenas pueden controlar lo que creemos que vemos. Ellos pueden aparecernos de muchas maneras y formas.
-- Aliens can take us--our consciousness--out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.
Los alienigenas pueden tomarnos a nosotros o a nuestras conciencias fuera de nuestros cuerpos, quitarnos el control de nuestros cuerpos, instalar una de sus propias entidades, y usar nuestros cuerpos como vehiculos para sus propias actividades antes de regresarnos nuestra conciencia a nuestros cuerpos.
-- Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.
Los alienigenas pueden presentarse en un estado invisible y pueden hacerse parcialmente visibles.
-- Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three- and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.
Los abducidos pueden recibir marcas en sus cuerpos diferentes a los ya conocidos manchones con forma de cuchara y lineas como rasgunos. Esas otras marcas pueden ser pinchazos, multiples pinchazos,machucones, tres o cuatro marcas de garras, y triangulos de todo tipo.
-- Females abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breasts and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
Las mujeres abducidas pueden sufrir serios problemas ginecologicos despues de tener abducciones alienigenas, y a veces esos problemas pueden llevar a cistitis, tumores cancer de mamas, cancer de utero, y a histerectomias.

-- Aliens take body fluids from our necks, spines, blood veins, joints such as knees and wrists, and other places. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies.
Los alienigenas pueden tomar fluidos organicos de nuestros cuellos, espina dorsal, venas, codos y munecas, y de otros lugares. Tambien inyectan fluidos desconocidos en varias partes del cuerpo.

-- A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.
Un sorprendente gran numero de abducidos sufren de enfermedades serias que no tenian antes de la abduccion. Estas enfermedades llevan a tener cirugias, debilitacion, y aun la muerte por causas que el doctor no puede identificar.

-- Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.
Algunos abducidos experiencian una degeneracion de sus capacidades mentales, sociales y pierden su control mental. Surgen conductas anormales tales como abuso de drogas, alcoholismo, sobrepeso, y promiscuidad. Extranas obsesiones se desarrollan y causan la perdida de una vida normal y la destruccion de las relaciones interpersonales.

-- Aliens show a great interest in adult sexuality, child sexuality, and in inflicting physical pain on abductees.
Los Alienigenas muestran gran interes en la sexualidad adulta, la sexualidad infantil, e inflingen gran dolor en los abducidos.
-- Abductees recall being instructed and trained by aliens. This training may be in the form of verbal or telepathic lessons, slide shows, or actual hands-on instruction in the operation of alien technology.
Los abducidos generalmente son instruidos y entrenados por alienigenas. Este entrenamiento puede ser de forma verbal o lecciones telepaticas, muestras de escenas, o instrucciones manuales en la operacion de tecnologia alienigena.

-- Abductees report being taken to facilities in which they encounter not only aliens but also normal-looking humans, sometimes in military uniforms, working with the alien captors.
Los abducidos dicen ser llevados a lugares en que hallan no solo alienigenas sino que humanos corrientes, a veces en uniformes militares, trabajando con los captores alienigenas.

-- Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the grays. Every possible combination of gray, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.
Los abducidos a veces hallan mas de una forma de alienigena durante la experiencia, no solamente de grises. Toda posibilidad de combiancion de grises, reptilescos, insectoides, rubios y gente con cabello en punta hacia la frente se han visto en la misma abduccion.

-- Abductees--"virgin" cases--report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.
Los abducidos de los casos virgenes (sin contaminacion con literatura ufologica) han dicho que han sido llevados a instalaciones subterraneas en donde ven grotescas criaturas hibridas, salas cunas con fetos hibrido humanoide, y tanques llenos con liquidos coloreados llenos de pedazos de cuerpos humanos dentro.

-- Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and being stacked, lifeless, like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don't cooperate with their alien captors.
Los alienigenas dicen haber visto seres humanos desecados en esos lugares , seres disecados, golpeados, y desmembrados, y haber sido colgados como cortezas de madera. Algunos abducidos dicen haber sido amenazados conque ellos tambien pueden terminar de ese modo si no cooperan con los captores alienigenas.
-- Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to us."
Los alienigenas a veces entran en casas y se llevan por un tiempo a ninos, dejando a sus desesperados padres paralizados e indefensos. En casos de padres que han podido hablar, los alienigenas han insistido en que "Los ninos nos pertenecen."

-- Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.
Los alienigenas han forzados a seres huamnso abducidos a tener sexo con alienigenas y aun con otros abducidos y grupos de alienigenas mirando. En esos encuentros, los alienigenas se han disfrazado como Jesus, el Papa, algunas celebridades y aun como esposos o esposas ya fallecidos.

-- Children abductees sometimes show a new and obsessive interest in their own genitalia after alien encounters, saying that their abductors who come at night have been touching these parts of their bodies.
Los ninos abducidos muestran a veces obsesivo interes en sus partes genitales despues de un encuentro alienigena, diciendo que sus abductores que vienen de noche los han tocado en esas partes del cuerpo.

-- Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but giving no explanation why. Abductees' eyes are painfully removed from the sockets, allowing the aliens to scrape the area or implant devices into the area before the eyeballs are replaced, for instance. Some abductees are subjected to painful constrictions, often around the head, chest and extremities. Painful genitalia and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.
Los alienigenas perpetran dolorosisimos experimentos o procedimientos con abducidos, diciendo que esos actos son necesarios pero sin dar explicaciones de por que. Los ojos de los abducidos son dolorosamente sacados de sus orbitas para permitir a los alienigenas raspar el area o insertar aparatos dentro del area antes de reponer los ojos. Algunos abducidos son sujetos a dolorosas presiones sobre la cabeza, pecho y extremidades. Introducir dolorosos aparatos en los anos y genitales son llevados a cabo, aun en ninos tal como en adultos.

-- Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans- -and the number varies dramatically from case to case--will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report that they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.
Los alienigenas hacen predicciones sobre un inminente periodo de caos global y destruccion. Ellos dicen que cierto numero de humanos- y el numero varia dramaticamente de caso en caso- sera rescatado del planeta para continuar la especie, ya sea en otro planeta o en este cuando los efectos de la destruccion hayan pasado. Muchos abducidos dicen que no les creyeron a los alienigenas y vislumbraron otros usos mas siniestros para los "rescatados" de la supuesta catastrofe.

In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to a uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross-breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.
En todos los casos de la lista, hay muchos informes de casos no relacionados, confirmando muchos de los detalles extranos que no son productos de una sola mente desquiciada. Estos detalles son evidencia convincente de que contrariamente a lo que dicen muchos investigadores de OVNIS, la experiencia de abduccion no esta limitada a un unico patron de evidencias.
Este fenomeno no puede ser explicado en terminos de experimentos de combinacion genetica o investigacion cientifica de la fisiologia humana.
Mentalmente mas evolucionados?
And it becomes clear from these details that the beings who are doing such things can't be seen as spiritually enlightened, with the best interest of the human race in mind. Something else is going on, something far more painful and frightening, in many, many abduction encounters.
Y queda claro que con esos detalles los seres que hacen estas cosas no pueden ser vistos como evolucionados espiritualmente y con los mejores desos de ayudar a la raza humana. Algo esta pasando algo mas doloroso y escalofriante, en muchos encuentros de abduccion.

There is a theory current in ufological research that says abductees who perceive their experiences in a negative way only do so because they themselves aren't spiritually or psychically advanced. Persons with higher cosmic development have positive alien encounters, so the theory goes, and those who have painful or frightening experiences are merely spiritual Neanderthals. This is a pet theory of researchers who claim that aliens, whether objectively real or not, serve as "mirrors" of our spiritual nature, on an individual or a species-wide basis. Strieber has voiced this theory, for instance, in Majestic, where he says, "In the eyes of the others [the aliens], we who met them saw ourselves. And there were demons there."
Hay una teoria corriente en la investigacion ufologica que dice que los abducidos que perciben sus abducciones en forma negativa es solamente porque no son espiritualmente desarrollados. La teoria sigue diciendo que las personas con desarrollo cosmico hallan positivos los encuentros con alienigenas y sus miedos y sufrimientos son solo porque estan al nivel espiritual del Neandertal.
Esta es una teoria querida por los investigadores que dicen que los alienigenas , sean o no reales, son solo espejos de nuestra naturaleza espiritual, con una base individual o de la especie.
Strieber es de esa teoria, por ejemplo, en Majestic, en donde dice:' A los ojos de los otros (los alienigenas) nosotros los que los vemos nos miramos a nosotros mismos. Y hay demonios alli."
Having worked with so many decent, honest, positively oriented abductees, however, I believe this theory is wrong. It is worse than wrong--it is despicable, as despicable as blaming a rape victim for the violence committed against her. This attitude leaves many abductees feeling doubly violated, first by the aliens who took them and then by the UFO researchers to whom they turn for explanations and help.
Habiendo trabajado con muchos abducidos honestos y positivamente orientados, sin embargo, creo yo que esa teoria esta equivocada. Esta mas que mal: es despreciable, tan despreciable como condenar a una persona violada por la violencia que se ejercio sobre ella.
Esta actitud deja a muchos abducidos doblemente violados, primero por los alienigenas que se los llevaron y luego por los investigadores de OVNIS a los cuales recurrieron para que se les diera una explicacion de lo ocurrido.

But it is easy to understand why such a theory would be so popular. Humans have a deep need to believe in the power of good. We need for the aliens to be a good force, since we feel so helpless in their presence. And we need for some superior force to offer us a hope of salvation, both personally and globally, when we consider the sorry state of the world.
Pero es facil entender por que esa teoria pueda ser tan popular. Los humanos tienen una necesidad muy profunda de creer en el poder del bien. Necesitamos que los alienigenas sean una fuerza positiva, ya que nos hallamos tan desvalidos en su presencia. Y necesitamos que una fuerza superior nos ofrezca una ayuda de salvacion, personal como globalmente, cuando consideramos el estado lamentoso del mundo.

I think the aliens know this about us--they know that we want and hope for them to be benevolent creatures--and they use our desire for goodness to manipulate us. What better way to gain our cooperation than to tell us that the things they are doing are for our own good? But looking at the actions, the results of alien interference such as the long list above.
Creo que los alienigenas conocen esto de nosotros- saben que esperamos y confiamos en que ellos sean personas benevolentes- y usan esos deseos de bondad para manipularnos. Que mejor manera de ganar nuestra cooperacion que decirnos que las cosas que nos hacen es para nuestro bien? Pero mirando esas acciones, el resultado de la interferencia alienigena es la que muestra la lista que acabamos de leer.

There is a great discrepancy between what we desire from them and what they are doing to us. Not all abduction reports are filled with frightening or painful events, of course. Many people say that their alien encounters felt benevolent, that their abductors treated them kindly or at least with a scientific detachment.
Esa es la gran discrepancia entre lo que deseamos para nostoros y lo que ellos nos hacen a nosotros. No todos los informes de abducciones estan llenas de aterradoras o dolorosas ocurrencias, por supuesto. Mucha gente abducida dice que hubieron encuentros con alienigenas  benevolentes,de que sus raptores los trataron con amabilidad o al menos con estilo cientifico.

Some abductees recall being told that they were "special," that they were "chosen," and that they have an important task to perform for the benefit of humanity. Given such a positive message, the abductees may ignore the fear and the pain of their encounters and insist to themselves and to others that a higher motive underlies the abduction experience. And, in some cases, all that an abductee remembers is a benevolent encounter and so has no reason to assume any negative action has occurred.
Algunos abducidos recuerdan haber sido dichos de que eran especiales, de que fueron escogidos, y que tienen una importante tarea que desempenar en beneficio de la humanidad. Dado ese positivo mensaje, los abducidos tienden a olvidar el miedo y el dolor de los encuentros y se insisten a si mismos y a los demas que el motivo altruista esta en el fondo de la experiencia de abduccion. Y en algunos casos, todo lo que el abducido recuerda es un encuentro benevolente y no tiene razon para pensar en que una accion negativa haya ocurrido.
But intensive research shows that at the core of the human- alien interaction there is a clear pattern of deception. We know, for instance, that "screen memories" are often used to mask an alien abduction. Such accounts abound, in which a person sees a familiar yet out-of-place animal, like a deer or owl, a monkey or a rabbit, and then experiences a period of missing time. The person often awakens later to find a new, unexplained scar on his body. Uneasiness about the encounter will persist, however, and far different memories may start to surface in dreams or flashbacks, and then the person seeks help to explain the uneasiness. Quite often, hypnotic regression is used to uncover the events behind the "screen memory," and that is when a typical alien abduction surfaces.
Pero la investigacion intensiva muesta que en el fondo de la interaccion humana- alienigena hay un claro diseno de engano. Sabemos que las memorias "cortina" son usadas generalmente para enmascarar una abduccion alienigena. Tales relatos abundan, en que las personas ven a un familiar o a un animal fuera de lugar, como un ciervo o una lechuza, un mono o un conejo, y luego experimenta un lapso de perdida de memoria. La persona usualmente despierta despues para hallarse con una cicatriz en su cuerpo. La intranquilidad sobre el encuentro persiste, sin embargo, y muy diferente recuerdo puede comenzar a salir a flote en suenos y trozos de recuerdos repentinos, y cuando la persona busca ayuda para explicar la inquietu, muy generalmente, la regresion hipnotica es usada para descubrir los eventos detras de la "cortina de memoria falsa" y entonces es cuando la tipica abduccion alienigena se descubre.
The most recent research in which I've been involved has turned up yet a second sort of screening process. If it turns out to be accurate, then thousands of abduction cases are in urgent need of re-examination. The typical scenario of undergoing the regressive hypnosis usually results in penetration of the initial blocked memories.
La mas reciente investigacion en la cual he estado involucrada ha descubierto una segunda "cortina mental falsa". Si se prueba verdadera, entonces miles de casos de abduccion necesitan ser reevaluados y examinados. El tipico escenario de llevar una hipnosis regresiva usualmente resulta en una penetracion en el bloqueo inicial de la memoria.

The abductee then recalls an encounter, hitherto unremembered, such as undergoing a physical examination of some sort, perhaps having body tissues removed or having a gynecological exam. Other typical reports include the taking of sperm and ova, of being told of an important task to be carried out, or of receiving a warning of upcoming disaster.
El abducido recuerda entonces el encuentro, antes no recordado, tales como haber estado sujeto a un examen fisico o teniendo un examen ginecologico. Otra tipica informacion incluye la toma de espermios o de ovulo, de haber sido informado de que una importante tarea debe ser llevada a cabo, o de recibir un aviso de un desastre inminente.

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