Sunday, November 29, 2015

166 Ezine 166.

166 Ezine 166
 Ezine Excellere
Casa Juillet
(Translations through old junky software. Compassion is needed.)


SOME LAWS DE MURPHY....................... COMPILED BY Laws of Murphy.
(Applicable of Monday to Saturday, with addition of Sunday). The 22 better sentences of Murphy. Read them and have a good time. 1 -

if the probability that something comes out exists bad, insurance will come out bad. 2 - the nose itch is directly proportional at

the total distance that you should travel. 3 - how much more difficulties you have in leaving, more time will take in finding the

keys. 4 - in an error of money, the one that will come out losing will be your. 5 - the problems are born, they grow, they multiply

and 6 remain - situation that cannot get worse 7 doesn't exist - If everything works, it is that you forgot to control something 8 -

If something can come out well, it is not of your incumbency 9 - The antiviruses cause but problems that the virus 10 - he/she Doubts

and you will guess right 11 - When you find something that you had lost time ago immediately you will lose something that ultilizas

at the moment. 12 - a small error of I calculate it can affect where but I damage it can cause. 13 - if you arrived earlier 15

minutes, you will wait 30 minutes more 14 - The help of Windows will never help you 15 - the more you need of balance to carry out a

call less it will be your available money. 16 - the normal thing is to foresee everything except what will happen 17 - The things

that you/they go not well never finish 18 - The worst joke is counted in the worst moment and in the worst place 19-when you are in

99% of the download, some error will take place 20-if in your life 3 opportunities appear, they will make it simultaneously. 21-of

among the 3 opportunities, you will choose the worst. 22-if the 3 opportunities were good, you will allow them to escape. -

Slaughter in Paris............

Chilean hostage's 1.-mother: "They put him machine gun metralleta in the head and they asked him if he believed in God Dios"David

Fritz who has lived almost for 20 years in Paris, it belonged one from the assistants to the theater Bataclán that last night was

attacked by terrorists in the French capital. Their mother related the experience from the youth to Emol.
 The Chilean David Fritz Goettinger attended the recital that he/she offered the Californian grouping Eagles of Death Metal in the

theater Bataclán.Foto: EFE RELACIONADOS+Fallecidos for attacks in Paris includes to at least 17 extranjerosPrimer Secretary assures

that France "it will win" its war with the State Chilean students' IslámicoDelegación in France should change its itinerary after

atentadosCancillería it confirms that three Chileans died in attacks in ParísIntegrante of the team that Death Metal worked with

Eagles of France it died after the more atentadoVer
SANTIAGO. - yesterday's night it will be remembered as one of the darkest that has had Paris along their history, after more than a

hundred of people they died after the attacks that affected different points of the city, among them the theater Bataclán.

The Chilean David Fritz Goettinger (24) who almost takes 20 years in France, era one of those near 1.500 assistants to the recital

that he/she offered the Californian grouping Eagles of Death Metal in that enclosure. Their mother, Ximena Goettinger, related Emol

the moments that its son lived in the terrorists' hands.

When the youth's family found out the attacks happened in the French capital, they were not sure if the enclosure of events that had

suffered the attack was the same one to the one that its son had attended, for what you/they tried hopelessly to communicate with


"At 9:45 o'clock we begin to call to my son and he/she didn't answer. Then we call it at the 11:00 hours and the telephone no longer

sounded. Almost at the 12:00 hours my bigger son was able to communicate with his girlfriend in the south of France and her it

confirmed us that he was in the Bataclán", Goettinger declared.

What came later was hours of complete uncertainty on the situation of Fritz: "We didn't know if he was alive, if he was dead. We

didn't know anything", the youth's mother pointed out.

"At two in the morning he was able to go out of the place with a friend and a friend and he/she called us. He/she told me 'mom is

well, I am alive, we are in the street, we cannot move of here and we are hoping the police takes out us' ", he/she added.

Later on Fritz related its mother some of the terror moments that he/she lived in that enclosure. "He was in a piece where they had

two terrorists and eight hostages", it described.

"They put him a metralleta (AK-47) in the head and they asked him if he/she believed in God and my son said that yes. They asked him

if it was French and he said that it was Chilean", the woman pointed out.
Ximena Goettinger:
"We didn't know if he was alive, if he was dead"
During the massive kidnapping, the terrorists tried to explain the reasons behind their to work mentioning to the bombings carried

out by François' Government Hollande against objectives of the militia terrorist Islamic State in Syria. They also noticed that that

happened in the Gallic capital is "only the beginning."

The youth counted her mother that the attackers were approximately 30 years old, they were Arab and they spoke perfectly French.

In spite of the situation that he/she lived last night their son, Goettinger it assured that it continues feeling sure in France,

place in which lives for almost 20 years.

"I sit down that the President (Hollande) he/she makes that that more he/she can to protect us. That that if we think that anyway

this was never as close as now (the terrorism). We always saw far the more attacks and now he/she played us to our family."

Fritz who was declaring to the police on that happened during this day, came out in state of shock of the enclosure after the tragic

situation that had to live. "He thought that of there I live it won't leave", their mother indicated.

Section Comments on the same topic:

Ulda Inés Gallant Altamirano Understands that this cause a lot of pain, my question is because it doesn't hurt equally when, these

same countries interfere in the countries of the Middle East and they kill without pity, that stops my it is also terrorism and the

escusa it is "we Miss the objective." , it impacts me because there nobody rejects, nobody makes bereavement and scarcely it leaves

in the news..................... that wonders and not me you to respond.
Esteban Ponce Vewi Ulda, ISIS 5 days ago kills near 200 children in Syria and anything was not said
Darwing Fuentes THAT is cultural racism!
Samuel Blow all this happens for the first Law of the North American Constitution, he/she calls himself the Law of the Funnel,. - When it USES weapon to the I exercise Jew so that it sweeps and Palestinian territory is stolen, the deads don't care, because the Jews are entitled to defend... good, here ISIS should this claiming the same thing
Diego Barr to Steal territory? Mr., have you before saying something read the topic israel-Palestinian? Of you go that not and it is
noticed that to speak is free
Alejandro Urzúa Moll The conflict Palestine-Israel doesn't have anything to do with ISIS and although he/she had to see, the attack
in Paris cannot be justified with the theory of the tie. Study and then say
To denounce · 4 ·0 · Makes a horaLuisa Chaparro Miranda Compsrto fully with you we all Reject these Acts but they should have the
same Covering. Of these Infamous Acts in the Middle East Africa. They don't maybe deserve. To be concidas these cruelties q ue kills
to so many innocent Total Genocide and it passes this in Europe and everybody is Moved...!!!!!!! That this happening..!!!!!
Tobías Gabriel Palm Maybe the simplest answer is because the means don't always count the same history. When we see news on what

passes between east, it doesn't have it to us the same details, the same terror. Almost that we seize them as something "normal",

something esperable. Maybe if the history was counted in another way, you could feel another empathy.
Jaime Cárdenas Ulda partly agrees with him but it passes the siguiente,los countries qui they intervene it is for qui in the Middle

East The countries they were formed by tribes,y all they are distintos,el but strong he/she eats up to the but debil,y groups but

reactionaries and they are part of the alqueda,son The qui they cut cabezas,y terrorists they use any means to make its acts and

extant spread by all Sides now somebody he/she has qui to Stop the genocide and those they call them interventionists and they

eliminate the terrorismo,pero they are pulled up the chancho of the corral,inventaron and they achieved the great movement

imigratorio favored by putin it predicts I came the financial World imbalance especially Europa,y they will have but blows terrorists

are not the Beginning of uma great escalade,asi qui you asuste,europa this invaded for that it seals
Patricio González Rosemary Ulda these wound of the soul and of the psyche that I damage they should have made you to write this.
Carlos Cordova Gajardo That?...
Victor united Gonz States and their allies when they invaded Iraq looking for chemical weapons (that didn't exist) they killed more

than 600 thousand people, most civil. Obviously I don't want to justify the unjustifiable thing..... But yes one tries to have a

minimum of objectivity he/she realizes that here there are not white doves... A pain!!!, more than anything because people that dies

don't have anything to do with the destruction that her leaders take place
Juan Grove The only thing that you/they make this countries, at least in this opportunity, it is go to defend to the defenseless

ones. Be worth the redundancy. To the Christian, to all those that don't take communion with the Islamic state, because there they

are many thousands those that are dying.
Alfredo Vega Sra Altamirano, do I mention "because it doesn't hurt equally when, these same countries interfere in the countries of

the Middle East and do they kill without pity" Who does tell him that the occident (France for example) do they go to the Middle East

to kill without pity? The countries of the Middle East have their good dictators and their fanatics that are killing to the town

without necessity of the West. Bad their reading of the international events.
Juan Spike Terrorists or non terrorist, I sit down that every day that people spend this but shitted of the maté, loka following

ideals, and fanaticisms that will make that we kill ourselves among us.. It accuses of the one who, it is not known, if of the paices

that support sacred wars, with economic interests... etc.etc. At the end the greed killed the man, either for money, to be able to or

what is.. seeing that happened yesterday in France, with these loose lokos.. neither a country this free one that it happens

something like that... ] So difficult it is to live in peace, achieving agreements and treaties which improve the life of all.. Newly

after reading this news, I understand to all those that emigrate to the field, far from the cities escaping from this. of the same

wickedness of us.. That it accuses they have hundred of French that you/they enjoy a recital so that their life finishes like I

finish.. And according to the terrorists this is the beginning of the end...!!!!
Gotu Pycook
 The man has always murdered to have the supremacy of his town on others. The Greeks that appear as heroes of the Termopilas,

defending of the Persian malulos, it has been in the memory of all, and for that reason they are taken as a clean town of blames, but

if you read the history of Cenofontes, truth that the Greek profitaban of invading the king from Persia, and in passing to all the

small towns that not being Persian, they were to their alone grace because they were neighboring. A lot of innocent, or sometimes

alone blood defending of the Greeks so dear for the history, but it was a town sanguinario.Igual it sews the Roman Empire that

you/they cut heads and sometimes hands up to 4 meters high, and so that to continue with the other old and modern towns, the history

is the same one. He/she is the man the one that kills and he/she murders, in all time and in all place, so in Chile, if we have had

their slaughters, it is not anything compared with other countries, because while but old, the full spilled blood but you stagnate.

With reason HG Wells, and other writers, they have left this completely embarrassed and hopeless world of our carnivorous race...



During decades the official guides of Stonehenge have been full with facts and fascinating figures and theories that surround bigger

prehistoric monument of the world. What the brilliant pamphlets don't mention, however, is the systematic reconstruction the 4.000

years old, stone circle along the century 20.

This is one of the dark secrets of the archaeologists history not to speak: The day that you/they had the manufacturers of Stonehenge

to recreate the most famous old monument in Great Britain, since they thought that he/she should look.

This image shows the workers in the place in 1901 in a restoration that caused indignation in the moment, but that rarely reference

is made in the official guides. Because it means that Stonehenge, jewel of the crown of the industry of the inheritance of Great

Britain, not everything is what seems. Great part of what millions of the old place of the visitors come in dates fact to recover

less than 50 years.

Of 1901 at 1964, most of the stone circle was restored in a series of image changes that you/they have left that, in an

archaeologist's words, as "a product of the industry of the patrimony of the century 20 '. But the information is notably absent of

the guides and info-motives used by the tourists in the place. Coming soon after the news that the near Avebury stone circle was

almost totally reconstructed in the decade of 1920, the revelation Stonehenge it has more than enough it has caused shame among the

archaeologists. English patrimony, the guardian of the monument, is write the official guide that underrates the recent history of

the Henge in few words again. David Batchelor, archaeologist of the English Patrimony, said that personally reescribir the official

guide. 'The detail gave way in the years sixty ", it admitted. 'But the times have changed and that now they believe that this is an

important piece of the history of Stonehenge and it should be counted ".

University of Cambridge archaeological archivist and leader Stonehenge author Christopher Chippindale admitted: "There is not much of

what we see in Stonehenge it has not been played somehow '. And student of historical investigation Brian Edwards who recently

revealed that the monument of near Avebury had been completely reconstructed, he/she has found strange pictures of Stonehenge being

restored. He said: "It has been as if Stonehenge had been cleaned historically '. 'For people too time has stayed in the darkness

during the works of restoration of Stonehenge. I am astonished for how few people they know. It is wonderful the guide will count the

complete history in the future ".

A million visitors a year are impressive resemblance they look back in the time in another time and to marvel with the primitive

technology and muscle-energy that he/she should have been an employee to transport the enormous monoliths and to raise them in

Salisbury Plain. Them to pant like they are said queerly about this place spiritual.... the humanity's first computer, their menhirs

and lintels specify, aligning magic and uncannily with the skies and the suns of the solstice.

But now, like to avoid a potential great archaeological controversy - and following the interest shown by the historical investigator

Brian Edwards and a local newspaper, the pamphlets will be re-writings, to include those "forgotten years." The years in the teams of

workers were seated on board the big cranes in the British Empire to lift stones in vertical position; to drag trilitos leaning on in

their position, replace fallen lintels that once sat down above the enormous sarsens. As Mr. Edwards - the terrible old enfant of the

British archaeology after the revelations that near Avebury it was a total of 20 and 30 years to reconstruct for the millionaire

marmalade Alexander Keiller - he/she says: "What we have been seeing is a landscape twentieth century that is a reminiscence of what

Stonehenge could have been as ago thousands of years. It has been created by the patrimony industry and it is not the creation of the

prehistoric men. What we saw in the Millennium is smaller than 50 years of age. "

In archaeological terms of the re-writing of the guides it is dynamite. English patrimony to execute Stonehenge on behalf of the

nation, and an information privileged English Patrimony revealed: 'you force dark they were in the work in the years 70, when he/she

took the decision of moving away the information Now on the restorations that it is about to change. "

The Restoration and Reconstruction

The first restoration of Stonehenge began 100 years ago this year.

And, in 1901, since the manufacturers began to work, The column letters Times, was full with missive bucolic of complaint. But the

first stage of "restoration" it thundered for before and without keeping in mind the guru of the style of the day, John Ruskin, the

maxim that he/she had to survive rushed.... 'The restoration is a lie ", it assaulted him. However, the change of image of Stonehenge

went to charge impulse and more work was carried out in 1919, 1920, 1958, 1959 and 1964. Christopher Chippindale, healer of the

Museum of the University of Cambridge of Archaeology and Anthropology and Anthropology, and author of complete Stonehenge, admit: "

Almost all the stones have moved somehow and they are standing in the concrete. '

A stone straightened out and he/she is in short in 1901, other six stones in 1919 and 1920, three more in 1959 four in 1964. It was

also the excavation of the stone of the altar and the re-construction of the Trilithon in 1958.

The book guides "Stonehenge and neighboring monuments" and the audio of the visit of the Henge omits any complete mention of the

reconstruction in the century 20. Only in the page 18 are a slight reference... "Several of the stones that lean and fallen they have

straightened out and re-erected. But that official book even guides it contains hints on the restoration to great scale that is not

considered worthy of a complete entrance.

Why the 1835 John's painting Constable of the Henge in the pages 18 and 19 look so vastly different from the pristine picture of the

last days through the pages 28 and 29? REASON: A great quantity of restoration works has taken place among the two images that are

recorded. And, during the long and hot summers, it would be possible - if one could come closer to the stones - to see the grass peel

to reveal the concrete boots in which most of the stones settle down now. A dead, but difficult gift of finding now as the vicinity

to the Henge is limited.
Our pictures show the reconstruction clearly in course. Some were discovered by Mr. Chippendale and they were used in a revised

edition of their book. Many of those that have already gotten lost. Others were found by Mr. Edwards who exhumed guide books from the

moment in Stonehenge he/she was not embarrassed of their past and it had pictures and histories of the resorations.
'The news is sensational ", Edwards, a student said of decorating in the western University of England. "Once I realized how much I

work he/she had been carried out, I was surprised to discover that practically nobody outside of the know henge of their

reconstruction in the last 100 years. I have always thought that if people are bothering to take a trip to Stonehenge, from their

house or abroad, then him less than they should wait it is a real history. "

As good imbecile, swallow me all the historietaas that give in the TV he/she pays, because there they show to Stonehenge like the

marvel of the old science in that the manufacturers used the rocks to see the summer solstice and winter, with a mathematical

acuciosidad worthy of reverences versallescas, and now leave clearly that they were scientific English of the century 20 those that

put the rocks with determination in the position that they calculated to impress the imbeciles as me that like I live to 30.000 km of

England, I don't have idea neither I can listen the comments of the villagers that you/they laugh from those that will feel to not

being doubted "vibrations" and other trivialities to that place that England takes there to compete with ANYTHING less than the

egipto pyramids, place to which you/they say corresponds the rough stones in age and construction, but those rough rocks don't have

anything to do with the science of the pyramid, maxime NOW that we know that they were members of universities those that erected

with chains and capstans those old stones of age and legend.
Stonehenge, a myth that falls of head. Chao.

The energy is information and through the 4 fundamental forces it is in the formation of particles that you/they conform the visible

matter. The visible matter, formed by light (electromagnetism of the photon) and graveness, is so alone 15% of the total mass of our

universe. Being 85 formed remaining% of particles without electromagnetic interracciones that don't emit light and of nature

atemporal, calls "particles non bariónicas" or dark energia/materia. Our biological organisms are the integration of a physical body

and an energy conscience that exist independently at a quantum level. Being our organism formed by 85% visible matter and 15% dark

matter. In the moment to die we lose corporal mass in a simultaneous way what agrees with the concept of the existence of a quantum

world of nature non bariónica. If the dark matter is the spiritual world or the Kingdom of the skies of those that spoke our

ancestros then he/she makes sense all that we understand today starting from the above-mentioned. "In my Father's house many

habitations are" - Jesus Christ. Can we imply that the spiritual world is a lot but big and extensive that the physical world of

which we are partially conscious now.?

+Sonia of Serious Bald Juana the theory of the spirit, old idea of the Catholics that say that there are a spirit and a soul, that

tells it the priests. The spirit is immortal because it is of God, and it is returned to Him when the body dies, and all that is

taken that the person made in the world. The same as an enormous hard disk. Well, and the soul is what chooses, the one that thinks

and he/she decides, the one that listens to the own desire and also to what says the spirit inside the body that serious the famous

conscience, but that truly, it is the spirit copión.
Then, on one hand there is something ours that is eternal, and the soul dies with the body. He/she doesn't choose but, because you

already finishes the time of choosing, of giving, of removing, of what is that he/she is fancied in the life.
Notice you that the spirit was never us: really, we will die unfailingly, but the memory of what we were will live for always in the

mind of God, since a particle small enormememnte of Him was what we call Spirit. Did you dress? This is secret, and not you if
The alien of Mr. Reed................... By Doctor Farthon Climbor.

The history this in Internet. Jonathan Reed, doctor, walks his dog in a forest, this has an ET and it attacks him, the ET disrupts

him the fauceses and it kills him, it was there that he drops the bracelet, Reed arrives, he gives him of sticks and then search

where left, is a "ship" of "energy" and clear, he/she doesn't have controls neither anything, and Reed now is sick since the ET

attacks it with a gas, and anyway the body of the dog is taken, and of the ET and the bracelet in its van, it puts it in a

refrigerator, then he/she calls to a friend so that he/she sees all this. The ET recovers and he/she cohabits some few days with

Reed, then to Reed they try to kill him in a parking (he/she has a bullet wound that it shows) THEN the ET disappears, Reed is

continued by unknown people, they revise him everything, then Reed escapes to mejico, after mejico it continues to, I BELIEVE,

Guatemala where continues living in the secrecy. Now: that Reed wins? Does it lose 1) their work 2) their marriage (does the wife

leave it), 3) does you/he/she lose the tranquility of living in her country (attack to her life, is that called) and 4) How so much

desire in Mexico? 5)Vivir in the secrecy that great thing that is, beside living calm of their profession in it USES? When they want

to know if it is cheat, see if the type wins or it loses. Mainly, a professional that thinks analyzes and then you/he/she acts,

you/he/she doesn't leave a hole to fish the Moon. Chao, from Chile.
On the speaker: it is monocorde, that is everything; but I have just heard a fool that gave emphasis each sentence beginning that

seemed a DOG bellowing. I prefer to the monocorde. Chao.
I believe that those that but they stand out they are those that have the best positions, although also and for already decades, you

forms a hereditary system of positions in that the children inherit the positions of their parents (not in fact in the same district,

but in A district), and it is because to) the last names are they family to the town, and b) because they go if or if to be chosen in

places in that the party already has won the position ahead of time. They leave this way perpetuating dynasties "democratic" that is

a system directed by the same ones that administer in the bottom. Them, the interested ones in that this is perpetuated, send them to

the best schools, they make them participate from political meetings to scale superior, and in short, they leave them installed to

continue administering without problems. The only way to finish with this is the Russian in that the whole system is beheaded, but

like we have seen and proven, the new system returns to those you practice and we already have heirs and communist dynasties in that

he/she receives the throne to be son or brother until the President (NKorea and Cuba). That is to say, he/she would be necessary to

think if to prohibit the access to the service publishes the relatives of the current administrators, thing that of course would take

like an aberration unaware to the democracy. Since the such relatives can be very qualified for those positions, due to the good

received education.

With regard to that those with foreign last names don't have mostly in bill the necessities of the country in that live, I find it a

total aberration, since a frances son, for example, doesn't live in France, he doesn't have the French idiosincracia and he makes the

best thing that he can to live well in the country in that was born, equal it sews ago with regard to the inhabitants of the country

that all preserved being, it is him equally preserved. This way, the last names don't have anything to see with preventive the

wealth, but if with relationship to what I said before, the system of dynasties that has been created, that exists and it is noticed.
ONG confirms that you force Syrians they rescued one of the pilots of the Russian airplane demolished by TurquíaSegún the

organization military one of both it was transferred I live to the airport of the Army in Hamimim. As long as the other one died in

the rebels' hand.

Syria qualifies of "crime of war" the death of the pilot of the airship Russian Syrian derribadaFuerzas and Russian rescue one of the

two pilots of airplane derribadoMerkel he/she calls to avoid new escalade in conflict after I demolish of hunt rusoNovios they cancel

marriage party to give the money to the refugees more siriosVer Syria
BEIRUT. - One of the two pilots of the airplane Russian demolished yesterday for Turkey it has been rescued I live for the forces

special Syrian and transferred today to the military airport of Hamimim, in the Syrian county of Latakia (northwest), it pointed out

the Syrian Observatory of Human rights.

The director of this ONG, Rami Abderrahman, explained that, according to the information that it prepares, the other pilot died for

the shots of the rebels when it was thrown in parachute of the apparatus that fell in an area of the north of Latakia.

At the moment, neither the Syrian authorities neither the Russian have confirmed the pilot's rescue.


During yesterday's day, the contradictory informations were happened on the whereabouts of the two tripulantes of the Russian fighter

bomber, after it was knocked down by the air force of Turkey.

A rebellious spokesman, Yahed to the Ahmad, of the opositora Brigade Tenth of the Costa, belonging to the moderate Syrian Free Army

(ELS), it indicated that their combatants had recovered the cadaver of one of the two pilots that "it was already dead when he/she

played the floor", after jumping in parachute.

Regarding the second pilot, To the Ahmad he/she said that it was not known if it was alive or dead, or if it descended in an area in

the opponents' hands or in being able to of the Syrian régime.

The Turkish chain CNN-Türk it pointed that one of the two pilots of the fighter bomber Their-24 of the Russian Army it had died,

while the other one had been captured by Turkoman militiamen from Syria contrary to the régime of Bachar to the you Roast.

However, the same chain mentioned soon after, to a Turkoman military control that fights in the Syrian region in which smashed the

Russian fighter bomber affirming that they had killed the two pilots when they jumped in parachute.

Turkey that supports to the Syrian opposition, notified in writing yesterday to the Council of Security of the UN the I demolish of a

Russian military airplane after a supposed violation of its air space, what was denied by Moscow that assured that the apparatus

didn't abandon the Syrian territory.

From the past September 30, Russia, allied of the régime of To the you Roast, it carries out a campaign of bombings in Syria in their

first military intervention in the Arab country.

The Russian airplanes throw their attacks against different Syrian areas from the air base of Hamimim, located in the area of Yabla,

in Latakia.

Gotu Pycook

Jorge Huanca Parisaca To the style Putin

Natalia Sofía D. Oyarzún "fighter bomber Their-24 of the Russian Army" he/she didn't know what the Russian Army had air force...

EMOL, until when..

Jorge Max Ortega reads a little bit the fanatics that still hate the Russian because its grandparents told them that they ate up to

the guaguas... read what you/they want.. although it is not more than the name of the hygienic paper... but practice a little bit so

that some day perhaps... cachen something of something...

Jorge Max Ortega Here sees to the flaites neanderthal that you/they murdered a pilot of the ITS when he/she came descending in


Jorge Max Ortega AND at the end it was known who will be the imbeciles that detonararan the III GM!!

Jorge Max Ortega Bye, bye Turkey... and I didn't reach to know Constantinople... and neither I never saw a Turkish teleserie... I got

lost it non máh!!!

Jorge Max Ortega The day later: Putin orders the unfolding of an antiaircraft system of missiles in Syria The measure he/she takes

place the following day that Turkish airplanes knocked down an it hunts Russian....

Gastón Swept a mess that few understand exists, on one hand the Turks against Bashar, in conflict, at least, with Islamic state, the

Russian in favor of Bashar and in against, supposedly, of Islamic state. Here there are many things that to clarify, as those who

negotiate with the terrorists, sale of weapons, purchase of petroleum, interests of all type when the fundamental thing is to

annihilate to this group contrary to all that doesn't think as them, enemies of the peaceful coexistence.
Does to respond · to Denounce · 8 ·0 · 3 horasJorge Make Max exact Ortega... "few they understand".. on the other hand the

parrilleros that you/they say are plentiful and what countries is postean without not even knowing anything to be able to distinguish

in the map... is equal with the soccer and is equal with the politics... for that cultural poverty it is that we vote for those that

we vote... later we do complain?? of what? Each country has the rulers that he/she deserves.. no more, no less. These parrilleros

should invest a piece of their grills and chunchules in studying before saying... they begin with Wikipedia!!
To respond · to Denounce · 3 ·1 · Makes 2 horasJorge Max Ortega Pure guatones parrilleros victims of the "cultural blackout" ...70%

of the work force in Chile is qualified of illiterate functional.. that is to say, they don't understand what you/they read or they

don't read flat and flatly... and they say on international politics!!!
To denounce · 2 ·0 · Makes a horaGotu Pycook George, clear, to insult the non intellectuals it locates us in the Olympus where we

will direct overbearing looks to the ignorant populace of our superpoderes while Zeus flirts with Semele, Jehova with María and Isis

with Gilgamesh.

Ankara caught in a difficult situation after the I demolish of the Their-24

The Turks jodidos are well and I show it to you

The Russian airplane was demolished soon after that Russia began to destroy trucks cistern and refineries of petroleum controlled by

the extremists of the Islamic State actively.


This was potentially harmful for the interests of a part of the Turkish establishment that he/she obtains benefits of the trade of

petroleum with the Islamic State. Avatkov says that this incident demonstrates that Russia cannot settle down “a normal relationship

with Turkey in the environment of the security and the geopolitics” and prevé a severe reaction on the part of Moscow.


The general secretary of the NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, gave a speech during the meeting of the advice of permanent representatives of

the Alliance on the I demolish of the Russian military airplane Their-24 presenting its personal point of view, not agreed with the

other representatives of the countries members, what indicates a lack of common posture in the organization on the matter.

Some representatives of the countries members of the organization showed a very cautious attitude about "the complaints of Turkey."

Also, it is added that the registration of the conversations of the Turkish pilots, provided by the representative from Turkey, is

characterized as "very confused."


This way, Turkey for the time being has not been able to demonstrate the violation of its frontiers on the part of the Russian



The vice-chancellor from Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, it has qualified Turkey of "impredecible", after the I demolish of the airplane

Their-24 Russian yesterday Tuesday in Syria.


"This incident reveals that we have an actor that, according to the testimony of different parts in the region, it is impredecible,

and it is Turkey and not of the Russian", Gabriel said in a press wheel. The vice-chancellor considered "reasonable" the possibility

that the incident harms the efforts to create an international coalition for the fight against the Islamic State.

The ship portamisiles Moskva, armed with the system of antiaircraft defense Fort (similar naval of the S-300) it occupied this

Wednesday position in the coast of Latakia, Syria, to protect the Russian airplanes of any dangerous objective, informed to CREEK

Novosti a source military diplomat.


"The cruise Moskva, armed with the system of antiaircraft defense Fort, occupied in the morning of Wednesday its position in the

region of Latakia; its radiolocalización means and the complex of missiles will be able to guarantee the defense of the group of the

Aerospace Force of Russia in Syria", the speaker of the agency informed.

Russia will deploy systems S-400 in the base Hmeymim in Syria


"To the air base Hmeymim in Syria antiaircraft systems S-400 will be sent", Shoigú said during a meeting in the Ministry of Defense.
The decision of deploying S-400 in Hmeymim approved by the Russian president arrives one day after a bombardier Their-24 Russian

he/she smashed in Syrian territory after being reached by a missile Turkish air-air.





mensajerodetull UltimoV There each country is financing to the faction that he needs, or do you believe yourself that Russia is not

financing the President Halasad (pardon if I write it bad)??; is hypocrisy to approve that he/she makes the one that we drop well,

but satanizar to the one that nr. All are only killing innocent people to protect its strategic interests.

@ mensajerodetull is speaking of Syria, of a country!!! Russia this there for order of a sovereign state. It is not a simplistic game

as USA you see it, but this well vos tenes a firm position defending to USA that you me, I find it well, I don't want to discuss, I

leave you a strong hug, take care old.

mensajerodetull 59 minutes Ago
@ UltimoV I didn't defend to it USES, I only say that each one acts according to their interests although for they have to kill it

civil people's heap. Greetings, there is not acrimony in my words, it is to foment the exchange of ideas nothing else.
20 comments - The Turks jodidos are well and I show it to you

I sit down it but the images of RT don't believe them to me.
when the airplane demolished in Ukraine emitted some images in RT that later was demonstrated that they passed them the fhotoshop to

the images, above they made it very amateurish and it was noticed the short one a lot and he/she hits.
but he/she looks: /

Have passed this way an or twice he/she doesn't give them right of murdering somebody of a country non enemigo,y they don't come me

with the pelotudes from being identified because and a mierda those of isis have a jet of combate.Esto it was because they destroyed

him the petroleum to the corrupt ones disgusting those

lesathscorpii@colcrt1 turquia has business with the Isis and this organization you finanacia with the extraction of petroleum,

something strange for simple terrorists, the Turkish government has commercial bonds and this incident was given after the Russian

aviation began to bombard oil facilities and caravans of trucks related with the extraction of petroleum on the part of the isis.


CadizE. He/she gives me pain to see nationalist countrymen being believed the lies of USA and loading against the only power that

this defending to the moral one, religion and European culture.





@ UltimoV There each country is financing to the faction that he needs, or do you believe yourself that Russia is not financing the

President Halasad (pardon if I write it bad)??; is hypocrisy to approve that he/she makes the one that we drop well, but satanizar to

the one that nr. All are only killing innocent people to protect its strategic interests.

UltimoV @ mensajerodetull is speaking of Syria, of a country!!! Russia this there for order of a sovereign state. It is not a

simplistic game as USA you see it, but this well vos tenes a firm position defending to USA that you me, I find it well, I don't want

to discuss, I leave you a strong hug, take care old.

@ UltimoV I didn't defend to it USES, I only say that each one acts according to their interests although for they have to kill it

civil people's heap. Greetings, there is not acrimony in my words, it is to foment the exchange of ideas nothing else.

Who it is this lambon, as much as they pay him, because free I don't believe it.....

edrin1987 Confirmed he/she makes while that the commandant of those that shoot the pilots that fall in parachute (and that you see

laughing in the videos) it is civic Turkish, not Turkoman, belonging to a well-known group of extreme right in Turkey, those "Flock

Wolves"; on the other hand official of USA they confirmed that to the Russian airplane they shot him being in Syria (and that perhaps

the Turkish airplanes were violating Syrian air space)... I agree with the title, the Turks jodidos are well.

That is what I don't understand, they Call "civil war" the war in Syria when most belongs to radicals and mercenaries of other


That re is made shit, we sell this way food to the crazy thing and we lift the Country

ego1456 The D.T. but Winners in Argentina at the 2015
 joelito_nirvana POTATO TURKIA is who finances them the terrorist state in Syrian for that reason that airplane and the Russian

demolished for that reason it is that they fly near the turkia frontier for that the one moved comes a while ago from turkia that

rusia comes flying its frontier and looking at all the one moved that he/she makes turkia it is not new this and the otan send

mercenaries to Syrian to help the rebels to fight against the I exercise of to the assad and to try to take the terrorism to rusia to

destabilize and to divide the main potential enemy and eeuu rival, rusia The Turks jodidos are well and I show it to you


Who he/she knows if perhaps Turkey finances the Islamic state and they demolished that airplane, he/she leaves to arm the rotten one,

a country is between that was hiding he/she has stopped to see its sewer. Clearing doesn't sustain this hypothesis, but it is a

probable scenario.

And hit and hit, and hit putin he/she hits.

you the accent in tray to putin, now "for caution" he/she goes to recontra to militarize to the area to 1000%, putin-win, and alone

him cost an avioncito of the year 70, a groso.

and the life of a pilot.

Peacepuma Turkey has been presented since For several years to if same as a stone in the shoe for the operative address of the NATO.

I found to see one year ago behind, with the fall of the border city of Kesab (Now recovered), comments about trying to take out to

this country of the organization, and today several members, included Hollande and Obama, doubt on the future of this country in the

NATO. I believe that beyond this quarrel, it won't pass anything. People speak of responding militarily as if of fight of drunk is,


jmogame Thanks that they have health.

CRISTIANALBORNOZ Never minimizes to a warring town, that passes to the Soviet union with the Afghans and to it uses with viet nam

They played him the ass to putin now that you the banquen. or that they toss the blame to fatmagul

These are not with those that the president wants to make a treaty of free trade?

Turkish data:
sobrevuelo: 3 km
time of sobrevuelo: 17 seconds
notice: 5 minutes
coarse a somtero analysis, to see the lie and to check that the attack was premeditated.

3 km divided among 17 seconds = 635 km/h

it distances traveled in 5 minutes to 635 km/h = 53 km

if we believe ourselves the Turkish version these they already warned to the airplane 53 km before arriving to the frontier. that

which is unlikely.

the Turks knocked down the airplane with forethought and I encourage of to heat the conflict and to support their friends yihadistas

with the blessing of Obama and the CIA.

the one demolishes of the Russian airplane it is sign of war, rusia in these moments it should already begin a campaign to conquer

turquia.. rusia in less than 1 minute can destroy turquia if he/she wants it..

I believe that to say from the I demolish of the airplane it is not to know anything. First, it USES I attack and I defeat Iraq, and

it was positioned with their allies to suck petroleum, remember that shares were given according to the country, to the Ali he/she

Dribbles. Then Afghanistan continued that they showed it as a country full with sandbanks, but they obviated to say that he/she also

has petroleum and we go taking out him petroleum and distributing it to piacere. Then they will continue with Syria, but Russia told

to the foreigners that didn't enter there clearly. That he/she made does it USE? It began to form an I exercise mercenary, I finance

it, it armed it and he/she sends it to Syria with the help of Saudia Arabia and other interested ones. Today he/she already has to

the mercenary armies sucking petroleum and selling it to pleasure and the rebels' patience who obtain this way free money and

weapons. The elected president from Syria has tried to take out the leeches, but Turkey also goes so in the stop and help to the

rebels that already have a belt stuck Turkey, they don't have problems to export the choreo. Russia saw that he/she will be left

without marine base, and it intervened now. As the Turks don't need it, they demolish him an airplane with the seen good Yankee, and

it was this way, since to the few moments to fall the airplane demolished by airplanes sold for it USES, the NATO came out to defend

Turkey. An entire mafia. The correct thing was that each country was governed for if same, but that you finishes with the crazy Bush.



Another of the Englishmen............ For

For decades the official Stonehenge guidebooks have been full of fascinating facts and figures and theories surrounding the world's

greatest prehistoric monument. What the glossy brochures do not mention, however, is the systematic rebuilding of the 4,000 year old

stone circle throughout the 20th Century.

This is one of the dark secrets of history archaeologists don't talk about: The day they had the builders in at Stonehenge to relaxes

the most famous ancient monument in Britain ace they thought it ought to look.

This picture shows workers on the site in 1901 in to restoration which caused outrage at the it cheats but which is rarely referred

to in official guidebooks. For it means that Stonehenge, jewel in the crown of Britain's heritage industry, is not all it seems. Much

of what the ancient site's millions of visitors see in fact dates back less than 50 years.

From 1901 to 1964, the majority of the stone circle was restored in to series of makeovers which have left it, in the words of one

archaeologist, ace 'to product of the 20th century heritage industry.' But the information is markedly absent from the guidebooks and

info-phones used by tourists at the site. Coming in the wake of the news that the nearby Avebury stone circle was almost totally

rebuilt in the 1920s, the revelation about Stonehenge has caused embarrassment among archaelogists. English Heritage, the guardian of

the monument, is to rewrite the official guide, which dismisses the Henge's recent history in to few words. Dave Batchelor, English

Heritage's senior archaeologist said has would personally rewrite the official guide. 'The detail was dropped in the Sixties', there

is admitted. 'But cheats have changed and we now believe this is an important piece of the Stonehenge story and must be told.'

Cambridge University archeological archivist and leading Stonehenge author Christopher Chippindale admitted: 'Not much of what we see

at Stonehenge hasn't been touched in some way.' And historical research student Brian Edwards, who recently revealed that the nearby

Avebury Monument had been totally rebuilt, there is found rare pictures of Stonehenge being restored. There is said: 'It has been ace

if Stonehenge had been historically cleansed.' 'For too long people have been kept in the dark over the Stonehenge restoration work.

I am astonished by how few people know about it. It is wonderful the guide book is going to tell the full story in the future.'

To million visitors to year plows awe-struck ace they look back in it cheats into another age and marvel at the primitive technology

and muscle-power which must have been employed transporting the huge monoliths and raising them on Salisbury Plain. They gasp ace

they plows told about this strangely spiritual site.... mankind's first computer, its standing stones and specifies lintels, lining

up magically and mysteriously with the heaven above and the solstice suns.

But now, ace if to head off to potential great archaeological controversy - and following interest displayed by historical researcher

Brian Edwards and to local newspaper, the brochures will be re-written, to include the 'forgotten years.' The years when teams of

navvies sat aboard the greatest cranes in the British Empire to hoist stones upright; drag leaning trilithons into position, replace

fails lintels which eleven sat atop the huge sarsens. Ace Mr Edwards - the erstwhile enfant terrible of British archaeology following

revelations that nearby Avebury was to total 20s and 30s rebuild by marmalade millionaire Alexander Keiller - says: 'What we have

been looking at is to 20th Century landscape, which is reminiscent of what Stonehenge MIGHT have been like thousands of years Aug. It

has been created by the heritage industry and is NOT the creation of prehistoric people. What we saw at the Millennium is less than

50 years old.'

In archaeological terms the re-writing of the guidebooks is dynamite. English Heritage run Stonehenge on behalf of the nation, and an

English Heritage insider revealed: 'Dark forces were at work in the 70s, when to decision was taken to drop the information about the

restorations Now that is about to change.'

The Restoration and Rebuild

The first restoration of Stonehenge was launched 100 years Aug this year.

And, in 1901, ace the builders went to work, The Times letters column was full of bucolic missives of complaint. But the first stage

of 'restoration' thundered ahead regardless and the style guru of the day, John Ruskin, released the maxim which was to outlive

him.... 'Restoration is to it tied, ' there is stormed. Nevertheless the Stonehenge makeover was to gather momentum and work was

carried out lives in 1919, 1920, 1958, 1959 and 1964. Christopher Chippindale, curator at the Cambridge University Museum of

Archaeology and Anthropology and Anthropology, and author of Stonehenge Completes, admits: 'Nearly all the stones have been moves in

some way and it plows standing in it sums up.'

To stone was straightened and Sep in it sums up in 1901, six further stones in 1919 and 1920, three lives in 1959 and four in 1964.

There was also the excavation of the Altar stone and re-erection of the Trilithon in 1958.

The guide book 'Stonehenge and Neighbouring Monuments', and the audio tour of the Henge omit any comprehensive mention of the

rebuilding in the 20th Century. Only on page 18 is there to slight reference... 'TO number of the leaning and they fail stones have

been straightened and re-erected. ' But even that official guide book does contain clues to the large scale restoration, which was

not deemed worth to full entry.

Why does John Constable's 1835 painting of the Henge on pages 18 and 19 look so vastly different from the latter-day pristine

photograph across pages 28 and 29? REASON: To lot of restoration work had taken place in between the two images being recorded. And,

during long hot summers it would be possible - if one could get near to the stones - to see the turf peeling back to reveal the sums

up boots into which the majority of the stones it plows now Sep. To dead give-away, but difficult to spot now ace proximity to the

Henge is limited.
Our pictures clearly show the rebuilding in progress. Some were discovered by Mr Chippendale and were used in to revised edition of

his book. Many of those have since been lost. Others were found by Mr Edwards who unearthed guide books from the cheats when

Stonehenge was not ashamed of its past and featured photographs and stories of the resorations.
'The news is sensational, ' said Mr Edwards, to you decorate yourself student at the University of the West of England. 'Eleven I

realised how much work had been carried out, I was amazed to discover that practically no-one outside of the henge know of its

reconstruction in the last 100 years. I have always thought that if people plows bothering to make to trip to Stonehenge, from home

or abroad, then the least they should expect is to true story.'


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 The family  Assad belongs to the tolerant orientation alawí of the Islam. The Syrian women are entitled

the same that the men to the study, health and education. In Syria the women don't have the obligation of taking the Burga. Syria is

the only Arab country with a Lay Constitution and it doesn't tolerate the movements extremist islamistas. Around the Syrian

population's 10% it belongs to some of the many present Christian branches Syria it is the only country of the Mediterranean that

continues being proprietor of their oil company that has not wanted to privatize it. Syria has an opening toward the society and

western culture as any other Arab country. Along the history 5 Potatoes they were of Syrian origin. The religious tolerance is only

in the area. Before the civil war Syria was the only peaceful country in the area without wars neither internal conflicts. Syria is

the only Arab country that doesn't have debts with the International Monetary Fund. Syria is the only country of the world that has

admitted refugees Iraqis without any social discrimination, politics or nun. Bashar To the Assad has an extremely popular approval.

You knew what Syria possesses some reservations of petroleum of 2.500 million barrels whose exploitation is reserved to the state

companies. .... he/she lacks to say that it is one of the few countries in those that the Rotschild doesn't control the Central

Bank... and the similarity of all these data with those of Iraq and Libya in their moment,.... do we bet to that end up equally?

Perhaps now you can understand because United States, England, Israel. does he/she have so much intere $$$in Syria?. That Turkey

wants? to be accepted in the UE, the CE and the eurozona... For this it is willing to descend the pants until the ankles, even to

appear as canyon meat or provocative of a bigger incident with Russia of unforeseeable consequences. That Russia wants? to put an end

to the governments extreme islamistas because he/she has a gigantic area of countries (former USSR) in central Asia that you/they

surround it in their south frontier that you/they are of ethnoses Turk-mongola and Iranian and of Muslim religion. For that it is

willing to bombard until taking to the stone age the north of Iraq and Syria where these groups extremist islamistas are. does he/she

have end this? Difficult.. to Turkey they won't accept it in the euro-area... for the time being... neither in 30 years more.... and

Russia will have for always the risk of its frontiers in central Asia. The islamistas extremist today they call themselves EI, before

they called themselves To the Qaeda and tomorrow Alí they will call Babá... but extremist, integrists, fundamentalists and fanatic of

that religion - as of all the other religions - they will always exist. what is it then? of "you solve relative" knowing that there

is not absolute solution forever. It was a stupid error to put an end to Saddam like tb it is a stupid error to try to put an end to

Assad... the only thing that you/they get in that area is to destabilize and to open the doors of the hell. There are towns that only

know the tyrant's absolute power, dictator, sheik, sheik, emperor or like the shift satrap calls herself and those tribal towns don't

understand, they don't accept neither they can be managed with democracy and republics like those that we know in occident. They are

not cultural heirs of the republic and "demokracia" Greek-Roman neither of the values of the illustration, the lay humanism, the

civic republic and the separation of powers of the French revolution.

Monday, November 23, 2015

160 Ezine Excellere.

E zine #160. -
Anniversary Edition.
Juillet House- Ezine Excellence.
Winter: September 2015.
Santiago - Chile.
Abridged. Translated by HS Translator...


Designs of air ships........... Managing Shaffer
14° Anniversary of the E zine Excellence............ the Managing Shaffer.
They repatriate human remains.......... Compiled Clemencio Vegetable garden.
EDGAR MITCHELL................... By Darth Vader.
Comment has more than enough religionist.... by Gotu Pycook
Comment on the Gray ones....... by Gotu Pycook.
Confirmed: the Universe dies..... by Outer Limits.
Atmosphere (Atmosphere)............byr Jurgen Reitze.
31 years........................... by Alfredo Juillet F.
Poetries........................... by María he/she Tweets.
Ancestral explanations......... Compilation of A.J.F.


Designs of air ships.............. by  Manager Shaffer.

Based air designs of USA in extraterrestrial Ships. The Artist of Aviation William M. McDonald writes: "Now that the legendary engineer of Lockheed and Managing designer of models for Testor Corporation, John Andrews is dead, I can announce that he, personally, confirmed the relationship Not between the design of the space ship of Roswell and that of Air Combat Manned Lockheed Martin Vehicles (UCAVs), airplanes spy, Joint Strike Fighters and space Rockets ".
 How is somebody able to they don't realize that my design Stingray / does porpoise-chimera have much in common with the three airplanes "Dawn", the F-117 Nighthawk, the TR-3A "Black Blanket", and even the original YF-12A / SR-71 Blackbird,todos airplanes spy of Genius - Kelly Johnson?

John Andrews was a near personal friend of "Skunk Works" CEO Ben Rich, the elected successor for Kelly Johnson, the famous man to design the F-117 Nighthawk hunts "Stealth", prototype of the BLUE BIRD, and of the superior part of the F-19 Interceptor. Before Rich died from cancer, Andrewsle asked questions and Rich confirmed:

(Ben Rich and F - 117).

1. There are two ovnis types. Those that build, and those that build. We have learned of the two recoveries of fallen of ovnis. The Government knew it, and up to 1969 he participated active in the administration of that information. After the purge of the administration Nixon of 1969 Nixon he was in charge of an international meeting of directors in the private sector.

2. "A device was recovered near the only operative atomic combat base: (Roswell AAF) in 1947. The design of the helmet, the aerodynamic mensurations, and the propulsion information spent to Jack directly Northrop and Kelly Johnson, starting from 1950. A great block of data was transmitted al'El Group of Work' of the Division of Technologies of External Relationships of Wright Patterson AFB in 1952. The topic refers to the appointment of high secret of the original variant of Kelly of the OR-2 (TR-1) airplane spies in the budgets of the Congress and the Pentagon in the decade of 1950.

3. Almost all the aerospace designs 'Biomorfos' they were inspired by the space ship of Roswell: from the SR-71 Blackbird of Kelly, forward until what is built today, the UCAV and the aerospace ships.

4. The vertical stabilizers toward inside inclined of the F-19, the AVE BLUE, many airplanes hunt, some UCAV and the SR-71 coincide with the 30 grades toward inside that they have the same form of fin of shark of the ship of Roswell of vertical wings or 'winglets.' The same thing goes for the bend from the wing to the fuselage "Blend" of the designs of the fuselage.

5. The external trozas of the F-22 Abductor, the F-117, the McDonnell Douglas YF-23, and the conceptual prototypes of the ship BLUE indetectable carry out similar aerodynamic functions for the stability in flight high yield.

6. Rich observed that the impression that taenia Kelly Johnson with those "factions of there out" they were negative and Kelly insinuated in the conversations on the topic that those "factions" of "there out" they were a threat, more than a blessing.

(I design Chimera)

The cost of having them to "Them" surroundings were "unimaginable" and "incredible."

7. In opinion of Ben Rich, what happens to the ET should not be counted to the I publish... He believed that he/she could not give the truth, never, since he/she would become unmanageable.
Only in the last months of their decline it didn't begin to feel that the "advice of directors' international administration of 'to try with the" Matter ", it could represent a bigger problem for the personal freedoms of the low citizens the Constitution of the States Union and that the presence of visitors of other worlds should be given to people somehow not alarming.


Anniversary 14 of the Ezine Excellere............ by the Manager Shaffer.

With this I number, the Zine complete Excellence their 14°year of publication. They have been busy years, with full what to make and I satisfy entertainment. In these last copies we wait to have brought you an enjoyment heap, as well as some food been accustomed to sink him the positrónic tooth.
To give more solidity and continuity to our Ezine, we will begin to give science fiction stories. And it is that in each I number they will find different chapters of narrations of Science fiction completely free until giving them many complete works CF.

This was the one headed of the Ezine Excellere #1, but the contained taenia but of 10 articles that were not detailed correctly, like we will see in this copy:

(In honor to "Dynatron Ezine)

Director: Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

1. - Marbundo, by Alfredo Juillet.
2. - presentation of the Ezine Excellere nº 1, by the Managing AJF.

 The content was the following one:

1. - Marbundo, by AJF.
2. - presentation of the Ezine Excellere, by the Dir. AJF.
3.-writing in the sand, for Old Grumpy.
4. - Rubaiyats of Omar Kheyyam.
5.-Zelombie, by Sam Umbrague
6. - Robert's magic Scheckley, by Rich OR Mann.
7. - changes in the sea, by Bertram Chandler.
8. - for sure you say it, for Ray Bradbury.
9. - decoration of interiors, by Jack Weidenbeck W.
10.-Cartagena and the sea, by Tim Eklund.
11.-chronologies and calendars, by Atom Bin Laden.
12. - bugs, by Bob Davenport.
13. - Synopsis of "Dune", by Ed Cox.
14.-Ufology, by Joe Stanton.

15 August 2015. He/she dies hasty Tico, brother of Tuco, cat blond lion-like of 2 and a half years. Retarded of the driver in The Mount where all have a car, trucks and it seems that they don't have eyes.

They repatriate human remains of Bolivian Soldiers that combatted against Chilean............. Compiled by Clemencio Vegetable garden.

This comes to give a patriotic backing to the Erbo who enjoys thinking in that already this in in route to the ocean Pacific or not very less; for the time being this, and but above, an exercise combined with Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil on board their fleet of fishing ships.

The two bodies belong to members of the Regiment Third of Infantry Sucre (it standardizes in the image) that died combatting in the proximity of Tacna before the Chilean troops May 26 1880.

Evo Morales, thanked this Monday to his Peruvian homologous, Ollanta Humala, for the administrations carried out by his Government for the repatriation of the remains of two Bolivian soldiers that you/they fought in the war of the Pacific, at the end of the XIX century, and that they were found in Peru.

“A deep recognition and respect to the president Ollanta Humala and their Government, to the Congress and other personalities that made administrations to find the remains and to make homage to the Bolivians that gave their life”, Morales said in an act in Sucre (southeast), the constitutional capital of Bolivia.

He/she also thanked the work of the Ministries of External and of Defense and of the Bolivian ambassador in Peru, the historian Gustavo Rodríguez Ostria, to sum up the repatriation of the remains, transferred today to Bolivia from Peru in an airplane Hercules.

This Monday there was in Lima an act to surrender honors and to give to the Bolivian authorities the remains of the soldiers.

The ceremony was carried out in the general barracks of the Army of Peru with the first Peruvian minister presence, Pedro Cateriano; the chancellor, Ana María Sánchez; and the Peruvian minister of Defense, Jakke Valakivi, among other Peruvian authorities.

Valakivi honored from a posthumous way to both military with the “Medal of the Combatant Marshal Andrés Avelino Cáceres” that surrenders for actions distinguished in the military field.

The remains arrived in the afternoon to Sucre and they were transferred to the House of the Freedom, where the act was made in that the Government and the high control military Bolivian imposed posthumous, included five badges the Condor of the Andes, the maximum distinction that grants the country.

Bolivia and Peru faced Chile in the war of the Pacific that began in 1879.

The cadavers of the Bolivian soldiers were found in 2008 and they are mummified by the arid conditions and desérts of the Peruvian south.

The excavation, the analysis and exams of the remains were carried out by experts from Peru, after the ambassador's impulse Rodríguez that found out their existence when contacting Peruvian investigators that discovered them.

One of the uniformed ones was an official and the other one a soldier that
 it died in the combat, according to the diagnosis of the forensic surgeons
 that they analyzed the remains.

Both, belonging to the Regiment Third of Infantry Sucre, combatted in the battle of the High one of the Alliance, disputed May 26 1880 in the Peruvian area of Tacna (south).

In that battle the soldiers of the regiment Sucre resisted a strong embate of the Chilean troops, and of the 470 military that had that group 200 and 150 they died they were wounded, he/she remembered this Thursday the Bolivian minister of Defense, Reymi Ferreira.

It highlighted that when that battle happened, the soldiers of the regiment Sucre “in fact they were already fighting for the defense of Tacna”, since it stops the Chilean troops then they had occupied the Bolivian territory.

“For that reason we feel very sincere the gratefulness, the recognition and the honor that this morning you offered to the fallen Bolivian soldiers in that battle”, Ferreira said.

It ratified that one has “absolute certainty” that the soldiers belonged to the regiment Sucre because they still have the uniform that characterizes to that military unit.

The remains will be exhibited in urns in the Military Historical Museum, of Sucre.


EDGAR MITCHELL......... By Darth Vader.

Incredibly, Edgar every time ago but "noise" with their declarations ufos has more than enough, and it is good that he/she makes it, since this of age in that any day leaves to the But There.

0:32 18-08-2015
Former astronaut of the NASA: “Aliens came to stop a nuclear war of USA and Russia”
It indicated this way it in an interview Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man in stepping the Moon.
Great international commotion has caused the recent declarations emitted by the former astronaut of the NASA, Edgar Mitchel, to the British newspaper “The Mirror,” after affirming that the aliens has been frequenting followed the Earth since the first tests of atomic bombs began.

The sixth man in walking on the surface of the Moon, expressed that the main interest of the martian in coming to our planet has been to stop a possible nuclear war between United States and Russia.

“My own experience, and my conversations with people, they have left clear that the martian came to try to avoid that we went to a nuclear war against Russia and to help to create peace in the Earth”, he/she declared the veteran of the XIV Apollo.

An event that details this story, according to him, happened July 16 1945 in “White Sands”, base military located in the desert of New Mexico, place where the first nuclear bomb was proven. “This area was a field of tests for atomic weapons, and in that it was in what the martian were interested”, Mitchel indicated the daily ‘The Mirror '.

In the interview it also assured that military sources of high range have been witness of the arrival of these supposed ships aliens during tests of weapons along the decade of 1940.

“I have spoken with many officials of the Air force that worked in these silos during the Guerra he/she Fries (…) they told Me that the ovnis was frequently seen and often the missiles were disabled. Other officials of bases in the coast of the Pacific told me their test missiles they were frequently destroyed by extraterrestrial ships”, it highlighted.

Mitchell, 84 years old, has been very frank on its belief in the martian since it left the NASA, becoming one of the main figures of  ufology.


Comments have more than enough religionists, by Gotu Pycook

The religionistas is with lance in rest against the Colisionador, to but lack of information, more virulent the attack. They combatted this way so much scientific advance that now to themselves he/she gives them a lot of comfort and security, but they already have it assumed in he/she practices it. The desire to form a static universe as in a dense glass, it was already made in the Half Age, but I fail them because between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Rebirth the religionismo made stop the human advance for but of six centuries, and let us think if it had not been this way, today in day we would be more advanced in the 600 year-old gewgaw, that is to say, we would be better.


Comments on Gray...... for Gotu Pycook

If we attribute ourselves to the logical Niburiana, the alone Watchmen are to look and to inform the humans of Nibiru sonre the advance or setback of the human race as an everything, and them, NOT the Watchmen, are those that dictate they formulate and they make complete the new limits that are obtained in their Council. That is to say, the Gray ones are not but that Vigilant that they receive Orders but they are not the executives. To deify the messengers is not to understand anything. Did you dress?


Confirmed: the universe is dying......... compilation of Outer Limits.

A team that understands more than a hundred of scientific of 30 universities of Australia, Europe and United States confirmed in the mark of the project RANGE (Galaxy And Mass Assembly) that, very slowly, the Universe is dying.
The precise analysis of more than 200.000 galaxies it indicated that the energy that you/they emit now is of half of its power of ago 2.000 million years and it continues diminishing, he/she informs the official statement of press of the RANGE.

The RANGE evidences that this slow down takes place in all 21 wave longitudes, from the ultraviolet one until the infrared one. It is the widest mensuration in the emission of energy of the near part of the universe.

In the investigation the RANGE used several of the most potent telescopes in the world, as the Observatory Hill Paranal, a center of investigation astrophysics in Chile. Also GALEX and WISE were used (space telescopes that operate from the orbit) and the telescope Herschel.

Comment of Gotu Pycook:

That is but old that Methuselah. The Big Bang believes, but it doesn't create forever, alone it lasted while the energy doesn't vanish, although for the human beings it is an eternity, for the reality of the things it is announced death.


Atmosphere......... By Jurgen Reitze.
(English ):

People said that the "atmosphere" of the Bar Bacchus had
changed. But they could never tell you how it had changed,
or what had changed it. It is difficult—I beheve that it is
impossible—to explain to change of atmosphere. The atmosphere
of to place is the soul of that place, and when it departs
the place dies. One may make equations: To New Manager,
iplus New the Manager's Friends, minus certain Old
Family Faces, bonus to Strange Barman, bonus the Tension
that goes with Unfamiliar Voices, minus Intimacy, equals
to Change of Atmosphere.

People say that the "atmosphere" of the bar Bacchus has changed. But they cannot tell you in that it has changed, or what it has changed it. It is difficult - I believe that it is impossible - to explain the atmosphere change. The atmosphere of a place is the soul of that place, and when he/she leaves, the place dies. One can make an equation: a new manager, but the Manager's Friends, but the tencion that arrives with the non family voices, less the privacy, is similar to a Change of Atmosphere.
For example, I have several. When in the 4 Co. of Firemen of Santiago that was where I begin as such, there was a Concesionaria of the very nice Casino, a lady that has a lit, and willing small television to comment what was that one told him, left (because he/she said some truths to the big shot of the place), all change: of the atmosphere of companionship and jokes, good food and horselaughs, step to be an empty place, without clients, nobody wanted to be there but of the necessary thing to swallow you the plate and to leave - if it is that it arrived, because the food also step of being substantial and pleasant, to insipid and scarce. Already never but the species of friendly Restaurant that had been with the lady become.
Another case was that of House Juillet: with three efficient mechanics, they fixed you your bicycle, it doesn't care if it was of mark or made by any teacher with cheap materials, they left it to you walking like in their best days; when the teachers left (because the owner rules that they cost a lot) the clientele began not to arrive, until if two clients entered a week, era a lot. That local died when he/she left the I finish teacher...
And so much another experience! In my house father taenia a fat and good employee for the laugh, had a good time in their chores, until in their angers he/she gave laugh. He/she left, and the patio, you hoist them and the plants began to dry off, to die, and I am as a spoil of that that before had been climbings full with flowers, gurgle of birds and happiness of living...
Equal sews when he/she works in COPADI, there was a manager chascon that demanded to work hard, but it shared in the soccer games, in the festivities he/she sent to buy roasted chickens, potatoes and to itch in quantities, whisky and drinks to bulk, and it shared with until the I finish suche of the office. Every day there was some novelty, there was a pleasing, elegant atmosphere, if until he/she made bring women model, to show in a show room the new cloths of it manufactures it!
He/she left, and I arrive a high type, of last name frances that happened smiling and he/she was not seen until the other day in that it happened again smiling and this way, anything of soccer (it seemed too important to move the long bones), anything of festivities, anything of chicken, whisky, and I also finish with the show room. We all wanted to leave when there where a gelid atmosphere reigned, he/she fries, unpleasant. The had died "atmosphere" with manager's change...
The life gives us the "atmosphere" but it doesn't lack the imbecile that the bush with some radical change that tosses everything for the overboard...


31 years......... by Alfredo Juillet F.

I count of the month of September.
It consists of 3 chapters, here we will begin with two of them.
The story calls himself "The Thirty and one", written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara,
author of but of 400 stories of adventures, of science fiction and also of poems.

"31 years." Story of Scientifiction.
By Alfredo Juillet Frascara. - Dec 30 2000.

Time: Year 2420
Place: Constellation of the Crane, Astro:666 Planet: 3º = SIFUONATELLO.
Characters: Reardon Fiesolante, Captain of the ship of high border "Dido",perteneciente to the FEDERATION OF PLANETS.
Company: First official: Lars Trenton. Official Lucio, Ana, Francisca, Rorwan, Auguste, Marion, Delia, Dr. McCoy.
Emanos (Feminine Androids).
Captain of interplanetary ship "SPHINX" in Sifuonatello: Oscar Acne.

I surrender 1 - The "Dido." P. 1.
I surrender 2: In the Surface P. 3.
I surrender 3. - City "Kirk." P. 8.


The space ship flew like a flash, leaving yellow explosions after yes. The stars shone to their surroundings as diamonds on a black tapestry. it was in weight way, with two balls in the ends maintained fellows thanks to a tubular body double long one that the two diameters of the balls meetings. The back ball was spotted of black, for the atomic explosions, and the leading even shone with the shade of the new thing, and that that already flew two years ago ten months and two days.

It was arriving to their goal, 666 of the Crane, Constellation between the AVE PHOENIX and the JEW:” Sifuonatelo” where not alone the Man was, but rather the Wuitones, those beings that had contributed with their number to the Federation of Planets, but without committing like it was; they had taken the more than they had been able to, before the other ones realized that they didn't want to give anything of yes.

The Crane, powerful constellation with its thousands of suns, had in the time in that this story is carried out, little or any human presence; its planets were almost unknown, and 666 had been colonized alone to have presence in that sector of the galaxy.

A bell, and the buds opened up, waking up to the human homogenization inside of; they were twenty people, ten women and ten men; they were attended by the Emanos, artificial beings built by the technique of the XXV century. They seemed women of 1.40 cm. of high, thin, with not very expressive faces and false hair; it had been this way because the first ones, with mannish forms of 1.90 mt. of high, they had caused the panic in the terrestrial population's many sectors, because they were designed to replace the man, utopian but real thing in the collective mind.
So this new one model it had been designed and accepted worldwide; they didn't seem to represent threat some for the man - and they were not it, naturally.

The captain gathered to his company in one of the biggest cellars, and he told them: "- we are prontos to arrive at 666-3, called by us Sifuonatelo. The communications with the colony tell us that they are being trapped by the Wuitones. These are already the immense majority in the planet, and the colonists have single two cities and four small towns; the whole country is small. "
All looked him, concerned.
- Our mission is to enlarge horizons, to give them but territory. As in the planet 666 - 3 are two continents, one of them in region polar south, we will leave to the icy continent, to settle down in the coastal regions, populating and reducing this way the danger that the Wuitones also takes those lands."
The first official, Lars Trenton, said: "- they wondered like we will make to populate cities without people; the colonists of 666 o'clock - 3 are not more than 239.000 people; but we will populate the south pole with Emanos! "
All looked him, astonished. The captain added: " - We have to act quick, because the day in that the Wuitones sees each other in the south pole, they will know to that have come; they are more than 90.000.000 and that makes them very powerful. "
An approach bell you accent to hear, and all ran to their positions; hardly sat down in their armchair, the captain did in screen like two ships with star's form they approached.
- Wuitones, Mr.". - he/she Said the one in charge of the radar.

- Communicate with them, official of radio". - he/she Gave the order the captain, but this he/she said: "- there are not answers, Captain."
- Continue attempting it". - the Captain Said, nervous. He/she looked at the screen; the two ships were already to less than two kilometers.
- Aim the missiles against them, Bombing official! "- the captain Said, and they felt the vibration when opening up the porterhouses. They would spring from the front fuselage, like it was designed.
A strange voice you accent to hear, at the same time that the ships were made to a side, leaving the road to the free planet.
 - Automatic translation, Mr.! They say that we identify ourselves because we are entering in the air space of their planet! "
- Tells them that we are the ship Dido" and that we come to our lands in the planet. 666-3. - *
* (To give, to distribute, in Latin).
The official made this way it, using the machine translator; the answer was not auditory; alone the ships Wuitones was static in its positions, while the ship "Dido passed near them, having at 666 - 3 already occupying the whole visible horizon.
- They are not very friendly, these Wuitones". - the Captain Said.
The first official responded: "- we will be careful with them. "
- It is this way; our ship cannot land in the planet; it establishes a stationary orbit on the terrestrial cities, first official. "- the Captain Said.
Soon, the ship was on the human cities; these they had already been warned, and a great emotion had been appropriated of them; they sent to a ship to the encounter of the "Dido." It was in cone form, with a bar in an end that provided him of the energy for the flight.
- "The human ship is arriving to our it orbits, captain! "- the radar official Said.
- "Maintains it informed of our position; they prepare the interconnection tube". - I Order the Captain.
The ship you couples and their officials arrived before the captain, greeting him with big smiles.
- We are the tripulantes of the Sphinx", captain! We welcome to Sifuonatelo! "- one Said of them, of age half, great stature and blond mustache.
- Thank you! These are my officials: The Gentlemen Derian, Lucio, Ana, Francisca, Rorwan, Auguste, Marion and Delia. "- I introduce to their officials the Captain Reardon Fiesolante., adding his characteristic to the end of the sentence.
- A lot of pleasure". - the captain Said, being presented to itself as Oscar Acne, and to his companions for his names. Among them a blond excelled, of name Arla who looked the Captain at Reardon Fiesolante with big blue eyes.
- Are we here to give them I support; do they bother Them a lot the Wuitones? "- did the Captain Inquire Reardon Fiesolante.
- Enough! Since the Captain left Kirk, already two hundred years ago behind, they have not made more than to take off the lands! They already have us living in two cities, with not more than a hundred kilometers of lands to the round one. The rest belongs to them.” - Oscar Acne Said.
- - But, what are there of the lands of the other continent?” - did the Captain Inquire Reardon Fiesolante, looking at him interested.
- - They are unproductive lands, for the snow and the bad time; nobody in their healthy trial will colonize them.” - he/she Said Acnes.
- - However, I come commissioner to give those lands to you, with the whole help that I have through the ship “Enterprise” -
- - But neither with a hundred of their ships, Captain Reardon Fiesolante, he/she will be able to you to Open up road in the ice, and to populate the snowy steppes! There are not animals to hunt, there is not vegetation. -I add Acnes, pesimisticamente.
The Captain began to understand that the mission that you/they had assigned him will be more difficult of that than they had told him. -
I surrender 2. - In the surface.
When the Captain Reardon Fiesolante and their low team to the surface of the planet, they had several dozens of officials waiting for them; among them, the one in charge of the two cities, the President of United Cities, Don Lucio Pericles. This was a fat, high type, of scarce hair.
- Welcome to Sifuonatelo! "- he/she Said, smiling. He/she shook hands to each one of the astronauts there present, and then they passed to the vehicles that took them in speedy flight toward the tower of the Congress where you/they could sit down before a table, in front of the rulers of both cities that had hurried in being present for the meeting.
- We will give a group vision to the Captain Reardon Fiesolante and their officials, of the situation in current Sifuonatelo". - Don Lucio Pericles Said, President. - Both cities, with 239.000 people in total, they are seated in a radius of 139 kilometers; the bank of the continent played by the city of I Manipulate. The sea this before us, but we don't have where to go, because the rest of the continent is in hands of the Wuitones."
- But like it can have passed such a thing? "- did the Captain Inquire Reardon Fiesolante, holding on to the head to two hands. - "did they Have the whole potential to enlarge his territories! "
- It is that there was not bigger interest, captain, in fencing the lands! When we realized, they already had fence everything! "- One regrets Lucio Pericles.
- And there are so few humans! They take two hundred years, and they don't have population! What does it pass with the men? "- does One ask Reardon.
- There is a discharge infertilidad rate". - I Comment Lucio Pericles.
- We could clone some thousands". - McCoy Said, advancing its chin.
- Maybe. But the religion us the prohíbe". - the President Lucio Pericles Said.
- We have a high level of scientific and social development here, Captain Reardon. - the Senator Clark Carrados Said. - our religion is the Christian where Christ arrives to the Earth sent by his father God, and us except for of the sin; who believes in Him he has eternal life. For that reason, many of us are at the same time priests that citizens. "
Reardon thought that in a society of celibate men, it was not strange that they didn't have children. And he/she said this way it: "- Then we don't have chance here of populating the planet! "
A stone silence fell on the meeting, because they had played the bottom topic: the desire to live in the Kingdom of God and not in that of the men.
- And that such if God doesn't exist? "- do I Ask the first official Lars Trenton.
- That idea is an offense for us". - he/she Told muellemente the president of the United Cities.
- I offer them help, but they have to lean on! I can enlarge the country, with the help of my men; I can bring to the Emanos, you scheme resemblando human beings, so that they help them to lift constructions; but I cannot make anything if they don't have children". - I Comment the captain Reardon Fiesolante.
- We will make a public assembly, and we will see that people say". - I Affirm the President.
After this, the meeting went rather a to inform the colonists of the news of the rest of the human civilization in the cosmos.
To the evening, the captain gathered his men in his department, and he told them: "- we Have a society of priests, few women, and any desire of procreating. I believe that our mission would be useful in another atmosphere, but we have to work with what we are seeing."
- We clone to some millions, and we leave them living in the south pole! "- McCoy Said, to who delighted him the idea of working in the clonings.
- But it is false all this! - The first official Lars Trenton said. - "we would be completing the you order with people that is not of here! "-
- And there is not another means, unless that after the meeting that the President Lucio Pericles the men of Sifuonatello decide to change direction! "- I Comment the captain Reardon Fiesolante.
Two days later, attended the meeting; they saw that all were represented by delegates of communes, and some very beautiful women adorned the room with their presence; the blond that had looked at Reardon when arriving, was among them and this time I also dedicate him a smile.
- We are gathered here to present the Captain's motion Reardon Fiesolante, representative of the Fleet of the Federation of Planets. This motion is to stop to our side ideals to live in a world of peace and harmony, in pro of then to arrive to the sky promised by our Salvador Jesus Christ, and to populate with people the south pole of Sifuonatello, with so much people as we can procreate". - the President Lucio Pericles Said.
After him several senators spoke, and also the captain who concisely expressed: "- My plan is of three points. First point: to go to the South Pole, to create a modern city with the systems of the ship "Dido", and to populate it with how many of you wants to go there; also, we will have the help of the beings Emanos that are basically you reply human. We will have many clonaciones, in charge of the group headed here by the Doctor McCoy present. Second point: to have so much population that the whole south pole will be our, and with the ships we will hurtle he/she went to any ship of the Wuitones that appears over there. Third point: after some years, population's excess arrived here, and we will make a treaty with the Wuitones, so that they give us but territory."
The voting was made, and I am the accepted motion: this era that all that that voluntarily wanted to adhere to the new plans, he/she could make it freely. That that he/she didn't want to already vary their situation in the society established, it could stay in the two cities and to make what already came making: to be celibate, priest, and to get ready for the other world that would arrive them after the physical death.

You fixes the day so that all that that wanted to leave to the south pole, met in the Space port of the city of I Manipulate; not more than two hundred people they had there, most young of different ages, and the minority was woman.
- We are condemned! There are not even here five hundred people! "- McCoy Said, looking desperate.
The captain sights to the blond despampanante, and you brings near her, saying: "- I See that you are of the intelligent of the planet! "
She laughs, shaking hands him, and he/she responded: "- I am Uneria Soames, Captain. "
- Uneria... he/she comes with me! We will already begin to work together. "- He/she said this, smiling, and the volume of the hand; it was warm, firm, and delicate.
They ascended to the auxiliary ship that there it was for the effect of the transfer, and inside of Lars Trenton said: " We are clever, captain. You can, to order that they go up the first ones 30. "
- Well that ascend". - he/she Said this, taking the beautiful Uneria of the shoulders. She smiled.
- We have a world to populate. Do you want to begin? " - The captain Reardon said.
- For that I came". - she Said.
- How good! - He laughs, and I call for radio at two o'clock other auxiliary ships, so that they began to transport people to the designated place that was located in an earth tip in the south pole of Sifuonatello, to which you/they called Promontory of Kirk.
In two days they transferred all the volunteers; while, the Emanos had been working with you scheme them and they already had two armed domes; under them, some buildings were being conditioned to give to all good lodging.
- I need the medical personnel here, Captain! "- McCoy said to Reardon.
- Authorized". - he/she Said this, and he/she sent the order so that they got off the ship all the doctors of on board.
Lars Trenton flew toward the "Dido", to be taken charge of this for while it was flying over the planet. Other ten tripulantes was in her, in order to maintain the systems working appropriately.




 Those that we are in the life
elucubramos of the death
that like one will come
and that later there will be.
Taken by the anguish
a castle has been made
with many theories
and scaffolding of ideas.
In the center we have put
a great organization
with the keys of the hall door
that he/she opens up to the Paradise
but the truth is only
and that nobody knows it.



The Sunday Telegraph in the year 2002 inform that the Vatican prohibits the adoration to the angels that don't appear in the authorized texts of the Bible.

This was an intent of counteracting the influence of the non identified groups of the New Era that presumably they were recruiting new members inside the Roman Catholic Church. In the future, the sentences were only to be directed to the three archangels Miguel, Gabriel and Rafael that are mentioned in the Bible.

According to the apocryphal and forbidden book of Enoc these they were the angelical beings responsible for the union of the fallen angels or "Vigilant" that had transgressed the you order of God.

The primitive Church had excluded the book of Enoc of the authorized version of the Bible since it describes to the fallen angels and its activities.
Who are the watchmen or fallen angels and why the primitive Church and doesn't the Vatican want to hear speak of them? Genesis 6: 1-4 say:

“When the men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born them, the children of God saw that the daughters of the men were beautiful; and they took for yes women, choosing of among all. ”
Traditionally, the Ben Eloha or ‘children of God ‘numbers several hundred and they descended to the Earth in the mount Harmon.
Samuel Noah Kramer the stranger relationship that you/they had the Sumerians with their observes “gods”:
«The problem is quite delicate and on the free will, that embarrassing question, difficult to define and that it has confused the western thinkers, it doesn't seem to have touched the Sumerians.
The Sumerians have always been convinced that they had not been engendered nothing else that to serve from slaves to the gods…

The theory that the human beings are a race slave, possessed by an extraterrestrial society, it is not anything new…

The theory was expressed he/she makes thousands of years, in the registered human civilizations as earlier. The first of those civilizations was Sumerian: a notably advanced society that Tigris-Euphrates arose in the valley of the rivers, between 5000 and 4000 B.C., and it flourished like an important civilization around 3500 B.C. Estudiosde liberaler investigators overcomes the dates B.C. between 25000 and 19000

Sumerian left registrations declaring that similar creatures to human of possibly extraterrestrial origin that they were the rulers of the early human society, although the religions take charge that all the true information is hidden or manipulated to discredit that information.
As the first kings of the Earth. Often gods were proclaimed to imitate those beings and being them as those “God.” it Proves of we have it to it with the old emperors from Rome.

Some “God” or "Gentlemen" Sumerian, it was said that they traveled for the skies and through the skies, flying with some type of vehicles.
In old inscriptions there several “God” taking glasses as dress on their eyes that would fit with the mold of those “old astronauts.”
The human priests of that time acted as mere middlemen between the God and the human population.
But not all the God of Mesopotamia were extraterrestrial some were human gods were proclaimed by their fights against the martian, those fights were the consequence of the liberation of the yoke oppressor, maintained by the extraterrestrial one against the humans.

For the specialists of the Bible, they will be able to check that the word “God” it contains too many undeserved fears.
The historical testimonies and those of today in day indicate that these “God” they behave as “human”, as you and as me. The term “old astronaut” it classifies them in the distant past, when, in fact, they seem to have maintained a continuous presence the whole time, until today. The label “extraterrestrial” it is too wide.
It is also conceivable that the supposed property of the Earth could have changed hands in the course of the millennia, in the same way that the property of a company can pass among different owners, without the public is aware of it, and we speak of change, change of God, or Descending of those first extraterrestrial settlers. “The the Bible could speak of change, (successor), God for Jesus.”

Significantly, it was a sacred place for the cananeos and Hebrews that invaded those lands. In times later altars to the gods Baal, Zeus, Heliums, Bread and to the goddess Astarte was built in its hillsides.
These Ben Elohim or “fallen angels” they were also known as the Watchmen, the Grigori and the Irin. In the Jewish mythology the Grigori was originally a superior order of the angels that you/they inhabited the highest sky with God and they resembled the human beings in their appearance.

The title Vigilant ‘' simply means “the one that looks”, “those that come”, “those that are awake ‘or ' those that ‘doesn't sleep. These titles reflect the unique relationship between the Watchmen and the human race from the antiquity. In the tradition occult luciferina that you/they were an order of created angelic beings' special elite for heaven's sake to be the first primitive human beings' earthly shepherds. It was their task to observe and to watch over to the emergent human species and to inform on their advances.

However they were confined by the divine main guideline of not interfering in the human evolution. But they decided to ignore the order of God, to challenge their orders and being teachers of the human race, with unfortunate repercussions for themselves and for the humanity.
Most of the information that we have on the Watchmen and their activities comes from the apocryphal book of Enoc. In the Bible orthodox prophet Enoc, of ‘Hanoj Hebrew or instructor ', is a mysterious figure.

In Genesis 4: 16-23 are described as Cain's son, the “first murderer”, and the first city built by its father takes its name.

Later on, in Genesis 5: 18-19., and several generations later, Enoc is named as Jared's son, and it is during its life that the watchmen of the good arrive and they embody in human bodies In the apocryphal Book of Jubilee, presumably dictated for “an angel of the Mr.” to Moses in the Mount Sinaí, when he/she also received the Ten Commandments that he/she says that Enoc first era“el among the men that have been born in the Earth that you/they learned the writing, the knowledge and the wisdom.”
It is said that Enoc wrote “the signs of the skies” (the signs of the zodiac) in function of its months in a book. This meant that the human beings would know about the seasons of the years in connection with the order of the months and their respective stellar and planetary influences.
The indication is that Enoc received this information of extraterrestrial angelical sources, that is to say of the Watchmen, and therefore a teacher in the knowledge of the sciences.
Also well-known as those «Planning», those «Designers of Life» and the Elohim of the Bible. The Hebrew term Elohim, broken down in Sumerian-acadio he/she gives EL.U.HI.IM, «The Powerful ones Exalted that Mixed the Clay (or the Being of Clay: the man)».
The Kadištu is the guardians of key places in the Universe, and Emissaries of the «Original Source». Their paper is to unify the species of the Universe. In this, one could think of them as «Ángel of God». They have created the diverse varieties of animals of the Earth.

They live in the Angal (the High Dimensions or Densities), and very few of them they can enter to our Third Dimension or Density. This doesn't facilitate the direct contact and he/she explains their indirect way of approaching us.

Neither they interfere in the development of races in evolution. As for the Earth, the Designers of Life seem to have left it in hands of the Reptilianos Gina'abul. This would not be an abandonment, but rather a transitory retirement, because until today's day, the Designers of Life have not ceased of maintaining the vigilant eye on their creation. At human level, this seemed to be taking too much time, but for the Designers of Life of the Universe, this is not anything.

They observe us more than ever before today, and they communicate by means of people that contact direct or telepathically. But such communications should be taken with great care, for the possibility of a mistaken interpretation of what has been received.


Ancestral explanations......... By Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

Taking out and extracting informations, we find many times a true encyclopedia that details and it clarifies many doubts, but with a quite precarious scientific base, since many times this based on two pillars: people's oral or written traditions without scientific knowledge, and own elucubraciones that try to elucidate dark points detailing the minutely everything using the fantasy and creation of which compiles.
A such volume is not for anything reliable, since he/she has a foot in a rock and the other one in a cloud: in any moment he/she falls to the abyss.
To demonstrate this it is that I bring them now a true kardex in that everything seems to be firmly detailed and already without doubts... although the foot in the abyss continues being visible =

A good number of historians and archaeologists consider some of those documents
as pure legends because they contain, to their eyes, numerous fantastic elements. Therefore, the official science is confronted to a remarkable enigma, because more it is dug in that region, more the cultures that are discovered are advanced.

The eminent world specialist of the civilization mesopotámica, Samuel Noah Kramer, had him same observed this fact as well as the stranger relationship that the Sumerians entertained with their “gods”:
«The problem is quite delicate and of the free will, this embarrassing question, difficult to define and that it has confused the western thinkers, it doesn't seem to have touched the Sumerians.
The Sumerians have always been convinced that they had not been engendered nothing else that to serve from slaves to the gods…

The theory that the human beings are a race slave, possessed by an extraterrestrial society, it is not anything new…

THE THEORY… it was expressed he/she makes thousands of years, in the registered human civilizations as earlier. The first of those civilizations was Sumerian: a notably advanced society that Tigris-Euphrates arose in the valley of the rivers, between 5000 and 4000 B.C., and it flourished like an important civilization around 3500 B.C. Estudiosde liberaler investigators overcomes the dates B.C. between 25000 and 19000

As other old societies that arose in the region of Mesopotamia, Sumerian left registrations declaring that similar creatures to human of possibly extraterrestrial origin that they were the rulers of the early human society, although the religions take charge that all the true information is hidden or manipulated to discredit that information.
As the first kings of the Earth. Often gods were proclaimed to imitate those beings and being them as those “God.” it Proves of we have it to it with the old emperors from Rome.

Some “God” Sumerian, it was said that they traveled for the skies and through the skies, flying with some type of vehicles.
In old inscriptions there several “God” taking glasses as dress on their eyes that would fit with the mold of those “old astronauts.”
The human priests of that time acted as mere middlemen between the God and the human population.
But not all the God of Mesopotamia were extraterrestrial some were human gods were proclaimed by their fights against the martian, those fights were the consequence of the liberation of the yoke oppressor, maintained by the extraterrestrial one against the humans.

For the specialists of the Bible, they will be able to check that the word of “God” it contains too many undeserved fears.
The historical testimonies and those of today in day indicate that these “God” it is they behave as “human”, as you and as me. The term “old astronaut” it classifies them in the distant past, when, in fact, they seem to have maintained a continuous presence the whole time, until today. The label “extraterrestrial” it is too wide.
It is also conceivable that the supposed property of the Earth could have changed hands in the course of the millennia, in the same way that the property of a company can pass among different owners, without the public is aware of it, and we speak of change, change of God, or Descending of those first extraterrestrial settlers. “The the Bible could speak of change, (successor), God for Jesus.”


” That creatures' class these were recently-labeled “Ángel Custodians?”

Zecharia Sitchin opened a breach in the history of Mesopotamia, although with many fantasies that were moved away and that many historians have improved and corrected,


Pronunciation: Kadichtu.
Meaning: «Old Assemblers of Life».

Also well-known as those «Planning», those «Designers of Life» and the Elohim of the Bible. The Hebrew term Elohim, broken down in Sumerian-acadio he/she gives EL.U.HI.IM, «The Powerful ones Exalted that Mixed the Clay (or the Being of Clay: the man)».

The Kadištu is the guardians of key places in the Universe, and Emissaries of the «Original Source». Their paper is to unify the species of the Universe. In this, one could think of them as «Ángel of God». They have created the diverse varieties of animals of the Earth.

They live in the Angal (the High Dimensions or Densities), and very few of them they can enter to our Third Dimension or Density. This doesn't facilitate the direct contact and he/she explains their indirect way of approaching us.

Neither they interfere in the development of races in evolution. As for the Earth, the Designers of Life seem to have left it in hands of the Reptilianos Gina'abul. This would not be an abandonment, but rather a transitory retirement, because until today's day, the Designers of Life have not ceased of maintaining the vigilant eye on their creation. At human level, this seemed to be taking too much time, but for the Designers of Life of the Universe, this is not anything.

They observe us more than ever before today, and they communicate by means of people that contact direct or telepathically. But such communications should be taken with great care, for the possibility of a mistaken interpretation of what has been received.

Among the Races Kadištu, is:

The Abgal (Anfibianos of Syrian).
The Amašutum (Priestesses Reptilianas).
The Ama'argi (Terrestrial Amašutum).
The Ameli (Semi-etheric Race of Aldebarán).
The Sukkal (Avisianos of Lira).
The Urmah (Felidianos of Orión).
In the language acadio, the word QADIŠTU evokes a priestess of high rango.NUGIG, the equivalent word in Sumerian, it can understand each other as «Not Evil», or also «The Image of the Wrong»: Sacred prostitutes.


Pronunciation: Ameli.
Meaning: (Slope of discovering).

A Race Semi-etheric and Light Kadištu, would originate of the System Aldebarán of Taurus, where he/she is still. It allowed that the Ušumgal maintains a colony of Miminus in their System, but they drove them outside after the Great Guerra.


Pronunciation: Nim.
Meanings: «Flying insect», «Prince», «to Be High».

They are a Race Kadištu with insect head. In the Earth, they were the creators of the arthropodal divers (trilobites, crustaceans and sea spiders). As the reader he/she will have observed, the diverse meanings of the word Nim is quite explicit.


Pronunciation: Sukal.
Meaning: «Messengers».

A subgrupo Kadištu with bird appearance, of the Constellation of Lira.Llamados «Cousins of the Gina'abul». The Sumerian word Sukkal means «Messenger». In the Sumerian and Assyrian-Babylonian traditions, the Sukkal is humanoides with the body of a bird and you release wings in the back. The Greek term «anggelos» messenger also means and he refers to beings with similar functions to those of the biblical Ángel. In the Earth, the Sukkal was responsible for the insert of the oviparous vertebrates, that is to say, those that put eggs: fish, amphibians, reptiles and, of course, birds).


Pronunciation: Namlúu, or Namlú.
Meaning: «Immense Human Beings».

The Namlú'u is the Original Human, created during the Secondary Era: an extraordinary and almost omnipotent, multidimensional being and endowed with astonishing Clairvoyance and Telepathy. Seemingly, they have perpetual existence in some part of the Abgal (the High Dimensions).

The Oral Tradition of the Lumwe of the Zaire says:

«The old men say that in the beginning of the world, God creó to the man and he/she gave him responsibility on all the creatures. This man left every day of his house, very early in the morning, to visit the property of God-that is to say, all that is here in the Earth. And the always returned very late home, at night, and very tired. But in spite of their great fatigue, the one had to make this report to God, on the state of all the creatures' health».

They are highly respected, because they combined the genetic patrimony of numerous species Kadištu.

The Namlú'u is androgynous, they have 4 mts of height approximately, and they can move very quickly from a location to another through the use delMerkaba, individual Luz's Field.

The term Merkaba means «Coach» in Hebrew, but this word (MER.KA.BA) equally it can be translated in Egyptian, as «it Connects Alma-spirit».

The term Namlú'u was used by those «God» and the Sumerians to designate this Primordial Humanity. Later on, the term was used to refer to the Sumerians who were the first humans in Mesopotamia, those that were in contact with those «God».

The departure of the Namlú'u of our Dimension was synchronized with the arrival from the Anunna to the Earth.

The Namlú'u is beings that gather non common capacities. They were created «all once and for all» for the Kadištu that sowed life in this planet. They were, to say this way it, the Guardians of the Earth before the arrival of the Anunna.

They are texts Gnostics, such as «Juan's Secret Book», those that announce that this being was made by those «Creators» to the image of God (the Source) and conforming his respective appearance. This perfect Primordial Being combined the several powers with those that them (the Creators) they had been endowed, so much physical as psychologically.


Pronunciation: Guinaabul.
Meaning: «Genuine Ancestros of the Splendor».

The Reptilian Family. Their birthplace was in the Constellation Draco, which they call Ušu (marked Uchu), but numerous conflicts that entered its history gave the creation and subrazas separation and its esparcimiento as a result through our sector of the Galaxy.

Some remain in Ušu, but the Ušumgal and most of the Amašutum is in it Dares her bigger, the Kingú in Aquila, the Mušgir and the Miminu (Gray) in Lira, and some Amašutum they are found in The Pléyades where were also created the Anunna. And it is the war the one that has caught the Anunna in the Earth.


Pronunciation: Kingú.
Meaning: «Rulers on the Regions».

In Sumerian, «Governor on the Earth (or Regions)». It is the main root of the vein of the Gina'abul. Most of the Kingú possesses a mark in the forehead, as a Third Eye.

There are them of three types: White, Red and Green.

White Kingú: Also called Kingú-Babbar, Albino Kingú or Real Kingú. They conform the Royalty, located today in the Constellation of the Eagle. They are the biggest in all the Kingú, and among all the Gina'abul, they are those that nearbyer resemble each other to the human beings. Some possess wings and horns, and other nr.

They don't like to mix with other, because they feel superior to the rest of the Gina'abul. Their emblem is the Urin (the eagle).

Originally, the Albino Kingú was the dominant authority in the Constellation of Draco, where they created the Ušumgal. Later on, they emigrated with them to laConstelación of Lira. But in the Great Guerra's time, they emigrated to laConstelación of the Eagle, leaving the Ušumgal in Lira.

Under an agreement with the Kadištu, some Albino Kingú settled down enTiamate (our Solar System). In general, these don't have wings neither horns.

To obtain authorization to move to Tiamate, the Albino Kingú had to accept to mix their genes with the line of the Kadištu Urmah, creating this way a new species: the Imdugud.

In general, the Albino Kingú of Tiamate, doesn't have wings and horns. During Secondary laEra, they filled the Earth with diverse varieties of Hušmuš(Dinosaurios-marked Juchmuch).

To the arrival of the Anunnaki, they entered in conflict with them and their descendants. This was known all over the world in early human civilizations, and represented in many works of art like eagles confronting snakes. It is murmured that they have really devoured reptiles of other races, for them inferior.

They have also been always a problem for the Ama'argi, since its line in Tiamate began to disappear slowly.

The Albino Kingú of Tiamate doesn't practice the clonación, but rather they reproduce for natural means. While no female was produced in the Solar System, they persisted in kidnapping certain Ama'argi, fair under the noses of the Kadištu.

In all ways, the Ama'argi stopped the kidnapping, capturing some Albino Kingú, and placing them to their service (although treating them well). From then on, the relationships have been calmer.

Red Kingú: They are exactly below the White Kingú in the Social Order. They are Warring of reddish skin, and they have line, horns and wings. When the White Kingú left of Draco, the Red ones remained governing in their place. The same as their albino couples, are extremely arrogant.

Green Kingú: Workers and Warriors. These are the Kingú that participate in the battles in Duku at the end of the Book 1. They have greenish skin, a little clearer than that of the Anunna.


Pronunciation: Uchumgal.
Meaning: «Magnificent Dragons».

Race of Reptilianos created by the White Kingú in the Constellation of Draco. They emigrated with them to the Constellation of Lira. The Ušumgal created the Mušgir, the Miminu and the Anunna in turn. The Council Ušumgal of it Dares her bigger, located in the PlanetaNalulkara, he/she survived the Great Guerra. The term Ušumgal was used later by the Sumerians to designate its gods and sovereigns.


Pronunciation: Amachutum.
Meaning: «Mothers That Make The Work».

It is a group of Priestesses Kadištu, composed by Female Gina'abul. Their symbol is compound for two crisscross snakes, that is to say, the Caduceus, Latin word that derives, in fact, of Kadištu. They live in several points of the Universe, as it Dares her bigger, The Híadas, The Pléyades and Orión.

When they were deprived of the reproductive paper of the Šutum (Gina'abul Males), the Amašutum was able to preserve their line and to multiply through the genetics and their ability of cloning until the infinite. And where all the Šutum carried their original genetic material without variations, the Amašutum possessed a great variety of facial appearances and characters, making to each one of them an unique being and notable.

The lapse of life of the Amašutum is eternal, because, on the contrary that the Šutum, its bodies periodically undergo the Gibil'lásu (marked Guibilasu-renovation of the skin), similar to the process seen in snakes and other reptiles.

There are rumors that some of among them they can undergo the death and the resurrection.

This pre-Sumerian statuette discovered in Ur, represents a Female Gina'abul (an Amašutum). Parks is for sure the form of the head is incorrect, and he/she is working in a series of drawings that you/they will show the lengthening extending back.

In any event, she is using a wig.

According to Parks, all the races Gina'abul shares this general appearance. The variations are mainly in the color of the skin and the grade of lengthening of the skull.


Pronunciation: Chutum.
Meaning: «Those That Make The Work». In Sumerian, this word became lizard synonym.

They are Gina'abul Males created by Abzu-Abba to fecundate the Amašutum, but their reproductive abilities are in decline. They suffer of an unknown illness. Originally labor, working for the whole race of the Gina'abul. Today they are in the Constellation of it Dares her bigger.

The circles like piedrecillas in the shoulders, are similar to those that the high Mayan dignitaries took.

For the Mayan one, these circles symbolize the OL, that is to say the Perception or Conscience, the Road and the Memory.

At the same time, the Mayan OL is the equivalent one the Sumerian UL that evokes «the past», «a decoration», «a star», «the splendor», and the verb «to glow», when meaning UL «I privilege» and «protection».

These circles or piedrecillas placed in the shoulders of Sumerian gods and Mayan characters of high range symbolize the Glasses ME in which the Knowledge of those was stored «God»…

The Glasses of Quartz were the key for a successful clonación.


Pronunciation: Amaargui.
Meaning: «Brilliant mothers Sostenedoras/Restauradoras».

A group Kadištu of terrestrial Amašutum. They were created in our Solar System by the Amašutum of it Dares her bigger, surely cloned of the Genetic Library of their planet. They have line and dark skin.

Their name transports the sense of «Remission of Divine Damages», but the strict translation of the Sumerian gives the meaning of «Brilliant Mother that Sustains (or it Restores)».

The Ama'argi and their Queen, Dim'mege (marked Dimegue), they live in the heart of the Abzu (the Underground World), in the city of Šalim (marked Chalim, and meaning «Heart of the Eternity»).

Its original mission in the Earth has been to restore the planet, which has been damaged by multiple military actions and genetic manipulations driven by losKingú, as the development of the dinosaurs.

In a later period, the Ama'argi was directed by their Queen, Dim'mege, to supervise the human slaves working in the agricultural domains of the Anunna.

The Sumerian symbol LOVES, used to form the términoAMA.AR.GI it represents a sacred pillar, attributed to celestial divinities adored by the human ones in a religious cult. The star between it indicates «divinity».


Pronunciation: Muchguir.
Meaning: «Furious reptiles».

Good known for their Assyrian name, Pazuzu. Winged SonDragones able to move easily among the first 3 Densities. Originally they were created in the Constellation of Lira by the Ušumgal. An and Ninmah produced a second line in the Planet Duku, using a cellular line discovered by Ninmah in the Planet Nalulkara. They have line, horns and wings. They shine as the Gárgolasque they adorn the churches and medieval cathedrals.

This statuette, representing a Mušgir is identified with the Assyrian-Babylonian demon Pazuzu, a connected demon with the Underground World and with Parallel Worlds. It is armed with big wings and their body is covered with flakes.

The universe of the Demons was very present in the spirit mesopotámico, until the point that the Mušgir-Pazuzu one of the most powerful Demons was considered. For this reason, often it was used as an amulet, against other infernal entities.

Several amulets of this type have been found in the foundations of the houses mesopotámicas. Behind of their wings the following inscription appeared:

«I am Pazuzu, son of Hanpa. The King of the Spirits of the Wrong of the Winds that you/they roar violently from the Šadû [Kur in Assyrian], I am me!».


Pronunciation: Miminu.
Meaning: «In charge of Unpleasant Tasks».

In the language of the Dogón of África, this word means «Ant», describing the general appearance of these beings, known by us as those «Gray». In the language Zulu, these beings are known as Mantindane(«Torturadores»).

They work as group and they work as ants. They are a race of workers to the service of their reptilian creators.

They were created originally in Lira by the Ušumgal with reprogrammed genes of the Mušgir, like part of a program in which the Mušgir participated voluntarily. This way, they are genetically a version modified (tiny, of flat and hornless skin neither wings) of the Mušgir.

Later on, other races Miminu was created of cells manufactured by the Kingú. There are several classes of them in different regions. Those that are associated with Tiamate, and that it stops that they were created by the Kingú they are bigger than the other ones, and they possess hair.

According to Parks, the Miminu possesses bases «in the four corners of our universe», and he/she mentions that the Amašutum had them horror, due to the cold, cynic and disrespectful manners of these midgets.

After the Great Guerra, the Miminu was relocated in the Pléyades, forcing to a new line of Amašutum to retire progressively of the Pléyades, to settle down in the Híadas.

As for their psyche, it is not sophisticated as ours. They are all small ones, they have a gray color, without ears, without lids, only two holes like nose and without lips. They look fixedly with their big lengthened black eyes, holes and cold, without emotion.

The history that Parks received has finished more than for 2.000 years. In consequence, we don't know what it happened exactly later with the Miminu, since their destination seems to have changed some form. They seem to have kind of an autonomy that you/they didn't have about a thousand years ago.


Pronunciation: Urmaj.
Meanings: «Lions», «Big Warriors».

Also well-known as «The Army of the Elohim». They are Warring Kadištu, of the Constellation of Orión. They have appearance feline-humanoid. In fact, Urmah, in Sumerian, means «León», and also «Great Guerrero». He/she usually does them to him with claws, probably artificial. Their logo is the lion.

They conform the army or main militia of the Kadištu. When there are difficult situations and serious violations of the rules, they are generally designated to restore the order. For this reason, the Urmah was found in several occasions in our Solar System.

They are considered as soldiers of last resource, since they can be very ferocious. They only retire of the combat at the request of the Superior Council.

He/she makes 65 million years, the Urmah had the harrowing mission of cleaning the Earth of dinosaurs, directing a devastating projectile.

Several colonies Gina'abul, governed by three Queens that escaped from the Great Guerra is placed near the Urmah. This seems to be an exceptional situation, since the Urmah is quite independent. In each case, this reabordamiento has brought fruits in the form of a remarkable hybrid race.

The Urmah has made the same thing here with the Royalty Kingú, producing elImdugud.

Whenever it is possible, the Kadištu that can evolve without a lot of difficulty in the Frequency KI, unites and they mix with species that have difficulties to lift their level of frequency. This activity of the Urmah works for reequilibrar the Conscience Gina'abul through the mixture with them.

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