Friday, November 26, 2010

People of the land Mapu/ land che/ people

The independence of Chile
The independence of Chile went unaware to the mapuches. However, these they were wrapped in the wars between patriots and realists, when the warlike scenario was transferred to the south. In spite of the indigenous absence in the fight against Spain, the Araucanian topic was present in the patriotic speech. The Creole independentistas saw in the Araucanian war the immediate antecedent of the fight anti colonialist; they built a speech that recaptured the old flags of Lautaro and Caupolican and that regrettably it was opposed to the facts, since the descendants of the heroes of the Araucania joined for the most part in the realistic decree. This contradictory speech marked the contemporary vision of the Chilean society regarding the society mapuche. Don't rot to explain, until today's day, as the descendants of so illustrious warriors they were object of the war and the extermination. In the patriotic speech was the sample part of the heroic constitution of the nation and in practices the combat like pernicious hindrance of the past, as alive expression of the barbarism. The Chilean republic is born with a strange cultural traumatism regarding its past and ethnic origin.
For the Spaniards the mapuches was the enemy, strange in the measure that their customs were different, it identified them to him as pagans, idolize, polygamous and therefore, enemies of the Christendom.
The mapuches stuck for the most part to the Spanish cause and they fought against the founders of the nationality, to the style of the wars of the frontier in that the barbarism was symbol, of the primitive savagery, fecundated by liberal ideas that already began to arise in the learned means of Santiago's society.
The really busy Chilean territory in the moment of the independence of Spain ran from Copiapo in the north to Concepción in the south. Then they continued the pierce of Valdivia and Chiloe that didn't have flowing relationship with the rest of the country. The social classes that directed the process of emancipation from Spain belonged to the center of the country, the mercantile bourgeoisie, the mining and the landowners, the three Creole but important groups of the time.
The merchants were allied of the Crown and they maintained a discreet silence in front of the emancipation, since it didn't suit to their business.
The town saw the emancipation like of the rich groups; it was this way as the realists soldiers of the peons of the south they got, they Screech, and in the forests of the south the realists contained the natives and tenants in montoneras. The looting of the I am founded of Ohiggins it was one of those assaults.
There was not a popular war against Spain and it could not have her, given the social structure of that period. The artisans, tenants, gananes, peons, journeymen, peasants and in general the popular sector, they were unaware to the political activities that led to the emancipation of Spain. If it was this way it in the urban popular sectors or of the center of the country, one could not wait a different co9mportamiento among the mapuches of the south. The mapuches was not part of the Creole Spanish society and therefore, they perceived the independence like an external and other people's fact.
To the moment of the independence, 1810, the territory mapuche enjoyed a status juridical matter as a consequence of the parliaments carried out with the Spanish authorities, the last of those , Negrete 1803, it had recognized the frontier in the river Bio Bio.
Jaime Eyzaguirre points out: It can be affirmed with these antecedents that in 1810 the territory of Chile abutted to the north with the Laja river, to the west with the Ocean Pacific until the termination of her with the continent and adjacent islands, to the east with the Andes until the approximate height of the volcano Maipú (34 grades 10 minutes) in that lines her dividing went into for the solid cordillerano to connect to the other end with the rivers Diamond and Recruit until cutting the grade 65 of latitude west of Greenwich. Of there in south address it lines that collapsed from the Atlantic to the height of the river Chubut (44 grades) leaving this way inside the jurisdiction of Chile the rest of the Atlantic coast until the finish of the continent.
For the Creole independentistas the Chilean territory arrived up to the Magellan lands. The same Eyzaguirre mentions the famous letter of Ohiggins to Blackish (1830) in that told him: ' I consider the Pehuenches, the puelches and Patagonian for so our compatriots as the other ones. Anything can be but I burnish that to witness the civilization of all the children from Chile in both decrees of the mountain range and their union in a great family. This tradition magallanica comes from the same conquering Pedro of Valdivia that looks for the continuity of the territory of its Captaincy until the end of the South American continent.
The frontier of the Bio Bio was real, in the measure that the civilized colonists were not able to go further and the mapuches lives in independent form according to their customs and laws. In the facts, the Independence of Chile didn't affect the aboriginal towns, although the Creole independentistas had the conscience of the continuity of the territory until the limits of Antarctic.
Among the rivers Bio Bio and Toltel had a territory that was necessary to conquer and the Chileans took a long time - seventy years in making its own.
The mapuches maintained their commitment contracted in the parliaments with the Spaniards. In them they had arrived to a relative stability of the frontiers. Just as it was said, the Creoles had conscience of the unit of the territory until the End of the continent. The mapuches perceived the difference quickly in the treatment with the Spaniards and with Chilean; they feared with evident forecast the constitution of a central government in Santiago that. Possessor of offensive armed forces, attacked and it subjected the territory definitively.
Translation of a mapuche song: (spanish first)
Llego la guerra del rei
Con los chilenos
Mangin se puso del lado
Del rei
Tenia amistad con los lenguaraces,
Los comisarios y los padres.
Todos les decian: el rei es mejor,
Los chilenos son pobres, te robaran las tuyas.

It arrives the war of the King
With the Chileans
(Chieftain)Mangin put on the side
of the king
Has friendship with the lenguaraces (traducers),
The commissaries and the padres* (catholic priests).
All (the people) they told him: the king is better,
The Chileans are poor, they will stole yours (cows).

The argument has been poured this way in the memory oral mapuche. In an expressed figurative way a historical truth that, for but that sophisticates it to him, it cannot be obviated: the push of the serious local Creoles different to that of the Crown that had already stabilized the expansion for several centuries. Paradoxically, to support the Spaniards was for the mapuches the continuation of their fight for the independence.
After the defeat of the realistic forces (Spanish) in Maipú, a group of its officials rearms troops in the area of Arauco and a war of guerrillas began against the Chilean army. It was denominate "to the death" exactly for not to be a conventional war and to happen for decree and decree all type of cruelties.
After Maipú, a part of the royal army was dispersed by the hills and areas of the Central Valley. mixing with the peasant and others with the control of commander Osorio they retire to the south.

They Chillan city was always been an allied of Spain and in general the region was favorable to organize a resistance, while it was expected reinforcements of the Viceroyalty of the Peru.

Little time later appeared Vicente Benavides, a character that ends up being the commander of the spaniards troops in this whole period of wars. In 1819 he threaten Concepción's city, where it was stopped by the chilean Army, retiring then toward Arauco to be reorganized.

Benavides lifts montoneras (guerrillas) in which mapuches participated, attacking San Carlos, Quirihue and other near towns. The government of Ohigins prepared the
expedition to the Peru and had no support to the south Army that commanded Freire.
An offensive of Benavides defeats the Chileans in Pangal, to the north
of the river Flagstone, and in Tarpellanca, in the same river. In this combat prisoner it was the marechal Alcazar and was killed with his 20 Chilean officers with lances.

In 1820 Benavides occupy Concepción and before the royal advance the Creoles abandoned Chillan. It was sent troops under the commando of Joaquin Prieto and in a battle the 10 oct 1821 in the Vegas of Saldias, near Chillan, Benavides was defeated but try to run to Peru in a boat, but was was betrayed in Topocalma, Colchagua, and driven to Santiago where is executed openly.

Defeated Spanish officials took refuge in the south of Chile with some troops and they lifted to the mapuches appealing to the old treaties undersigned in the parliaments. The conflict assumed the style of the border wars, paramilitary groups, montoneros and desperate groups. The style changes. In the south the things happened in a dirty way. The pillage, fire, robbery and looting, the surprise and the ambush were methods of a war not carried out by modern armies but rather for peasants, former soldiers, indigenous, bandits and border characters joined in a strange desire of maintaining the status colonial quo The mapuches they were the main actors of this scenario.

Most of the Araucania allies with the Spaniards, after a parliament in Chillan, 1813, to which caciques of the coast attended, Pehuenches, Arribanos, Boroanos. When Gainza disembark in 1814, the old parliaments were reaffirmed carried out with the crown, in which the frontier of the Bio Bio river was recognized and the Independence of the Araucania mantained.

With those securities, the mapuches respected the pacts and when they were called to fight beside the king, they made this way it.

The priests were on the side of the king and they made propaganda.
The old Araucanians didn't want the fathers. They said:
They don't make wickedness but they are of bad omen.
Behind them the huincas* comes. (*whites)
Against this opinion, chieftain Mangin received them in its house
They said mass. Mangin looked at them quiet, but was remembering old sayings.

For that reason it became realistic, it began to fight with the military of the king, it sent them messengers and knots (prron)(indian signs); Prepare your conas (warriors), they told them (the spaniards).
There will be good malones (assaults). They looked for it because he has plenty of lances and knows its value.

Next to chieftain Mangin (Manil) and chieftain Mariluan, participated with the realists the caciques of the coast, Huenchuquir, Lincopi, Cheuquemilla, the pehuenches Martin Toriano and Chuica, those of Truf Truf and Maquehua, Calvuqueo and Curiqueo, Juan Neculman and the Boroanos.

In the battle of Tarpellanca the marshal Alcazar was defeated by Benavides whose contingent was for the most part mapuche. While the Chilean forces forded the river Flagstone, they were surprised by the realists directed by Pick, Spanish official.

At the same time, Manil set on fire the town of Los Angeles.

Alcazar surrendered in Tarpellanca, and the following day it was lanced next to all its officers.

It is said that a certain Catrileo was who execute the sentence. Among the Chileans the image of the cruelty and indigenous fierceness grows.

In January 1825 there was a parliament among the mapuches and the Chilean Army in Tapihue, Marilan accepted the truce and it recognized the new government system and Barnechea (Chilean captain) it recognized the Araucanians to the government's name, the Chilean same rights of the other ones.

In 1819 there was already dictated Ohigins an ordinance by means of which became to the natives citizens of full right, to finish with the situation in that slaves were born, without participating of the benefits of the society. This ordinance was been worth for the natives of the north, picunches that were reduced to towns of Indians, finished off its properties and then absorbed by the system of country properties, so much that halfway the century they were already indistinguishable of the rest of the Chilean peasants.

But in the territory of the south the ordinance was impracticable with the mapuches, and alone they gave origin to disputes of lands. In the measure that the mapuches accepted the peace but they didn't undergo to the Chilean Army, they stayed with the traditional status quo.

The frontier continued being the Bio Bio, a fortress was built and quartered in Concepción and Chillan, recasts the strong of Arauco and later on Los Angeles and other populations to the south of the River Flagstone. The road between Concepción and Valdivia skirted the coast and was of a lot of danger since not always the costinos, tiruanos and of the Budi were willing to grant free pass.

The death of cacique Colipi is an incident that changes the state of the tribes completely and opposite, situation that should be had very visible, because that in its disappearance the established counterbalance has been destroyed among the three Butalmapu of this part of the mountain range, what redounds very directly in the position of that. This lost one is so much but of feeling as much as it influences in the increase of the cacique's prestige Maguil, head of that mountain or Andean Butalmapu, astute and sagacious Indian to promote and to maintain their relationships of friendship or alliance with the caciques of other tribes, distrustful, suspicious, arrogant in the very few relationships that he has with the Spaniards (Chilean) and extremely feigned to hide their intents and aspirations that are of great value among them and what has given him a great influence.

The Chilean history this marked one, as for the indigenous problem, for these two antinomic models: "the heroic one Araucanian" and "the fight to the death". The constitution of the Chilean nationality requires of antecedents, of history, of ideological past. There is the "it bleeds Araucanian" spilled in defense of the freedom whose color is exposed in the native flag. The first experience of the encounter with the heroic ancestors is traumatic: they are in the contrary decree and they behave savagely, for the Creole Chilean look. The stereotype arises: the mapuche is terrible, they are wild; their customs are degrading, they are drunk and they don't like the work; for the war they are not as valiant as cruel. The moment arrived in that the people from Santiago de Chile, civilized country, cult, unanimamente screamed: Put an end to them!

And the stereotype will stay until today: slack, drunkards, slow and dull. We won't be able to explain for people of these characteristics maintained to line to the thirds of Spain and the glorious Chilean Army , during so many years.
Acnes Claw says: ' The south was theater of atrocious pillagings, murders, violations, children's kidnappings to take them to captivity and a general looting of the rooms.
Santiago was surprised and hit by the news and informations that arrived of the south about the war with the mapuches. The image of thieves expanded for the Chilean society and the scorn to the savage it guides and it guides the relationships among both societies.

Finished the wars of independence, passed 40 years of peace, but the revolution of 1851 wrapped again to the mapuches that united to Concepción's rebels against the central government. Toward the year 59, new electoral fights, a new intent of the revolution in the counties of the south, and mainly, the conflicts caused by the new colonists, took to a lift in that the mapuches destroyed several cities of the south of the Bio Bio.

Starting from then it began to be discussed in Santiago and Concepción a plan for the total occupation of the Araucania, which was commended to the colonel Saavedra. The fortification of military lines on the margins of the river Malleco causes the uneasiness of the mapuches that once again were threatened on its territory.

In 1867 a general mapuche lift began that gave place to fifteen years of war, culminating with the definitive occupation of the Araucania and the lost of the territories of the independent mapuches (1881).

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